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I still have a bit of a soft spot for this guy in spite of the fact that I haven’t used him in ages
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is that cake good, roddy?
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Is this blog still running?
[ I update it from time to time, but I’m almost completely out of the APH fandom at this point, so I wouldn’t be too optimistic about regular updates. (You’ll notice most of my posts are spaced months and months apart these days.) I like this blog an awful lot, though, and don’t just want it to disappear. Maybe if someone wants to take it off of my hands or run it collaboratively with me, it’d be more active again. X’D
Sorry to disappoint, though, Anon. u m u ) ]
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[ in case you were wondering, yes, this blog is still spaus trash
@aph-sweettooth-austria | @spain-inthe-ass ]
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Hello Roderich! What is your favorite dessert(s)?
That’s like asking me what my favourite piano piece is…! Hm…
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I do like cake, especially Käsekuchen and Sachertorte… and macarons… and Vanillekipferl, since my mother’s really good at baking them, especially for the holidays… oh, and ice cream’s always been a guilty pleasure… and…
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[ It was too hard a question, in the end. ]
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What if Austria suddenly turned all chubby? Would you still like him then?
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Oh, Yes I think I would indeed…. ❤
((Austria credit: @askatubbyaustrianboy ))
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Hello lovely. Came to tell you have a great day!
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You, too, Anon.
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These are the prizes for the winners from a game on my ask!blog!
left to right: Nagisa Shiota for @zarekii-chan Luciano (2P!Italy) for @theconvictcolony APH Russia for @meowdoesart
And bottom image chibis from left to right: APH Austria for @askatubbyaustrianboy Luciano (2P!Italy) for @darkninjastar
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A Note to my Followers
To the followers who don’t say much: having you there still means a lot. Even if you never send in an ask or anything, I don’t care. I appreciate that you still follow me anyways. And it’s nice to see you there liking and reblogging my stuff.
To the followers who buzz like bees: When you reblog 17 of my posts or send my multiple asks in a row, you aren’t being irritating. You’re making me feel like I’m doing something right as a blogger. Thank you.
To the shy anons: I don’t know if you follow me or not, but regardless of why you sent in that ask, I’m just happy to be hearing from you. You aren’t a bother. You make me feel awesome.
To all of my followers whoever you are: Thank you for hitting that button. Thank you for sticking with me. If you ever need a shoulder to cry on or someone to celebrate with you, I’m here for you! If you ever need something explained, I’ll answer as best I can.
Thank you all of you.
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A question for lovely artist-chan, but I've always been wondering why so many art blogs have their icon like yours (with the 1) and I've never really found out, is it to symbolize the ask box is open? Thank you! :)
[ I believe it’s meant to be the little icon that pops up when you get a message in your inbox!
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^ Like so.
It used to be that most of the ask blogs’ “1″ icons were red and white with a pointed end, which is what Tumblr’s old inbox icons also looked like:
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It was pretty well-recognised because the red stood out sharply against the colours of most people’s ask blog icons. u v u ;; It also had the perk of looking like the character was “saying” it, like, “send me messages!”
Since then, even though Tumblr changed the inbox sign, people still use the red-and-white “1″ bubble in endless variations. They even use it when they joined Tumblr after the icon was changed! It’s just that distinctive!
ADDENDUM: A common variant is the mailbox icon, if you’ve seen that one! ]
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[ New icon— ]
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So how would you feel Roddy if Mr. Beilschmidt said he liked you? Even if just a little bit?
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I’m not.
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//working on the “how did you meet erzsi” asks
//can’t decide whether he wants them to be in comic or individual panel format
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[ Boredom struck. < A < ]
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[ !!! Aww, you didn’t have to! > w < ) / Thank you for the fanart, they both look so lovely—although I do question how tall your muse is, LOL! ]
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[ askatubbyaustrianboy I thought this would be cute aha ovo hope you like it obo]// ]]
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Found my old, archived conversations with Laura from a while ago. I can’t post all of them (there’s well over five thousand messages between us from then), but I did pick out the ones toward the end of our communications. The gaps in between messages (where things might not make sense) are more talking that I didn’t see as too relevant.
This is a long post with mentions of suicide and a lot of depressing content, so be warned.
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Why don't you ask Ludwig or, Antonio out on a date?? :D
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…Besides, there are others that suit them better.
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