askawkwardeevee · 8 years
[ Continued From Here ]
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askawkwardeevee · 8 years
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Swiper glanced away flustered by Mint’s enthusiasm and didn’t quite want his own excitement to show upon hearing Rouge’s words of encouragement. Though, his gaze was quickly brought back to the Ninetales when she continued speaking.
“A clearing? That sounds perfect. Don’t keep us waiting too long alright?” A slight joking tone coming from him at that last statement. “We’ll watch the flames. See you soon”
The Red motioned for the silver Fennekin to follow to the new location and Mint waved goodbye to Rouge
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“Buh-Bye! I can’t wait to see you kick swip-swap’s butt!”
With a subtle groan from Swiper, the two headed out to the clearing.
< Swiper and Mint have made it to a training spot >
"Well there's a story you haven't told me" Swiper gave a gentle smile to the old ninetales. He opened his mouth to greet her until a bubbly shiny fennekin zoomed out from behind him "WOAH!!! THAT'S SO INCREDIBLE! Grandma Rouge, you think rusty over here could ever be that powerful?" "Hey!" Swiper butt in and cleared his throat. "Sorry, this is Mint. I'm watching her for the day. She really wanted to come. Are we good for training today? Or should I come by later?"
[ Earlier that day… ]
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“Hmm?”A flash of sparkling silver greeted the vixen with excitement, dazzled by her adventurous tale. Swiper then followed after with an apology.
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“It’s quite alright dear, it’s a pleasure to meet you!. I’m sure with hard work and dedication, your friend will learn to harness his abilities to do amazing things…”Rouge took a moment to think, taking a glance outside. 
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“I’ll have to finish a few things first, if it’s alright. There’s a small clearing nearby here if you’d like to take some time to practice and review. Just be mindful of the trees and any neighbors.”
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askawkwardeevee · 8 years
[ Continued From Here ]
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Though, I guess it's less of a tale and more of a history lesson.
Long, long ago, things were a lot different. Foxes like you and me, Red Vulpix, were everywhere. In fact, they were some of the very first to come into the world. They originated from Kanto and eventually spread to all regions imaginable.
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As abundant as they were, they were very crafty and very skilled at hiding themselves. They never did enjoy the company of tight-knit families though and groups would mostly consist of brothers or a mother and her kits. Other than that, they lived solitary lives and co-existed among other pokemon. However, evolution was saved for only the well-prepared among the Red Vulpix, with good reason...
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It wasn't long before humans tried their hand at domestication of our ancestors. Red Vulpix were at least tamable, decent companions and valiant battlers- 
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- But humans learned the hard way what happens when you evolve an ill-prepared Red. Ninetales are capable of tremendous power that can easily go awry for a fox who doesn't know how to handle the sudden boost. This fox becomes unstable, wanting nothing more than to unleash its power to stop the feeling of energy overflow.
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Once-tame, even affectionate vulpix would then become remarkably aggressive and in some cases savage, consumed by power they have no idea how to control and their curses have ruined entire generations of families, both human and pokemon.
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After time and time again of these incidents occurring, the Humans decided a different approach to demestocation and began to introduce more docile Vulpix into native groups. Over time, our ancestors' bright coats dulled and their tails curled to what we see in Vulpix today.
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Humans decided these new Vulpix were better for them and the new 'Standard' foxes caused our own lines to shrink. Recently, humans have tried again to selectively breed Reds to help the dwindling population but history repeats itself and from what I hear, they killed off the captive population.
The rest is history.
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I’m only 30. It’s about middle aged for a Vulpix but doesn’t even scratch the surface of how old Reds can get. We’re almost to Madam’s territory. If you have the time I think you should visit her more often if you want to learn more. She might even make you her student like she did with me.
Mint > You begged for it
Swiper > shush. Anyway, I gotta go ask her something. Hang back here for a sec.
[ @daughter-of-distortion ]
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askawkwardeevee · 8 years
[Continued from X]
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“Do… do you think you can tell me about them? Why do we gotta look so different? A-and what was their home like? Where’d we come from?”
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askawkwardeevee · 8 years
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“S-..Senpai.. That’s indecent.”
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askawkwardeevee · 8 years
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Follower giveaway prize #3 for @askeon
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askawkwardeevee · 8 years
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full image of the background I’m using for this blog’s asks!!
I’m so proud of this background I might end up reusing it for other askblogs with generic forest settings woops
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askawkwardeevee · 8 years
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Swiper > I feel like I’m getting ahead of myself. Rather than dumping it all on you at once, what do you want to know? You could always ask Rouge herself but it’s going to be a bit of a walk til we get there so you might as well hit me up with the lightning round in the meantime.
[ @daughter-of-distortion ]
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askawkwardeevee · 8 years
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Swiper > Regardless of genetic differences, Vulpix of all kinds are nothing to scoff at. You may have a better connection with humans but it doesn’t make you any less dangerous. Though, admittedly, I am stronger being a Red. It’s a lot of power to wield that’s honestly a big pain in the ass, but it’ll be worth it when my training pays off. Mint’s not the one being trained though, she just likes to watch.
[ @asknerdyelectrike ]
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askawkwardeevee · 8 years
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Swiper > The last thing I need is distractions during training.
[ @blackwaterranch @asktheoriginaldragon ]
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askawkwardeevee · 8 years
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Swiper > It’d probably be best to pass through the forest first though. Don’t want to burn the place down.
[ @askshinyshinx ]
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askawkwardeevee · 8 years
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< Amberjill and Paisley are sleeping back at the den >
< Swiper and Mint have snuck off for training and are available for asks >
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askawkwardeevee · 9 years
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Good ends and bad ends compilation from the meme!
Spoiler, only 3 of these show the true endings of some characters. I won’t say which ones ;0
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askawkwardeevee · 9 years
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Savvy already colored the one with honey and marie 
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askawkwardeevee · 9 years
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< Amberjill and Paisley are sleeping back at the den >
< Swiper and Mint have snuck off for training and are available for asks >
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askawkwardeevee · 9 years
excuse the mass follows!
the last time i was active on this blog was in the summer so there’s a lot of new blogs I gotta catch up and follow here!
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askawkwardeevee · 9 years
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// all done! #squadgoals
this took really long but i think it turned it awesome! vulpixes of the community!
val from askrokon
fable from askghoststory
cassidy from askpokepets
swiper from askawkwardeevee
lux from askgayglaceon
melissa from askmelissathevulpix
yuzuki from askashinyglaceon
and blaze from asknerdyelectrike !
also on da!
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