askblog-of-a-scarf · 2 years
Say is there an exit here?
Technically, yes... but Velvet is very unlikely to use it. She’s adjusted to this place a little too well, you see.
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askblog-of-a-scarf · 2 years
So it's benn a while, so question: you got any freinds here?
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Appears not. She's fine without extra company - you're likely an exception here.
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askblog-of-a-scarf · 2 years
Well what are you'd dong her pink.. scarf? Yeaaa I don't know your name so uh pink scarf. Yes.
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Okay, good. She gets you 'don't know'.
But it looks like she just finished up on her noodles, and is appearing pretty darn happy at the moment.
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askblog-of-a-scarf · 2 years
So does the scarf have a name?
Well... yeah. It's Velvet Scarf.
Though she'd probably be terrified out of her mind if you just full on say that and knew the whole time. She doesn't really... think you know, you see.
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askblog-of-a-scarf · 2 years
Well that's nice. Now what is this place, a pillow fort? A really big pillow fort?
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Essentially. It looks like this behind the whole pillowy outside, and it's this scarf's base of , well, everything.
But... there do seem to be other areas aside from the fort. But you'll have to wait for the scarf to show you those places herself.
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askblog-of-a-scarf · 2 years
Here you go then
[just pretend there's like chicken noodle soup and I give it to them]
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I wouldn't question it. She had the hot chocolate okay, so her suddenly wolfing this down shouldn't be of much concern. I mean, she's so darn happy.
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askblog-of-a-scarf · 2 years
Uhhhhh you want some chicken noodles?
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Well... that's gotten her out no sweat. I think she's totally forgotten how shy she was before.
Still, that's one thing you know she likes.
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askblog-of-a-scarf · 2 years
Maybe if we offer a gift, the object will come out. Maybe hot chocolate, it fits the vibe
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The object still appears shy, but the smell of the drink seems to have lured it out somewhat. Maybe it would be a good idea to plan ahead and think of something else for the object to do when it’s finished the drink.
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askblog-of-a-scarf · 3 years
what is the going on
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While not given a direct answer, a few cushions shift aside to reveal… a tail of sorts. If you look closer, you may be able to identify what this is.
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askblog-of-a-scarf · 3 years
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Something seems to strike you odd about this pile of fluffy objects. Almost as if… something is inside, but too scared to come out.
Surely it wouldn’t hurt to investigate?
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