askcheepcheep-blog · 7 years
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Cami : I figure it's a pretty common skill for somebody who lives on a beach.
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askcheepcheep-blog · 7 years
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Cami : But there's really no need to worry or anything! It's just a little homesickness.
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askcheepcheep-blog · 7 years
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[[I love these clothes. Honestly that whole board of clothes was just great.]]
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askcheepcheep-blog · 7 years
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Send in a character and number!! (insp.)
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askcheepcheep-blog · 7 years
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Cami :: I remember there being other people living on the beach with me and I remember, going out into the water, but I don't remember exactly where it was. Sorry I couldn't answer you better.
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askcheepcheep-blog · 7 years
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Cami :: I don't remember a lot from before then, but a nice fisherman is letting me stay in his cabin while I get my bearings! He visits every so often!
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askcheepcheep-blog · 7 years
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Questions are now open for Camille the Cheep Cheep! Or Cami for short. Feel free to ask anything that comes to mind or just generally interact with them.
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askcheepcheep-blog · 8 years
You have such a cute art style and I see so much potential in it and in you. So never stop and keep going because I hope we get to see you grow as an artist and a person! Thank you for joining this community
[[** Jeez Louise this is a nice anon! Thank you so much! I thrive on this positivity and honestly these types of ask really make me happy to hear. Thanks a billion anon!]]
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askcheepcheep-blog · 8 years
[[*Goodness look how fantastic this is!]]
Cybil and Polari should fuse!
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(** It might be a little bit awkward at first. Cybil doesn’t seem like the one to really engage in social situations unless it relates to work. Thankfully, Polari is very much the same way, and so the fusion would likely be stable and very professional.
Here’s Libra the Luma-Chomp. Combat is both an art and a discipline to them, and when they hit, they hit hard.
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askcheepcheep-blog · 8 years
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Cybil - Well I hope that answered your questions.
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askcheepcheep-blog · 8 years
Send a space thing for questions
Planets: Life
Mercury: What’s your full name? 
Venus: What’s your first language? 
Earth: Where’s your home? 
Mars: What’s your sexuality? 
Jupiter: Do you have any siblings? 
Saturn: Any pets? 
Uranus: What’s your hobby? 
Neptune: When’s your birthday? 
Pluto: What time is it right now where you are? 
Moon: What are you currently studying/hope to study? 
Stars: Experiences
Sun: Have you ever had alcohol? 
Sirius: Have you ever failed a class? 
Rigel: Have you ever gone on a rollercoaster? 
Deneb: Have you ever been out of your home country? 
Arcturus: Have you cried out of something other than sadness? 
Betelgeuse: What’s something you can never forget about? 
Aldebaran: What’s something you care desperately about? 
Canopus: Have you ever broken a bone? 
Bellatrix: Have you ever been forced to lie/keep a secret? 
Alphard: Have you ever lost a friend?
Vega: What’s something you’ve done that you wish you hadn’t? 
Constellations: Favourites
Centaurus: Favourite holiday?
Orion: Favourite month?
Cassiopeia: Favourite book?
Delphinus: Favourite study?
Hercules: Favourite instrument?
Gemini: Favourite song?
Pegasus: Favourite place to be?
Libra: Favourite colour? 
Phoenix: Favourite thing to wear?
Aries: Favourite movie? 
Cygnus: Favourite weather? 
Hydra: Favourite sound? 
Galaxies: Love/Friends  
Milky Way: Who’s your oldest friend?  
Andromeda: Do you consider yourself social? 
Black Eye Galaxy: Do you believe in love at first sight? 
Cartwheel Galaxy: When was your first kiss? 
Cigar Galaxy: How’s your flirting skills? 
Comet Galaxy: Have you ever had to leave a relationship because someone changed too much? 
Pinwheel Galaxy: Would you date the last person you talked to? 
Sombrero Galaxy: Do you have a crush right now? 
Bode’s Galaxy: Have you ever had a secret admirer? 
Sunflower Galaxy: Would you date/make friends with someone out of pity? 
Tadpole Galaxy: Would you deny a relationship/friendship? 
Whirlpool Galaxy: Have you ever cried over a breakup? 
Other stuff: Wishes 
Comet: What’s your big dream? 
Asteroid: What does your dream life look like? 
Meteor: What’s something you wish you could tell, but can’t? 
Nebula: If you could undo one thing in your life, what would it be? 
Shooting Star: If you could bring back one thing, what would it be? 
Pulsar: What do you hope to do in the next 10 years? 
Supernova: What’s one thing you want to do before you die? 
Quasar: If you could spend the rest of your life with only one person, who would it be? 
Wormhole: What’s something you wish would happen, but know won’t? 
Black Hole: What’s the last thing you want to see? 
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askcheepcheep-blog · 8 years
[[*Look at this little cocoa party!]]
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(** A nice little hot cocoa party…)
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askcheepcheep-blog · 8 years
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Cybil : it's just that usually nobody sees my teeth or mouth at all. I made my bandana to kind of represent my teeth. I thought it would be a funny replacement. So yeah, my teeth are sharp.
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askcheepcheep-blog · 8 years
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Cybil : I used to hate pancakes so much, but one time my date really wanted me to eat them so I tried a bit... I still hate them.
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askcheepcheep-blog · 8 years
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Muse made by @koopanasmol thanks for the help
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askcheepcheep-blog · 8 years
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[**Debulls are always super buff and easily angered. For the most part they are also pretty gullible and would probably jump off a cliff if you are good enough at persuasion.**]
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askcheepcheep-blog · 8 years
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[**The bloopers are fairly lazy. They just float around mostly, but if you get too close they do bite so be careful around them.**]
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