askchiefdomino · 10 years
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"Let’s find the nearest island and buy you a new flute, you deserve it."
Happy Birthday to Saldeath! Celebrate with cute guards!
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askchiefdomino · 11 years
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S: I can't believe that my, mmmm, Domino is working when I'm on break.
D: I'm taking your birthday off, Sadi-chan, so we could go on a date. I'm going to bake you a cake and we can spend the day together.
S: But I have the whole week off! I'm, mmmm, bored while my busy little bee gets to run around having fun. :(
D: I'm working
S: Which is fun. No matter how you much you argue, you're still going to get punished. <3
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askchiefdomino · 11 years
(I'm gonna try to do a birthday post for Sadi-chan I promise)
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askchiefdomino · 11 years
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Merry Christmas from the female guards of Impel Down. Or "Happy ___" whatever else you may celebrate, maybe you worship a lightning man on the moon or an odd man with a fish for a head that decides our fate, I'm not one to judge. I wish you all the best for this time of year.
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askchiefdomino · 11 years
Fluff me up (I am guilty as charged as well. Lets revive each other)
Our muses fall asleep on each other, only for them to head-butt each other awake
D: I’ve NEVER been this late before!!!
S: ....
S: Domino!
D: What!!!
S: You have today off!
D: ... oh. Well then. I'm going to go wake up Sadi and then I'll be back to bed soon. See you in a minute.
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askchiefdomino · 11 years
You and AskSaldeath are so freaking cute! Well--cute as in your little recent moment thing is adorable and I can't even. So uh, how did that partying thing turn out, hm?
The party turned out very well, Saldeath and I walked to the break room together to meet up with everyone.
I don’t know if they assumed for some reason I’d like a big party or if everyone just wanted a chance to have one since we don’t usually have a chance to celebrate holidays like Halloween in ID,  but either way the guards all managed to bring in flowers, gifts (although none of them could really figure out what to get so they just got a bunch of generic things to give a girl. It was mainly a lot of flowery soaps, body scrubs, and perfumes. Any makeup they gave me Sadi-chan ended up taking anyway), or they pitched in to get a cake.
Sadi-chan totally forgot about my birthday this year. I suppose it’s hard for her to remember now that I’ve gotten my own room and don’t have to bunk with her anymore. We just don’t get to see each other as often as we used to!
She did promise to make it up to me later somehow, I’ll keep her to that. As long as she isn’t interupting my work (or her own), I’ll be happy to spend some time with her again soon.
It does seem, however, that Sadi-chan used to complain to Hannyabal that my choice of attire (specifically undergarments) is “sooooooo mmmm boringggg” while we were roommates. Hannyabal decided an appropriate birthday present would be fancy lingerie.
I’m pretty sure Saldeath was more angry with him than I was.
Magellan was acceptable during the day. He promised not to eat his poison and stay on the job for his entire shift on my birthday. I told him that he should be doing his job for his entire shift every day.
I think I upset him.
I appreciate the thought, though.
Saldeath stayed by my side for most of the night. We didn’t say much to each other, but we didn’t have to. It felt good just for him to be there.
At one point he asked if I heard what he’d said to me earlier, back when we’d hugged.
I told him that I did, but I made a point not to push further into it.
It’s not like I could tell him the same yet, we’re close, but I don’t know how to describe my feelings at the moment to him.
I’m conflicted. It’s selfish, but a part of me doesn’t want to have to choose between two people.
Until something occurs, I don’t think I’ll force myself to make a decision. I’m too happy at the moment to want to change anything, and I hope Sadi-chan and Saldeath feel the same, at least for now.
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askchiefdomino · 11 years
Domino! It's time to, mmmm, "fluff me up"! 💖
The sun is out, and your muse has dropped their ice-cream. The ice cream truck is long gone now, but it’s fine because my muse is willing to share.
"Sadi-chan, I’m sure if you waited for 5 minutes I could run inside and get another ice cream from the guards break room.
"You don’t even like vanilla, Sadi-chan, I can go and get you your own ice cream."
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askchiefdomino · 11 years
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"You're a bit too late to ask that of me, Saldeath. I've been crying for a few minutes already.
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I don't need you to start crying too. I'm not trying to upset you, I just stated a fact.
To make up for it, I want you to do something for me now, if you're willing. Think of it as a birthday wish if you want to.
I need you to come here, right now.
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Now give me a hug and let's go party with the others, okay?"
"Dear Domino,
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Saldeath. Saldeath, you insufferable idiot. You can deal with her hating you. You could deal with it if she despised you. But the one thing you cant handle, and you trigger it , like a tool. No! I cant let this happen.
"*pant* *hack* *pant* DOMINO! *pant* Domino I am here!!!! Domino,…! *hack* DONT CRY! PLEASE don- *voice dies* tcry! *croak*"
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askchiefdomino · 11 years
"You shouldn't make a girl cry on her birthday, Saldeath.
Yes, Sadi-chan and I are very close, and she is a very important person to me, but that doesn't mean that you aren't.
You're the only one who can relate to me, the others have no appreciation and understanding for how this prison works  the way you do. You say you admire me for keeping levelheaded and keeping Impel Down from going to hell (there's a thought), but you don't understand how hard that would be if I hadn't met the only other person here who isn't as over the top as the prisoners are?
If you want me to be happy on my birthday, then make me be happy. Don't just push Sadi-chan to do it for you. Sadi-chan and I are close because she tries her hardest to be close to me, because we are two similar people against a crowd of hundreds. It's the same for you and me, but instead you keep pushing yourself further away and it's not helping either of us.
The only reason you've failed me today is because you decided in the end to give up.
The only way you can fix this is if you do what the others are doing right now. It's not just Sadi and I, Saldeath. Magellan, Hannyabal, and our fellow guards all came because they wanted me to be happy too.
So please stop secluding yourself and come and have a good time with me.
That would be an order if you weren't a rank higher than I.
-Your own admirer
"Dear Domino,
You know I am usually not a man who makes requests, but today, in this letter, I must ask you to have mercy if I happen to slip the formal tune Today is an important day. It belongs to a person whose thoughts I admire. A person respected by many. A person, who some call the matter that keeps Impel Down from falling apart. The person I am talking about has a calm and well working mind and ( from what I was told by a very relyable source ) a well working heart as well though it may be hidden. It is the birthday of a person who I,(dare I say it?), admire. And due to that, I have been thinking all month on what to do. How to make this day, a wonderful day.
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But sadly. I soon had to realise that I am unable to grant that wish myself. As, no matter what I did, it would just make it feel forced onto the person in question. Today is your birthday. I was unable to make that day a wonderful day. BUT. I know someone who is able to.
This, I am afraid, is the worst and at the same time the best gift I have to give to you ( and to some extend to Sadi-chan). But please, don’t let this stop you two.
Make this a great day for you two. Since I fail at doing so.
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((In wich Saldeath becomes creepy. *gulp* but I really couldnt think of any good gift q n q)) ((OC: drawing whilst having a cold is harrrrrd domino why you no have birthday in summerrrrr? like meeeee))
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askchiefdomino · 11 years
((I probably wont have time to draw something for Domino's birthday but I did already finish a sketch earlier, just a warning its nsfw))
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askchiefdomino · 11 years
I'd like to remind everyone that today happens to be my birthday. I will still be working as usual, but I know many of my coworkers would be upset if I didn't remind them so we could all celebrate together.
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askchiefdomino · 11 years
Warden Magellan,
My fellow guards and I wish to thank you for your years of service and leading us (even if you may not do your work for 6 hours of the day because of your horrendous eating habits) by gifting you with various flowers
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We hope you enjoy your birthday today sir.
And as a personal gift from me,
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It's plastic, it won't die like the others will so you can keep it forever
((It's supposed to be one of these))
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askchiefdomino · 11 years
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D: Just as Sadi-chan said, we are close friends. I admire her enthusiasm for her job, and she appreciates my unwillingness to break or bend the rules.
S: I will admit it would be amazing if Domino, mmmm, needed punishment every once and a while. Especially if I could be the one to hear her scream!
D: <3
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askchiefdomino · 11 years
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askchiefdomino · 11 years
((I’m only gonna do one of these for right now because i want to move on to other asks but i added in a bonus to try to make up for it a little))
♥ - Love headcanon
Bonus: Mun’s Impel Down shipping
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askchiefdomino · 11 years
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I mean, uh... Thank you for the praise sir, but
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If there isn't any unruly prisoners needing a visit from your Blugori, I'm sure you have patrol or some paperwork to do. Get to work.
What are your thoughts on a certain Officer Domino?
Ah, Chief Jailor Domino. 
What can I say? It is an unspoken truth that without her doing this place would fall to shambles, and nobody would move a muscle. Warden Magellan and Vice-Warden Hannyabal simply need to get ordered around by her sometimes or nothing would get done. 
We cant afford to loose her. A very efficient and responsible individual. 
Her way of pushing orders onto you, not by physical force, or soundvolume, but by a mere suggestion in her voice so far made everybody crumble. 
With grace and a big sense of responsibilty she fulfills orders.
Her attitude is a peacefull center of sense in this crazy place for many of us.
All whilst maintaining the most dear smart, fascinating and serious mind.
A beautyfully forged anchor in this sea of insanity we work and live in… 
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askchiefdomino · 11 years
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She loves her work, she's great at keeping prisoners in a constant state of agony and fear, she's never late to her job, and on a personal level, the two of us are very close.
What's not to like?
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