askerrorflowey · 3 months
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Error Chara Answers: 022
33rd Question asked by: LOLEKXD47
Hurray! Recycling!
One of these panels I've drawn before :3 Someone Worth Fighting For
Context, Yay!!
As for XGaster saying "Experiment", that could rage anywhere from "Would make an Interesting Experiment" to "Not even worth being an Experiment" and everything inbetween.
XGaster is obsessed with Experiments after all, but he does have a mission and time, so I'll leave that open for interpretation for now.
Undertale © Toby Fox
XTale @jakei95
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askerrorflowey · 1 year
When E!Flowey becomes E!Asriel does his personality change
And do the souls speak to him
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Oh Flowey, we all know you like the company. Beats being alone .
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askerrorflowey · 2 years
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Error Chara Answers: 019
27th Question asked by: Captinditto
28th Question asked by: Shadowlord202 TW: Angst Ah Yes, even as Error’s, Flowey and Sans are the best of friends Best buddies Yup Look at all those Friendliness Pellets, don’t they look like a Blast! As for the second question. A feeling that’s all to familiar for Chara, even as an Error. When at their low, there’s only person who they can take their frustrations out on… themselves. And yeah, Flowey is appalled at both parts of the question, which is interesting, since he states he can’t feel anything… Enjoy~ Undertale © Toby Fox
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askerrorflowey · 2 years
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Error!Chara Special: 06 - Someone Worth Fighting For
One year since the first Special, Error Chara Special: 01 - A Valentines to Forget. Is this tied to the first one? Maybe, Could be, Probably not, but What if? I mean, Asriel is carrying Chara in a Bridal Carry position, so that counts for something? Right? Anyway… Enjoy <3 Undertale © Toby Fox
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askerrorflowey · 2 years
A version of Azzy that has Error!Sans esque powers, count me interested!
So, does existing hurt?
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Wow Flowey, Rude Much?
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askerrorflowey · 2 years
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Error Flowey: Howdy! Data!Tale Trio plus Shift. Golly, you have all been through a lot recently. And boy, what "my" Chara said... that was a little insensitive. Though I'm sure they meant well. ... Heh, isn't that just like 'Them', to try and do the right thing, but make thing worse. But don't you worry, after 'your' (Data!Chara) chemistry 'joke' and 'their' (Error!Chara) comment, they've learned from their mistake and will focus more on their missions. I really should be thanking you.
*Chara storms down stairs to get comforted by Frisk*
__________________________________________ audio by @askchammy
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askerrorflowey · 2 years
Error Flowey: Howdy! I'm Flowey. Flowey the Flower! Hmmm... You're new to the Void, aren'tcha? Golly, you've already been greeted by a few askers. Isn't that swell. So, Frisk, how did you end up here?
Ima answer this as the narrator since I'm too lazy to write over 15 different text boxes. FYI: This is a Frisk who is self-aware of Undertale being a game, and during their runs, they abuse glitches and explore files.(the characters don’t realize the glitches are happening) Frisk started digging into the files, seeing what would happen if you changed or deleted them, or even created new files. Then predictably, some stuff got corrupted, very important stuff like the sprites and the locations.
Then Frisk tried to reboot. But predictably, it fails, deleting everything, but since in this AU, Frisk is the only truly sentient being, they remain, just kinda, stuck in the anti-void, until they get out with AU portals. The rest is not history, it’s another post, bcs this is getting too long.
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askerrorflowey · 2 years
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Error Chara Answers: 017
Error Flowey is a bit of mystery, but I’m sure that picture will give you some hints. Alternative Ink Characters are trickier to deal with, since there’s not to much information on them, or, more accurately, if there is, it’s not as well shared as the main Ink Sans. And even then, things can get confusing. Ink Sans will eventually show up (spoilers), but that’s for much later on. As for the strings, according to one of the asks in the original ask Error Sans series, Errors Sans’s Magic is pretty the same as regular Sans, and the strings are just an extension of his Magic. Error Chara can summon knives, create portals, and make strings like a Monster would, though, considering their base is human, there could be something else going on. Though, other humans in the multiverse also use Magic, so… I got room to play with on the nitty gritty of how that works. I mean, I could take the easy route and say it’s Magic, or… I can create something overly complicated because, well, why wouldn’t I? lol Enjoy~ Undertale © Toby Fox
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askerrorflowey · 2 years
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Error Chara Answers: 016
24th Question asked by: Shadowlord202
Error Chara might have a very different view of Reaper than everyone else, which given their position, might be slightly skewed and biased :3.
They also enjoyed Fresh’s company, and for some reason think that Fresh and Reaper would get a long. Error Flowey just enjoys the “entertainment” that Reaper provides, though Fresh would probably call Flowey out on his bad behavior, so, he’s on guard around Fresh. As for Shift, Error Flowey knows more than he’s letting on, and keeping information from Error Chara. This is also a bit of commentary on the Fandom as a whole. If you want to learn more about Reaper and Shift, I highly suggest checking out the original creators for them. I’ll post links below. As for Fresh Chara, I’m sorta just making it up as I go along. I still can’t find the source for this particular model of Fresh, but I’ll credit the original Fresh AU anyway.
Enjoy~ Undertale © Toby Fox Reapertale Chara © @renrink Freshtale © @loverofpiggies Storyshift Chara © @voltrathesparking
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askerrorflowey · 2 years
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Error Chara Answers: 015 21st Question asked by: Spokz123 22nd Question asked by: kingmasn22 23rd Question asked by: Anon It’s been a while since I’ve answered some questions. Oddly specific answer in that last panel there, Flowey. Anyway, that does it for questions, for now. Until I get some new ones anyway. A couple people do want to give Error Chara a hug, but I’ll save that for another time. There is about a handful of questions that have nothing to do with these characters, But I have enough projects to work on, and I don’t do requests, even if they’re in the form of a question. (Unless of course I really like the idea). Enjoy~ Undertale © Toby Fox
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askerrorflowey · 2 years
ErrorFlowey: You really are an idiot! Where do you think all these askers came from? "At least we're better than those sickos that stand around and WATCH it happen..." That's right buddy, they're the sickos who watch it happen ;p and there's an entire multiverse of them. Not that you care :D I should know... But back to my point. They know things they have no business knowing, so the very least you should do is investigate, cause lets face it, your world isn't seeing a reset any time soon.
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*his face morphed and his voice sounds like Frisk’s*
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askerrorflowey · 2 years
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Error Chara Answers: 013
17th Question asked by: pepdrox9000 18th Question asked by: hapstablook09
Yup Yup, white chocolate is just candy to Error Chara. It’s not their favorite, but they’ll still enjoy it. Though if it’s paired with Chocolate, they’re in flavor town UwU Flowey’s been called out. They rather sass the askers than answers questions, but Chara is kinda ruining their fun XD Enjoy~ Undertale © Toby Fox
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askerrorflowey · 2 years
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Error Chara Answers: 012
15th Question asked by: internalblondy12 16th Question asked by: smf-064 So their Real Knife is special in that they only use it on threats that they deem to dangerous to live. And my Error Chara is rather efficient, so instead of taking their time, they’ll go for an instant delete off the bat to take care of such threats As for Flowey, well, Flowey, is Flowey. Favorite moments aren’t really a thing with him, since he doesn’t care about a whole lot. Though there are some interesting holes in what he’s saying… hmm… Though since he doesn’t care, this is an honest answer :3 (and just in case, “This Chara” is Error Chara) Enjoy~ Undertale © Toby Fox
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askerrorflowey · 2 years
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Error Chara Answers: 011
14th Question asked by: ren122333
Error Flowey being a rude boy, although… is that a slight bit of compassion there in the end? naw~ And yeah, it’s kinda hard making friends when there’s a decent chance of eventual death for just being near yea… Though Flowey seems fine. And their Dynamic seems familiar for some reason… probably just my imagination (Flowey is also available for asks) Enjoy~ Undertale © Toby Fox
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askerrorflowey · 2 years
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Error Chara: Ask Error Flowey!
I got a decent amount of Asks with Chara, though those are starting to die down Lets see if Flowey can pull some Asks. Chara is still Open for asks too.
Enjoy~ Undertale © Toby Fox
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