#A lot of Sass from someone with no feelings XD
askerrorflowey · 2 years
A version of Azzy that has Error!Sans esque powers, count me interested!
So, does existing hurt?
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Wow Flowey, Rude Much?
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kneelingshadowsalome · 11 months
Belly dancer reader got me thinking about König with an Arab Engel who is hypervocal about how much she likes him, Arabic has some intense terms of endearment so her telling him تقبرني which basically means "bury me in a grave because I don't want to live without you" or calling him habib albi (love of my heart). making him an absolute FEAST for breakfast because what do you mean you just want a sandwich? you are getting at LEAST 5 different plates to choose from plus some nice tea while they listen to Fairuz ✨
I like to think he would LOVE how possessive Arab women can get, man can't compliment a woman without getting side eyed by his girl and scolded when they're in the car and gets the full sass "go sit on her lap then, since you want to act like a little boy 🙄" we're hella physical too so he should expect a slap on the arm or to be bitten on the cheek as warning lol.
he leaves for deployment smelling of incense and oud, rich, spicy and sensual. she gives him some perfume oil as both something to remember her by and to ward of any potential women who might want some (girl, who? you're the only one insane enough to handle him XD) plus some charms to keep him safe <3
I’m sorry but why is this so HELLA CUTE
Our man gets a feast for breakfast? He’s in heaven and let me tell you he needs it, König eats huge amounts of food, he needs a lot of fuel and his metabolism is crazy quick and if he doesn’t get enough to eat he starts to feel grumpy or even dizzy >:( Would someone please slip some protein bars into this man's tactical vest before he leaves on a mission so he doesn't kill everyone on his team?
And he’s all possessive but wait a minute, a woman getting possessive of him? Is this even happening? (Also please the way I laughed my ass off at the “Go sit on her lap then, since you want to act like a little boy” LMAO König is in love. He will sit only and ever in your lap now.)
And please don’t get physical with him! Do not get physical unless you want to get squeezed (possessively) or slapped on the butt (lovingly) or get your tits and neck and hips covered in love bites after that. König will return all grabbiness and biting and violation of personal space tenfold.
And uhhh König has a serious scent kink did I ever tell you? So if he can still smell you or of you when he sadly has to leave, our boy will be in a much calmer mood when he’s doing his dirty nasty kind of disturbing job to get the money to buy you everything you want.
König is getting so much love and attention and food he can't take it all in 🥺 All those endearment terms and poetic cooings are about to turn him into a 6'10 marshmallow 🥺 And CHARMS? To keep him safe?? Please no more, this man is about to flop.
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The Bad Batch 3.4 ‘A Different Approach’ Recap
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Gif from this post by @azertyrobaz because despite my efforts, the Tumblr gif search function is trash and I couldn't find any gifs from this season.
They’re back together again! But oh boy, is that going to be one tense and fraught conversation when they finally stop staring at each other from across the large space between them that is doing an excellent job as the visual metaphor for the vast chasm that’s opened up between them. Obvious symbolism aside, onto the live blog reaction recap part.
Well that shuttle isn’t going to last long
Aw, the first thing Omega thinks to do is contact Hunter T_T
“I can see that.” — LMAO the sass XD
This shuttle feels a lot bigger than it looks. How does it have 2 levels? Tardis shuttle?
Down we go!
That’s the shot of Omega piloting a ship from the trailer
A cold planet and all they’ve got is what they’re wearing? Not good
Yus, Omega wants to go back to free the other clones! I’m glad someone hasn’t forgotten about them. They’re totally going to go back to Mount Tantiss, though Crosshair absolutely (and understandably) does not want to. I still think a theme for this season is going to be something related to what Rex is up to and freeing the clones from the Empire.
Crosshair just magically acquiring a backpack somehow
That’s the shot of the crashed shuttle from the trailer
Still really curious as to what Scorch and all the commandos with the glowing visors are up to
Nala Se regretting her life choices
“That is most surprising.” — LMAO, suuuuuuuure
Hemlock is not falling for her nonsense at all
“False positives are to be expected.” — ahahahahahaha that is a desperate deflection. She is are so screwed
“Your future, however, is less certain.” — yes good excellent tear the bitch apart
Well that clothing on the line is totally going to get stolen
Painfully clear in two shots that the locals are friendly with the Imperials
It's Star Wars, so of course that means, ponchos!
Omega and Crosshair are wearing Imperial clothing. How are they not getting spotted immediately?
“The hound” — Crosshair, her name is Batcher. He’s totally going to slowly warm up to her over the season though, culminating in finally calling Batcher by her name. Similar to Crosshair finally calling Omega by her name.
Lol called it. Clothing stolen off the line
Crosshair, wtf are you wearing?!
I think we had that shot of the shuttle flying over the town in the trailer as well. They’re really going through a lot of what was in the trailer, which is to be expected as Disney has a track record of only putting footage from the first half of a season in trailers.
Crosshair is very keen to shoot first and ask questions later
“I can hardly wait.” — More cackling. Loving Crosshairs utterly done sarcastic sass
Lmao subtle Omega xD
Crosshair is looking very dystopian sci-fi zombie apocalypse in his natty little outfit with ridiculous head tube thing
“Sounds like a you problem.” — Lol which writer has been on the internet far too much?
“Well that went well. Stow it.” — CACKLING
“Then quit wasting time complaining.” — ahahahah I’m loving Omega’s sass as well. She’s not taking any of Crosshair’s nonsense
“Of course you do.” — LMAO Crosshair is so done XD
Hmmm, that street urchin is definitely going to be important later
Crosshair is so unimpressed. What have they been teaching her while I was gone?
Really like how the only thing you can really see clearly of Crosshair’s face in his outfit is the reflection of his eyes. That’s also plenty for the tapetum lucidum fandom headcanon to run with.
Omega’s making excellent use of appearing like a cute, sweet, innocent little child in her scamming.
Why is the bartender droid Scottish?
Crosshair lurking in the shadows with about as much subtlety as Rex was in Cid's bar in season 1
Are these stormtroopers clones or natborns? I don’t think we’ve seen any clones in clone trooper armour yet this season. They do turn up eventually because you can see some of them behind Wolffe in that shot of him during the trailer. I’m guessing they’re using this as a way of visually representing the difference between the clones and stormtroopers? 
Crosshair clicking his tongue 👀 That’s going to send the Crosswhores absolutely wild.
“Never seen you or your dad around before” — He said the thing! He said the thing! CrossDad confirmed!
Scottish bartender droid has turned into exposition droid
“You seem to have misunderstood your enemy.” — hmmm, why do I have a bad feeling about this that this is going to come back and bite everyone in the ass later on in the season? 
Does anyone know what this card game is? I not sure if it’s sabacc
This Imperial Captain really is a ridiculously OTT caricature of a slimy, corrupt officer. And why does he sound like a character from Wallace and Gromit?
Those 5,000 extra credits are totally going to get swindled out of them
Crosshair ready to throw down with a kid 
Lmao doubly called it! That street urchin was gonna turn up again and the extra credits were lost almost immediately
What on earth was that cockney street urchin accent anyway. What is this, Oliver Twist?
Crosshair don’t even kid yourself, there’s no way you’re going to abandon Omega
Why is the Empire keeping even more animals in cages?
Lol of course he wasn’t going to abandon her
“But my skills are being wasted.” — Crosshair really wants to shoot things
“Noted.” — LMAO
Did the machine operator just spot Omega and Crosshair?
“Shouldn’t we free the other animals too?” — She’s totally going to free the other animals. Omega’s already done that once before when she freed Muchi as a distraction during season 1. Crosshair sounds so done XD
Well that’s gone well, and predictably
Lau? What’s Lau? Who’s Lau? Is Lau the planet they’re on? Or the town they’re in? Or is Lau the name of the Wallace and Gromit captain? What is this Lau?
The upside down cone hats on the locals look familiar. They kind of remind me of some of the hats the Neimoidians wore
We keep getting shots of that stormtrooper at the top of the tower. Are they going to be important?
Noticed that the stormtroopers seem to have 2 small vertical grey lines on the top left side of their helmets. I wonder what these signify? Or if they signify anything at all?
“Let’s try things your way.” — Time for Crosshair to shoot some things! That “Finally” was almost purred
Oh no, shaking hand. It is the one he shoots with as well
Lol called it again, Omega frees all the animals so they can escape in the chaos that ensues
Was that a rubber chicken noise?!
More shots of that stormtrooper on the top of the tower. Hmmm, who are you?
Rip the Wallace and Gromit captain. The tentacles got him
Lol @ the stormtrooper getting blasted off the top of the tower
New ship acquired! +10 space grand larceny points
Is this still Scorch talking to Hemlock at the shuttle crash site? Scorch, what are you doing? What are you up to?
“Notify all our operatives” — What operatives? Is this where the bounty hunters come in?
“I’m heading to a remote location,” — nooooooooo not Pabu
Omg are they actually going to reunite in this episode?
That was surprisingly gentle from Crosshair
Oh, not Pabu then. Random isolated moon? Where is this? Omg what if this is the same moon the Tribunal crashed on?
Aw, there’s the Marauder! Though not for long, going off what was in the new short trailer that was released today.
The music here is beautiful
Omg they’re actually reuniting. Legit tearing up
Aaaaaaah the way Wrecker hugged Omega *sobbing*
Aw they’re both crying
“Five.” — oh fuck
All the tears
Bad Batch theme?
“I had help.” — here we go
Omg the look on Hunter’s face as he looks over Omega’s shoulder
The long shot of Crosshair descending the ramp of the cargo ship on the left side of the frame and Wrecker, Omega, and Hunter on the right side of the frame is so, so good. The cinematography and framing in this is just fantastic
Oooookay, this is tense. Omega’s picked up on it too.
You can see Crosshairs face briefly look almost open before he immediately hardens and closes himself off and almost braces for a fight
Asd;flkj you can’t leave it there! Talk to each other!!!
Tbh I wasn’t expecting that reaction from Wrecker. Hunter, sure, but not Wrecker. Cautious and wary maybe but not almost openly hostile. That is going to be one awkward and fraught conversation next episode.
I’m really glad they actually showed Wrecker crying. That it’s ok for men to cry and show emotions.
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naruto-ol-protags · 5 months
What are each of the Naruto Online Protagonists backstories?? I wasn’t aware they had any, or if they had a lot of profiles with that listed their own attributes. If you could describe them or provide a link for me to check them out I would really appreciate it!
This is kind of a complicated question, mainly because they are split into: the Orichara contest versions, the first beta versions, the second beta versions (some info on them was retconned), and the current game version (the question is whether browser and mobile count as the same or canon divergence XD). There is also the scrapped intro cinematic video where the protags are kids in the Ninja Academy who seem to be friends? It's honestly a mess that doesn't add up a lot of times unless you follow exactly one version and disregard everything else.
I've been working on a spreadsheet/masterpost on all kinds of canon info available for each protag but it's still being put together and has some personal commentary... Please feel free to take a look at it though 😅
You can also go through the #character trivia tag for more details!
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A condensed version would be:
Azure Fang - she is determined to cure illnesses of the world and specializes in medical jutsu and chakra control. She's compassionate, curious, lively, and often shows her cute/girlish side. Despite being a medic she also readily uses poisons. In fights, she's shown to favor her tantō. Her mobile voice lines suggest that she's rather casual with others when at work and socializes easily.
Breeze Dancer - she's said to be a "royal sister type" and a few of the game ads have suggested her being in some way tied to Sunagakure and the Three Sand Siblings. Interestingly enough her nindō is intertwined with Orochimaru (although they don't seem to be on good terms). She has travelled a lot and thanks to that gained a mature outlook on society. Breeze is the only one who is vocal about having a distinction between good and evil, it seems to be one of her motivations for fighting. She fights using her metal fan, multiple clones, and seduction tactics (on men). Funnily enough, she prefers the company of girls.
Crimson Fist - he's liked and trusted by others and looks more mature than his age would suggest. He specializes in taijutsu and close combat. Crimson is a calm guy who cares for his friends a lot and trains hard to be able to protect them. He also likes to cook and garden, and occasionally sass at the other guys (usually to show off his manliness). Nothing is known about his clan but he has the wood release and a kekkei genkai.
Midnight Blade - younger by one year from the rest, works as a bounty hunter, knows an ANBU skill (up to interpretation whether he just picked it up from someone or was/is in the organization), and fights mostly using kenjutsu. He's cold, not talkative, and pragmatic, his main motivator seems to be money. His ideal setting is a 1v1, when faced with more opponents he loses his advantage. Despite being very professional and concentrated while on duty, he has been, in fact, portrayed as disliking work.
Scarlet Blaze - his lineage is connected to the Uchihas (not said to what degree), he also experienced a clan massacre, it's unclear if he's the last survivor or has some living relatives. He's calm and collected, hardworking, pragmatic, interested in all kinds of the world's ninjutsu, and aware of his good looks. Prefers to engage with opponents by his genjutsu first, and is good at finding their weaknesses. Preferred weapons seem to be kunai but he has been getting some variety with the latest skins.
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I'm also putting the relevant profiles under the cut:
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^ Above are presented the beta profiles (longer and shorter versions)
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^ The more detailed profiles released on the official forum website and in-game
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^ My Ninja Way intro screens with each character's phrase in the bracket
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kuramirocket · 7 months
I came across posts you wrote a long time ago about Piper Halliwell and had to reach out to thank you. It seems like literally everyone LOVES Piper Halliwell, praising her as not just their favorite Charmed one but one of the best TV characters ever, and finding someone else who dislikes her was honestly the most validating experience I've had on this site! I recently rewatched a bunch of episodes and couldn't get over just how awful Piper is past the very first season. Fans are like 'all hail our sass queen!' like it's somehow a good thing that she goes out of her way to be ridiculously mean and bitter. She never, ever, ever stops complaining about everyone and everything, and it's not just that she's always in a terrible mood---it's that she directly takes that mood out on Leo and her sisters constantly, insulting and criticizing them nonstop. (Can you believe some people here think Piper was "too good" for Leo?! The man is a saint for patiently putting up with that shrew!) And she's always praised for her heart, but while the other three actually care about innocents, Piper is always the one whining about just wanting a "normal life" and throwing literal tantrums over things like wanting a better wedding or which of two great guys she should choose while there are literal LIVES at stake lol. Speaking of which, on a show about women destined to be witches, who thought it was a good idea to have one of the three main characters whine about how much she hates being a witch in Every. Single. Episode?! She's just such a completely unpleasant character with literally the worst attitude I've ever seen, and I can honestly say she ruins the show for me. (Disliking the turn they took with Phoebe's character didn't help either!) She was unapologetically terrible even before Prue's death, and it blows my mind that fans hate Prue for being too "harsh" when Piper is like a million times worse! Thank you for bravely speaking out so that all three of us who dislike her know we're not alone!!
Hello :)
Wow, I cannot believe it's been 5 years since I watched Charmed when I made those posts. And I never did finish watching the rest of the series 😭 So, naturally it's on my to rewatch and actually finish it this time around watch list. Lol
And I'm glad I could make you feel validated. When you, unfortunately, hate or dislike a character for whatever reason, especially one a majority of fans like, it's always nice to find like minded people. It's why I'm not quiet in my opinions. I want people to have a fun and safe space in fandoms even if that's just to discuss dislike for a fan favorite! Which is why if I am anti a specific character I try to tag properly so fans who do like the character can avoid my personal thoughts. And ofc, this means also never directing said dislike towards the fans who like specific characters. I just let people enjoy what they enjoy even if I do not.
Anyways, I'm surprised people view Piper as sassy. From what I remember, I never saw her as sassy, just annoying her complaints and plotline. And yeah! Prue maybe was 'harsh,' but she's the eldest and had that responsibility of caring for her younger sisters. She had a lot of weight on her shoulders. It's why she was serious a lot of the times and seemed to be hit the hardest by their mother's death from what I recall.
I wish I could comment more, but since it's been years don't remember a lot of details.
This ask made me smile, tbh. Again, glad you were happy to find my rants validating xD
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skyward-floored · 8 months
Same anon still lol I also imagine Wind, Wild, and Hyrule tend to try and escape school. Wind or Wild I 100% see as that kid from the post about scooting the time out bucket into the parking lot because the teacher said not to leave the bucket but they are an entity of sass and want to Go Outside. My HC for Hyrule is cause he got found by Sky in the middle of winter in abandoned places in your AU before, so maybe he hasn't ever done school? So he just kinda Doesn't Get It fully and walks out when he wants to lol
I headcanon a lot of phone calls home over those 3.......
I am very excited to hear more about their backstories and stuff and your Canon on them or ur thoughts on it whenever you are up for it
Yeah, especially when they’re younger, they really don’t want to be in school XD
Wild I think would do the bucket thing— he hates having to sit still for hours on end, and not being allowed to use his powers is just the icing on the cake, he hates it.
Hyrule didn’t really do school, since he was mostly treated as a well-kept secret most of his early life, and none of the adults in his life cared much about school, but he did learn a few things on his own. (His street smarts are off the charts at least!). So yeah, Hyrule doesn’t totally get school, but he doesn’t want to be a problem even more (he’s so traumatized poor kiddo), so he mostly does what he’s supposed to. And he’s actually really eager to learn stuff, so he’s not usually too problematic XD
Wind on the other hand, tends to be the kid who’s a bit of a brat in class lol. Like if they’re a good teacher he’ll be fine, but if it’s someone who... really shouldn’t be a teacher then he’ll give them a really hard time XD You know how in the movie Dash is getting called into the office all the time? That’s Wind XD
There’s definitely lots of phone calls, you’re right about that lol
I have a fair amount of backstory stuff figured out, so if you have more questions feel free to ask :3
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A bit sad you're taking a break from Chloenette, but I can get why. There's not enough love for it...
Anyway, since Chloenette's off the table, what do you think about a Wenclair AU where they end up becoming Superheroes (asks the Superhero fan)? For a bit of added irony (would it be irony?), it's all Wednesday's idea.
It's not really a break, more of me kind of cringing at myself because I keep seeing my own posts (nothing wrong, I'm just awkward xD) but I will keep on posting about them. They're my babies.
Funnily enough, Wenclair superhero AU is just them having a miraculous. Mlb x Wednesday fic, Chloe is an Addams although they're pretty far so she wasn't told about it until they had to meet for a very important event (still deciding on what it is).
Anyways, Chloe is still Queen Bee and Marinette is still Ladybug so I won't use that for the Wednesday squad. Here's my thoughts tho:
Wednesday with the Peafowl. I was thinking of the Butterfly but I find it more suitable for Shinobu (a character from a different fandom). Peafowl since Wednesday has vast knowledge about supernatural beings and well, she likes to experiment. She also likes anything with a 'monster' to it, taxidermy, necromancy probably, plus she can create a playmate or friend for Thing so win-win.
For Enid I'm confused. I was planning for the dog (lmao) just for laughs but the Dog Miraculous won't be too compatible with her. Although I can see her using it whenever she's forgotten something and she's too lazy to find it. The other miraculous for her would be the Cat Miraculous. She and Plagg would be hilarious, especially Plagg's love for stinky cheese and Enid has a very sensitive nose. But mostly because she's still queasy about her destructive habits and Plagg explains to her that destruction is important for it balances out the other concepts of the universe.
Also, the cat costume. I rest my case.
Yoko I'd probably give her Trixx. Personalities match plus she can have an illusion do her bidding like getting some stuff while it's hot outside or she doesn't feel like it. Also, my hc is Yoko knows people well (having to live longer than most people) and can easily copy others if needed.
Bianca I'd give her Sass. Observant, smart, leader type and a strategist. A perfect combination for the snake's powers. They'll have tea and discuss homework or history probably.
Also Sass may or may not let her use his power to insult her mother without her remembering lmao. "Bitch." "Excuse me-" "Second Chance."
Divina gets the Tiger miraculous. I hc her as someone who punches the living daylight out of anyone lmao.
Kent gets the Horse miraculous because he's needed a lot (esp by Bianca). Also, him and Kaalki go get boba and pedicures (Kaalki gets to choose the colors).
Xavier gets the goat miraculous. I will not say more.
Ajax gets the monkey miraculous. He's high most times so it won't really affect his powers (might even make them more ridiculous therefore more effective).
Eugene, best boi. Look I know he's supposed to get the Bee but that's for Chloe so I'm giving him the rooster miraculous. He's smart and just like Wednesday, knows a lot of stuff therefore can make up powers easily without affecting the other holders or duplicating.
Tyler gets no bitches. Jk. Hmmm, I'll probably give him the Pig Kwami. He's good with words, he suddenly gets the power to know people's desires. Bam. Master manipulator.
I think that's all the Wednesday squad. That's just my preference of the Kwami pairings of course, I'm curious about anyone's thoughts about it. Also, Chlonette isn't off the table. You can still send asks about them, I'm just gonna divide my time for all three of my ships because I feel like an absent father *sobs* forgive me, my children.
Anyways, thanks for the ask!
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kitkatwinchester · 1 year
I see Scott accidentally chose the nightmare option with his dream state...
I hate it.
I hate that his brain is trying to make him go against his own nature and convince him to start killing people, and I hate that it's using Liam and repeatedly killing him to do it. But the biggest reason I hate it is because of my poor baby's guilt complex. All of those people are already dead, and while Scott wasn't directly involved in killing any of them, you can tell, based on the fact that his brain is doing this, that there's a part of him that feels like he should've done something about it.
And that is soooo not fair to yourself, Scott. Deaton and Chris tried to tell you. You CAN'T save everyone. You CAN'T. A lot of these people are writing their own fates by default of the choices they make--Peter killed The Mute, yes, mostly out of anger, but also to protect Derek and Noah. Rafael killed The Chemist in order to save Stiles. The closest deaths to you were those of The Orphans, and even those WEREN'T YOUR FAULT, because their actions put them in the crossfire, and THAT'S what got them killed.
I get it, Scott. I do. And you know I love that about you. But you GOTTA stop blaming yourself (also very quick aside, Scott having more fangs is an interesting revelation...).
But the other thing is...I'm also kind of glad he's thinking about it at all. Because as much as I love Scott and his savior complex...Liam does have a point. Just like his dad said, sometimes killing is your only option. If it's them or you, are you really going to let them kill you just so that you don't have to kill them? Are you going to let them kill someone in your pack? His loyalty and love for his friends and family makes me find it hard to believe that he'd ever let somebody hurt them, but I don't necessarily trust him to protect himself...and that's a scary thought.
So yeah, I hate the way his brain is doing it. I hate it with every fiber of my being. I hate that Scott is sitting there torturing himself and beating himself up. But I'm also kind of hoping he gains something from it, and I'm hoping that maybe this nightmarish dream state will give him a chance to work through that guilt and learn that sometimes, it really is you or them...
But still...poor baby. :(
I want to hate the interactions between Malia and Peter, because I REALLY want to hate Peter, ESPECIALLY when I can see his manipulation from a mile away, but....I don't. I REALLY don't. God there's just something about him...I can't truly hate him. I can't. He's too funny, and too charming, and too smart, and just overall too fun for me to hate him.
I don't trust him IN the slightest, but...I also don't hate him. And I'm hoping Malia has a similar frame of mind about him.
Back to the hospital, that Stiles, Kira, and Liam interaction was ADORABLE and I love them. XD <3
"Okay and you're both coming right back. Immediately. *shakes head* Kids."
STILES YOU ARE THE SAME AGE! Sure, Liam is a freshmen, but Kira is YOUR AGE SIR! YOU ARE EQUALS! XD XD
But, admittedly, he and Scott are 100% the parents of the pack, so...ya know. There is that. XD <3
All of that said, I am absolutely freaking terrified at the prospect of Kira and Liam having to face one of those freaking Berserker things ALONE, but it's FINE.
This is where a million things start to go wrong, I just know it....
Happy gif to make me feel better. XD
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Update Part II: LET'S F*CKING GO! Dude that Derek and Braeden scene was AMAZING, and the set-up was BEAUTIFUL, and I could not have asked for anything better OMG. The chemistry, the sass, the electricity, the attitude, the LINES, the MOVEMENTS, the MAKE-OUT SESH! Yeah that was awesome. 10/10 approve. I'm adding a gif because I loved it so much and didn't feel like making a whole new post.
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(I soooo hope we get more of them. I love them already. <3)
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katyspersonal · 1 year
Please share some fluffy headcanons about Brador and Laurence! 🥺 like that cute fanart you did.
I love this ship so much, you don't understand...
🩸 Laurence is 5'2'' (157 cm) and Brador is 6'1'' (185 cm). That's it, that's the headcanon. xd Big height difference kills me..... But also, sometimes Brador would lift up and hold Laurence when he is not tall enough to look in the eyes to whoever he is having a sass battle with ;-; xDDD (Also please validate my heights headcanons post ( x ). Initially he was gonna be 5'0'', but my friend said it was impossible to take seriously, so I had to elongate him a bit hdhfhdsfd)
🔒 Brador is apologizing and enabling Laurence to a, perhaps, unhealthy degree. He believes that everyone should know their place in this world, but for him Laurence is MEANT to shape history and do great things. He trusts in his methods and end goals completely, and will "stay by his cancelled boyfriend's side" no matter what Laurence does. Hell- If someone manages to interest Brador past Laurence being gone, liking Laurence will be the demand for dating Brador. You can't forgive some of the shit he did "for the betterment of humanity"? SHRUUUUGGG.
🩸 Okay, okay, sorry for going the dark side when we are talking specifically about 'fluffy' things. That's just how Brador is. xd But yes, he will often follow Laurence like a shadow, stand near him and scare anyone that tries to argue with Laurence with his glare. In fact, most people do not even know he is an assassin, simply assuming he is one of the most frequently seen bodyguards of Laurence. You've also seen that I give Brador a big cool cape in the era before he got the cleric beast hyde, but Brador will often try to get Laurence under his cape in an attempt to keep him even 'more' warm and safe- especially when they are walking on a chilly day. It embarrasses Laurence a little, being seen on public coddled by his "servant" (as far as society is aware) like that. He is the high-ranking holy figure! But he never denies Brador in doing this.
🔒 In the case of other displays of reverence/affection/both on public, like kissing his hand, complimenting him a bit too much, fixing his hair and kissing his forehead afterwards, etc Laurence is not really shy. On the contrary - if some people DO give the 'hmmm is that appropriate for the holy figure and some gremlin that just body guards him tho?' look, Laurence will simply smugly comment that they should watch this and learn how he SHOULD be treated xd
🩸 When Laurence is feeling tense, nervous, guilty or straight up scared (yes, shockingly, that can happen), and Brador is near - he will hold his hand tight, often not even realising it. It makes Brador melt, though, no matter what situation prompted that.
🔒 There would actually be a long period of Laurence not even realizing Brador's true feelings towards him, thinking that they are just close friends and Brador's constant gestures of affection, gifts, kisses, protectiveness etc were just a normal thing. Me and Val are joking that he is blind to all this, yet when Ludwig as much as distracts for like 2 seconds from his precious sword to look at him - that toooootally means he's secretly in love for him dsfhhfds There is a lot of humour we both added about this ship, but on a more serious note, you could tell that Laurence has been taking Brador for granted...? Brador would have to actually step over his passive, obedient simping and get assertive just once, to make Laurence reflect on their past and UNDERSTAND already. He'd feel guilty for it, but it would actually be worth it... When Laurence would be forced to reflect on their past, it would hit him how loyal, trustworthy and unwavering Brador has been, how many things they've shared, and he would just.. Figure out maybe he loves him too? Maybe suddenly developing feelings based on how much a person loves him and how much he did for him, rather than on who he 'is' is a bit questionable, but the way Kris put such things - "how much person is willing to do for someone they love can also indicate their personality, so it is not the shallow attraction that you assume it is" ...maybe? And in any case, they would be happy together regardless, and this is what counts.
🩸 They were hugging and kissing even before actual relationship, though! Simply because Laurence did not even know how to kiss and had no partner before Byrgenwerth era (ie before meeting Brador that was around there).. so he asked Brador to assist him in practising how to do that as a close friend.
🔒 Laurence often sits on Brador's lap, while they're looking through documents, reports etc together and discuss them.
🩸 @val-of-the-north mentioned that already, but we decided that in the Nightmare, Brador projects his phantom near Laurence's beast to "talk" to him ( x ), tricking himself into thinking that Laurence still can understand his words. It is bittersweet, yeah. Also, if whatever curious hunter closing in on Church's secrets happens to have hair or eyes similar to Laurence's when he was a human, Brador will actually sob and hold his victim with varying levels of talking detached from reality - from asking to just 'let him have it a bit longer' to straight up saying 'I thought I've lost you forever'. Before inevitably killing them, that's it, but he is depressed as fuck past the point of having to mercy-kill Laurence himself.
🔒 Eh, I told you that Laurence starts wearing a crown after Cainhurst falls (he had crown in cut content, actual name of Sage's Hair item is 'Skull of a Saint', Church replaces monarchy's authority, etc ( x )). Past that period, Laurence always keeps the crown on during........ things. Brador loooooves it, though. Yeah it is not as funny as 'Mensis Cage stays ON!', but still SOMEwhat funny in my opinion. x)
🩸 There were a few times Laurence would ask Brador to wear something he normally would not, like robes of Executioners or just high-ranking Clerics, simply because he would like to see how it looked on Brador. And one time when he asked Brador to shave his beard a bit and wear glasses. He actually found Brador with very short facial hair, glasses and in robes looking very hot. I wonder fucking why....... I reeeeeally wonder why is that, huh..... -_-"
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🔒 Also, that headcanons post was sorta ancient, but still relevant I think? That Brador actually secretly has a great taste and artistic skills, and he was the one to design the sigil used on Healing Church's holy shawl, and has been helping with the outfits designs enough. Not to mention being inventive no less than Gehrman with tools and weapons. Laurence reposted it with credit to the original artist, of course, but he really appreciates his talent.
🩸 Brador has quite an amount of scars on his body from having been stabbing himself with the Bloodletter, that Laurence likes to kiss good whenever he can spot new ones appeared. Also, because of the specifics of Brador's weapon, he of course has quite the iron-deficiency. Hmmm ok like, you know how an old lady will see you being too thin and gasp at how malnourished you are and insist on feeding you 5000 homemade meals? Laurence is like this but with seeing how Brador clearly needs to consume more blood, straight up going green from losing too much of it xddd He will basically insist on giving him more blood like a tea in his concern.
Okay, look, I really tried to make it fluffy and cute, but I don't know how xd They are somewhat hard to take seriously because they are SILLY! They also love being haters together about some people within the Healing Church they're not particularly in kahoots with, or about 'antagonists' (like Caryll or some of the particularly distrustful Old Hunters Gehrman was not able to talk). And they just love doing SILLY things!
Thank you for the ask, though. However.....
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Please just pause a little bit fdshfhds-
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My Top Posts in 2022:
Not sure if this counts as prompt or headcanon but imagine if Byn, with her canonical crush on Lu Yao, doesn't take his gentle but firm rejection of her very well? All hell breaks loose when she finds out that the object of Lu Yao's affections is none other than the oblivious Qiao Chusheng (and I think he would be oblivious or atleast not read too much into Lu Yao's actions xD). I feel like the dynamics would be so much interesting with each person having to make some tough choices ahead (LY learning not to be a coward, QCS choosing loyalties coz he would care for BQ if not BYN etc.) 🙈 Hope you have fun with this one xD
Turtle! I hope you enjoy this little headcanon...it's my first one for MRIAD so I hope I did good!
Bai Youning does not take “No” for an answer. Since she’s an only child, she’s a rather spoiled brat who gets whatever and whoever she wants. “No” is not in her vocabulary. She never uses it and she’s never had it said to her before
So, when she admits her feelings to Lu Yao and he gently but firmly rejects her…she does not take it well. She throws a fit, as a spoiled brat does, and screams and cries, demanding that Lu Yao accept her affections but Lu Yao still tells her no, saying that he already likes someone else
Bai Youning, of course, the nosy busybody that she is, demands to know who the person of Lu Yao’s affection is and lets out an angry shriek when she finds out that it’s Qiao Chusheng
She tells Lu Yao that he can’t be in love with Qiao Chusheng, he should be in love with her, he can only love her, and that’s sort of the last straw for Lu Yao, he just…packs up his shit and leaves
When Qiao Chusheng comes to call on him for a case, he’s surprised to see Lu Yao sitting outside the apartment with all of his things
“Youning kick you out?”
Lu Yao looks up at him and shakes his head
“No, I left. I don’t think I can live with her anymore”
Qiao Chusheng hums
“Lovers spat?”
Lu Yao shudders
“We are not lovers, Chusheng. Not even in the slightest. I could never be in love with someone like her”
Qiao Chusheng hums
“Don’t let Bai Qili hear you say that or he’ll have your head”
Lu Yao scoffs
“I’m not scared of that man or his threats”
Qiao Chusheng frowns
“You know his threats are very real, yes?”
Lu Yao huffs
“Why should I be afraid of him when I have you?”
Qiao Chusheng looks at him in surprise as Lu Yao sighs
“Can I stay with you?”
Qiao Chusheng frowns before he shrugs
“My apartment is small and not fancy…hope you don’t mind”
Lu Yao shakes his head as he grabs his suitcase full of stuff and stands to his feet
“As long as it’s away from here, I don’t care what size it is”
Qiao Chusheng shrugs but motions for Lu Yao to follow him to his car, which was parked nearby. They then get inside and drive to Qiao Chusheng’s apartment, which was much smaller compared to that of Bai Youning and Lu Yao’s old apartment but Lu Yao just smiles at it
He then promptly moves in with Qiao Chusheng and they find it actually to be a lot more pragmatic because Qiao Chusheng never has to drive to Lu Yao’s apartment to pick him up which means they never have to tell Bai Youning about their cases (which is great for both of them)
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66 notes - Posted January 15, 2022
So, Under the Skin.  Whooo boy, where the fuck do I begin with this drama?  Honestly, this is probably one of the best crime dramas I’ve seen in a while, easily my top three favorite crime dramas, with Killer and Healer taking #1 (obvi) and S.C.I. Mystery taking #2 (also obvi).  But man...man was this drama fucking good.
Okay, first of all, the cases were interesting.  Like they were interesting fucking cases and they all tied in with art somehow which was impressive in and of itself.  And I actually recognized some of the art pieces Shen Yi spoke about because I had taken an art class in college that featured some of these paintings.  So that was fun.  Also, every case that they made was taken seriously, nothing was seen as a joke, especially like with the case of the two girls.  I didn’t think they were going to go that route but they did and I was kind of surprised.  But they did it in a way that was respectful and didn’t make it seem weird or gross and I liked that.  I really did.
Second of all, the chemistry between the leads, my GOD.  I, for one, have never seen either of the two actors before so that was kind of fun for me but the chemistry that they shared was just....so good.  Like, they had the same sort of chemistry and energy that like Gao Hanyu and Ji Xiaobing and Mao Zijun and Ian Yi shared.  Like, it was electric and gripping and believable.  Also, the entire cast is just...so good.  Like the squad is very good, the leads are good, the villains/suspects/criminals are good (and their backstories and motives are believable) and it’s just...yes.
So, if you want a really good crime drama that focuses mainly on the cases and solving the cases and also solving an overarching case (gotta be one of my favorite things in a crime drama, honestly) with also really good fucking leads that have great fucking chemistry like Killer and Healer and S.C.I. then you absolutely need to check out Under the Skin.  10/10 would fucking watch again, my god.
Also, according to the last few minutes, it seems that we’re getting a Season 2 and um...yes please
73 notes - Posted March 16, 2022
Ah episode 8, my beloved.  Probably one of my favorite episodes to rewatch, I shit you not
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First we start off with rain...rain is always essential when filming an angsty shot
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79 notes - Posted January 16, 2022
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84 notes - Posted August 11, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Ryu Su Yeol:
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175 notes - Posted January 28, 2022
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ijwrsmff · 2 years
Could you maybe do a yandere Luffy x reader? 👉👈 maybe he finally blows up at Sanji for constantly flirting with them? Or one of the marines threatens to kidnap them and he snaps? Or maybe they’re already kidnapped? I just wanna see Luffy beat someone up in the name of their love 🥺
Here you gooooo! It’s longer than I meant for it to be XD. About 1,500 words. I went with the “marines kidnapping reader” Because that’s the one my brain created first. I will warn, there is brief torture, and brief depictions of Luffy killing people. Not described, only referenced. Oh and lots of swearing. 
TW; Brief mentions of torture, tw; swearing, tw; death
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Damn it…damn it, damn it, DAMN IT!
How could you let this happen?
You were fighting the marines as you usually did, this time to protect a village. You had stopped with your crew on a smaller island, one that wasn’t even picked up by the log pose. 
After doing some investigation, you found out the marines had destroyed and hurt many of the towns and villas on the island. With Nami’s history, and Luffy’s righteous nature, it wasn’t a surprise to any of you Luffy initiated war with these marines. 
The fight had encompassed a whole town (which wasn’t that big to begin with), and was supposed to be easy. And to be fair…it was. 
At least…that’s what you thought. 
You had defeated your fair share, and took a second to breathe. That was your first mistake. 
Before you could process what was happening, you’d be cuffed with sea-stone cuffs, and a hand was placed over your mouth. The grip on you was tight…and with the power of the sea-stones, you felt more than a little weak. 
The last thing you saw before passing out was Luffy fighting some bigger enemies in the distance. 
‘Luffy…help me…’ You thought as you lost consciousness. 
When you awoke, you were in a cage, sea-stone handcuffs still tightly secured around your wrists. 
You took in your surroundings, and there really…wasn’t much to see. 
A small cage, but big enough to comfortably move around, and a large door. Other than that? Absolutely nothing. Not even a window to look out of to see where you were. 
You heard the sounds of arguing outside of that door, but couldn’t pick up on any of the words. It wasn’t long then until someone walked in. A marine. Typical…
He sneered at you, and mumbled “Fucking pirate…” 
“Actually I’m not doing that now, but maybe later.” You sassed. It was just in your nature. 
His look only turned colder, and he opened the cage door. 
You jumped up, but quickly sank back down. Damn cuffs…
He didn’t say another word before you felt a harsh slap to your face, causing your look to grow just as dark as his was…if not more. 
“IF IT WASN’T FOR YOUR CREW WE WOULD HAVE HAD THAT WHOLE ISLAND UNDER OUR THUMB! DO YOU KNOW HOW FAR BACK YOU PUSHED OUR PLANS?” He kicked your chest, knocking you back, causing you to land awkwardly on your hands and wrists. 
You huffed, “Not wasting any time here, are you?” You tried to sit up but he pressed his foot to your abdomen, keeping you down. 
He smirked and it caused a wave of disgust to wash over you. “Oh don’t worry. We have all the time in the world. You’ll be our prisoner…until the day you die. Which will be a lot sooner than you might think.” He spat towards your face, only causing you to feel even more disgust for this marine. 
“You really…really don’t know who my captain is, do you?” You matched his smirk, which earned you a swift kick to the side. 
The smirk never left your face, knowing the worst state you were in, the worse it would be for these marines. If they were the type to kidnap someone, and torture them on top of that? They deserved what was coming to them. 
Not to mention the poor state they left the island in. None of those people deserved it, everyone you met in your brief time on the island…they were so catering to you and your crew. Marines…you despised them for what they’d done. Not just to that island, but your own as well. 
The torture…it only continued from there. You blocked most of it out, taking a stance of neutrality. You’d been through worse. Keeping a blank face, and never making a noise of pain no matter how much your body demanded you to. 
Who knows how much time passed. After the marine you were with left, another simply came in to do the exact same thing. 
Finally, after what felt like days…you were left alone. Bloody,  curled over at the stomach, and bleeding from who knows how many places. God…you felt like one giant bruise. 
You felt the need to cry out, but ignored it. You could tell you were on a ship…the slight swaying from time to time indicated that. After how long you’d been on the Sunny, you knew what it felt like to be on a boat. 
Maybe…maybe the marines were right. What if your crew never found you…what if…
A loud cry from a man alerted you. 
Heh…he was here. You just knew it. 
“MEN! STAND YOUR GROUN-AH!” A loud thud against the floor told you everything you needed to know. 
Then…he busted through the door. Your Luffy. 
If you were anyone else, that dark look on his face would have scared you silly. But you knew no matter how dark that face was, he would never…EVER hurt you. Though you couldn’t say the same about the marines. 
“L-Luffy!” You smiled up at him. 
He knelt down, and unlocked the cage. How did he find the keys so quickly? 
It didn’t matter. You were saved. 
He took the cuffs off next, and his look somehow turned even darker when he fully took in your condition. 
He growled, and took off his hat, placing it carefully on your head. 
He put a finger under your chin, and placed a kiss to your forehead. “I’ll be back.” 
The tone was cold, and you almost flinched at it. He saw this and he put his mouth next to your ear, whispering in only words for you to hear “I’m going to make them pay.” 
At that point Chopper rushed in, and quickly began dressing your wounds. He had a large medical kit with him, apparently they had been anticipating your horrible condition. 
Some time passed, and Chopper didn’t say a word. His look was full of concern for you and a little bit of…fear. 
“Chopper…what’s wrong?” He looked at you briefly before looking back to your wounds. 
“He…he gave us an order.” He gulped. “I…it doesn’t sound very Luffy-like.” 
You tilted your head before wincing at the prodding of Chopper at your wounds. “S-sorry! I know…it must hurt.” Your concerned doctor sounded quiet. Almost…shy. 
“What…what was the order?” 
“Kill them all.” 
Your eyes widened. Luffy never killed any of your enemies…unless they gave him a very…very good reason to. But he avoided it whenever possible. 
The cries of the marines had a whole different meaning now. They were literally fighting for their lives. And you knew as well as Chopper and the rest of your crew…none of those marines stood a chance. 
Now with each passing wail from a marine, you flinched. They were…really killing everyone. You thought they deserved it…but do they really deserve to die because they kidnapped you? Beat you up a little? 
When the door opened you looked up in fear. It was Luffy. 
Chopper had long since been done addressing your wounds, and it looked as if Luffy had some of his own wounds now as well. 
He walked over to you silently, and you could see blood…so much blood…
“Luffy! Are you okay?” Your fear of him was overwhelmed by concern for your lover. He could take a beating, but it didn’t stop you from being worried for him. 
He gave you his signature Luffy smile…that looked very sinister in this exact moment. 
“It’s okay. None of it’s my blood.” He walked over to you, and tried to help you up, but your legs couldn't carry any of your weight and you fell into him. 
He frowned, “Y/n…” He effortlessly picked you up, and you headed out of your cell. 
The sight that awaited you…was something out of a horror movie. It almost made you gag to think that your crew could harm people in such ways. 
Luffy looked down at you, and gave another small smile, “Don’t worry. None of them got away!” 
“But Luffy…why did you have to KILL them all…?” 
He leaped over the side onto the waiting Sunny, and slowly walked to his room, not answering your question just yet. 
Setting you on your shared bed, he took his hat back and patted your head. 
“Because…you’re MY Y/n.” His look turned dark, “Anyone who hurts you doesn’t deserve to live on the same planet as you. They got what was coming to them.” 
Before you could register the dark look, it was back to the same careless smile he always had. 
For a moment…it was comforting. But the memory of those marine’s corpses was too much to take. You rolled over in the bed and closed your eyes. 
Luffy whined, “Aw…do we have to sleep now?” He hummed in thought, “You must be really tired.” And you felt his weight next to you, every inch of your bodies touching. 
You knew in that moment…he really would never let you go. 
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Freakshow & Jason
Idea what if Freakshow's orb/something similar works on Jason : I  but it takes a while for the group to realize he being mind controlled eoe
until the fact that he's completely silent and doing petty thieving or maybe even some dirtier work for freakshow uou
maybe its a fragment of the orb so it only works on one subject at a time. Freakshow didn't mean to use it on Jason(red hood) but found out it works. Maybe stole it and was caught but then it turns out it works eoe
This is an interesting idea. And it’d be so different from his ‘normal’ criminal behavior. You’ve made me curious
yes because at first the bats think Jason lost it again
but then it gets stranger
I think it’s like: “alright, Jason fell off the band wagon. What elaborate thing is he going to try this time?”
And then, “wait a minute… this doesn’t seem right”
because it seems odd what he's stealing and why there is no banter when confronted… then realize he isn't in control
maybe to restore the orb or maybe restore some other artifact is Freakshow's goal
one to use on Phantom and maybe even more than ghosts
Yep, you’ve got me intrigued
i just thought it be an interesting way to merge the worlds without any of the heroes really involved
And Jason’s proved that he can rely on muscle memory when his mind isn’t there
like Danny Phantom n stuff
lol imagine they do defeat freakshow and they see a picture of a white hair kid on a dart board XD
And they’re like, should we go make sure this kid is okay?
At least investigate him
yes probably figured out through freakshows monologuing that "Phantom" is his next target
ugh damn cant explain my thoughts
I can see this causing a lot of inner conflict too. Because Jason would have been aware they thought he just went off the deep in. Also concern(especially Batman) there might be more relics that affect Jason like that too.
Yep! Though, as a neat side note. In Nightwing: Blood Brothers (not brothers in blood- that’s a different storyline). Someone is impersonating Jason… and Dick is like, “was this you?” Jason tells him ‘no’ and that’s good enough for Dick
It’s weird. Jason canonically thinks he’s closest with Tim (post crazy days) due to their shared ‘they’re living in Dick’s shadow’… but in reality, Dick’s probably the one who’s actually closest to Jason in the family
Save for Alfred
that's what it seems like to me LOL from limited view I had.
Alfred is the exception to them all
i would read just a comic of Alfred’s interactions with all the bats :I
We just need a compilation of just Alfred’s sass
that would also be good reference LOL
but yea i just thought this be a neat way to introduce the bats to Phantom. Ooo make them go to amity park....
I like thinking of setups for big stories.. eAe (my brain think in show logic LOL how to continue story to story )
Oh, because the idea hit me. What if Freakshow ground up what was left of his orb and it was the powder that affected Jason?
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Also, I’m now convinced it’s red obsidian
maybe because Freakshow comes from a family of ghost obsessed parents he has recognize red hood was something ghostly
Which is both stupidly hard and brittle at the same time
And is associated with spirits
and since it was already shattered
it probably wasn't that hard to ground up
It’s also stupidly sharp
Uh, obsidian is the sharpest natural substance known to man. They were looking into making surgical tools with it
maybe trick red hood into going after him. amg imagine red hood not being affected at first because the helmet but once he takes the helmet off he inhales it. Making him bust out freakshow who just got arrested.
Bats assuming it was just a jail break because more than freakshow got loose.
thats neat >:O
Oh, if the dust from it is on the helmet and Jason accidentally inhales it while cleaning it…
Jason probably feeling stupid for it though ToT
but eoe maybe the bats find the dust on the rag in his apartment
or safehouse he was last in eoe
once they realize he isn't acting normal even for Jason
Either stupid or frustrated. He knows he needs to take precautions due to fear toxins and the pollens and stuff Ivy uses… but at the same time, stone dust. Why should that affect him?
yes maybe he just got into a fight with his family too well more an argument(probably with Bruce) while finishing his rounds so he was just angry and frustrated
Also why the bats think Jason might have lost it
Yes. Especially if a physical altercation happened…
oo yes reason he was just so ready to rip off the helmet without a second thought and clean everything as normal
he was still just pissed off
which leads to him being controlled and lead to the bats thinking they caused Jason to loose it.. but then figure out something isn't right. Do some investigating of where he last been before this. After the fight.. finding the red dust on a clothes and some trace of it where Jason sat down.
Poor Jason
they did assume he lost it
but perhaps focusing on the person Freakshow really wanted to target, will distract him some. Cause Jason probably heard a lot in that state.. and the picture looked like a kid.
all the other bats feeling so guilty for just thinking he lost it… especially if Jason calls them out
Yeah - I think it’s stated in freakshow’s original episode that the other ghosts know what’s going on but had lost their free will… though Danny’s memories are hazy…?
I might be wrong
It’s been a while
And since it’s powdered, would the effects wear off after a while?
I would think so
its been a while too
yes i imagine so
so by the time the bats intervene/know what's wrong Jason is able to fight control. Ooo imagine him pretending he's not for a moment so he can get a drop on freakshow eoe
He would do that
bats intervene just to find out the thing wore off and Jason was just fishing for more info now LOL
freakshow order Jason to attack he just dropkicks him instead like yeah... no : I ur dirty trick wore off
“I mean, it’s fun to have an excuse to antagonize the bat and his birds, but you decided to control me, and I don’t particularly like that”
LOL yes Though he probably would have wanted to punch them all for taking so long : I  but that would make them think he was doing it because someone told him to and he doesn't appreciate that.
Jason’s memories hazy but very clearly remember moments of maybe like Dickie trying to convince him to stop, brief moments of Freakshow monologuing... and now he got the tailor end of what Freakshow was planning to do.
also if i may throw my two cents: Jason would snap out of it if he's being ordered to harm/kill a kid
of course~
lol just now imagining they go to investigate and Danny staying as far from them as he can XD because ppl that come from out of town asking about him cant be good : I
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aquaburst3 · 2 years
I'm bored, so I want to make a list of some of the TWST boys and which one of the Disney Princesses/Heroines that they would be the most compatible with. Let's begin!
Vil=Belle: I don't see him being drawn to an aged up Snow White or Neige. He might find a partner like that too naïve and airy, which would grind his gears. However, I can see him going for someone like Belle.
Contrary to how it might seem at first, Vil isn't vain. He has a lot of issues with his appearances, don't get me wrong, but he values people's intelligence and hard work above all else. He's friends with Jack, who is fair from being the pretty boy archetype. One of his voice lines, Vil says that he admires the Evil Queen, even in her hag form due to her intelligence.
Belle fits that bill. She's very intelligent and clever, being able to put him in his place before he does something stupid. I can see him admiring that about her.
Jamil=Jasmine or Moana: Both of these ladies share his desire to break out of their current circumstances and travel the world, being able to understand him at a fundamental level. Jasmine's feisty and sassy nature would break down his walls while Moana's adventurous spirit would do the same. He would admire both of their wits, bravery and abilities to stand up for themselves. Jamil dating someone rich would also help to dismantle a lot of his biases about the Asims.
(Fun fact: I also dabble in astrology, and according to his birth chart, he's destined to have a rich partner. Do with that information as you will.)
Riddle=Luz or Alice (both aged up): @thosebrookfieldgirls mentioned this one, and I tend to agree. While Luz isn't a Disney Princess, she is a heroine from a Disney show. She's like a modern day Alice in a lot of ways with her curiosity and love of fantasy. I can see her falling for him for similar reasons that she fell for Amity. He can teach her to value rules and help bring her down to earth while she can make him break out of his shell, and help him loosen up and have fun again. Same thing goes for Alice.
Malleus=Aurora: Malleus would fall for a partner would is kind hearted and wouldn't judge him. I think she fits that bill. Honestly, this dynamic feels a lot like canon MalleYuu. xD
Leona=Eilonwy (aged up): Eilonwy, for those of you who don't know, is the princess from The Black Cauldron. She is very fiery and determined, so she wouldn't put up with his BS, being able to call him out when he needs it. I can see him doing the same in reverse. I can see them sharing a similar dynamic to Kris/Leona from Thorns and Ink in that regard.
Azul=Ariel or Reille: They both similar interests in the human world, wanting to prove others around them wrong, and hobbies like collecting things. They would have a good understanding for one another. If she knew him as a kid, she would stand up for him against his bullies, which make him no doubt form a crush on her. I can see him thinking her voice is beautiful. Similar thing goes for Reille if he's like the princess he's based on.
Idia=Meg: Meg's extroversion and sass would break Idia out of his shell. They would be the ultimate beauty influencer/gamer boy power couple. xD
Epel=Mulan: They are both determined and fiery spirits, who would do anything to protect those they care about. I can see them bonding and understanding each other due to that.
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asterekmess · 3 years
I really liked your post on the relationship between Stiles and the Sheriff. Honestly, a lot of the main parents in the show are just genuinely good parents, particularly Melissa and Noah. Stiles means a lot to me as a character because his ADHD actually feels real, instead of just "quirky", if you know what I mean? I have to believe that at least one person in the writer's room knew what they were doing with regards to that. The scene that really got me was the circumcision one between the sheriff and Finstock, mostly because that is exactly something I would do. The insane research and paper writing on the wrong topic, that is. (Actually, I have done that, I've just gotten better at finding loopholes in the assignment instructions to justify it over the years). And yeah, seeing a parent who gets it and doesn't shame or embarrass their kid because of it also means a lot to me. So, I guess I was glad to see I'm not the only one? Representation matters, I guess.
You're absolutely right that representation matters, and I'm really glad that you were able to see yourself in Stiles. I did too, in a lot of ways! It was such a wild thing to see someone be as bouncy as me on screen and have them say Outright that it was because he had ADHD. (I have the hyperactivity subset, so I super vibed with him)
My feelings on the parents of TW are an extremely mixed bag in some ways, but I do love having Noah get what's going on.
I mean, even in some really non-pretty ways? Like...that scene in season 1 before the parent-teacher conference. He goes into Stiles' room and asks if he's going to get good news, and Stiles asks what he defines as good news. Noah says "good grades, and no behavioral issues" and Stiles Cringes.
And I know it sounds like a funny joke, or maybe even a real dick move on his dad's part.
But it was honest. ADHD kids are practically DIAGNOSED by how much trouble they get into in school, and while often that's based on stupid shit like us getting in trouble for stimming quietly at our desks or 'seeming' like we're not paying attention because we're doodling or something...often it's not. Often it's because we Will Not Stop Talking. Or because we get in fights. Or get up and leave the room because we didn't want to wait for permission. Or sass the teachers. Or break things. Real Reasons.
His dad is being fucking honest here. He's not Yelling at Stiles, I'll note. He's not threatening him. There are no 'if I don't hear good news, there will be consequences' or 'I'm going to be ashamed of you if it's not good news.' He's just admitting that this is a Problem. That he defines good news as 'no behavior problems' and that he knows that's Not Likely to be the case, because Stiles is not only a little shit, but he's just Going to get in trouble sometimes.
I was the most Ridiculous goodie-two-shoes in middle school, and i STILL got detention, because i was REading Too Much. Sounds like a dick move from the teacher, except that I literally refused to put my book down and listen to the class. At all. I Deserved that detention. It just HAPPENS.
But yeah, Noah being a parent who doesn't constantly yell at his kid and give him groundings and take things away because Stiles got a detention or didn't clean his room...is nice. XD
I have more thoughts on Stiles' ADHD, but I think I'll make it a separate post. In the meantime, I'm happy to see another ADHD Stiles fan! ♥♥
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Tierlist The Narrator
Announcer, gremlin, sweet, blabbermouth both good and bad, and that element of mystery? Yeah you have me hook line and sinker. He’s another favorite of mine!
I’ve always been really sad that the announcer isn’t included in most shows! AND THIS ONE ALL OUT GETS UPSET WHEN HE FEELS LEFT OUT?! Tiny kid’s headcanons are being confirmed. My life has meaning.
He has sooooo much sass. You can practically hear the smirk sometimes. And yeah. If you’ve been on my blog for any amount of time you know I run on salt HAHA!
But he’s also such a good friend! And a big sweetheart! 🥺
He has his moments where… dude chill. But who doesn’t? Also sometimes stop tattling you goober! XD
HES PRETTY MUCH THE VOICE OF THE FAMDOM! And he fits me perfectly. Not sure about y’all. But he sometimes took words out of my mouth.
I have a headcanon that he’s a dude from another dimension, and that dimension’s entertainment is watching dimensions. So he was channel serving and found Word Girl. And got to where he watched it a lot. And even announced for it. But just like zoom calls, he forgot to mute one day. And thus he now pretends this is his job (really he’s goofing off while working) and playing announcer for his favorite little hero! (He ships people and has theories and stuff just like the rest of the fandom hehehehhehehehhee I think it’s funny)
I saw fan art once that someone drew him with a microphone for a head? I reeeeeally like that idea! (My cuphead fan talking) if you could find that could you send it to me? 😅
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toujoursmiraculous · 3 years
Thoughts and Reaction to SIMPLEMAN
A day late but that's what happens when good subs aren't out until the next day, and you're busy that day. This episode is so sweet and wholesome that it was worth it, for sure. I'm still not sure which one is Ella and which one is Etta. They're always addressed together so I just don't know, but I'd like to. ;-; (Note: Looked it up on Wikia, the one in pink with seafoam earrings is Etta, the one in seafoam and pink earrings is Ella) See Nino knows. Nino's concerned about Marinette babysitting three kids already. He lives with one all the time, times that by 4 and WOO that's crazy. Sweet of her to want to ensure her best friend has some time to relax with her boyfriend. Oh. OH those poor Kwami! Especially Fluff and her ears being pulled like a game of tug-of-war! I can see it now, Fluff now traumatized by young kids. So if Alix ever has any in the future, they better grow up knowing about Fluff right away or she's in for a horror show. PV TRAILER AND MUSIC! I'm such a fan of the music and the PV that when my sister told me about it, it made me even more excited for this episode than I already was. And I was very excited already! Manon: So? Aren't you going to answer it? She knows what's up. So Adrien's calling asking Marinette to help sew on a wing? Because nobody else there can do it? I dunno, sounds kind of sus to me, Adrien. Are you sure you're not using that as an excuse just to see your "friend"?
Marinette's biggest problem is thinking so far ahead in her brain that when she goes to speak, she's either way far ahead of herself or gets everything mixed up as it comes out of her mouth. If she just lived in the moment and didn't plan (which being Ladybug that's probably very hard not to do outside the costume), she'd be able to do this and overcome that fear of rejection as well. She seems to have that part fairly taken care though. When Gina said she was in China to learn Kung Fu and met a girl that reminded her of Marinette, instantly thought about Fei. How could it not be her? Rolland gets asked to babysit, immediately is like "Let's do something fun and dangerous!" Tom must have had an interesting childhood with Rolland and Gina. o.o Clearly Rolland doesn't realize who the heroes are based on. Or just completely forgot he met them when Bakerix. xD Adrien's so sweet with Marinette, even if he can't understand a single thing she says. That's adorable. But a really good way to thank her could've been "Would you stay and watch the photoshoot, and then maybe we could go do something fun/get something to eat after?" BOOM. Problems solved. But I have a feeling this may come back later, and maybe that would turn out better. Marinette's grandparents tend to give Hawk Moth/Shadowmoth the most sass and trouble in comparison to other Parisians. XD Rolland is so sweet to these kids, and they are so caring towards him. It's so wholesome! Just think: if that helicopter wasn't crashing behind her, she would've screamed she loved Adrien. So close. Simpleman is the chillest akuma. Being all "Hey kids, even though I'm akumatized, let's go out into the city!" and the kids are like "Yeah, okay. Hey let's get ice cream!"
Him protecting them from all the flying pizza boxes that guy was throwing around everywhere was super sweet too. LB and CN: Things are complicated. So we should find Shadow Moth directly. Let's run around the city screaming for him to come find us so we can fight him! I seriously think if Chat Noir or Ladybug brought up the fact that their identities made things complicated, they would've revealed themselves right then and there. LOL at the old school fighting and them behaving like young children xD "NO!" "I'm NaNa, ClaCla is no longer with NaNa! Paris is really messy! BuggyBug, KittyKity, help us!" Oh this is going to be so hilarious in the English dub with the voice actress who also voices Nathalie. XDDD A bouncy ball is very complicated for Ladybug. That a literal 5 year old can figure out. Wow this villain's power sure did a number on her. xD I find it all the more stressful actually, that Chat Noir and Ladybug can remember what they were doing the whole time they were affected by the akuma. That means if Marinette said she loved him, or they revealed their identities, there would be no going back or being able to make an excuse for it. Can we just talk about how those kids could understand that the reason he wants things to be simple and is upset that the world is so different, is because it scares him and he doesn't think he's capable of learning and changing with the world? A majority of adults these days can't even take two seconds to try to understand someone else's situation(s) before judging and being outright nasty people towards them. Yet these kids were able to do so. And a lot of kids actually are like they are in real life. Some may see this as an episode just for kids to appreciate, but there's a lot in here that's aimed at adults, too. Adults need reminders and these lessons just as much, if not more so than young kids. It's adults that lose their way and needed to be reminded of it, as they have a greater immediate impact on the world. I've seen so many people judge Rolland, make assumptions about him which is almost always the very worst things they could think of. But this episode shows how caring and willing to learn and understand he really is, he was just hiding behind his fear of change and not being able to keep up with it. Some lessons in this episode for the adult viewers are: -You're never too old to learn, get over your fears, try new things, become a better person, and see things through new eyes. -Don't over-complicate or overthink, but don't be lazy and think keeping everything simple will actually in reality be the answer, sometimes it can make things worse! -Kids tend to see the world as things are, not what they think it should be, or believing they're the center of the universe like adults tend to do. -Being wise means knowing that regardless of your field, educational background, age, or lived experiences, you don't know everything, there is always more for you to learn about everything out there. The kids in this show are quite wise, as they know that there is so much they don't know and how they treat learning new things. They also know how adults tend to understand, or act like they understand everything, so we as adults aren't used to it when we don't and react negatively to that because it scares us when we don't know. In that way, this episode was very brilliant! Also that hug at the end, oh you can bet these kids are going to want to go visit Grandpa Rolland, and honestly I'd love to see bits of them here and there, their bonds are adorable and they've changed his life in such a positive way. Also the pure Ladynoir without another hero or Alya or any kind of upsetting situation was honestly such a breath of fresh air! Maybe not the kind of Ladynoir people wanted, but it made me happy. Marinette acknowledged her problem is she's scared of Adrien rejecting her. First step is admitting it! Can't blame her for not being able to do what she wanted, she only just realized the issue after all. It's going to take a little time now to work on it! Is it just me, or
does it seem Adrien's almost trying not to laugh when she was messing up and then asked if he liked fishing? XD Maybe it was the actors tone with the facial expression but it seemed that way! But the way he just watches her run away and does that adorable little chuckle... Oh Adrien, we really need you to start realizing why you keep doing that. "She (Ladybug) reminds me of your grandmother and you know what? You look exactly like her (Ladybug)." Well. Oop. He's onto you! Apparently Rolland isn't blind, as not a single character suspected her from her personality or appearance to be Ladybug so far. Even Adrien only began piecing it together due to circumstances (and his own personal wish that Marinette is LB, you can't convince me otherwise this isn't true). This is going to come back later, possibly Dearest Family? Overall such a good episode with a lot of things in it, if you decide to watch without high expectations or biases. After all the angst lately, it was certainly needed as a nice change of pace.
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