askfeliandmoni · 8 years
Remember! This is my new ask blog! 
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askfeliandmoni · 8 years
New Blog is Live!
I talked to a few people, and they admitted that they liked seeing the old posts on this blog. So, I’m keeping it up.
However, AskItaxNyoGer is live! I hope you guys enjoy!
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askfeliandmoni · 8 years
New Blog is Live!
I talked to a few people, and they admitted that they liked seeing the old posts on this blog. So, I’m keeping it up.
However, AskItaxNyoGer is live! I hope you guys enjoy!
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askfeliandmoni · 8 years
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Conventions always inspire to draw these dorks.
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askfeliandmoni · 9 years
Hey, of course we care! We're all here to support and love you! Don't worry about the blog- just take care of yourself! Mental health is just as important as physical health! It's okay if it takes you time to get better, it won't get better instantly. But if you work at it and stay determined, it'll all get better soon! It's okay to have worse days and cry and feel hopeless sometimes- that's only natural. Just remember that you can and are better than your depression and you can't let it win
(Same anon from the previous ask) Just remember to keep smiling! With your strength and determination, you can do it! I believe in you! You need to believe in yourself too! You can do it! Good luck!!! It'll all be better soon!
((My goodness, you’re sweet! I’ll definitely take all of this to heart, and remember these kind words when times get rough. Anyone who is dealing with the same problems I am should definitely remember this.))
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askfeliandmoni · 9 years
Hey, hey! D: I'm so sorry about what you're going through. Please don't feel bad for not posting; depression is horrible. It sucks the life out of everything, and we don't want you to blog unless you enjoy it. You are an awesome, amazing, fantastic person, and your thoughts, feelings, and opinions matter as much as anyone's. I don't know how to word things correctly, as it's the middle of the night, so I apologize for any awkwardness written in this ask, but please remember that we care!
((Okay, not only have I received this ask, but also a fanmail message for me regarding my post and I want to cry. Not sad cry, but happy cry, because it shows that you guys care. I’m actually at a loss for words. Thank you for the kind words. *hugs*))
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askfeliandmoni · 9 years
Admin Post Regarding constant absense
((This will get personal so if you don’t like this stuff, feel free to ignore.))
((So I have been saying oh yeah I’ve been dealing with personal issues so I haven’t been that active. Yes I have been dealing with personal issues but I never really said much.
I’ve been fighting clinical depression and generalized anxiety disorder for more than a year now, and they’ve really hindered my motivation and desire to work on this blog. For a while, I’ve been able to get through with it and post as much as I can. 
I had plans for this blog this summer. I was going to do a 500 event special, which I never figured out what to do. I also was going to finally do the RomaxNyoSpa wedding event and give the two a bit of backstory, as was requested by people in the ask box. I was going to post a lot since I had the time now.
But my depression worsened, and all I could manage to draw were sketches. There were random bursts of “I’m going to work super hard on the ItaxNyoGer blog!” but they’d last for a day or two before I went back into the slump of no motivation or even focus. I was having trouble figuring out asks, the drawings for events never went through because nothing looked great. Soon, I wasn’t even sketching or doodling. And then some days, I couldn’t get the strength to turn on my laptop. 
I’ve been stubborn about medication, and refused to even try to take anti-depressants. A month ago, I realized that therapy alone wasn’t helping, and I broke down in tears in my therapist’s office because of it. Medication was brought up, and I flew into rage. Crumpled up the clinic’s behavioral health phone number. It was the worse breakdown I’d ever had. A couple days later, I reflected everything, and called the clinic to make an appointment to be evaluated for medication.
My appointment was today, and my psychiatrist did make the confirmation that yes, I have clinical depression and GAD. We talked, and decided on a medication for me that could help. I’ll start taking them tomorrow morning. 
I’m really hoping this medication will help get me back on track with everything. And I’d love to post for you guys again. I still see people liking and reblogging posts, and even shown concern when I apologize for not posting. This means the people still show interest and that means a lot for me. I don’t want to abandon this.
Thank you again.))
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askfeliandmoni · 9 years
"A little bit of Monika in my life..." am I right Feli???
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askfeliandmoni · 9 years
If Monika's stronger, can we see her picking up Feli bridal style??
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askfeliandmoni · 9 years
Hey Feli. I heard that if you think of your muscles, it will make you stronger.
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askfeliandmoni · 9 years
feli, have you ever fell jealous for monika?
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“I wanna be strong too.”
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askfeliandmoni · 9 years
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((To get back onto this blog, I wanted to do some doodles to kinda figure out how I’m gonna draw certain characters. I’m a messy sketcher, oops. Also there are captions.
With Monika, I’ve always had trouble drawing her to the point where sometimes she looks unattractive, which makes me sad. I want to have her look more feminine, yet still strong. So, I tried to draw that.
Feliciano, I want to have a standard male face shape, but still keep that cuteness he has. I think I did decent in that.
And I figured since I’ve seen interest in Lovino and Carmen, I’d learn how to draw them better. Lovino, I want his face to look more square than Feliciano’s, and Carmen, my main focus is getting her hair to look good. Actually, I want to start an event that has them in it soon. 
Hope to give a legit update soon!))
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askfeliandmoni · 9 years
Don't worry about it! Just take care of yourself!
((Thank you. I’d like to get back into drawing again, soon.))
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askfeliandmoni · 9 years
((I just wanted to apologize for being inactive for some time now. Basically I’ve been dealing with some personal issues and it’s affected my motivation to draw, and creativity in general. I’ll try my hardest to get posting again. Thank you for your patience.))
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askfeliandmoni · 9 years
Have you ever taken Monika out to watch the stars?
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“Should do that again now that it’s getting warmer.”
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askfeliandmoni · 9 years
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ItaGer/FeliMoni Cosplay @Animmineapolis
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askfeliandmoni · 9 years
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ItaGer/FeliMoni Cosplay @Animmineapolis
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