Would you like these fresh strawberries?
creator: ''sure! although I prefer lemons though...'' Fey fey: ''YESS! the juice remind some of bloooood!'' Felicia: ''yes and fey fey stop being a weirdo''
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What would be your guy’s theme songs?
Creator: ''dunno I think that song that's called Creator!'' Felicia: ''hmm...dunno'' Feyfey: *boss music plays*
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What are your guys’ favorite movies?
Creator: Bambi Felicia(wh): jaws Fey fey: .....*starts singing the MLP movie into song*
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Creator, what do you think of the song Creator by Lena Raine?
she likes it- the other Creator (F3l1c1aF0x)
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yeah I think shes not in this world anymore
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A Mx. Rhombus drawing, I didn't render it BUT I am studying more about light and shadow so I can make better drawings! (Oh and Mx. Rhombus's clothes don't have an official design! So feel free to draw em wearing whatever you want!)
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Oh and I have a reblog banner now! Isn't it cool?
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gives fey fey a water gun
Wh Felicia: ''who gave her a fricking gun! AND WHY A WATER GUN???'' Creator: ''im scared''
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*yoinks the creator from the wall*
shes petralized (I can't spell for the life of me)
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she isn't holding up to well
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Jolly Ranchers for all
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Felicia: ''thanks!'' WH Felicia: *went to her room but she said thanks for the jolly ranchers* Creator: *still stuck in a wall*
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Creator: ''noice'' Felicia: ''huh-'' WH Felicia: '' skeleton...playing a trumpet....made out of spegetti...nice''
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okay so I want to try to answer asks with art now just so I can capture the moment more so from now on I will try to answer asks with art and the chaos (remember Creator is still on catnip....I wonder who gave out to her) so yeah if I don't answer with a drawing its simply: I either didn't have time or I just didn't feel well enough to draw thank you for listening and I hope you come visit the trio soon! they are wating
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🌹🌹🌹 rosas para todos ustedes
Felicia: ''thanks!'' Wh Felicia: ''thank you, I'm just gonna hold onto Creators... shes still has the zoomies''
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*the trio peacefully waiting for more mail*
Wh Felicia: ''im going to bed see you in the morning'' Felicia: ''me too'' Creator: ''ZOOOOOOOOMMMMM I stole Felicia's catnip!''
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Are you guys related? :)))
Felicia + WH Felicia (I'm guessing that's who your asking): ''NOPE! were the same person just from different universes! we may look the same but we are two different people!'' (meanwhile with Creator) Creator: ''ZOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM''
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(not an answer to an ask but an update on how our trio is going)
Creator: *zoomies around the house* Wh Felicia: ''...who gave Creator catnip?...or anything with lemon?'' Felicia: ''not me'' Creator: ''YIPPIEEEEE GRRRRRRRR'' *the house has a mess*
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Tell me one thing about your family, two Felicias
Maybe one thing about each family member
Felicia + Wh Felicia: '' well we both have the same family, just different universe so I'll let Felicia take this one'' Felicia: ''thanks, SOOO I have a sister named Luna, shes a famous actor and shes part wolf, she got It from my dad, and I have a brother named Felix!, he's a famous singer who's part tiger like me! me and him get it from our mothers side''
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Felicia: ''strawberry'' Wh Felicia: ''yay free food'' Creator: *still has the zoomies for 5 more asks*
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Wh Felicia: ''WHO THE HELL GAVE HER CATNIP!'' Felicia: ''not me''' (it was her)
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