askkakureruandco · 2 years
Hey this is Chesh, the mod/mun behind this blog.
I kinda wrote myself into a corner here so I was thinking of rebooting the blog or doing another Nomu based ask blog.
Feel free to drop your opinions in the ask box I guess.
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askkakureruandco · 3 years
I'm stopping them, don't worry. H and Oboro aren't happy about it, and my ears are still ringing, but I've pointed out that we can't go get him. Not now. Not yet.
Gran Torino sent out a message asking for transport assistance so... I think he's been arrested. We're gonna try to get in there, make sure he's okay.
Thanks N. 
Just...make sure the eldrich cat man is alright. I don’t trust how they’re gonna treat him. 
- Dabi
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askkakureruandco · 3 years
I'll be right there with you. I'm pretty sure I know where Gran Torino is. We're headed there now. We will be bringing him home.
Shiggy’s panicking ngl so I’m taking over from here. 
Just...is he arrested or not? 
Also hate to be the logical one here, cause God knows I’m usually not, but wouldn’t it be suspicious if you all just went into there and tried to take a known villain? Like...I want Kaku back too but you guys just heading in there doesn’t sound like the best plan. Just...find out where he is maybe? 
- Dabi
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askkakureruandco · 3 years
I am going to fucking rip Gran Torino to shreds.
Hes not awnsrining
- Shigaraki 
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askkakureruandco · 3 years
We teach them how to be heroes. The right way. And then they go crazy from there.
Also, Loud Cloud didn't send that last message, so there's a hint for your search, Shiggy.
They’re all insane. 
Eh, I was generally addressing him cause holy shit lol. 
Eh...car chase time. I hope you can hear my cackling through the text. 
- Dabi
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askkakureruandco · 3 years
If Sensei wasn't in Tarturus I would kill him. License be damned.
It definitely isn't good that the whole positive/negative reinforcement thing sounds like the Commission....
And y u p. Both sides suck ass at this point. 
Also, we’re heading on the road ;) 
Sorry about the eventual collateral damage. 
We’re about to take the Shie Hassaikai’s king according to Crusty and some updates from Toga and Twice. Compress and Magne are excited and so am I. 
Ps, Loud Cloud, dude...wtf do you teach these kids. From what Toga says that Midoriya kid literally punched Ovehaul to bits. Jeez. 
- Dabi
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askkakureruandco · 3 years
It's... nice. To see that he had happy moments in between whatever Hell he was living in. I'm glad Shiggy got cuddles too.
From what I kinda gleaned off Shiggy it wasn’t too nice. This Sensei guy apparently was a pretty big fan of positive and negative reinforcement. It really fucked with both of their heads I think. 
I’m glad they had happy moments too, honestly. 
- Dabi
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askkakureruandco · 3 years
c u t e~! what's with the red glowy thing going on with one of mini Kakureru's shoulders, though?
I think that’s Erasure?? He can use it in one eye at a time and considering Crusty’s decay causing hands he was probably doing that to cuddle I guess? I would ask Crusty but he’s digging deep into somethin right now rip. 
- Dabi
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askkakureruandco · 3 years
Dabi! That is so adorable! Thank you so much! And don't you worry about the whole Shiggy killing you thing. You can come stay with me and H as thanks for this adorable picture.
Also, Shiggy. I have saved the picture. So have H and N. No take backs. We have saved the other photos on this blog as well.
More adorable pictures will grant you prizes.
Great. I have a back up plan for when Shiggy comes out of his research cave and realizes what I posted. My first plan was to run for my life and pray. 
Like I said, Crusty is in his research cave but I think he would be pissy about you saving the pictures so keep it up! 
And oh...I’m on a hunt then. More pictures coming up!
- Dabi
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askkakureruandco · 3 years
They’re not gonna find my body but I found a picture of baby Shiggy and tiny Kakureru. 
We need a mood lightener while we wait for things to unfold. 
- Dabi 
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askkakureruandco · 3 years
Just... be careful anyway, okay? We- we don't want to see you get hurt, Kaku... If at any time you think you're in trouble. Please call someone. If you put it on the blog then we'll be there. Stay safe.
I’ll be careful. I promise. 
- Kakureru
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askkakureruandco · 3 years
We were just informed of the young child as well. We are making plans and will help her. If you don't hurt any of the heroes, you are welcome to help us save her.
We’ll keep that in mind. I just let Toga and Twice know via text. 
Uh, nothing personal if one of them does end up hurting any of you. Gotta keep a fucking image you know...for the Doctor. I can only guarantee that any injury that happens to a hero will be superficial or in self defense. 
- Shigaraki
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askkakureruandco · 3 years
I...will not be around either for some time. 
I was left a few loose ends by the Master to clean up in case of his arrest and they were just given to me. 
I regrettably have to have a debriefing with the Doctor...so um...I am a bit nervous. He knows nothing of what’s been going on here as far as I know so things should be okay. 
Um...H, O and N...I will most likely be fine. It seems like a simple mission from the papers that were sent over to me. I...will miss talking with you all in the mean time. 
- Kakureru
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askkakureruandco · 3 years
I'm glad she's doing better! And that you can avoid the Doctor.
Do you guys have any plans for how you're gonna get back at Overhaul?
It’s a surprise, honestly. 
Also, Heroes. I know you’re watching the blog and you might already know this shit, but Overhaul is using a 6 year old as a labrat. Do something about it or we’ll be adding a playroom to the base. 
- Shigaraki 
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askkakureruandco · 3 years
Part of Shiggy-chan’s plan is to pretend to work with that man :T 
Shiggy had a second meeting and he’s basically lending me and Twice out to him as a show of good faith. Also~....Shiggy found out something...interesting bout what the wanna be plague doctor is planning. 
So me and Twice won’t be ‘round for a bit. :( 
But things are falling into place apparently so yay! 
- Toga
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askkakureruandco · 3 years
Is Magne feeling better?
She’s feeling better thankfully. 
Giran was able to hook us up with a new arm for her and someone to install it, so we’re avoiding going to the Doctor for that. There’s scarring though...but what’s a little scarring compared to her not being with us instead? 
I’m just glad she’s alright. 
- Mr. Compress
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askkakureruandco · 3 years
Society sucks. I- I almost didn't become who I am. But that doesn't mean you should hurt others. You could become heroes. Or vigilantes. Just- maybe think about it. Soon. Things are about to change.
They said they’ll think about it...but I do not think any of them will consider being heroes. That ship has long since sailed for many of us. 
- Kakureru
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