asklynden · 6 years
My dad is abusing me part 4
I can’t hardly believe what’s happened in recent events. My dad phoned me, so naturally I pretended to not be here and did not asnwer. He then sent me a txt message asking me to come over so I could sort out my suit. A suit for what? He’d decided I was going to his wedding as an usher. Didn’t even ask first. And he knows I have speaking problems so, an usher? Is he senile already??
Anyway I told him no, I told my sister too who was nosey enough to ask. I told me sis I couldnt go because I am an alcoholic. I’m not, but it felt like a good reason. I couldnt do that with my dad, giving him something to lecture me about? No thanks. So I just said I’d considered it and it wouldn’t work out.
Then my youngest bro who lives with my dad begins chatting with me. We talk and he’s doing well. The wedding comes up and we talk about it. I eventually bring up some issues I have, like how my partner is never invited, which kinda seems like there’s some prejudice going on. Apparantly my dad is just dum and thought my partner was just “a friend”. It doesn’t help that it’s not easy to explain my relationship with them. But we’re family without a doubt, and I love the heck out of them. But that’s enough about that, this post is meant to be about bad people, so back to my dad...
He started to seem less bad, and more stupid as things went along. Eventually the main topic came up. My dad owes me £3000. He’s got spending problems, so even though he has a very good job, he never has any money. I am the opposite of him in so many ways. I’d get money in a card from my grandparents to spend on what I want for my birthday and such. I never spent that money. I saved it. I was a very boring child. I then got a job at an Amazon warehouse. And yes it’s as bad as the rumors say. But not the first week. That first week they make it so easy that it’s actually fun. Then they make it harder and harder until it’s not doable anymore... Yeah you can just look up other people’s stories on that. It was hell. And deserves it’s own post. My dad is only relevant to the day I got fired.
That story, to keep it short went like this: I called in sick, because, I was sick. At about noon I got up out of bed to have something to eat and drink, and felt a bit better. My dad sees me and forces me into the car and drives me to my workplace. I don’t have a choice. I get in and walk right into my boss. I have never forgotten the look he gave me. “So you think you can just come and go when you want do you?” he asked me. What kind of person calls in sick and then shows up late instead? It looked to him like I just didn’t want to go in so early. It was because of that moment that my scanner never got upgraded like everyone elses did. I was told not to worry about the extra training session. I didn’t realise how clear it was at the time that this was the moment they decided to fire me. They gave me only a week after that day i think to keep working, all the while talking bad about my performance and how I needed to improve or else.
Sorry for that detour, but my dad got me fired from that job. And he’s never once helped me get a job before or since. But I had earned myself a nice amount of cash over these years. I earned a nice sum. My dad had many moments where he struggled. But I knew he was a bad spending since he bankrupt us back when he was living with my mum. It was cars that did it.
I don’t think he ever asked me for money. Instead it was just an “I’m sorry”. Naturally I said “I can lend you some money”. I don’t know if i fell for the bait, or if he really didn’t expect this. But I lent him money, and he promised he would pay me back. He was very grateful and aksed that I not tell anyone about this, since he’d feel so ashamed to have to borrow from his son. So, I kept it secret.
As time went on more things happened. His car had troubles and needed to be fixed, so I lent more. He couldnt pay the phone bill, so I lent more. He needed eggs for dinner, so I went out and paid for them. With the food I was always the one he sent to go buy it, and I’d often pay for it too, but he was meant to pay me back whatever it ended up being afterwords. I wrote this amount down, and I didn’t mind if a few were forgotten or he didn’t have the money at the time. I just kept the recipt for next time. These began to build up really badly. And before I knew it, he owed me over £3000. He never paid any of it back. Not until I moved out and tried to get him to.
So after I did leave, something I got no help with from him, because... Well I did it in secret. I saw a chance to get away from him and took it. Thank GOD I did. I was deeply depressed and my dad was against me taking anti-depressants. I was already on some, but had been calling them sleeping tablets to stop him from getting angry. Technically, they do make you drowsy, so it wasn’t quite a lie. But they did nothing for my depression. Which was at it’s breaking point. I moved out to a place only 10 minutes drive away. I regret being so scared to move further away. But this was my first time on my own. And I’ve got a few difficulties too that made it scarier.
During this time I struggled with rent far worse than i imagined. I asked my dad to help and he’d pull out £20 or one time £80 to help. I got whatever was in his pocket. And then one month he says “Don’t ask me for anymore money, not until October. I have it already all tied up in other things, sorry.” and so I stopped asked. October came, which was 4 months or more from then. And I forgot totally at this point to bring it up again. And so for another year I didn’t ask. And then another year. And in all that time he never once offered to pay me back. Never since this payment began growing did he ever offer to pay me back. He did offer to take me on holiday and said I could go for free, but, he’d not owe me anything anymore. It was a tempting deal, but I didn’t really like France that much. I said no.
Time went on and I heard abotu him going on holiday more and more, and buying new things, more cars. He had money to spare afterall, but still offered me nothing. Eventually our landlord decided to raise our rent by £100 a month. We were already overpaying for that crappy little place, and it wasn’t a case of “should we?” but “can we?”. And we could not. Oh “we” by the way is my roomate. The “partner” I mentioned earlier. So we had to move, and found a place 2/3 the cost and 3/2 the size much further away. It was a fantastic deal and we moved in.
My dad helped us move, by costing us around £1000. Because he did things cheaply, and told us to do things we werent allowed to do and got us fined. That needs it’s own post too. The damage he cause us is not something I added to the amount he owes though. I chose to just, not bring up that day at all.
So in our new place, doing well. Months of joy, when finally our old landlord tells us he’s not giving us our deposit back, but he also wants MORE money for damages. I didn’t even know this was legal to do. He took the deposit, and then a second amount the same. My mum had to come in and haggle for us because we were pretty much in tears over this. She saved us, and paid a lot of it for me. She expected my dad to do the same and save me, because this shock cost came out of nowhere and we were not ready. I dont have the amount on hand, but I recall I had to pay £800 myself, my mum paying more than that. £1500? £2000?
Anyway I ask my dad. Not to pay back what he owes, but to save me from seriously legal troubles. He did not help.
Over the next YEAR I was able to pay my mum back all that I owed her for bailing me out. And now I’m back on my feet, and could survive a shock payment if one somehow appeared. But I think I’m safe from that happening again. I hadn’t even thought about the money my dad owes me for ages now.
But this wedding, and talking to my little bro (yes finally back to the original topic) it came up. And my bro was like “Oh well I can talk to him and get that sorted. I was chuffed and said I’d go to the wedding. My dad is honestly fun to be around when it comes to parties. Well, as long as he’s not sober to be more precise. He was sober at one party, and was a huge killjoy. But it’s his wedding, he’s not gonna be a downer there! I was getting excited to see my whole family there, and have a great time and-
“Oh hey, your dad says he doesnt owe you that anymore.” What? Yeah what I got was a big load of messages from my bro telling me my dad didn’t think he owed me anymore because of things he’d done for me previously. Like some early holidays we went on. He also claimed to have “helped with rent” which was a very confusing thing to read. As if he was doing it periodically instead of the 3 times he did it.
Sadly this got me into venting a bit at how unreasonable it all was. I lost my cool. But I dont regret what i said. I imagined he’d go back and tell my dad and it’d get straightened out. I explained he did not help with rent nor did I owe him for any holidays, since the one time he asked me to pay, I declined.
I get a reply, my bro calls me entitled. Says so what if I paid for food and phone I used that stuff so I should pay for it. I’m in disbelief. He’s my dad, he provides for me. Besides you don’t tell someone afterwords “Oh you have to pay for those years of me helping you out”. That’s what pimps do. Other people probably do that too but I only saw it with pimps in the shows I watch.
So more ranting back that this was nuts, and that I just want my money back. I also lay into my dad’s spending habits, how he always has cash to burn, but never any for me. Fuck sake this wedding he’s having is costing him a hell of a lot more than £3000! Sadly this stuff I tell him is what he focuses on, saying my dad isn’t a bad spender cause he always buys cheap... yeah don’t I know it. Every birthday and Christmas I get a foreign or second hand phone or computer that breaks not long after. He’s a computer.. something. He gets this stuff dirt cheap thanks to his job. I couldnt really argue againt my bro there, but no way is that a positive.
But in al lthis arguing, it’s clear that my little bro has some bizarre ideas in his head if he thinks you can wave away owed money by being nice enough to someone. And he thinks me living with my dad is him being nice. But uh, that’s called being a parent, and it’s require by law. I wasn’t some friend staying there, I wasn’t a roomate. I was living in my dad’s house as his son. Jesus my lil bro is meant to be smart but what a fucking... Oh. He’s paying rent and food costs and all sorts. My dad’s gotten him paying for everything. He actually thinks this is normal. There is no low my dad wont sink to.
I can’t be mad at my bro, but it’s clear now that my dad plans on not paying me back. That’s theft. So, what should I do? I don’t want revenge, I don’t want to cost him anything, and I don’t want to take this to court because I know that could cost me. I’ll give it more time. But I hope he looks at my empty chair whilst he’s getting married and knows this is his fault I’m not there.
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asklynden · 6 years
My dad. part 3
I realise some of the things my dad did might not seem so weird maybe. I foten forget that I am autistic, because I never felt different. I never got bullied for it. Not by anyone, but my dad. I was diagnosed with it at a very young age and I dont remember ever being told what it meant, so I never knew for the longest time. With that said, one thing known about autists, is their sensitivty to sound.
I used to hate going in my dads car when we drove anywhere ever. Now he was an angry driver and was always speeding to overtake people and being dangerous, sudden breaking, leaving skid marks on the road. And he’d shout and swear so much. That was not the reason I hated him driving. It was because he had control over the radio.
In his younger years it seems he messed up his ear listening to music too loudly, and he would keep this up, worsening it more and more. He might claim his hearing is gone due to old age now, but everyone in his family older than him has better hearing. He ruined his ears, and is just making them worse by constantly turning that volume up more and more.
So there I am in the car, and he puts on a song. Maxes out the volume. I am crying so hard because it hurts so badly. He can’t hear me crying. And when he does hear me? He shouts at me, that I am ruining the song. Or that I am embarassing him. I very often left his car in tears. If not every single time, then nearly.
Even if he turns the music off because he cant put up with my crying, he’d still shout at me until I felt awful. I never once felt it was my fault thankfully. There are some things you just cant teach a child to feel guilty over. And being tortured painfully is I think one of those. There was nothing he could tell me that made this feel like anything different to what it was.
But I treated it like getting an injection at the doctors. A necessary pain. Of course it never was necessary. No-one needs music that loud. He wanted it. And he wanted it more than he cared about me being hurt. Even now that I am an adult he’s never managed to work out that he was the problem.
We had a party, I forget for who. My dad rented a limo and it was pretty damn nice! First time I was ever in one. We had drinks and then... My dad got control of teh volume on the music. This thing had speakers built into the chairs, so, it felt like someone was kicked the back of my chair. Specifically the head rest. I was forced to lean forward and cover my ears, yelling for him to turn it down. I was old enough that I could keep myself from crying, Or maybe I was just too embarassed to as there were others in the limo with me. I cant remember if they said anything bout it. But then, I wouldn’t have been able to hear them.
What was a unique trip became another dad car ride. He ruined it again. I really had thought he’d changed over these years. He would sometimes pick me up from time to time since he lived close, and those times he rarely put on loud music. But then, that was the benefit of having moved out. He actually had things to talk about and ask. It prevented him from blasting tunes. I’d mistakenly thought he just had become a bit smarter and knew to stop turning it up.
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asklynden · 6 years
My dad abused me part 2
That last post was something I so badly needed to do. I want people to know what he’s really like. Even though I don’t name him, even if no-one sees these posts I just like that I’m finally talking about it.
My dad made eating into something horrible. I didn’t get called fat or anything like that. Instead every single time we had dinner, he would complain I was holding my knife and fork wrong, or that I was eating my food in the wrong order. I don’t think he has OCD, but I’d never know, he doesn’t believe in mental disorders.
He used these things he had a problem with to bully me incessantly. I was often bullied at school and by my own sister for being skinny. I was thin. I didn’t eat much. And there was almost no foods I enjoyed eating. Even when I got older and my parents split up, he’d keep this up when I went to visit him at the weekend. He even took my plate of food away saying I ate too slowly so now I dont get to eat.
I never had an eating problem though, as one holiday proved. We went to Portugal and there I tried fish soup and other unusual meals. I loved it all. I wasn’t fussy. I didn’t have issues. I just kept being given food I didn’t like. So many cartoons show kids not eating their sprouts like the kids are just being naughty. No. Feeding people things they dont like is a bit fucked up. Don’t you think? We have game shows where celebrities are made to eat animal dicks and we laugh. But we *know* it’s because this is messed up and horrible. Why is a blind eye turned to making children eat stuff they hate?
I was thin, because my dad wouldn’t let me eat things I liked. And I like A LOT of foods. Since I moved out, I have become fat. Actually fat, me, because I am allowed to eat what I want. Sure i regret letting myself get this bad, but some things are worth celebrating. 20 years of being thin over, and I am happy about that.
Shame I now resemble my dad... But I know how to cook, and I’ve since moved away from eating unhealthily. I don’t have a big variety of meals now, but I enjoy every one, and I’m not missing out on any nutrients and vitamins. There is no single food that is so special that you have to eat it, there are always options.
EDIT: Okay the bit about getting fat was actually unrelated to me getting to eat what I want. That is related to some other incident not worth mentioning here. But I’m still glad to no longer be the “bean pole” people called me.
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asklynden · 6 years
My dad abused me
I remember when I casually mentioned how my dad used to beat me. It wasn’t something I thought of as a big thing. But My phrasing made him so mad. He told me not to say that again, that it made him sound so bad. He was concerned with what others might think if I told anyone else this. He also told me that I was very lucky he only hit me a little compared to other people’s dads.
It was years before I thought back on this in the disgust it deserves. When I said you beat me, you were meant to apologise, not be worried about looking bad. You scumbag. Fuck you, you child beating abuser. What you did is never okay, ever. I wasn’t lucky that I spent every day crying because of what you did. I wasn’t lucky for holding my door closed in terror because you were running towards me. I feared you, and I have never gotten over that.
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asklynden · 6 years
Some guy got arrested
So I hear this guy in Britain got arrested last night. And that the hope is for him to be murdered in prison. Making this a legal execution, skipping all the steps and everything, or rather, rushing them faster than they’ve done for actual criminals.
If Tommy Robinson dies in prison. There will be nothing left to redeem England. I am writing this now to make this promise. I will discard any loyalty and pride I have for my home country, if it is willing to execute people who oppose them politically.
I will admit I’ve already lost much love for the place lately from the general amount of stupidity going on. The supression of freedom has been a big one. And this is where they stop pretending and admit it, that there is no freedom in England unless you agree with the people in charge. This is that last straw. Do the right thing and keep Tommy out of jail at least until he commits a real crime. It can’t be that hard can it if he’s such a villain? If he dies, England’s respectabiltiy dies too.
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asklynden · 6 years
We need more representation for offensive characters! So I can ask for them to be removed!
So I heard some Simpsons drama about Apu and rather than get into it, I thought about all the arguments I’ve heard lately when it comes to representation, both for and against.
I never got heavily into these talks until people were discussing the chance of a gay couple appearing in My Little Pony. I was shocked to see the negative response outweigh the positive. And some of these people were the same ones that will tell you with their dying breath that Lyra and Bon Bon are already a canon gay couple.
Naturally I was confused beyond belief. But what it boils down to, is that people DO what representation. But when they push for it and have gotten it before, it’s often come off as political or in-your-face. Representation itself has been given a really bad name thanks to these creators having more passion than sense.
The problem is this. A creator creates, from what they know. So let’s use a white cis straight male as they seem pretty common in the TV and games industry. They can make good white male cis straight characters that feel natural and different. They do it constantly and don’t get much recognition for this. Instead people like to focus on the African character. So this creator, do they know any Africans? Turns out they don’t! So yes the character will feel unnatural and sterotypical. This was not a well thought out idea. And yet people are asking this guy to keep doing it. Because they want representation.
They do it again, ask for more women in this game or movie. Guy writes in a woman character, based on what little he knows about them. People are outraged by the sexism! This is the loop, the self causing problem.
People will always ask for representation, and people will continue to not know how to do it right and get it wrong. May as well be saking these producers to bake you a cake and the nget angry when it’s bad. I myself am in support of representation. But the only one to make it go wrong, is to keep asking people who can’t understand it. Stop asking men to write women. Stop asking whites to write blacks. Stop asking Straights to write gays. Stop asking cis to write trans.
If you want representation like I do for what you are. Do it yourself. Be that writer you need. You want someone two depict these people the way they really are? Like you know they are? Then you are the one qualified to do this!!! Go out and do it! Stop telling other people to do it for you just so you can be upset at the result. And on the other side of it, stop telling people to AVOID representing characters just because it’s been done badly before. To treat all representation as bad is just as harmful as saying it’s always good.
I want representation, and so does everyone else. It’s just that none of us are asking the right people. Look towards yourself and make that difference. And don’t be someone to stand in the way. Or else things will continue to go so badly that even people who know how to write these types of people well will be too scared to risk it. Don’t kill representation please. Stop forcing it. Stop fighting it. Just do it yourself.
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asklynden · 7 years
Them’s Fighting Herds, safe for children?
So I just came across this fighting game. Not your usual one with semi-naked women and violent men, but a cute game with cartoon animals. You might have seen some images of this and assumed like I did that it would be fine for kids to play. That it might have some good morals to teach, and be a great way to turn a child away from those other well known titles that are just about hurting each other.
Well. I was in for a shock. This game was more depraved and corrupting than anything else I’ve ever seen! The moment you look beyond the surface you realise what horrible agendas are being pushed! Don’t fall for it, TFH is the work of the devil!
Let’s begin with the characters. And the most startling example.
Oleander the unicorn. Unlike the good unicorns that died when the world was flooded, this one is dark and evil. It’s not even hidden. It’s actually her story that she is a unicorn who made a deal with a demon who now has control over her! And she wants to prove how powerful she is and how great demons are to her white unicorn friends! It’s layed on so thick that this equine has given into temptation, but somehow they are shown as one of the good characters? The insanity doesn’t stop there.
Paprika the Llama. This probably mentall handicapped fluffy thing is quite friendly. All about hugs and being nice. Except, she takes this to the level of kissing others. She will grab others and kiss them on the lips against their will. You can even see it on their faces that they dont like it. And to add to that, these kisses are actually referred to as “attacks” in the game itself. This character is comitting sexual assault. But I’m not done yet! Every character in this game is female. They created this character knowing that you could only kiss other women. There you have it, the reason why such a disgusting character is pushed as “good” is because they are trying to push their gay agenda onto kids. I just never thought I’d see such an unsubtle example.
Tienshinhan the serpant. This hellfire demon isn’t a dragon. The game emphasises this. She is a *serpent*. Literally a daughter of Satan. In fights with her there are sometimes apples on the stage. The characters can eat these apples. This is a direct reference to the story of Eve eating the apple in the garden of Eden. They try to hide this by claiming she’s some Japanese type creature, but the similarities to Lucifer are undeniable.
Pom the Lamb. Another biblical reference, this time to Jesus himself. Pom is the shephard and the lamb, literally, just as Jesus was called. She herds dogs isntead of being herded by them, which might seem like an innocent joke by reversing things, but it paints a clear image of the creator’s thoughts on Christians. Order taking, violent dogs. Pom is an evil character that acts innocent. A wolf in sheeps clothing, excuse the pun. She will even use her dogs as weapons, whipping them around at her enemies. This character is pure baasphemy, and an insult to believers of the truth.
Velvet the reindeer. This uncomfortably sexual deer is a cheeky reference to Santa Claus. She even has little helper elves too. She’s not an attack on Christianity, but rather, on Christmas, our holiday. When you can cringe past her dialogue which is meant to sound like she just finished bedding the opponent, she’s doing her best to tell you that Christmas is about presents and jingle bells. We are used to this by now I know, having Christ taken out of Christmas. So I’d say she’s not the worst offender. If it weren’t for her excessive lewd poses when she attacks.
Finally, Arizona the cow. This cow is a southern american good gal. Honestly I was confused by how decent she seemed. I couldn’t find anything to complain about here. But then, that’s because I never knew there were special scenes that appear if you beat the game. When you beat arcade mode with Arizona you get a little storybook of what she does. She rounds up all the guns from the carnivores (The enemies in the game. Yes it’s anti-meat too.) and breaks them. Declaring the world safe with all guns destroyed. Now I saw Bambi, I know guns are gonna be seen as evil by animals that are hunted, there’s context there. But this scene was nothing like that. It was about a self-righteous farm animal destroying guns. And the fact she is southern American, makes it clear she was made to target a specific group of children. And tell them to go find their parents guns and break them.
I started with the most obviously bad, and ended with the more hiddenly bad. But there is nothing in this game that is wholesom or healthy. Don’t let your kids play this game. It’ll turn them into demon worshipping, lesbian, vegitarian, gun haters. This game is an attack on America. Warn others, and get this game off the shelves! If you see this game in any stores, I ask you to take it off the shelf and slide it underneath. Hide it. Protect the children! I will personally be buying all the discs I find in my area to burn them.
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asklynden · 8 years
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Creative Examples Of How To Fix Broken Stuff
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asklynden · 8 years
It’s not “rape”, it’s “reep”
I felt like making a new name up for REgretfully sleEPing with someone. Because I can’t stand that being mislabeled as rape. Doing that is taking a shit on any actual rape victims out there. You can’t just decide you were raped because you dislike the idea of what really happened.
This is brought up after hearing people talk about never ever sleeping with drunk girls, since they are likely to ruin your life with false rape allegations. Perhaps due to regret, or genuinely because they forgot they consented.
A drunk person’s actions are never excusable, until it comes to sex. This is bizarre. Why is it the only thing you can blame on someone else for? Imagine a drink driver blaming the family he killed for not getting off the road when they saw him swerving all over the place.
Drugging someone to make them easier to rape is absolutely evil. Rape is evil. Having sex with a drunk person is not immoral or even remotely comparable. And yet they are treated the same. But at the same time, people like to ignore whether or not the man was drunk too. Saying he can remain responsible and drunk but the woman can’t? But that kind of misandristic behavior is for another post.This is also discrimination against the alcohol dependent. I myself have only ever, and will only ever, be up for sex whilst totally wasted. But people will only see me as a vulnerable child unable to make my own decisions. If you’re gonna say I was not responsible enough to consent at the time, then don’t say I was responsible enough to pay you back for that lamp I broke whilst I was drunk dancing. It’s got to be both or neither.TL;DRHave sex with me or I’ll break your lamps.
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asklynden · 8 years
Christ mas
A day in which the weather is usually at it’s worst and food supplies run dry. A day of stocking up and barricading ourselves in as the weather tries to kill us all.
No better time to create a holiday based on being cheerful. Truly the one holiday I genuinely love. Well timed and well thought out. And using it as an excuse to be good to one another? Genius!
Just a shame this is also the time people double their efforts to try to force God into everything. God, a villain who embodies everything Christmas doesn’t. A man who wishes to cause suffering to his children, all for his own sick sense of justice. The fact we survive the cold of Christmas is in itself anti-God. It is our way to give him the middle finger and show him his powers aren’t so grand.
Keep being happy and good this Christmas, keep pissing God off. He deserves to suffer our joy. Merry Christmas everyone!
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asklynden · 8 years
Moving out
Just wanna keep a record of some pointless things as I move home. Lightbulbs blow so often here that after a while I started keeping the old ones as a record. I have 33 dead lightbulbs.
Traded in a bunch of games and got £65.80
30 of the games got me only 1p each. 30p for my childhood games.
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asklynden · 8 years
So I just checked my old tumblr posts
I was awaiting a wall of cringe to slam into me. I have very few posts, but reading them I was shocked. I don’t remember writing any of them, but I think I still agree with them all. Every single post. I’ve not changed in years. I even wound up laughing at my own bad jokes.
Seeing these posts from the outside, I just think “Damn he’s cool”. I actually want to be friends with myself. Shame I’ve lost most of my humour since then, but I appear to be a bit happier. Otherwise we’re still the same. Wish I knew just how old those posts were though. Tumblr’s still really behind technologically, if they can’t even come up with timestamps.
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asklynden · 8 years
Heartmob’s the biggest scam
HeartMob was a kickstarter project that promised to help people with online harassment and bullying. They got funding from us, the people that thought this sounded like a good idea, along with much bigger companies. And I’ve seen nothing good come from them since their campaign succeeded. First let’s start with their promises to backers
“you’ll receive limited early access to the HeartMob platform. HeartMob staff will reach out to you with your own early access login code, and you can get HeartMobbing before the platform goes public!”
This was a lie. Even to this day 14 months later they’ve still not validated my account. I also asked them after I backed if their platform helped men too. Since their video made it sound like it was a woman-only thing. They assured me they cared about everyone. What’s the first Twitter message I see?
“Toxic masculinity strikes again“
Not only that but reading through their guide on how to help people
"if someone asks for a simple supportive comment, don’t tell them what they could or should be doing instead."
Which raises a red flag. Looking into it further my fears are realised. This isn’t a group to support others and give advice. It’s a free compliments service. HeartMob isn’t about helping others, it’s just profiting from people’s misery. It’s the biggest scam of 2015, and I hate knowing I had some part in it. They’re scum and I wish the worst on them.
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asklynden · 8 years
Transsexual? Transgender???
Thanks to Tumblr telling everyone that these to things are the same, they’ve left many people confused. People are offending the hell out of trans people. TRANS people are offending trans people. Because no-one knows what a trans person actually is.
So first off, after a painful amount of time reading about transgenderism for years and having a trans roomate, I’ve finally realised why I never understood any of it. Why I couldn't tell if I was trans or not. Trans people are two groups combined. Which I will be seperating into transgender and transsexual, so that I don’t need to make a new word. Also the names just fit.
Transgendered people are those who feel very uncomfortable dressing and acting like their assigned gender role. Changing pronouns and/or dress style to that of the opposite gender fixes their discomfort.
Transexuals are people who feel that their body and/or face are wrong. This horrible feeling is fixed through surgery.
These are two very different things. One is a problem with their own thoughts on their appearance, the other is with how others think about their appearance. This is why the surgery topic tends to turn trans people against each other and create fights. People need to realise that being trans is not just a single thing. It’s two things, at the least. Someone can also be both transsexual and transgender too, which, just really sucks.
Spread the word and watch for which type a person is. I’ll update this if I find a 3rd type.
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asklynden · 8 years
“My sexism is worse than your sexism!”
The feminist’s battles against the MRAs is so childish. It reminds me of a time years back when a group of us were arguing over which hurt more, getting kicked in the balls, or pregnancy. You know who picked which side of course. But in the end we realised that until one of us had experienced both, it was a pointless argument.
Women have never experienced sexism against men, they do not understand it, they cannot understand it. That doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist. And hypocritically I bet they’ve said the same thing about sexism towards women, which is true. Both statements are correct. So stop arguing with each other over who has it worst.
Unless you have experienced both worlds. I feel very sorry for you if that’s the case. You’re losing out the most from this petty infighting. Every time a feminist ruins the reputation of an MRA, equality dies a little more.
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asklynden · 9 years
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Everyone always thinks their fandom was the classiest in the old days and the new ones are awful.
I can’t wait for all the people who will miss that point and say “YEAH X FANDOM IS THE WORST FANDOM”
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asklynden · 9 years
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