askmayormills-a · 3 years
Regina crouched down next to Henry outside of Storybrooke Elementary. They had walked to the school together and now she had to say goodbye to him for the next several hours. It was the first time they were really spending any time apart since she adopted him as he usually accompanied her to work. She was trying to be strong but it was difficult. She took a deep breath as she combed her fingers through his hair in an attempt to tidy it. "Do you remember the way to your classroom like we practiced?"
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askmayormills-a · 3 years
Why punish Belle because you're upset with Rumplestiltskin? He won't let you get away with it.
Because it's more of a punishment for Rumplestiltskin than it is Belle.
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Belle will be fine. Eventually he will find a way to wake her and she will be no worse for wear. However, I doubt she will be able to forgive him for the way he has behaved to impress 'Lacey'.
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askmayormills-a · 3 years
"Your father never told you?" The Evil Queen smirked as she stood across from the child of the woman she continued to loathe even after her death. "Your mother wasn't always the hero she claimed to be." Purple magic crackled between Regina's fingers, Ready to go on the defense, "She was responsible for the death of the man I loved more than anything." She could feel her magic growing stronger in her hands as her emotions welled up inside of her, but she reigned it back. "She was the reason I was miserable being married to your grandfather. She took away any chance I had at happiness so I took away hers."
“Why? Why did you kill my mom?” After all these years of planning, studying, and training, Emma was finally face to face with the woman responsible for taking her mother from her, but all she wanted now were answers.
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askmayormills-a · 3 years
I'm sorry about your mother, Regina. She was a terrible person to many, but Cora was also your mother. My condolences.
Thank you
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Hopefully now I'm done getting my loved ones back only to have them taken from me again
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askmayormills-a · 3 years
What are your plans now? With Snow's heart darkening and you giving up the opportunity to be rid of her once and for all - what is your next step?
I'm going to watch as the darkness takes over her heart. There's nothing more satisfying than seeing the fairest of them all succumb to the dark side. And she's not even putting up a fight.
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askmayormills-a · 3 years
Hello, Regina. I'm really sorry about your mother. I wish you the best in your revenge against Snow White.
Finally, someone on my side. Thank you, dear. I'm sure it will be easier now that she has a dark spot blossoming in her heart
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askmayormills-a · 3 years
How have you been, Regina?
While I have been, and still am, grieving my mother, it brings me some amount of happiness to know that Snow is no longer as pure as she likes to act. Her heart is dark now and soon it will consume her entire being.
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So I suppose some good came of my mother being killed.
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askmayormills-a · 3 years
Regina was nervous. She shouldn't be. It was just lunch with Henry, her son. She couldn't help wondering if her mother was right though. What if Henry didn't love her any more? What if he never did? She tried to push those thoughts to the back of her mind as she watched him walk into the diner. He had agreed to have lunch with her after all so he couldn't hate her too much.
"Henry!" She stood from her seat in their usual booth and reached out for a hug. "I'm so nervous about this lunch." She frowned and shook her head briefly. That hadn't been what she had meant to say. "Happy, I'm so happy you agreed to have lunch with me," she amended. Both statements were true, but she had only meant to inform him of her happiness at seeing him.
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askmayormills-a · 3 years
Oh please. As if I'd actually be interested in having you wiggle around on top of me for two minutes before you pass out and I have to push you off of me
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Did you ever want to get with Charming?
I can’t say the thought never crossed my mind. He’s not bad to look at and it would have been delicious revenge.
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However, he’s just too good for my tastes
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askmayormills-a · 3 years
Did you ever want to get with Charming?
I can’t say the thought never crossed my mind. He’s not bad to look at and it would have been delicious revenge.
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However, he’s just too good for my tastes
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askmayormills-a · 3 years
Emma believed you at first and your mother is manipulating you again! Why do you let her lead you on? You've been doing so good so far. You can be better than this!
I don't let my mother do anything to me. At least not anymore.
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Who's to say that I can't still be good? Or that she can't? Don't you hero types preach forgiveness and second chances? She's my mother and I love her. I've been given another chance to spend time with her and I'm going to take it.
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askmayormills-a · 3 years
So have you just forgotten about Sydney at this point?
What reason would I have to think about him? He's of no use to me now
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askmayormills-a · 3 years
Regina loathed having to ask permission to spend time with her son. It wasn't as though she had neglected him for the first decade of his life; the opposite was true in fact. However, she understood that in order to get to spend time with him she had to play by Emma's rules, no matter how irritating they may be.
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"It's good to know that my hard work is paying off and that you're not just doing whatever your parents tell you is best." She knew Emma was her own woman and she appreciated that she hadn't been fully absorbed into the Charming mentality. Yet. "Does this mean I might be able to spend more time with him when we return home?" She despised the hint of desperation she knew was in her voice, but she couldn't help the spark of hope she felt. Perhaps Snow was rubbing off on her. What a horrible thought.
I know this is a family vacation and you likely intended to spend every moment with Henry, but I was wondering... Would it be alright if he and I spent one evening together just the two of us?
I didn’t think that would be best before, but I can see how hard you’re changing for Henry. I don’t see a problem with that. Not now. I mean, we are in Disney World, so I think he would enjoy that.
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And Regina, I... I’m glad we found you. With everything you went through-- us believing you killed Archie, well, I think it will be good for you to have some time with Henry. I’m sorry I didn’t believe you before. I’m sorry I kept you from him. I should have realized how hard you're changing for him that you wouldn’t do anything to jeopardize that.
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askmayormills-a · 3 years
Did you get something nice for Henry this Christmas?
Of course I did. I got him several nice things.
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I don't appreciate you insinuating that I am not providing for my son.
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askmayormills-a · 3 years
Are you really changing for the better or are you just lying to yourself and Henry?
Changing for the better is my only option. I tried taking what I want, tried doing what I always have done and that didn’t go as planned. So, no, I am not lying to myself and I am certainly not lying to my son.
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askmayormills-a · 3 years
AU: A mysterious snow storm in a town full of magic trapping everyone inside... Sounds like another curse to me. Are you behind it?
Snow is far from my preferred element of choice.
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Besides, if I was behind this do you really think I'd trap myself with some of my least favorite people? Or in Granny's?
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askmayormills-a · 3 years
And what do you suggest we do? This is a magical snowstorm. There is no digging our way out.
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There are several other booths in this establishment. Is it truly necessary for you to sit in mine?
I don’t want to be here any more than you do. But we’re going to be here a hell of a lot longer if we don’t work together to get out of here. 
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