askmog-blog · 12 years
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askmog-blog · 12 years
Another question, have you met the other Mog with a regular yellow pom-pom on his head? (from the Chocobo's Dungeon or Chocobo Racing). If you have, what's your opinion about him?
We had tea once, Kupo! 
He's nice, but I prefer Serah Kupo! 
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askmog-blog · 12 years
Sorry for not posting lately, I've been busy!
replying to all asks now :) 
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askmog-blog · 12 years
Mog will answer tonight Kupo~!
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askmog-blog · 12 years
Mog is answering questions as we speak, Kupo! 
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askmog-blog · 12 years
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zmastah started following you
Hello Kupo!
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askmog-blog · 12 years
I cordially invite you to bug my character.
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askmog-blog · 12 years
Ask Mog! :3
Blue: What song do you listen to when you're feeling down?
Cup: Do you drink Tea or Coffee?
Dopey: Tell us an embarrassing story.
English: How many languages can you speak?
Fear: Tell us three fears.
Game: What was the last board game you played?
Harry Potter: What was the last book you read?
Injury: Have you ever walked into a glass door?
Jump: Do five jumping jacks/star jump.
Kiss: Who's your biggest celebrity crush?
Love: Do you believe in marriage?
Money: What would you do with 1 million dollars?
Naughty: Tell us three things that your parents disapprove of?
Oops: What is one thing you'd like to change/fix?
Picture: Post a pic of your lovely face.
Quality: Name three of your favourite blogs.
Rapunzel: Name three Disney movies that you adore.
Star-sign: When's your birthday?
Teacher: What do you aspire to be?
Unite: Do you sponsor a cause?
Varsity: Do you play/watch sport?
Xylophone: Do you play an instrument?
Yellow: What's your favourite colour?
Zoo: What is your favourite animal?
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askmog-blog · 12 years
Just wondering, how do you able to talks without a mouth? Better yet, how do you eat? (Sorry if this question sounds stupid ^^;; )
"Well, I eat and talk just like you, Kupo! Must be hiding under my nose, Kupo!"
(ooc: Where the hell IS mog's mouth? You stumped me xD)
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askmog-blog · 12 years
Mog is on the case, Kupos!
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askmog-blog · 12 years
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Hello Kupos~!
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askmog-blog · 12 years
Want to do some mog pics, but seeing as I have no asks they'll have to be randoms! 
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askmog-blog · 12 years
Mog has no questions, Kupo! :(
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askmog-blog · 12 years
Come and ask Mog! I know all of Serah's secrets, Noel's too, Kupo!
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askmog-blog · 12 years
Bedtime, Kupos!
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askmog-blog · 12 years
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askmog started following you
Hey there little buddy *Pokes* thanks for the follow ^^
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askmog-blog · 12 years
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snowsbeautyofannihilation started following you
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