askpiratedash · 3 days
((Next day reblog. The pirate preparing a comeback.))
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It been a while, aye. But I had t' be seein' ye all on Talk Like A Pirate Day. Let's not be makin' the next visit so long. YARR!
((So yeah, it's been a while. How many of you still remember the running pirate? Or even realize you were still following this blog?
Is this the start or a comeback for PD in a world where there are far fewer eyes on it than 5 years ago? Well...yes and no. Let's address the no part first.
You'll notice this is just a sketch. I never really liked posting just sketches on this blog, unless it's fanart that deserves the spotlight. But in order to give PD the comeback she deserves, we need full color here. And I just don't have that capability right now with the computers I have. So until I get a better computer, all I can really post here are sketches. But a few guys are fine with that...
There's also life. A lot has happened in the past five years. A lot of bad has happened, but so has a lot of good. I'm finally in a spot where I want to be in my career. But it takes a lot out of me each day. So the sporadic and random updates from before would become less than what it was. Does that mean there's going to be another gap of five years between posts? No, but this blog may not update as much as you and I would like upon a return. Nevertheless...
Now to the yes part. Pirate Dash and this blog have been an integral part of Tumblrpon and the MLP fandom community as a whole. And she does not deserve an ending where it's radio silence and you wonder if you'll ever hear from her again. There will be an ending. I don't know what that looks like right now. But there is a dedication to put a final chapter and a bow on this blog and her story.
Ideally, the goal is to crank out updates again in the new year. Kind of getting back into the groove. And maybe that does include sketch posts until I can get to full color. But there will be effort to bring PD back. I promise you that.))
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askpiratedash · 3 days
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It been a while, aye. But I had t' be seein' ye all on Talk Like A Pirate Day. Let's not be makin' the next visit so long. YARR!
((So yeah, it's been a while. How many of you still remember the running pirate? Or even realize you were still following this blog?
Is this the start or a comeback for PD in a world where there are far fewer eyes on it than 5 years ago? Well...yes and no. Let's address the no part first.
You'll notice this is just a sketch. I never really liked posting just sketches on this blog, unless it's fanart that deserves the spotlight. But in order to give PD the comeback she deserves, we need full color here. And I just don't have that capability right now with the computers I have. So until I get a better computer, all I can really post here are sketches. But a few guys are fine with that...
There's also life. A lot has happened in the past five years. A lot of bad has happened, but so has a lot of good. I'm finally in a spot where I want to be in my career. But it takes a lot out of me each day. So the sporadic and random updates from before would become less than what it was. Does that mean there's going to be another gap of five years between posts? No, but this blog may not update as much as you and I would like upon a return. Nevertheless...
Now to the yes part. Pirate Dash and this blog have been an integral part of Tumblrpon and the MLP fandom community as a whole. And she does not deserve an ending where it's radio silence and you wonder if you'll ever hear from her again. There will be an ending. I don't know what that looks like right now. But there is a dedication to put a final chapter and a bow on this blog and her story.
Ideally, the goal is to crank out updates again in the new year. Kind of getting back into the groove. And maybe that does include sketch posts until I can get to full color. But there will be effort to bring PD back. I promise you that.))
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askpiratedash · 5 years
((In case you missed it from this morning!))
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((Why it’s Talk Like A Pirate Day, and an update on the blog!  WHAT ARE THE ODDS?!?
Is this blog dead?  No.  Is it barely humming along?  Pretty much.  But until PD and I say it’s dead, it’s not going anywhere.  Just gotta see how long the momentum of motivation lasts.  There are some asks to answer that has the blood flowing though.))
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askpiratedash · 5 years
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((Why it’s Talk Like A Pirate Day, and an update on the blog!  WHAT ARE THE ODDS?!?
Is this blog dead?  No.  Is it barely humming along?  Pretty much.  But until PD and I say it’s dead, it’s not going anywhere.  Just gotta see how long the momentum of motivation lasts.  There are some asks to answer that has the blood flowing though.))
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askpiratedash · 5 years
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SO HEY...I know it’s been quiet here.  Like everywhere else on this site now.  But mod snagged a table at BronyCon in the Artist Alley!  More details to come but here’s a heads up because it wouldn’t be a BronyCon post without PD picking on Blank.
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askpiratedash · 5 years
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((Apologies for the quietness here, but big announcement for those still here.  MOD IS A COMMUNITY GUEST AT WHINNY CITY PONY CON NEXT WEEKEND!
This is the first time being a community guest at WCPC, and I’m extremely excited about it.  And if you’re going, come and say hi!  If you’re not going, you should!
Sadly, I won’t be vending there this year, but I will have plenty of panels and activities for people to do and enjoy.  All of them are going to be great.  A full listing with deeper detail of what I’ll be doing is at the link here:
For a brief summary:
Opening Ceremonies - Welcoming everyone to the convention with all the fellow CGs and Guests of Honor.
Sketchy Friends - A favorite at conventions the past few years, an opportunity to sketch and make new friends.
Community Guest meetups - Self-explanatory.  Meet me and the rest of the CGs.
The Seekers Live! - So over at the mod blog, a new OC has emerged and become beloved by many.  Her name is Allegro Dolce.  She was created to play in DND sessions, as she’s a unicorn bard.  Join us for a *live* session of the DND group she’s in, for a fun and entertaining one-shot story.
CAE for Charity (18+) - I drunkedly co-host this panel with my good friend Railershy, where we play Cards Against Equestria for charity.
Drawing4Exposure - I, along with staff artist MidnightPremiere, take sketch suggestions from the audience.  Gonna be a blast!
Pirate Party Games (18+) - We play Jackbox Games with a special WCPC edition of Quiplash.  I may or may not be sober.
Come join all this fun next weekend!))
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askpiratedash · 6 years
((For those still here, morning reblog.))
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Pirate Dash: What?
Bookworm: I’m leaving like everyone else.
SO…today’s the day people are saying their goodbyes to this site.  What’s going to happen here?  More after the break…
Keep reading
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askpiratedash · 6 years
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Pirate Dash: What?
Bookworm: I’m leaving like everyone else.
SO...today’s the day people are saying their goodbyes to this site.  What’s going to happen here?  More after the break...
This blog has an end date.  It is not now.  The end date was chosen way before Tumblr decided to 86 the NSFW blogs.  This blog is still going to be around.  The updates have been getting less frequent, and I do feel terrible about that.  But there’s never been any intention to close it out before the end date I already picked.
Essentially, Pirate Dash will still be around.  I will still be around.  And I know I’ve broken promises before on updating more but I will legit try to make this place enjoyable again and more active until the end.
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askpiratedash · 6 years
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((You didn’t think I was gonna go a whole Talk Like A Pirate Day without a fresh post, did you?  You did?  Damn.  WELL HERE IT IS.
We all know Mane Event was sad after @bronycon because her friends are doing other things and she doesn’t know what to do.  So PD is making her be a pirate!  Yay!  Happy Talk Like a Pirate Day!))
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askpiratedash · 6 years
((MOD BLOG REBLOG TO PROMOTE COMMISSIONS.  Please message the mod blog with what you would like.  Thank ye!))
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If you would like one, please message me with details of what you would like.  Please provide reference pics from as many angles as possible.
Payment will be sent after the commission is accepted.  Payment will be through Paypal, either through an invoice or Paypal.me link (your preference).
Prices and commissions are set for My Little Pony style.  If you would like something else, we can discuss details and pricing.
If you would like something NSFW, please message me on the NSFW blog.  There will be an additional charge for NSFW pictures.
Commissions will be done in the order that they are received and paid for.
Further art examples can be found at @teejjustmakincreations​ or my deviantART page.
Commission Queue:
@darnelg​ - In progress
I have finally put together a commission sheet after years of going without.  Please consider getting one to help me out with car repair cost and life.
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askpiratedash · 6 years
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Bookworm: Maybe I’ll keep wearing it for another day or two~
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askpiratedash · 6 years
((Nighttime reblog!))
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Eyepatch…I mean, Bookworm: Why are you like this…
Buy the mod a coffee at Ko-fi!
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askpiratedash · 6 years
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Eyepatch...I mean, Bookworm: Why are you like this...
Buy the mod a coffee at Ko-fi!
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askpiratedash · 6 years
((BOW BUTTS!  I love it Steph, I absolutely love it XD Thank you so much for the pic!  I love your art style, and you captured the pair’s personalities so very well.  Bookworm once again looks like she’s about done with everything, lol))
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Just a little something for @askpiratedash~
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askpiratedash · 6 years
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Hey buckos!  It’s been a while, which will partly be explained in this post.  But it’s time for Bronycon 2018!  And as always, I’ll be involved in it.
But in a different way this year.  For you see, this will be the first year I’m staffing the convention.  This year I became Bronycon’s Press Manager.  So that means some things are a little different.  I won’t be roaming around as much as I usually do or have my usual booth, but I would still love to see everyone and all the fans!  Just find the red visor and staff shirt this year.  You guys keep me going despite how tough things have been.
Anyhoo, here’s what I’ll be involved in.
I only have two panels this year, but they’re both the same thing.  That’s right, Sketchy Friends will be on the schedule twice this year.  Both editions will be in Pastel Pastures, and both editions will be hosted by @ask-wiggles, @raeligath, and me.  Friday’s edition will be at 12:45 P.M., while Saturday’s is 10:00 A.M.  Join us to sketch ponies and make new friends!
Yes, I don’t have a table.  But I will have my buttons and badges at Databyte’s Bits and Bytes.  Please consider buying them, as I have made a lot more new designs for this year.
Here’s what they look like:
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Just find me roaming around.  I don’t have an anchor base this year and will have press duties throughout the weekend.  But if you find me, say hi!
Can’t wait to see everyone again this weekend at Bronycon!
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askpiratedash · 6 years
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Join me and me mod at t’ Crystal Fair next weekend ‘n show ‘em all that pirates be the better buckos.  Ye don’t want me t’ lose a pirate vs. ninja battle, do ye?
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askpiratedash · 6 years
I not be rememberin’ that night very well.  
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My pranks, and the targets of my pranks, are fabulous!
Artwork by AniRichie Script #1073
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