askprince-artemis · 11 years
Normal: i dont know hes in my head though!! You gotta do something!
"Calm yourself, allow me to think..." He stared into the others eyes, thinking back on previous times things like this had happened to his friends. He lowered his head, pressing his horn against the others forehead and raising his power. "Begone!" He figured he might as well try brute force, and sent a wave of force through the small colts mind. It wouldn't harm the pony himself but any entities that weren't meant to be there would be hit by the force.
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askprince-artemis · 11 years
A thin mare bows her head. “Your majesty, my name is Allison. I’ve been stuck in a sleeping spell for several months… I have heard that something has happened. As I trust you as a reliable source, your highness, will you tell me as to what has happened”
He looked up from the place he was relaxing. "Ah... Good evening, Miss Allison, it is a pleasure to meet you." He stood, though a little shaky. "I was recently having trouble with my darker side... My conciousness was split in two."
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askprince-artemis · 11 years
*evil face* no im gonna use this body to gain back my kingdom... *normal* you gotta help me the thing that is in me is somb.. *evil face* be quiet!!
His eyes widened slightly. "...Sombra?" He smirked. "You will not be able to regain the crystal kingdom while the crystal heart is intact, fool." But what to do about the one who was trapped. For now he lowered his horn to the others head, a large glow of light shining from it as he removed the dream walking abilities. At least that would keep him isolated for now. "Tell me where he hides in your mind, small one, I will try my best to remove him!"
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askprince-artemis · 11 years
*his face changed* i went into the everfree forest and something went into me you have to help me! *evil face* be quiet mortal som...i mean i controll you now
He became quite alarmed. "The everfree forest... still a problematic place even in this time." He looked into the others eyes, probing his mind with his dream powers. "Come! Out with you! This body is not yours to take."
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askprince-artemis · 11 years
*his face changed* help me!! *it changed back to evil* i control you!!
He paused, surprised by this sudden change. "What... Explain yourself!" He said, holding the other in place with his magic. "What demon inhabits you, mortal!" 
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askprince-artemis · 11 years
Your weak! *spits at him* you changed and now im going to bring mightmares to this town...you will not stop me! *he laughs*
He looks down upon him. "Will you now? You underestimate my abilities, mortal." He approached him, quite close now. "I may not be able to smite you down, fool, but I can revoke the abilities I gave to you." He warned him, his horn glowing. 
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askprince-artemis · 11 years
Good evening citizens of Equestria.
Would any of you do me the honour of introducing yourselves to me while I recover? 
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askprince-artemis · 11 years
*he has an angry look on him* you dont remeber me huh....i have your powers *he smiles evily* and i bring nightmares to others as well....
He stood, towering over the other. "It appears my former self has made you into a moonwalker." He began approaching the other. "You realise the purpose of my moonwalkers is to protect the dreams of others, not to bring them terror. It is a direct insult to use such a gift for evil like this, and a greater insult to the memory of the original ranks of ponies that I had given this gift to 1000 years ago."
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askprince-artemis · 11 years
He stood and walked up to his balcony, feeling unwell. Ever since he'd turned back to normal he had feeling tired and worn. "Maybe I should eat something..." He muttered to himself, gently hopping off his balcony and spreading his wings to glide.
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askprince-artemis · 11 years
*comes back from giving others nightmares* my lord im.... what happened to you??
Artemis had been restored to his normal self, the only trace of the dark pony from before were his slitted eyes. It was not something he could help, for he had combined his splintered self with Crescent Moon to stop him, so small remains of him still picked at the back of his mind.
He had retired to his quarters and was clearly tired. "I have been returned to my former self, small one." He looked him up and down, seeming to be struggling to remember. "I fear I do not remember your face, my memories before today are very clouded." 
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askprince-artemis · 11 years
((Will get to answering asks I get soon, just doing some drawings for the blog))
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askprince-artemis · 11 years
Reblog this if you like to RP with people for more reasons than simply wanting their Muse to be in love with yours. If you actually enjoy building a relationship (whatever kind it may be) between them, rather than just starting out with the pure intent of making their Muse love yours.
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askprince-artemis · 11 years
He bowed respectfully to her, wishing he could say something to ease her mind. "There is still a possibility I will retain some memory of the past few days, it is all up to chance, princess." 
Standing up straight, he was prepared to leave. Before he left, he spoke to her again. "I'm sure I would like it if you visited me after this has all calmed down, I remember my old self being rather reclusive, but he did appreciate company. I'm sure it'll jog some part of my memory at least."
As he said this he looked up at the sky in her dream. "I've got to go now, before he wakes up. It was a pleasure meeting you, princess."
She frowned. The idea he would not remember her was…surprisingly sad. Why should they know each other? Parallel realms were not meant to meet, usually. So she should not be upset by this.
"Very well. Good-bye…Prince Artemis. I am…most gladdened that I could help you…" she told him, a bit awkwardly.
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askprince-artemis · 11 years
He nods, the magic slowly starting to wear off. "I do not have much time, I will fade if I don't reunite us very soon." His eyes glanced downwards.
"I wanted to say goodbye before that, in case my restored self does not remember what happened." 
"I must go and subdue him so I may fix this mess he has created." He said. "I will return shortly to tell you what happens." As he said this, he phased out of the dream.  After some time he returned, a much more relaxed expression on his face now. “It is done, he should be troubling no pony any more.” He seemed about to say something, then lowered his head into a bow. “I owe my life to you, princess.” 
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askprince-artemis · 11 years
Just a side note on how this blog will be run
If I can help it, I'll always draw pictures for simple asks. Things like questions about the character and such, that won't branch off into RPs and such.
I'll also do images for most starters, to set the scene a little and make it easier.
I won't do pictures for roleplays because it would be unrealistic to draw so many pictures for what could be several roleplays at once. I may do drawings if the situation really calls for it, like introducing objects or transformations etc.
So ask away! I like to respond with art to questions for the muse, it's fun you know!
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askprince-artemis · 11 years
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"The sun may finally rise again, now that I have undone my darker sides malevolence." He says, as he watches the moon slowly set over the horizon. As much as he enjoyed his night, the moon had been up far too long. "I hope there was no lasting damage..." He says, then sits down at his balcony, exhausted. 
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askprince-artemis · 11 years
Please reblog if you are an OC/OC friendly rp blog
Being an OC is like being a peasant sometimes.
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