asksideshowbob 3 years
What is the main reason you chose to want to murder people? Is there a limit to how far you would go to your whole "kill bart" plan?
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"There's no limit. I've crossed the line far enough already, at this point I don't care what I have to do.
And I only want to harm those who deserve it. I don't just go around killing people for the fun of it, I'm not a monster."
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asksideshowbob 3 years
What would you do if someone else managed to get rid of bart before you did?
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"Oh, I wouldn't mind."
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asksideshowbob 3 years
Why do you go by "Sideshow Bob"?
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"That's the only way people recognize me-- most people don't even know my full name. Although, I'd rather not be known for my time on that show. But there's nothing I can do about it now, it's what I'm known as."
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asksideshowbob 3 years
hi bestie what do you think of the Herman
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"Herman? He's alright.. I never gave him much thought. I did come across his store at one point, he has some usefull weapons in there."
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asksideshowbob 3 years
What would you do if you finally got rid of Bart for good?
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"I like to imagine I'd finally be at peace. Find comfort in knowing I finally got what I've been working towards. Then again, killing Bart has been my purpose for so long... I suppose I'd have to find a new goal. Maybe become a psychologist, or writer of some kind."
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asksideshowbob 3 years
What are your favorite genre(s) of music? Are there any specific songs or artists you like specifically?
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"What a wonderful question! I adore classical music, mozart and beethoven and such-- oh, and musicals too of course! It's so unfortunate how the world is forgetting about these works of art... I'm sure the only thing teenagers these days know of that era is 'Romeo and Juliette'. That's not even Shakespear's best work! It's a wonderful play of course, but I wouldn't say it's the number one.
Thank you for this question! Maybe this wasn't as bad of an idea as I thought."
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asksideshowbob 3 years
Have u figured out how to work this app yet
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"For the most part, yes! It isn't too complicated- not as much as I thought, anyway."
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asksideshowbob 3 years
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"Hello, viewers. This is your chance to ask me, your favorite entertainer, any questions you might have! Although I must admit, I've never been good with this sort of thing, so I apologize in advance if I do something incorrectly.
Hopefully this wasn't... too bad of an idea."
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