I liek the old pengin betterrrr.
(Don't we all?)
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I have never not been dapper, but I do appreciate your sentiment.
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Not funny.
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If you insist on splitting hairs, I believe it is you who is in need of a neck-length cut.
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AWK!!  What have I done to deserve this?!
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Returned? But that would imply I'd had left at some point.
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You've changed, ol' boy... lost your touch as it were... (Seriously though, where are you? You haven't updated in months)
(I'm fairly active on my other blogs. I've kinda dropped the ball with my fan ask blogs, unfortunately. There's a few reasons for that but I won't be getting to those. In the meantime, please, I'm only human and I update when I get to the Right Mood, so have patience.
-- Spoon)
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so some people say your a small fry?... you're not that short
You're certainly right I'm not! Occidentally, I don't believe it's meant to be taken in a literal sense, anyway.
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My LAST penguin, Penguin III. 
Typewriter parts. 
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Giants weakness is usually about the legs and the eyes. I'm not sure it can help you in this situation but, that's better than nothing i guess. ( May i ask you, are you only posting your art on your blogs ? Or do you also have a deviant art gallery ? )
Oh, I post art in the following places:
tumblr 2
deviantart )
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Memo to Self: Do Not Anger Tall People.
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Keep calm and try not to be seen and exit stage left…
Of all the indignant intentions, I will not stand for being stuffed in a cage!
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I... I think I need a moment.
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Good goosefeathers, will you stop liking my posts, it’s making me nervous!!Please, do carry on with your, er, titanic transgressions.
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Think, Oswald, think! There's still a chance to take flight...
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Keep calm and try not to be seen and exit stage left...
Of all the indignant intentions, I will not stand for being stuffed in a cage!
Memo to Self: Do Not Anger Tall People.
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Once I saw a little bird… Come hop, hop, hop… So I cried “Little bird, will you stop, stop, stop…?” And was going to the window… to say, “How do you do?” But he shook his little tail, and far away he flew…
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Gerald seems to have been borrowing your things.
ladyzanzibar submitted:
...I do believe, my friend, that it is requisite for me to procure these teacups.
Or, in the words of tumblrites, "want".
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Good goosefeathers, will you stop liking my posts, it's making me nervous!!Please, do carry on with your, er, titanic transgressions.
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Heh. Let's not get ahead of ourselves.
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Three piece suits or two piece suits. The answer should be obvious.
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Well, what do you think? Such an anatine question! Of course I prefer three-piece suits. A gentleman's attire would not be complete without a waistcoat!
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Your lack of faith disturbs me.
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Not if I can help it!
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