Hi! Mod Shibuya here! I'm here to announce that Yumemi is now available for asks here as well!
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Back at it again with a new oc! This time it's Yumemi!
Lore under the cut!
Lore: Yumemi is part of the enderman species of Minecraft, her biological parents are an albino member of the species and a regular one, however her DNA is actually a spliced replica of both, made by a scientist to experiment with genetics, though she was a success, countless others before her failed, she was later sent away to an orphanage, and adopted by two loving parents, but her parents passed away when she was very young, so she had to fend for herself on the streets, she later discovered she had shadow manipulation abilities and used it to help other people who were also on the streets, later she applied for a job as a staff at a coffee shop to earn some money to use for her necessities, but she found it hard to resist going outside into the wilderness, so one day, she packed her bags and left, she wandered around for a while until she finally settled in the Tundra biome, until one day, while she was out exploring, a rift opened up and sucked her in, somehow leading her somewhere very unfamiliar to her, she ended up found by Kushina at the Teitaku Station during her usual shift there and they became best friends.
Teleportation: A must have for an enderman, this is one of their base abilities.
Picking up blocks: Another must have for an enderman, this is also one of their base abilities.
Water Resistance: Albino enderman are less sensitive to water due to there being little to no pigment in their skin that makes their skin incredibly sensitive to water, Yumemi only has half of the resistance however, and the black half of her face and body is extremely sensitive to water.
Shadow Manipulation: The reason Yumemi has this ability is her ancestor also had this ability, but she has recently awakened it, she can summon tentacles and her shadow puppets (Puppets made out of shadows that she uses invisible string-like magic to control them.)
Brewing: A skill she picked up while working at the coffee shop, and later refined after finding a tome about the stuff, very good at it.
Archery: She's been an expert at this since middle school, her school had an archery club and she decided to join, has won multiple awards for the school.
Yumemi's Shadow Form:
She uses this whenever she goes under cover, so she usually hides under someone's shadow and waits for the right time to strike.
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It's about high time I post this on Tumblr.
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Another Touhou LW styled render for Shade Knight, @rosiegardenlove 's oc for the Kirby Oc Tournament!
Also, propaganda for @kirbyoctournament
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Periwinkle: Okay! I'm off to deal with him, goodbye!
Never has ketchup been so deadly.
From Periwinkle
To Valfrey
Periwinkle: Hi Miss Valfrey! Nice to see you again! I've recently prepared a lot of stuff to tackle "The Uther Problem" since you could definitely use a break, so I've made a Tomato Bomb Launcher and a Giant Tennis Ball Rock Pelter to deal with him, I also have some Tomato Bombs to load up that launcher too, so you can leave handling Uther to me, I hope you're okay Miss Valfrey.
@shibuyatoastedcursor / @shibuya-toast / @askthedreamyversegang / Honey Toast Anon
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Uther is about to get to know true tomato torment ~
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A Touhou Lost Word styled mock-up render of Periwinkle, because why not?
Propaganda for @kirbyoctournament
Character featured in the background: Sir Uther by @quanblovk
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askthedreamyversegang · 2 months
//Hi, Mod Shibuya here! Here’s my first attempt at drawing J with a side of comedy from a very confused Periwinkle.
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Periwinkle: *Stares at J, is really confused* Uh... Who's this lady right at my front door?! (/joke)
//J belongs to the one of the cohosts of this year's Kirby Oc Tournament, @moonverc3x! I hope I did her justice!
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askthedreamyversegang · 2 months
Fecto flora: hello periwinkle! I'd just wanted to drop off a small gift for you.
(he gives periwinkle a bouquet of well... periwinkle flowers!!)
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Periwinkle: Wow, thank you so much Flora! I'll make sure to take good care of them!
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askthedreamyversegang · 2 months
Star: do you think nuclear bombs should be legalized?
Periwinkle: Those kinds of bombs can be pretty devastating, it causes a lot of damage to both people and the environment, so no, unfortunately they should not be legalized.
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askthedreamyversegang · 3 months
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Waddle Dee Periwinkle be upon ye!
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askthedreamyversegang · 3 months
Periwinkle: Uh huh, okay, four therapy sessions please.
At some undetermined time during the tournament:
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(Everyone is welcome and we even have free food!)
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Our main leaders are Fal and Snow! (by @nokk0) ✨
I hope you can join us! 💖💖💖// @kirbyoctournament
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askthedreamyversegang · 3 months
Dear, Kuro/Dark Matter Blade
Hi! It's me! You probably don't know me, but I've observed you from afar since I am just so inspired by your sword skills! It's quite impressive if I do say so pawself... out of all the admiration I felt, I thought to Furself, why not make you something from appreciation?
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I made this myself! I love how it turned out, and I hope you do too, Blade. I always wanted to inquire about something, though. How long have you been training with your sword? Did anyone else train you, or was it simple knowledge when you were created? The question is mine to you. Perhaps you could give me the answer?
Sincerely, Vivivox
P.S you're super cool!
*Kuro stares at the picture for a moment, before speaking.
Kuro: Thank you Vivivox, for the drawing, it looks really nice.
For the question, I've been training with my sword for as long as I can remember, I'm pretty fond of training actually, and after my own mess was sorted out, I got some additional training from Meta Knight, and I've helped Gooey train as well.
//Wow, the artwork you made is really cool, thank you so much!
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askthedreamyversegang · 3 months
Periwinkle: I also have no idea what the orange dust is, sorry.
From Periwinkle
To Dotty
Periwinkle: Hi! I'm Periwinkle, nice to meet you! Dotty, right? Did you send a small vial of transparent liquid in my mailbox? Assuming it isn't water and is inedible, what is it then?
@shibuyatoastedcursor / @shibuya-toast / @askthedreamyversegang / Honey Toast Anon
“Vial?… what are you talking about?”
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askthedreamyversegang · 3 months
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Periwinkle: What the flip is that thing doing in my mailbox then!?
From Periwinkle
To Dotty
Periwinkle: Hi! I'm Periwinkle, nice to meet you! Dotty, right? Did you send a small vial of transparent liquid in my mailbox? Assuming it isn't water and is inedible, what is it then?
@shibuyatoastedcursor / @shibuya-toast / @askthedreamyversegang / Honey Toast Anon
“Vial?… what are you talking about?”
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askthedreamyversegang · 3 months
Periwinkle: Good idea, let me open it up for you.
From Periwinkle
To Dotty
Periwinkle: Hi! I'm Periwinkle, nice to meet you! Dotty, right? Did you send a small vial of transparent liquid in my mailbox? Assuming it isn't water and is inedible, what is it then?
@shibuyatoastedcursor / @shibuya-toast / @askthedreamyversegang / Honey Toast Anon
“Vial?… what are you talking about?”
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askthedreamyversegang · 3 months
Periwinkle: This one.
*Periwinkle shows Dotty the vial shown here.
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Periwinkle: It came with an envelope, I haven't opened it yet, so I came to ask you what it is.
From Periwinkle
To Dotty
Periwinkle: Hi! I'm Periwinkle, nice to meet you! Dotty, right? Did you send a small vial of transparent liquid in my mailbox? Assuming it isn't water and is inedible, what is it then?
@shibuyatoastedcursor / @shibuya-toast / @askthedreamyversegang / Honey Toast Anon
“Vial?… what are you talking about?”
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askthedreamyversegang · 3 months
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A gift to Periwinkle.
It is a small vial full of transparent liquid. There is a letter next to it. The paper is covered in glittery specks of orange dust.
Periwinkle: Huh? What's this? I guess I'll keep it for now, not sure what it does, but I'll ask someone else what it is, I guess I'll ask the sender then.
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askthedreamyversegang · 3 months
“ …uh- h- hello, Periwinkle, I… ”
They seem a bit awkward.
( << Okay, this tiny creature is Void Termina for some reason, this makes things significantly more awkward for me… how in Aeon’s name am I supposed to deal with situations like this?! >> )
- Orion Knight
Periwinkle: Hi, sir! How are you? Are you alright? You look pretty nervous, maybe this can cheer you up.
*Periwinkle makes an origami jumping frog for Orion Knight and gives it to him.
Periwinkle: I heard you liked frogs, so here's one as a gift for you, sir.
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askthedreamyversegang · 3 months
Now, for the moment you've all been waiting for... It's finally time for doodle batch 3!
Individual doodles No. 21-22 +2 bonus doodles are... Well, you know the drill at this point, under the cut!
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No. 21 Seam Dee by @cloud-the-forgotten
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No. 22​ Axel (Aqua Dee) (Not in the tourney)​ by @boa35
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Bonus doodle No. 1 featuring
Noir​ Fontaine by @desultory-novice
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Bonus doodle No.2
A Wanya​ Tower​ featuring literally every single Waddle Dee​ I drew here.
Boy is it busy, but a blast to work on.
Doodle batch for : @kirbyoctournament
And that's all folks!
Since round 2 is up this week, I decided to post some propaganda I made a while ago, here's every single Waddle​ Dee​ in the tourney, with Noir as a bonus.
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