askthesancheztwins · 5 months
Hold on, how well can Diablo see without his glasses??
"My glasses...? Oh!"
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askthesancheztwins · 5 months
Cici: "Is the spaghetti okay? I know I'm picky on toppings and such do I just left whatever I could out for you two to use..."
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The table itself is plain, merely a wooden table with four seats but there's a decent array of options spread out for Rick and Diablo to choose from. You've got the typical toppings like pasta sauce, parmesan cheese, chives,relish, but there's a few others like turkey and ham, too.
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"Just a small portion, okay?"
"...fine Kinpa, only a little"
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askthesancheztwins · 6 months
Did you have a Diane, Rick?
"Don't get him started on her..."
"Diane... yeah, I did."
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"But like most Ricks I kinda bailed... just before Beth could understand. I feel bad Beth was only a year old when I left"
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askthesancheztwins · 6 months
Was anyone else in the Flesh Curtains? :0 What were you up to then, Diablo?
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"As for the band? The BP in my Flesh Curtains was a prick and our drummer was a Gazorpian chick who was dark as fuck"
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askthesancheztwins · 6 months
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Cici steps into the hallway, leaning against the door of whatever room the pair are occupying at the moment.
"Settling in okay?"
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"I'm making pasta if you guys want some." They feel a swell of something warm as they look over the two. It really was nice to not be alone all the time.
"No thanks, I'm not hungry-"
"Diablo, you're eating"
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"...ugh, fine."
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askthesancheztwins · 6 months
What, was Rick a goody two shoes in school? XD
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"I tell ya one thing though, I was the rock n roll bad boy heart throb. Formed Flesh Curtains in sophomore year"
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askthesancheztwins · 6 months
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"You were a delinquent?!"
"What about you, Glopnar? High school was different for both of us"
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askthesancheztwins · 6 months
Would u date another version of you?👀Another dimension but completely dif from who u r tht u forget theyr another Rick?
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"And I'm not saying which one though"
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askthesancheztwins · 6 months
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"Cheer up, I know today is tough but we have to pull through, okay?"
"...okay Kinpa"
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askthesancheztwins · 6 months
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Cici: "Yeah, then we're just gonna go to my secret place." There's doubt un her mind that Zero would be annoyed with the sudden appearance of company, especially without knowing when they were leaving. They pull out a portal gun and shoot it forward.
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Cici: "Right this way guys!~"
She leads the two straight to the front door and holds it open so they can step inside.
The first thing they're greeted to is a living room with a couch, tv, a couple of video game systems, a few blankets folded up nearly on the backs of the couch, and a carpeted floor.
Inside the room directly off to the left was a kitchenette with all the expected workings, a window, plus a couple of cute figurines here and there.
Turning to the right was a short hallway with two other doors available. The one off to the left was juuuust ajar enough that they could make out the side of a sink and toilet.
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Cici: "I know it's not much but it's here for you as long as you need." She closes the front door behind them gently and takes off her sneakers, setting them aside by the door.
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"We don't know this roommate so be on guard... they could be trouble."
"Then use your skills in people reading if they show up"
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askthesancheztwins · 6 months
What's the ideal date night look like to you guys? :0
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"Knock it off, Kinpa"
"Make me"
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askthesancheztwins · 6 months
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Cici: *chuckles* "You guys ready yet? This place looks pretty empty to me."
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"...okay, we'll go."
"Good, lead the way!"
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askthesancheztwins · 6 months
"Do we have everything, Kinpa?"
"Yes Punta, fuck sake it's all here"
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"I'm not losing something important or sentimental to us. One. Last. Check."
"Every goddamn time..."
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askthesancheztwins · 6 months
Okay, one of you is using hair dye, yeah??
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"Our colors are both natural, I'm just genetically defected due to this rare condition"
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askthesancheztwins · 6 months
Cici: You guys still didn't tell me which apartment tho ^_^',,
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"Even after two decades apart, eh Punta?"
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askthesancheztwins · 6 months
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Cici: *getting excited* Awesooome, I haven't had a sleepover with like, well anyone that wasn't looking for a sexual favor in forever! I've got a few snacks but you two have got to fill me in on what you wanna eat too!"
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Cici: "Gee, it's a good thing I always have that place nice and tidy."
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"And honestly, Rick? If Diablo has the right kind of currency it shouldn't be hard to get more portal fluid. I know it isn't lowkey at all but bartering at the Citadel is the quickest way go get some."
*Ci rummages around in her bag for a long moment, feeling different parts and places, textures of a roulette of items.
"I can also offer my roomie and I's place up. It bas more space but I get if you'd prefer to leave him out of things." She chuckles to herself. Not that he'd even ask what they were there for.
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"You'll have to forgive Ricardo, he isn't used to roommates that aren't me"
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askthesancheztwins · 6 months
Are either of you single and looking to mingle?~
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"We're both single, but Ricardo's had partners of all genders... including some alien species"
"I also said Diablo was looking"
"Fuck off!"
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