(Hi sorry i keep starting and halting this. School n all. Yeah)
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Maybe we should tell snorpy about our dreams he could have an idea what could be going now with them
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That’s him alright, tho he had an eyepatch on his right eye…like he got hurt and got a black eye or…lost it
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Do you have a picture of him that we could possibly see?
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Thanks maya.
Jeez…I wonder why I had that dream but…maybe it’s important?
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A hug and some tea would be nice
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Please? Cuz that stuff was…weirder then weird
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Yeah it was a triangle. Had an eye on it. It was weird…but what was weirder is they seemed to know me in the dream. They never said my name but…Jeez I really don’t know what’s going on…
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The guy…He was yellow and had…ah uh…I believe he had the same voice as the guy on the walk-in talkie thing from earlier. Didn’t you say it was your brother or something?
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The guys was…yellow…? I think? Yeah yellow. Had a grumpinatti eyepatch aswell
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Yeah…There was…a person named…uhh..Berylla..? And some weird dude with eyepatch I think…I remember Lizbert megafig, a file on her I think. And then..that guy he…asked for a file that was on you then…you woke us up. It was like I was a spy…inside someone else’s mind…Cool!
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…Holy bajesus I had a weird as heck dream..
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What the grump happened? Archives n’…that weird guy.? Maya, why were you yelling for us? We’re we doin something weird or something?”
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Ah- yes it did. So there’s no need to worry about that anymore
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Ah, someone else. I Wonder why they’re here. Maybe they found another file out of place?
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So that’s why we have so many files. They have all been to Snacktooth. Or most of em anyway.
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I see. I forget but, wasn’t Lizbert the adventurer or something? Grumplantis and such?
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