aslimeylovestory · 3 years
Chapter 1: Happy Slime Day
It was Tuesday evening in the spring time in early April, Cashus was turning 22 years old today and worked at a local barbershop in the neighborhood he grew up in, anticipating to get off to start his celebration instead he was doing some last cleaning up around the barber shop he worked at. He loved to cut hair since he was a young boy, watching his father really rubbed off on him, there was a lot of self-taught barbers in those Cuban slums.
“Ayo pa, I’ma go ahead and get out of here….I’ll see you Thursday morning”. Cashus yelled from the front of the shop to the back to the owner.
As Donny the owner walked to the front he said “Damn son, you must got a young thing waiting on you” he laughed.
“Nah man, I’m just tryna get home to change and go meet the bros to celebrate” said Cashus.
“Aight my man, take it easy and enjoy your night, I’ll see you next time you work. Happy Birthday again.” Said Donny.
Cashus walked a few blocks and was on his way home to his Aunt’s apartment that he lived with. Aunt Keys real name Keyshia, was the sister in law of Cashus’s Father , which is his brother Fernando’s wife, and is currently incarcerated due to a stabbing at a bar one night five years ago. We’ll get into that later on down the line.
Finally making it inside, Aunt Key greeted me as I walked into the living room. “Heyyyy Cash, come give ya Auntie a hug, I thought you would’ve been home a little early today since its ya born day neph!”
“I knew my plans wouldn’t be until later on in the day, so I stayed to make some extra bread”.
“I know baby, you’re one hustling mother F’er. You remind me so much of your dad and uncle”. She said with a smile and slight tear drop rolling down her right cheek. “I seen that in you ever since you was a little boy, now my boy all grown and shit” she added while walking away lighting up a cigarette.
“Yeah yeah, I thought you was quitting them shits” I said laughing side-eyeing her.
“I’m a little stressed Cash….. your uncle hasn’t called today and that’s unlike him” She said putting the Bic lighter to her cigarette.
“I really do miss him” She cried as she took a puff while her other hand rubbed her head in stress.
I can’t lie like I don’t feel her, its times where I be in deep thought about my parents, seeing their faces one day and next day gone just like that, so can’t nobody on this earth tell me I don’t feel them on that pain tip! I’m staying strong for people, my Auntie Keys know she has nothing to worry about as long as I’m her nephew. Family is all we got, a code I live by.
Later that night I linked up with the bros and had some drinks at this bar in the city, then afterwards we headed to go gambling out Atlantic City. I grew up with these niggas since migrated to the states. My life in Cuba as a boy slowly faded over the years and I started a new life and I honestly can’t see anything past my mom and pops. People in my neighborhood became my family, but shit still wasn’t sweet out here. I done been through fights all throughout my school life, especially as a lil nigga when I my English was bad. Thirteen years ago all I knew was Spanish now all I speak is ebonics, I made my name in my hood. The ladies love my crew and I, but I’ve yet to wife up any of these broads because there’s no money in that particular sport.
After making it to Atlantic City, we gambled our ass off and got bent off the liquor and even rolled us a few spliffs in the cut of the casino. Honey’s was on us, you know they come from all over on the East coast to come out here for a good time.
“Man ain’t y’all tired of this area now?” I said hitting the weed.
“Bro yes! We should go gambling in Vegas next time.” My bro Zack said.
“Fuck no, I’m talking about forget the gambling shit and do big shit”
“How are we gonna do big shit without this money we make from gambling though bro?” My other bro Bryan added in.
“Y’all niggas need to expand ya minds more, the fuck we gonna keep studying this light shit, while its niggas our age getting to it for real out here”. I said dumping ashes of the joint and passing it.
“What the fuck? How we supposed get it, because I agree but my job ain’t paying me enough” Said Zack laughing looking at Bryan.
“I say we start taking niggas shit, I mean they doing that to another nigga anyways, we just gotta make our operation way more smoother than theirs.” I said with this crazy smirk on my face.
Yeah I forgot to mention I came from a family with a long list of dealers, robbers, and murderers. It was in my blood, my uncle been taking the most popular crews in the whole NYC since before I was born, he had fled Cuba and made a life over here after he vacationed her and met my Aunt Keyshia, Uh huh she was a bad shorty that used to set niggas up, which is how she met my Tio when he had boat loads of cocaine coming into Miami all the way to New York that my pops had sent off. A known dealer was trying to get my tio knocked off so he sent his what you call a bottom bitch to get at my tio and it ended up back firing when my uncle bagged his lady and they’ve been inseparable since. I know y’all thinking how could my uncle trust her after she was sent to do dirty work for another man, but hey when you a smooth wise guy like my uncle anything is possible. I say that to say it runs in the blood and I got no problem handling big business. My uncle serving time for brutally stabbing an unwise guy who tried to run down on him at a bar enjoying his night out with the wife. I promised my Aunt that I wouldn’t follow in his footprints or steps, whatever they say out here, but living by the rules will have you finishing in last place every time.
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Later as the night got old in age we went to our room we had booked near the casino with three rooms in it and three ladies we was kicking it with. I was faded and all I knew was I had this girl on her knees giving me good head, I wasn’t even tryna sleep with her afterward or lick nothing so I sent her on her way and knocked out in my hotel bed. All in all I’m happy to see another year but something had to give ASAP, I sat in my thoughts planning a master plan for me and my crew to come up on smoking another spliff before I called it a night.
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aslimeylovestory · 3 years
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Cuban born Cashus born to a Afro-Cuban mother and father in the late 90s they met coming up from a hard place in Havana. Life can you shape you in a good or bad way, in young Cashus Clemente’s case, it made him cold and felt uneasy throughout his life. Fast forward to his 22nd birthday living in Brooklyn, New York since the age of 9, it was a blessing to see his early 20s yet making it past his late teens. Growing up and losing both of his parents in Cuba in the spring after his 8thbirthday to a jealous drug lord and Cashus having to relocate to the states to live with an aunt on his father’s side, things really took a toll on him as the years went by with a lot of unanswered questions. Here is the story of a young black king surviving in a world where hate, love, heartbreak, and racism still lives but continuing to rise above.
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aslimeylovestory · 3 years
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The best story/fanfic to touch the internet. Tap in Pooh Shiesty fansâť•
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aslimeylovestory · 3 years
New Fanfic in Tumblr Town!!!!
Starring Pooh Shiesty as Cashus Clemente
More characters to be announced.....
Chapter 1 dropping soonâť•âť•âť•âť•
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