Wowee it's been a while, hasn't it! I will be editing the first two chapters of the story and hopefully adding more starting now!
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HOLD | Smallstones
HEAD OF HOUSE | King Zeta Prime
SYMBOL | The symbol of House Tibeerus is a claw slash, most likely from a photovaltai cat. 
BANNERMEN | Too be added
LEGACY | House Tibeerus follows the line of the Predator Kings from their earliest days. They trace their ancestors all the way back to the first Predator King, Hun'Grr. Their most notable recent accomplishment is the fifth generation of Tibeerus rule of Cybertron. They are an honorable house, and quick to defend their ever-loyal bannermen in their time of need. 
-KING ZETA PRIME, King of Cybertron and it’s twin moons, and Phrophet of the Primes      -His Lady Wife, QUEEN ELITA ONE-TIBEERUS           -there children;                -PRINCE TURANTULAS                -PRINCESS AIRACHNID      -his sister, LADY AIRAZOR, Lady of Smallstones           -her son and heir to Smallstones, young LORD CHEETOR                -SER RHINOX and SER RATBAT, Cheetor’s sworn swords           -members of Lady Airazor’s household at Smallstones;                -SER TIGRATRON, master-at-arms at Smallstones           -her loyal knights;                -SER WINDRAZOR, SER RAZORBEAST, OBSIDIAN, SER DEPTH CHARGE, and others               -her loyal “pets” and defenders, The Mutants;                    -ICEBIRD, POISON BITE, RAZOR CLAW, and SOUNDBYTE
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"They are words carved into the walls of Darkmount, Your Grace. There is only one option in any type of battle, one shall stand, and one shall fall."
NAME | Grand Maester Orion Pax
TITLES | Grand Maester, Adviser to the King
HOUSE |  Pax
RELATIONS |  The lone surviving member of House Pax
LEGACY |  After the fall of his House and the ransacking of Darkmount, Orion Pax soon fell into a courtly life, but found medicine and reading a better task fit for him instead of the regular warring and scheming fit for most mechs of his high birth. He is the lone surviving member of his House, and known for that even before his rank as Grand Maester. Though thanks to his title as a Maester, Orion Pax is unable to have children, yet it has arisen that he may or may not be oddly close to the Queen. in more ways than one.
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HERE on ff.net and HERE on AO3
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"The Question is, my Lord, will you be the one to fall, or will you be the one to stand?"
NAME | Lady Flamewar Alystar
TITLES | Eldest daughter to the Late Lord WeirdWolf, Mistress of Law, The Scorched Woman
HOUSE |  Alystar
RELATIONS |  Eldest Daughter to the Late Lord WierdWolf and his Lady Wife, Sibling to Lord Astrotrain of Willow's Tears and Ser Misfire
LEGACY |  Believed by many smallfolk to be the living embodiment of fire, Lady Flamewar's spark is as cold as the ice that coats her home, Willow's Tears. After the sad death of her Lord Father -the past Master of Law, King Zeta Prime recognized her skilled hand at torture and just way of going about things, and so he promoted her to her father's former position.
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Both HERE on ff.net and HERE on AO3.
Please go check it out and read!
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REIGNING LORD[S]| Lord Sunstreak One and Lord Sideswipe One
OTHER NAME | The Bright Castle, The Skyward Kingdom, The Roost
LOCATION | Located high above the festival city of Six Lasers. North of Smallstones and most other cities, Located at the North Pole of Cybertron, yet it is the warmest place you could ever hope to visit.
DESCRIPTION | Thanks to the height of the castle, Light's Keep practically transparent walls are always glimmering with the ligt's spectrum's multitude of color. When it rains though, the walls of this beautiful building shine an silver. It's original builders where of House Pax, it was given to the Lowborn House One after the Predator Kings were defeated. House One rules with pride and with honor, as well as with some foolery, as whoever holds Light's Keep, holds the greatest festival in all of Cybertron- Six Lasers.
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"The queens are the true rulers, my sweetling, and you shall be that true ruler."
NAME | Queen Elita One-Tibeerus
TITLES | Queen of Cybertron and it's Twin Moons, Mistress of the Furies, Lady of the Primes 
HOUSE | Tibeerus, formally of House One
RELATIONS | Wife of King Zeta Prime and mother to their three children: Princess Airachnid, Prince Turantulas, and the unborn Prince Rodimus. Daughter of the Late Lord Kup One and elder sibling to the twin Lords Sunstreaker and Sideswipe, of Light's Keep. 
LEGACY |  Born and raised by the greatest warrior Cybertron has seen in the past hundred-thousand vorns, she is simply a force to be reckoned with. A good Queen to her people, Elita One is a femme that takes great pride in the fact that her Furies are better fighters than all of the Kingsguard combined. She is a femme of pride and of greatness, one who might just be remembered more than her husband.
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"I am the voice of every mech, femme, and sparkling on this planet, and I will not give those who are innocent of any crime the nightmare of being ruled by you, Megatronus."
NAME | Zeta Prime
TITLES | King of Cybertron and it's Twin Moons, Phrophet of the Thirteen, Lord Protector of the Innocent and the Guilty, and Lord Commander of the Brotherhood without Names
HOUSE | Tibeerus
RELATIONS | Husband to Queen Elita, father to their three children, Turrantulas, Airachnid, and the Unborn Prince Rodimus. Elder brother to Lady Airazor of Smallstones, and Uncle to her son, young Lord Cheetor.
LEGACY | Known so far as one of the greatest Kings Cybertron has ever known. The first Prime-King in four millennium, and a kind, just ruler. He is the former Lord of Smallstones and the Champion of the grand tourney hosted by the late King Sentinel. Former Squire to the Late King Sentinel.
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REIGNING LORD | King Zeta-Prime
CURRENT HOUSE | House TIbeerus
OTHER NAMES | The Golden Castle, The Zenith, The Gold Keep
LOCATION | On the Equator of Cybertron and the Center of the Bright Cities. North of Smallstones and West of the Wasteland Cities; Surrounded by the grand City of Iacon
DESCRIPTION | Made completely of Golden Ore, the Golden Keep is home to the King, the Grand Maester, the Reigning Magnus, and any other relative of the King. Normally the Prime would also take residence there, but the current situation makes only one mech for both jobs. The Golden Keep is the grandest and most magnificent Castle in all of Cybertron, larger than any other two castles stacked atop one another.
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Welcome to A Song of Sparks and Energon!
This blog is dedicated to the creation and making of the fanfiction A Song of Sparks and Energon(ASOSAE) by myself, you can just call me Miss Mun! I'm always happy to answer your questions, and and currently working on the first book of this hopefully multiple-book series. Transformers belongs to Hasbro, and any references I make to ASOIAF belong to G.R.R Martin. Let us go over some rules first, okay! Thank you for reading, and please, go an read the fic I promise it's good!
I will take no rudeness, and if you don't like it, shut your peeper, I don't wanna hear it.
Please send me as many messages as you want! Questions, suggestions, and plot ideas are always welcomed! I also love hearing you guys's speculations about the story!
NO STEALING. NONE. AT ALL. EVER. Thought the characters belong to Hasbro, much of the plot-line is of my own mind, so please don't try to plagiarize it. Varys isn't the only master of whispers in these parts.
Pleas enjoy! And if you don't enjoy it, please tell me! (I'd perfer if it wasn't Anon, so then I can privately answer you privately. As long as it is a decent complaint, I will take heed of it!
Want your OC in the story? Characters run out quickly, please submit to me your character's bio and I'll see what I can do!
Have fun and Enjoy!
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