aspec-carnifist · 2 hours
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aspec-carnifist · 6 hours
I'm always entertained by people doing those "canon VS fanon" memes where both are misunderstanding characters to such a violent degree 'cause like
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aspec-carnifist · 6 hours
Tumblr makes me feel insane sometimes because a lot of users here go on about how much more accepting people offline are and that bigots are terminally online, meanwhile every queer I met offline was an anti shipper and everyone else is queerphobic so I don’t think I can trust that they’d be pro kink or fetish or any other flavor deviance and freakiness.
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aspec-carnifist · 19 hours
there’s always more xenosatanists and supporters in the community than I think. I seldom wonder if I’m just beating a dead horse whenever I mention them and wonder if they’re no longer an issue. then I see a xenosatanist again or at least someone neutral.
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aspec-carnifist · 20 hours
this does not mean the work is over though! keep pushing until he’s free!
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aspec-carnifist · 20 hours
New: Search operators for better searching!
We hear you, and we share your frustrations: it’s hard to find a specific post. You know it has a particular tag or phrase, and it was posted on this date, or at least, within a specific year. But you can't find it!
So, today, we’re excited to announce that you can use ✨ advanced search operators ✨ in the search bar now! You can now say potato from:staff year:2021 to easily enjoy that video of a potato being microwaved again.
Before we jump into the details, a couple of caveats to note:
These search operators are only available in the main Tumblr search bar. They don’t work in the search bar in individual blogs.
The search operators only work on posts created in 2017 or later.
OK! Let’s go explore these operators!
Exact phrase match
When you surround your query with regular double quotes (not curly quotes), it will match posts with that exact phrase in the post's text content, or that exact phrase as a tag.
For example, "chappell roan is roan of arc" matches posts with that exact phrase in the content, and also matches posts that have the exact tag #chappell roan is roan of arc.
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Match operator
By default, the query matches the post on either the text or the tags.
You can use match:text to specify you want to search the post content, or match:tags to search the post tags. For example:
sword world match:text looks for posts with the words "sword" and "world" in the post content.
sword world match:tags looks for posts with the words "sword" and "world" in the post tags.
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From operator
Use from:blog or from:@​blog to find only posts by a particular blog.
For example, halloween from:staff finds all posts by @staff that has the word "halloween" in the post content or tags.
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Year operator
Use year:YYYY to find posts from a particular year.
For example, halloween year:2019 finds all posts from 2019 that has the word "halloween" in the post content or tags.
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Date operator
Use date:YYYY-MM-DD to find posts from a particular date.
For example, halloween date:2019-10-08 finds all posts created on October 8, 2019 that has the word "halloween" in the post content or tags.
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All together
You can combine all the tools above to form even more specific queries:
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Congrats! You’re now a Tumblr search wizard! 🪄
Other syntax
As a reminder, you can already search by a tag, or by multiple tags:
Prefixing your query with # performs a tag search — that is, it will find posts with that exact tag. For example, #star wars will only return posts with the #star wars tag.
You can search for multiple tags at at time. For example, #star wars #art will find posts that are tagged with both the tag #star wars and the tag #art.
You can combine this with the new operators to find what you are looking for!
We will add a guide for this new syntax soon to our Help Center.
Tumblr Patio support
The enhanced syntax makes Tumblr Patio even more powerful. You can now open multiple search columns each with different fine-tuned queries that use the syntax above to get you customized feeds.
We’d love to hear what you think! Please share your feedback in the replies and reblogs of this post, or by reaching out to Tumblr Support.
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aspec-carnifist · 21 hours
#i know this has been said a million times#but attraction =/= action#the implication that maps (or any paraphile for that matter) is doomed to rape/offend is so misguided
"MAPs should be locked up or kill themselves even if they are anti-contact! This is the only way to keep society safe!"
Do you rape everyone you're attracted to?
Then this argument is obsolete.
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aspec-carnifist · 1 day
I feel like some people's ageism is caused by distress at no longer being in the age group they associate with the idea of adolescence. Some of these people are experiencing age dysphoria, others just don't realize you can be a full grown adult and still into anime, video games, and alternative clothing, and still new to many things. So instead they try to artificially age themselves down by pushing the closest younger age group, teenagers, into the social position of children.
Sort of like, being goth, getting drunk for the first time, and having first sex is no longer for 15 year olds, it's for 25 year olds, and 15 year olds need to dress appropriately and stay in school.
Then there's also the layer where the society's treatment of children (the aforementioned school and dress codes) sucks too, but that's a different conversation.
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aspec-carnifist · 1 day
ok enough is enough. whichever one of you virgins invented instagram starbucks recipes, die 1000 deaths. I had a customer come in today holding out their phone (full brightness) and looking all shy and Im immediately like 🙄 fine ok, what does the instagram user want me to make for them this time. well this time it's a cringe harry potter themed frappucino. excuse me??? "can you make this for me?" I said excuse me??? -- I mean *customer service voice* "yeah it looks like I have all the ingredients, haha sure!"
ok cringe instagram harry potter frappucino drinker. ok. die. "Ive never had this drink before" yeah I can tell due to the fact that it didnt exist until someone posted a #aesthetic photo of it to instagram 14 hours ago ok. ok,
but whatever, Im paid to put up with this shit. so I add the ingredients all up on my computer and congrats! ur harry potter cringe social media drink has $10 worth of syrup in it. are you happy??? is this what you wanted??? a $10 frappucino??? $10. for a drink. you doubled the price of this drink for ur off-brand "harry potter and the legend of the overpriced starbucks drink" drink. you doubled the price!!! is this how u imagined spending ur day? is this what u wanted to do when u woke up this morning? $10 for a 24oz drink?
and u know, you KNOW the influencer making this recipe doesn't even work at a starbucks cause when it was all said and done the drink looked like shit. my blender was straining against the weight of your sins (and syrups) and Im sweating, Im an animal, Im losing my mind and my blender is getting watered down frappucino syrups everywhere -- u put so much shit liquid in this blender it doesnt even fit in the cup btw. it's making a huge mess. but is it instagramable? no, its fucking ugly. #trending #foryoupage #cringe $10 harold potter drink for adult children,
so are you happy? is ur social media influencer bestie happy? I made ur stupid $10 drink for u. does it taste good? no? well I hope instagram shuts down tomorrow. I hope you read a different book. I hope I never get sober. there is no sign of land. I hope you die. I hope we both die.
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aspec-carnifist · 1 day
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Share to save someone with nut allergies a hospital trip hoooly shit
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aspec-carnifist · 1 day
People who love you shouldn't make you feel ashamed of your interests and hobbies. What you enjoy is wonderful, even if it's uncommon, complicated, stereotypical, etc. Please keep sharing your lovely energy with the world.
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aspec-carnifist · 1 day
that I used the words “ego-syntonic” and “ego-dystonic” when talking to a psychiatrist was used as evidence by that psychiatrist that I was obviously faking, additionally, the fact that I have read and memorized various portions of the dsm was presented as evidence by a psychologist that I was obviously faking
this is an attitude I have commonly encountered amongst mh professionals, which is, If You Appear To Have Accessed The Forbidden Psychiatric Knowledge And You Are A Patient, That Is A Bad Sign
like I remember a psychiatrist who got mad at me for my explaining that if I was bipolar I had to be having a manic episode and not a hypomanic episode because my symptoms were, by the criteria in the dsm, definitively manic and not hypomanic
the same psychiatrist brushed it off when i explained that me stimming was not an ocd compulsion, because it did not meet any of the dsm criteria for being a compulsion, saying that “well, no one is ever a textbook case“
same psychiatrist again, said “excuse me, are you the doctor?” when i was genuinely trying to be helpful by suggesting a starting dosage for a med I had been on before
he was clearly very threatened by me knowing or indicating that I knew anything about Official Psychiatric Information, and this is, aside from being very frustrating, is completely fascinating to me
why is it a threat if I know psychiatric terminology? why is it a threat if I have read the dsm? why is a diagnosis only valid if the patient doesn’t have the faintest idea what it means and adamantly disagrees that they have it? (one example: I was dxed with bpd for the first time, had never heard the term and disagreed, saw a different psychiatrist who I told about the dx and the fact that I had googled it and now I was more receptive to the dx given that I had read more about it, and this psychiatrist told me I “shouldn’t self diagnose” and dxed me with bipolar instead. in this instance, me agreeing with the bpd dx instantly made it no longer applicable)
like there is very much a power thing in psychiatry where the ideal patient knows nothing about their diagnosis or medication beyond what they are told by a mh professional, agrees with whatever they are told, and then complies with no further question, complaint or disagreement
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aspec-carnifist · 1 day
I can’t give others true and deep condolences other than shallow statements like “I’m sorry for you” or “I feel for you.” I feel bad for that.
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aspec-carnifist · 1 day
Transage symbolism.
orange - beings who are older than their time lived yellow - nonlinear and otherwise non-traditional age identities white - opposition to oppression and systems that perpetuate it, including capitalism, gatekeeping, and things like ageism and age norms pink - beings that are younger than their time lived purple - ageflux and agefluidity
(flag meaning).
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Jellyfish mascot.
The first flag became the most widely known and recognized transage flag. Some transage people consider it to be too similar to the sunset lesbian pride flag and find this similarity unfortunate.An alternative flag was made in August of 2022 by a transage activist (Laura).
According to her design, the gold color symbolizes older ages (autumn and summer), green stands for younger ages (spring), and white means agelessness and transition. This flag did not become as popular as the other one, but the jellyfish mascot she added to it gained more recognition.
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Moon symbol system.
The base of the symbol is a hourglass flipped to the side, symbolizing break of the usual flow of time or a transitional period. In two parts of the hourglass are moons in various phases, the one on the left ("from") denoting the person's chronological age, and the one(s) on the right ("to") denoting their intra age.
The moon phases from waxing crescent to waning crescent symbolize age ranges from nepio to geronto, and new moon symbolizes agelessness, or not stating one's age. Partial lunar eclipse (moon lit from below, in grey) symbolizes unusual age experiences. Black and white moon softly lit from the right side stands for the concept of "younger", and one lit from the left side stands for the concept of "older". Moons can be overlaid with various symbols to convey nuances, such as a paw to convey age in dog years, or an infinity symbol to denote infinite age.
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Cloud symbol system.
The cloud symbol system was created in May of 2022 by the Treehouse System and was illustrated by Pappy. Each cloud represents an age-alignment of being OtY, YtO, ageless, and any combination of the three, as well as a separate cloud for those who are outside of age norms. Each term is based around different types of clouds.
Cumulian: Older-to-younger (OtY)
Cirrian: Younger-to-older (YtO)
Stratian: Ageless
Cirrocumulian: Both OtY and YtO
Cirrostratian: Both YtO and ageless
Stratocumulian: Both OtY and ageless
Nimbian: OtY, YtO, and ageless
Nebulian: Outside of the age binary
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Pt: If you dont like us, just block! Feel free to ask for more information about the label.
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Pt: DNI: Truscum, heavy religius, dahlia/winter, antiradqueer, anti transids, anti paras, anti muds, anti mspec, anti endos, anti profic, hypoharmful, non-good faith, anti cosang, anti therian, otherkin (etc), terfs, anti xenogenders or xenoids, pro-harrasment of any type, anti kink, anti agere/petre.
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aspec-carnifist · 2 days
Bunnies are capable of swimming but it’s for the best if they don’t as when their fur is wet, it’s very difficult to dry. This then leads into health issues.
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aspec-carnifist · 2 days
Always pleased to see users who share similar values with me (anti contact, anti recovery (old definition), pro transid, anti cringe culture, prolly other things I forgot to list).
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aspec-carnifist · 2 days
"kids don't pay attention in class anymore Because Of Phone" is so funny as an argument. students haven't paid attention in class since school was invented. my parents' generation were in there making flipbooks out of the corners of their notebooks and doodling random shit instead of taking notes. and they didn't have phones.
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