Assessment 2 Authentic tasks - Case study analysis report
Type of Collaboration Individual assessment
Marking Criteria Correct identification, use and interpretation of statistical techniques.
Appropriate interpretation of computer output.
Overall, you are required to demonstrate the following knowledge and skills in this assessment:
 Demonstrate the use of visualising data in presentation of real world data
 Demonstrate the use of statistical concepts/techniques in business data
 Demonstrate how to conduct various hypothesis tests and regression analysis using computer software such as Excel/KaddStat
 Demonstrate the use of computer software to get necessary statistical output
 Demonstrate the skills of preparation of a managerial report
Style and Format Business Report.
Students are provided with a data set and a set of related questions they will need to answer by relying on the knowledge of statistical techniques and software acquired in class. In order to answer these questions students will need to prepare a business report, which will be marked by focusing both on the presentation and the rest (statistical analysis, output and interpretation). Specifically, the report will need to include the following sections: executive summary, table of contents, business problem, statistical problem, analysis, conclusion, implications. More detailed information will be provided in class.
Assessment Submission Handover the hard copy of the assignment to your lecturer during thelecture time. You should submit your assignment to Turnitin site in the Moodle and get a copy of Turnitin report. This report should attached to your hard copy of your assignment.
Detailed Information Report Luxury Car Buyers
Case Study: Luxury Car Buyers @Nelson Perera 2012
In order to find who is buying different types of luxury cars Automobile Association conducted a survey of luxury car buyers. In this case study, data is collected for three types of luxury cars; BMW, Lexus and Mercedes. The ages, household incomes and years of education for each type of luxury car were collected in the survey. The data set is organised as follows:
Column 1: Type of car, 1 for BMW, 2 for Lexus and 3 for Mercedes.
Column 2: Age of the customer
Column 3: Household Income in Dollars
Column 4: Years of Education
Data set is loaded on eLearning site under assignment data.
Visually present data for the ages of buyers of the three different luxury cars. Calculate the descriptive statistics for the ages of buyers of the three different luxury cars. Comment on the location, shape and variability of the age distributions of buyers.
Visually present data for the household income of the buyers of three different luxury cars. Calculate the descriptive statistics for the household incomes of buyers of the three different luxury cars. Comment on the location, shape and variability of the household income distributions of buyers.
Visually present data for the years of education of buyers of the three different luxury cars. Calculate the descriptive statistics for the years of education of buyers of the three different luxury cars. Comment on the location, shape and variability of those distributions.
Some car dealers believe that the type of luxury car the people purchase do not depend on their ages, household incomes or years of education. Using the data collected test the belief that there is no significant difference of the average ages of the buyers of three different luxury cars.
Test the belief that that there is no significant difference in mean household incomes of the three different luxury cars.
Test the belief that that there is no significant difference in average years of education of the three different luxury cars.
Some other car dealers claim that older people with higher household income and more years of education prefer Mercedes to BMW or Lexus. Use the given data set to determine whether this claim justified?
Provide a thorough discussion of the implications of your findings.
More information on this assessment will be provided during the session
time including the presentation of the assignment and submission to
Turnitin. Please note that you should submit the assignment according to
the format given in the Moodle site.
Use 5% level of significance in your analyses for all questions of
hypothesis testing.
EXCEL outputs should be incorporated into your report.
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This assignment is designed to get you to reflect on your personal approach and feelings on information security and privacy.
Lau, Y. (2015). Cybercrime in cloud: Risks and responses in Hong Kong, Singapore. In Ko, R., & Choo, K.(Eds.). (2015). The Cloud Security Ecosystem: Technical, Legal, Business and Management Issues. Waltham, MA: Syngress.
This chapter discusses some of the approaches to cybercrime that are taken by both the Hong Kong and Singapore governments. But, any approach to cybercrime comes with risks to information security and privacy.
Assume that an Australian State Government has reviewed the Singapore Government’s Smart Nation Plan and has decided to implement their own Smart State Plan. This will initially consist of a network of smart sensors and cameras at traffic lights, bus stops, rubbish bins, etc. in their CBD to monitor citizens behaviour and address street crime.
Discuss what you see as the personal and ethical implications for your privacy of the proposed Government’s Smart Sensor Network by looking at:
The types or categories of people affected by this proposal,
What behavioural changes you might expect to see from normal citizens,
Would you expect to see changes in individual behaviours, such as choice of activities, changes in time schedules, etc.
The next part of the Government’s plan is to deploy a Smart WiFi Network which will consist of a series of sensor boxes to act as WiFi hotspots throughout the city. This would allow the introduction of a heterogeneous network where smart phones and other devices could seamless switch between mobile data and WiFi.
Discuss what you see as the personal and ethical implications for your privacy of the proposed Government’s Smart WiFi Network by looking at:
The types or categories of people affected by this proposal,
What behavioural changes you might expect to see from normal citizens using their mobile devices in the CBD,
Would you expect to see changes in individual behaviours, such as choice of activities, changes in time schedules, etc.
What are the implications for you If you had sensitive information on your mobile device that you did not want to share?
The Smart State Plan will also enrol all citizens with a Digital Identity to ensure that they can correctly be identified and access services provided by the state both electronically and physically.
If you were visiting the State Capital after the Smart State Plan has rolled out, do you think that the use of a digital identity would assist you to maintain your privacy while using your mobile phone or devices during your visit? Discuss the reasons for your answer.  
What steps do you think that you could take to ensure the security and privacy of your digital identity while operating your mobile device(s) in this environment? Discuss each step that you would take along with its advantages and disadvantages.  
Each question is worth 25 marks and your overall score will be scaled out of 10. As a guide, your word limit for this assignment should be around 3,000 words.  
This assessment task will assess the following learning outcome/s:
be able to critically analyse the legal, ethical and business concerns for the security and privacy of data to be deployed to the cloud.
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Assessment task
Your boss is keen to understand the challenges and opportunities that technology has brought to corporate communication. She has asked you to prepare an executive summary giving a brief outline on how to embrace these challenges and opportunities in the workplace.
Please follow these guidelines to complete the assessment:
Read the article by Argenti, P 2017, ‘Strategic Communication in the C-Suite’, International Journal of Business Communication, vol. 54, no. 2, pp. 146 – 160 (located on the Blackboard – Assessment Tasks and Submission Task 1).
Engage in research to find two other articles (academic journal, industry journal, website article, or a newspaper article) related to the impact of technology on corporate communication. Use Google Scholar and the SCU library website to do your research.
Print and read all articles and complete the Article Analysis Form (located under Assessment Tasks and Submission) for each of the three articles. Attach each form to the back of your executive summary.
After carefully reading the three articles, draft a two-page Executive Summary (synopsis) using the format of an Executive Summary memo. According to The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language, 4th Ed, (2000), the word synopsis is defined as “A brief outline . . . a summary”
Identify three headings that relate to the purpose of the memo to form the structure for the body of your work. Support for each heading must come from at least TWO of your THREE sources. Use one quotation in each section from one of your three sources.
You will need to use SCU Harvard style to document your sources within the text and in the Reference List. For further information please see.
Write the two-page Executive Summary (12pt Times New Roman font – single spaced). The Reference List must be on the third (separate) page.
Submit Assessment 1 to Turnitin via the Blackboard site no later than the due date: Monday 23rd July 2018 9.00am (QLD time).
Refer to the Marking Criteria Guide and Marking Rubric located in this document.
PRIOS/CDT brief for Assessment 1:
Purpose: To engage in a thorough analysis of three articles and write a two page synopsis.
Reader: Your boss (who is keen to create a positive communication climate).
Information: Three (3) articles.
Organisation: Direct order format.
Style: Formal.
Channel choice: Written document.
Document design: Memo format.
Length: 500 words.
(covered in lecture and tutorials – see:  Unit Content Week 1: H1.3 – PRIOS – CDT summary)
Assessment Overview
It is strongly advised that the assessment instructions and marking criteria be considered alongside the Assessment Marking Rubric. Other Resources and Discussions will be posted on the Discussion Board.
This is a graded unit and grades are awarded as detailed in the University's Rules Relating to Awards. To achieve a passing grade in the unit all assessment tasks must be submitted and an overall mark of 50% or more must be obtained.
Special consideration
All applications for Special Consideration need to be submitted before the due date of the assessment item.
If you would like to apply for Special Consideration please go to the following link and select the appropriate button.
Submission of Special Consideration form, together with all supporting documentation does not guarantee Special Consideration will be granted. NB: Only the Unit Assessor can approve a Special Consideration application.
Requests for special consideration in relation to assessment tasks shall only be considered on the following grounds:
health (including impacts of religious fasting);
compassionate circumstances;
religious observances or celebrations;
serious unforeseen personal events;
selection in State, national or international sporting or cultural events;
rendering genuine and unforeseen emergency service in a professional or voluntary capacity; or
rendering any service (including undertaking training) in the Defence Reserves.
Computer failure will not be accepted as a reason for missing an assessment deadline: you are strongly advised to backup all of your work, for example on a USB flash drive, to ensure that you are still able to submit to a deadline in the event of a computer related failure.
Section 4 — Grounds for Special Consideration
Section 5 — Types of Special Consideration
Section 6 — Examination and Special Examination Periods
Late penalties
Any assignment submitted after the due date will be processed in accordance with the University's Assessment Policy and Procedures. In cases where there are no accepted mitigating circumstances as determined through Special Consideration procedures, the late submission of an assessment task will lead automatically to the imposition of a penalty.
Specifically, this means a deduction of 5% of the available mark from the actual mark achieved by the student, one minute after the due date and time specified by the Unit Assessor. A further deduction of 5% of the available mark from the actual mark will then be imposed for each 24 hour period that the assignment remains overdue. For full details of the For full details of the penalty and how it is applied, please refer to SCU’s Assessment Policy and Procures, available on the unit’s Blackboard site.
penalty and how it is applied, please refer to SCU’s Assessment Policy and Procures, available on the unit’s Blackboard site.
A practical example
Assume that you have an assessment that is worth 30 marks and you submit your paper 1.5 days late. After assessing it in the same way that all other papers are assessed, your tutor determine that you should receive 20 marks. As per the Late Submission policy, 1.5 marks should initially be deducted (5% of 30). A further 1.5 marks should also be deducted for the one complete 24 hour period that the assignment was overdue. A total of 3 marks should therefore be deducted, leaving a final mark of 17.
Please note that late assignments are likely to be returned with a significantly reduced amount of feedback.
Academic Integrity
Students are reminded of the extremely serious view the University takes with regard to plagiarism and are strongly advised to read the university’s policies on academic integrity and the penalties associated with academic misconduct (see: https://policies.scu.edu.au/ view.current.php?id=00142, as well as information in the UIG).
Plagiarism means claiming credit for someone else’s intellectual work. If you find any of the following problems in your academic writing, you may be guilty of plagiarising someone else’s work.
Inappropriate paraphrasing skills, resulting in copying the written expression of someone else without acknowledgement
Distortion of meaning.
Missing attribution.
Missing quotation marks.
This includes copying materials, ideas or concepts from a book, article, report or other written document, presentation, composition, artwork, design, drawing, circuitry, computer program or software, website, internet, other electronic resource, or another person's assignment, without appropriate acknowledgement.
Relying too much on other people’s material.
Inappropriate and inadequate citation and missing reference entry.
Inadequate citation of images.
It is important you understand what constitutes using sources responsibly. If in doubt, please discuss with your tutor.
Assignment Resubmission
Assignment resubmission is permitted in the unit MNG81001 Management Communication for those students who have received a fail grade in either assessment item 1, 2 or 3. The resubmit is for one assessment item only and the result will be awarded either a pass (of 50% of the mark for the assessment item) or fail grade.
Further details on resubmission will be made available after the release of Assessment 3 grades.
All assessment items (1, 2, 3 and 4) must be lodged through Turnitin accompanied by an ‘Assignment Cover Sheet’.
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Quality Dimensions
I have decided to purchase a new tablet computer and am considering the latest Apple iPadPro. I have been an Apple user for the past six years. I have a MacBook, an iPhone and an older iPad, I know that the products are well constructed and I have never had a failure of any Apple product. I heard that Apple products are made in china by Foxcon and have seen the have seen the label saying Designed in California made in china, I have read that foxcon uses up to date quality control in their assembly plant.
I like the retina screen and fast processor in the iPadPro and also like the Apple the Apple Pencil that writes directly on the screen.
I am aware that there are Apple shops that can do authorized repairs but have heard that it can take a week to get the repair done.
I also read that this iPadPro is glued together inside an this makes it one of the most difficult to repair. I am thinking that another non Apple repairer would not be able to do any repairs on it, although they are usually do repairs in one day on other equipment.
I have read that the iPadPro will last for 8 hours between battery charges, so it will be convenient for me to get a full day of work done after charging.
Discuss the Dimensions of Quality of the Apple iPadPro from the information provided above.
You are considering the purchase of a new washing machine. You are looking at the AEG range of machines at your local dealer. You notice that some machine have simple controls while others have a digital display with full microprocessor enabled automation. You like the idea of an automation machine but you are concerned that the microprocessor may fail. Some machines have a larger door that opens wide there is also a choice between a 5kg and 8kg machine.
You know that it is important that the door seal does not leak and have read that the AEG machine have a door seal that works well.
Question- Consider the above situation and using the quality dimensions’ concepts, discuss five quality considerations that you would make in deciding about your purchase and provide an example of each, related to a washing machine.10M
Cosmetics are products like face cream and make up that people use on their face.
A cosmetics manufacturer has instructions for mixing a batch of product. During the mixing of one of the bathes, one of the operators added 10ml instead of 5ml of one of the ingredients into the batch. She advised her supervisor who went to the Technical manager to ask what should be done. The Technical Manager decided that would not make any noticeable change to the product and it would be no danger to the user. He signed off on the variation and approved that the batch can be used.
Please discuss this incident from the point of view of quality, referring to one of the Quality Gurus
2question 10Marks.
In the manufacture of cosmetic there is a method that must be followed to mix each for each product. Each product has a different set of steps to follow Suring the mixing. It is important that the correct mass of each ingredient is used and the temperature is correct during the mixing. You would like to be sure that each product is correctly made but it is impossible to check the quality of the finished product and you have to depend on the operator to  be sure that they add they follow the procedure correctly.
Please discuss the key quality management techniques that would apply to getting good quality product in this situation. You should refer the key message from each two of the Quality Gurus that apply to this situation.
Quality Standards – 10marks.
1.You have been sent by your employer to work on a construction site in Spain. As part of the safety equipment that you have been provided, you have been given a safety helmet to wear. You are concerned for your safety and have to decide if you can trust that the helmet will keep you safe.
Discuss how you can determine if the helmet should be safe and if you can trust that the one you are wearing has been manufactured correctly.
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In order to find who is buying different types of luxury cars Automobile Association conducted a survey of luxury car buyers. In this case study, data is collected for three types of luxury cars; BMW, Lexus and Mercedes. The ages, household incomes and years of education for each type of luxury car were collected in the survey. The data set is organised as follows:
Column 1: Type of car, 1 for BMW, 2 for Lexus and 3 for Mercedes.
Column 2: Age of the customer
Column 3: Household Income in Dollars
Column 4: Years of Education
Data set is loaded on eLearning site under assignment data.
Visually present data for the ages of buyers of the three different luxury cars. Calculate the descriptive statistics for the ages of buyers of the three different luxury cars. Comment on the location, shape and variability of the age distributions of buyers.
Visually present data for the household income of the buyers of three different luxury cars. Calculate the descriptive statistics for the household incomes of buyers of the three different luxury cars. Comment on the location, shape and variability of the household income distributions of buyers.
Visually present data for the years of education of buyers of the three different luxury cars. Calculate the descriptive statistics for the years of education of buyers of the three different luxury cars. Comment on the location, shape and variability of those distributions.
Some car dealers believe that the type of luxury car the people purchase do not depend on their ages, household incomes or years of education. Using the data collected test the belief that there is no significant difference of the average ages of the buyers of three different luxury cars.
Test the belief that that there is no significant difference in mean household incomes of the three different luxury cars.
Test the belief that that there is no significant difference in average years of education of the three different luxury cars.
Some other car dealers claim that older people with higher household income and more years of education prefer Mercedes to BMW or Lexus. Use the given data set to determine whether this claim justified?
Provide a thorough discussion of the implications of your findings.
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The first half of this subject focuses on the individual and the specific processes—cognitive or otherwise—that individuals engage in when faced with a decision to make. Your task in this first assessment is to reflect on those processes in the context of your own experience and in accounts found in wider reading, and to identify and critique the specific models and frameworks available to you as a decision-maker.
Construct a reflective analytical report, founded on solid research of decision-making methods, models, frameworks and taxonomies found both in the subject and in wider scholarly reading you undertake.
The report is to be limited to 3000 words, exclusive of formal document sections (i.e. title page, executive summary, table of contents, references list, appendices, etc.), citations, tables and graphs. Students should submit one file through Turnitin.
There are a number of forms the report could take. The exact form the report will depend on the additional research the student will undertake; students should aim for the demonstration of deep learning, founded on theory through thorough reading of scholarly literature, rather than on getting any aspect of the brief ‘right.’
Students should commence this assignment early, keep regular backups and ensure they submit the correct, final version. Students should use this brief as the instruction set for the assignment requirements. Additionally, the rubric below can be used to describe what unacceptable, functional, proficient, advanced and exceptional assignments might look like according to the criteria in the leftmost column of each row.
As this is a Masters level subject, students are expected to engage with high-quality academic journal articles, using the Torrens University Library. Textbooks, Wikipedia and, in general, anything that can be obtained through an open Google search page are considered supplementary material, unbecoming of a postgraduate.
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Please note that bullet points are not acceptable in the 150 word paragraph; responses need to be written in full sentences. This assignment must be submitted through the Turnitin link for this assignment.
The following assessment aims to differentiate between the different types of leadership required for developing engaged employees based on awareness and respect of group diversity. It begins the development of Cultural Competence Learning Outcome and Graduate Attribute by facilitating students’ preliminary knowledge and awareness about the different types of leadership required to engage a diverse employee workforce.    
Pick one journal article listed as a reading for Week 1 or 2. Critically read the journal article and write one paragraph that explains what it is about and what evidence is used to support the argument.
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The following assessment aims to examine how well you understand the relationship between authentic leadership, effective Leader-Member Exchange and management support and the psychological capital of employees of different employee groups. It continues the development of Cultural Competence Learning Outcome and Graduate Attribute by facilitating students’ increased knowledge and awareness about how authentic leadership, effective Leader-Member Exchange (LMX) and management support interact on employees outcomes.  
Pick a topic below and write a well-referenced literature review in response. You are expected to use the academic literature to support a well-constructed argument. This assignment must be submitted through the Turnitin link for this assignment.
What is the relationship between authentic leadership, Leader-Member Exchange (LMX) and employees’ Psychological Capital (PsyCap)? Critically review the literature that explains how to build the Psychological Capital of different types of employees (such as professionals versus administrative employees, emotional labour, blue collar versus white collar employees, different generational cohort, and/or different ethnicities)? Why do emotions (of for example leaders, managers, employees) significantly impact employees’ performance?
Analyse the leadership and/or employee performance (such as their engagement, turnover, commitment, wellbeing) at your workplace and compare it with the positive leadership and Psychological Capital literature. How similar or different is your workplace from what is potentially possible as per recent research studies? Please consider different types of employees (such as professionals versus administrative employees, emotional labour, blue collar versus white collar employees, different generational cohorts, and/or different ethnicities). Use the positive leadership and/or Psychological Capital literature to suggest how to move your workplace towards being more effective?
1 note · View note
The following assessment develops Communication and Social Skills Learning Outcome and Graduate Attribute by facilitating students’ knowledge and awareness about how to run an evidence-based intervention targeted at a specific type of employee so as to develop their communication skills in a professional setting.
You are required to develop a powerpoint presentation. The powerpoint presentation must be supported by references on the final page. It should show how one small part of the Positive leader theory can be turned into a skill development exercise useful in the workplace.  
Please note that you MUST upload your Powerpoint slides through Turnitin.
Chose one topic
Identify one of characteristics of being a positive leader and develop a presentation about one strategy that a positive leader could use to improve the productivity and wellbeing of one type of employee (such as emotional labour (such as nurses or carers) or first response employees (such as police officers/ soldiers) or different types of professionals (such as engineers) or a specific generational cohort or any other type of employee. The presentation can include different types of skill development exercises aimed at demonstrating the impact of each strategy.
Develop a workshop for improving positive emotions/workplace relationships/hope/psychological capital/positive values or any other positive attribute evident in the peer-reviewed journals.
Develop a presentation showing how you would use positive leadership skills to convince your management (Board of Director) of an idea that would improve employee performance (engagement/wellbeing).
Develop a presentation for management about how you would use positive leadership skills to introduce the adoption of proactive maintenance skills.
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Read the following quotes:
Jordi (2010, p2)
Reflection is defined as the “activity in which people recapture their experience, think about it, mull it over and evaluate it” … cognitive reflection is the key process through which individuals extract knowledge from their concrete experience … [it] requires that we critique the cultural, class, and gender assumptions and prejudices.”
And/ Or
Sparr et al (2015, p33)
“Reflection is the intermediate that allows people to generate meaning from an experience … The outcomes of reflection include behavioral intentions and new insights… Through reflection on obtained feedback, learners become aware of their strengths and weaknesses and can take targeted action to improve their performance. Moreover, reflection supports the learner in dealing with unexpected or negative feedback:”
And/ Or
Day et al (2014, p64)
“There is a relatively long history of leadership theory and research spanning more than a century …[however] … there is a fairly short history of rigorous scholarly theory and research on the topics of leader and leadership development. … Given that individual leader development occurs in the context of ongoing adult development … we need to focus on development as much as leadership to shed light on how this process unfolds”.
Consider the quotes listed in the light of your presentation. If they are relevant, please integrate into your essay. If not, choose relevant reflection journal articles to support your argument. In your critical reflective essay, reflect on one of the following questions:
What was/were the specific goal(s)? To what extent were they achieved? Consider the theory used and your assumptions. Based on your experience in delivering assessment 3, how accurate were they?
Who was the intended audience? What does theory tell you about their specific requirements? Consider your assumptions. Based on your experience in delivering assessment 3, how accurate were they?
What worked well in your presentation? What aspects of your presentation requires further attention? Why?
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Assessment task
Your boss is keen to understand the challenges and opportunities that technology has brought to corporate communication. She has asked you to prepare an executive summary giving a brief outline on how to embrace these challenges and opportunities in the workplace.
Please follow these guidelines to complete the assessment:
Read the article by Argenti, P 2017, ‘Strategic Communication in the C-Suite’, International Journal of Business Communication, vol. 54, no. 2, pp. 146 – 160 (located on the Blackboard – Assessment Tasks and Submission Task 1).
Engage in research to find two other articles (academic journal, industry journal, website article, or a newspaper article) related to the impact of technology on corporate communication. Use Google Scholar and the SCU library website to do your research.
Print and read all articles and complete the Article Analysis Form (located under Assessment Tasks and Submission) for each of the three articles. Attach each form to the back of your executive summary.
After carefully reading the three articles, draft a two-page Executive Summary (synopsis) using the format of an Executive Summary memo. According to The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language, 4th Ed, (2000), the word synopsis is defined as “A brief outline . . . a summary”
Identify three headings that relate to the purpose of the memo to form the structure for the body of your work. Support for each heading must come from at least TWO of your THREE sources. Use one quotation in each section from one of your three sources.
You will need to use SCU Harvard style to document your sources within the text and in the Reference List. For further information please see:
Write the two-page Executive Summary (12pt Times New Roman font – single spaced). The Reference List must be on the third (separate) page.
Submit Assessment 1 to Turnitin via the Blackboard site no later than the due date: Monday 23rd July 2018 9.00am (QLD time).
Refer to the Marking Criteria Guide and Marking Rubric located in this document.
PRIOS/CDT brief for Assessment 1:
Purpose: To engage in a thorough analysis of three articles and write a two page synopsis.
Reader: Your boss (who is keen to create a positive communication climate).
Information: Three (3) articles.
Organisation: Direct order format.
Style: Formal.
Channel choice: Written document.
Document design: Memo format.
Length: 500 words.
(covered in lecture and tutorials – see:  Unit Content Week 1: H1.3 – PRIOS – CDT summary)
Assessment Overview
It is strongly advised that the assessment instructions and marking criteria be considered alongside the Assessment Marking Rubric. Other Resources and Discussions will be posted on the Discussion Board.
This is a graded unit and grades are awarded as detailed in the University's Rules Relating to Awards. To achieve a passing grade in the unit all assessment tasks must be submitted and an overall mark of 50% or more must be obtained.
Special consideration
All applications for Special Consideration need to be submitted before the due date of the assessment item.
Submission of Special Consideration form, together with all supporting documentation does not guarantee Special Consideration will be granted. NB: Only the Unit Assessor can approve a Special Consideration application.
Requests for special consideration in relation to assessment tasks shall only be considered on the following grounds:
health (including impacts of religious fasting);
compassionate circumstances;
religious observances or celebrations;
serious unforeseen personal events;
selection in State, national or international sporting or cultural events;
rendering genuine and unforeseen emergency service in a professional or voluntary capacity; or
rendering any service (including undertaking training) in the Defence Reserves.
Computer failure will not be accepted as a reason for missing an assessment deadline: you are strongly advised to backup all of your work, for example on a USB flash drive, to ensure that you are still able to submit to a deadline in the event of a computer related failure.
Section 4 — Grounds for Special Consideration
Section 5 — Types of Special Consideration
Section 6 — Examination and Special Examination Periods
Late penalties
Any assignment submitted after the due date will be processed in accordance with the University's Assessment Policy and Procedures. In cases where there are no accepted mitigating circumstances as determined through Special Consideration procedures, the late submission of an assessment task will lead automatically to the imposition of a penalty.
Specifically, this means a deduction of 5% of the available mark from the actual mark achieved by the student, one minute after the due date and time specified by the Unit Assessor. A further deduction of 5% of the available mark from the actual mark will then be imposed for each 24 hour period that the assignment remains overdue. For full details of the For full details of the penalty and how it is applied, please refer to SCU’s Assessment Policy and Procures, available on the unit’s Blackboard site.
penalty and how it is applied, please refer to SCU’s Assessment Policy and Procures, available on the unit’s Blackboard site.
A practical example
Assume that you have an assessment that is worth 30 marks and you submit your paper 1.5 days late. After assessing it in the same way that all other papers are assessed, your tutor determine that you should receive 20 marks. As per the Late Submission policy, 1.5 marks should initially be deducted (5% of 30). A further 1.5 marks should also be deducted for the one complete 24 hour period that the assignment was overdue. A total of 3 marks should therefore be deducted, leaving a final mark of 17.
Please note that late assignments are likely to be returned with a significantly reduced amount of feedback.
Academic Integrity
Students are reminded of the extremely serious view the University takes with regard to plagiarism and are strongly advised to read the university’s policies on academic integrity and the penalties associated with academic misconduct
Plagiarism means claiming credit for someone else’s intellectual work. If you find any of the following problems in your academic writing, you may be guilty of plagiarising someone else’s work.
Inappropriate paraphrasing skills, resulting in copying the written expression of someone else without acknowledgement
Distortion of meaning.
Missing attribution.
Missing quotation marks.
This includes copying materials, ideas or concepts from a book, article, report or other written document, presentation, composition, artwork, design, drawing, circuitry, computer program or software, website, internet, other electronic resource, or another person's assignment, without appropriate acknowledgement.
Relying too much on other people’s material.
Inappropriate and inadequate citation and missing reference entry.
Inadequate citation of images.
It is important you understand what constitutes using sources responsibly. If in doubt, please discuss with your tutor.
Assignment Resubmission
Assignment resubmission is permitted in the unit MNG81001 Management Communication for those students who have received a fail grade in either assessment item 1, 2 or 3. The resubmit is for one assessment item only and the result will be awarded either a pass (of 50% of the mark for the assessment item) or fail grade.
Further details on resubmission will be made available after the release of Assessment 3 grades.
All assessment items (1, 2, 3 and 4) must be lodged through Turnitin accompanied by an ‘Assignment Cover Sheet’.
Student Access and Inclusion
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Assessment task
The objective of Assessment 3 is to understand the concept of ‘analysis’ and learn how to analyse information efficiently and effectively using a case study. According to Rosenwaser and Stephen (2009, p. 4), analysis is:
More than just a set of skills, analysis is a frame of mind, an attitude toward experience. It is a form of detective work that typically pursues something puzzling, something you are seeking to understand rather than something you are already sure you have the answers to.
Analysis finds questions where there seemed not to be any, and it makes connections that might not have been evident at first.
A business case study ‘is a description of an actual situation, commonly involving a decision, a challenge, an opportunity, a problem or an issue faced by a person (or persons) in an organization’ (Erskine, J.A. and Leenders, M.R., Learning with Cases, © 1997, Richard Ivey School of Business).
Cases contain relevant data about the issue available to the key person in the case, plus background information about the organisation.
The assessment 3 case study - McDonald's Twitter Campaign: Hype versus Reality
Companies around the globe are embracing and adopting social media for many different reasons, including: customer service, marketing, internal communications, public relations, and corporate social responsibility. It is now a reality that social media is changing the way stakeholders and companies communicate daily, providing opportunities for collaboration, participation, interactivity, and engagement. A key issue for organisations concerns the design of social media campaigns to encourage better media relations and more accurate reporting.
Your task is to analyse a business case study that chronicles a series of social media events that had negative consequences for McDonald's Corporation (McDonald's). This case places you directly into the role of Rick Wion, director of social media.
The case highlights the need to:
Recognise the potential for negative consequences when using social media.
Evaluate how an organisation can develop a positive relationship with the media.
Devise appropriate strategies for developing social media campaigns.
Please follow these guidelines to complete the assessment:
There are four steps that you need to complete for this assignment:
Carefully read the Ivey Business School case: 'McDonald's Twitter Campaign: Hype versus Reality' (Product/Case Reference number: 9B13M123). Note: you will need to go onto the Ivey Business School website and purchase a copy of this case (approximately $5.00 Aud). Guidelines for purchasing the case and the communication plan template can be found under Assessment Tasks and Submission (Task 3).
Read the case several times and answer the following four (4) questions in your analysis/ recommendation(s):
What are the potential advantages and disadvantages for an organisation when using social media?
Who are the different audiences McDonald's needs to address when using social media campaigns?
How can Wion and his team better design future Twitter campaigns for McDonald’s?
Using the communication plan template, devise a strategy for Wion to encourage better media relations and more accurate reporting. The different stages of the communication plan template must fit together, if they do not, adjustments must be made.
The communication plan should be realistic and feasible.
The various problems that McDonald's has experienced when using social media must be taken into account.
Use five to seven sources for evidence and evaluation.
Write a first draft of this memo at least one week prior to the due date to ensure adequate time for revision. Please be aware that in addition to the content, the writing quality and use of appropriate referencing will be marked.
Submit Assessment 3 to Turnitin via the Blackboard site no later than the due date: Monday 3rd September 2018, 9.00am (QLD time).
Refer to the Marking Criteria Guide and Marking Rubric located under Assessment Tasks and Submissions on the Blackboard.
PRIOS/CDT brief for Assessment 3:
Purpose: In response to McDonald's failed social media campaign and mounting public animosity, develop a course of action that Rick Wion can recommend to McDonald's management.
Reader: McDonald's management (author: Rick Wion).
Information: Based on five to seven sources for evidence and evaluation.
Organisation: Direct order approach.
Style: Formal. Be sure to proofread carefully to ensure that there are no sentence-level errors such as spelling mistakes, wrong word choice, incorrect punctuation, etc.
Channel choice: written document.
Document design: Memo format.
Length: 1000 words.
0 notes
Using any programming language of your choice implement the Key Generation procedure of the RSA algorithm.
Specifications: The program should take two inputs, non-negative integers a, b, which will define a range within which two random prime numbers p, q will be generated by your program i.e. a <= p,q <= b). The program should select numbers randomly from the range [a,b] and test them for primality. It should continue to do this until it has found two prime numbers that are not equal.
The program should output three values 1) The public key {n, e} 2) The private key {n,d} 3) The values of p and q generated
Please note that your program MUST use the code you implemented for Ass 1 and Ass
It should call the Rabin-Miller algorithm implementation to generate the p and q. And it should call the Extended Euclidean Algorithm implementation to generate the d i.e. the multiplicative inverse of e mod n.
Use your code to generate public and private keys for a = 100 and b = 300. List the output of your code, with screenshots.
Based on your results what is the maximum value of the integer representation of a string that can be encrypted at once?
What is the value of the Euler’s Totient function for your value of n.
Assuming A=1, B=2, ----, Z=26, work through an example to show how the word AXES will be encoded using the results above. What is the ciphertext?
Work through an example of how the ciphertext above will be decrypted.
0 notes
Assessment Task
Effective communication throughout a workplace is an essential ingredient to align people’s efforts towards achieving organisational goals. Yet it seems that ‘communication problems’ are continually mentioned as one of the main difficulties for most organisations.
Your boss, the CEO of ABC Company, has asked you to prepare a report investigating the question: 'why managers should make effective communication a priority'? In so doing she expects you to examine four issues:
The personal and interpersonal aspects of communication - communicating to persuade and influence others (key points for practicing the art of persuasion) - including personal networks and the grapevine.
The organisation as a whole and formal communication channels - establishing and maintaining formal and informal channels of communication downward, upward and horizontally.
Aspects of communication that relate to sustainability: communication of sustainability activities and achievements (corporate social responsibility), and the sustainability of an organisation's communication activities themselves.
Crisis communication and the development of communication strategies to protect the reputation of the organisation in a crisis.
Working in groups of four, each student will write on one of these four workplace communication issues. (Please note: depending on final student numbers there may be groups of three or five. In the case of a group of three students write on three of the four issues. In the case of a group of five a fifth communication issue will be presented).
Please follow these guidelines to complete the assessment: The assessment task comprises two parts:
one group-based report comprising 1500 words per individual per section (representing 60% of the final grade); and
group-based activities focussing on:
the completion of a team contract;
the organisation, structure and editing of the actual report;
a group-based poster presentation reflecting on the processes of group work (representing 40% of the final grade).
Please note:
Details of the marking criteria and mark distribution will be available on the Blackboard.
At the beginning of Week 8 you will be assigned to your group. Each group is expected to produce a team contract: establishing team procedures, identifying expectations, and specifying the consequences for failing to follow these procedures and fulfil these expectations. Since the basic purpose of this team contract is to accelerate your team's development, to increase individual accountability for team tasks, and to reduce the possibility for team conflict, make your contract as specific as possible.
each task in as much detail as possible
each step in a procedure or process, in as much detailed as possible
the exact person(s) responsible for each specific task, and
the exact time and exact place for completion or submission of each task.
Complete, sign, and submit a copy of your finalised contract to your tutor by end of Week 9.
Please note: Writing a group report requires effective organisation, time management and communication skills. Students often find report writing on their own challenging, and group writing can be even more intimidating. Guidelines for approaching a group report - for structuring the report and dividing the workload, who will write what sections and take responsibility for editing, proofreading, publishing - are provided under Assessment Tasks and Submissions. Without guidelines, one or two students in a group often end up writing the group report, and this can create workload issues, and resentment when marks are distributed.
Each student in your group needs to select ONE of the four workplace communication issues.
Start your web-based research with a search of popular business publications, even trade journals, professional journals and current affairs journals, for any information about workplace communication issues. Finally, use academic research to support your findings in relation to your selected theme.
Each student needs to find 8-10 secondary sources for their particular section. Please note that you are expected to use a minimum of four (4) refereed academic journals. You will be shown how to tell if a journal is peer-reviewed/refereed. Do not include more than 10 references per student.
You are encouraged to write a first draft of this report at least one week prior to the due date to ensure adequate time for revision. Please be aware that in addition to the content, the writing quality and use of appropriate referencing will be marked.
Instructions on how to go about designing your poster, web page links, and past examples intended to provide support and guidance, are available under Assessment Tasks and Submissions (Task 4). Producing a poster can be a great way of presenting research findings in a concise and powerful manner. Posters are used widely within the academic community at conferences and conventions. The best posters are those which can effectively summarise the important aspects of a given research topic, are easy to read and understand, and are visually appealing. You want your poster to stand out and to leave the reader with more than a cursory knowledge of your topic. Normally posters are presented in an A0, A2 or A1 format.
Submit the report to Turnitin via the Blackboard site no later than the due date: Friday 5th October 9.00am (QLD time). Poster presentations will take place in Week 13 during the nominated tutorial sessions.
Refer to the Marking Criteria Guide and Marking Rubric located under Assessment Tasks and Submissions on the Blackboard.
PRIOS/CDT brief for Assessment 4:
Purpose: To conduct web-based research into four workplace communication issues.
Reader: The CEO of ABC Company (your boss).
Information: Based on secondary research.
Organisation: Direct order approach.
Style: Formal. Be sure to proofread carefully to ensure that there are no sentence-level errors such as spelling mistakes, wrong word choice, incorrect punctuation, etc.
Channel choice: Written document and oral presentation.
Document design: Report format.
Length: 1500 words per group member for the report + one poster presentation.
Assessment Overview
It is strongly advised that the assessment instructions and marking criteria be considered alongside the Assessment Marking Rubric. Other Resources and Discussions will be posted on the Discussion Board.
This is a graded unit and grades are awarded as detailed in the University's Rules Relating to Awards. To achieve a passing grade in the unit all assessment tasks must be submitted and an overall mark of 50% or more must be obtained.
Special consideration
All applications for Special Consideration need to be submitted before the due date of the assessment item.
Submission of Special Consideration form, together with all supporting documentation does not guarantee Special Consideration will be granted. NB: Only the Unit Assessor can approve a Special Consideration application.
Requests for special consideration in relation to assessment tasks shall only be considered on the following grounds:
health (including impacts of religious fasting);
compassionate circumstances;
religious observances or celebrations;
serious unforeseen personal events;
selection in State, national or international sporting or cultural events;
rendering genuine and unforeseen emergency service in a professional or voluntary capacity; or
rendering any service (including undertaking training) in the Defence Reserves.
Computer failure will not be accepted as a reason for missing an assessment deadline: you are strongly advised to backup all of your work, for example on a USB flash drive, to ensure that you are still able to submit to a deadline in the event of a computer related failure.
Section 4 — Grounds for Special Consideration
Section 5 — Types of Special Consideration
Section 6 — Examination and Special Examination Periods
Late penalties
Any assignment submitted after the due date will be processed in accordance with the University's Assessment Policy and Procedures. In cases where there are no accepted mitigating circumstances as determined through Special Consideration procedures, the late submission of an assessment task will lead automatically to the imposition of a penalty.
Specifically, this means a deduction of 5% of the available mark from the actual mark achieved by the student, one minute after the due date and time specified by the Unit Assessor. A further deduction of 5% of the available mark from the actual mark will then be imposed for each 24 hour period that the assignment remains overdue. For full details of the For full details of the penalty and how it is applied, please refer to SCU’s Assessment Policy and Procures, available on the unit’s Blackboard site.
A practical example
Assume that you have an assessment that is worth 30 marks and you submit your paper 1.5 days late. After assessing it in the same way that all other papers are assessed, your tutor determine that you should receive 20 marks. As per the Late Submission policy, 1.5 marks should initially be deducted (5% of 30). A further 1.5 marks should also be deducted for the one complete 24 hour period that the assignment was overdue. A total of 3 marks should therefore be deducted, leaving a final mark of 17.
Please note that late assignments are likely to be returned with a significantly reduced amount of feedback.
Academic Integrity
Students are reminded of the extremely serious view the University takes with regard to plagiarism and are strongly advised to read the university’s policies on academic integrity and the penalties associated with academic misconduct
Plagiarism means claiming credit for someone else’s intellectual work. If you find any of the following problems in your academic writing, you may be guilty of plagiarising someone else’s work.
Inappropriate paraphrasing skills, resulting in copying the written expression of someone else without acknowledgement
Distortion of meaning.
Missing attribution.
Missing quotation marks.
This includes copying materials, ideas or concepts from a book, article, report or other written document, presentation, composition, artwork, design, drawing, circuitry, computer program or software, website, internet, other electronic resource, or another person's assignment, without appropriate acknowledgement.
Relying too much on other people’s material.
Inappropriate and inadequate citation and missing reference entry.
Inadequate citation of images.
It is important you understand what constitutes using sources responsibly. If in doubt, please discuss with your tutor.
Assignment Resubmission
Assignment resubmission is permitted in the unit MNG81001 Management Communication for those students who have received a fail grade in either assessment item 1, 2 or 3. The resubmit is for one assessment item only and the result will be awarded either a pass (of 50% of the mark for the assessment item) or fail grade.
Further details on resubmission will be made available after the release of Assessment 3 grades.
All assessment items (1, 2, 3 and 4) must be lodged through Turnitin accompanied by an ‘Assignment Cover Sheet’.
Student Access and Inclusion
0 notes
Assessment Task
An exciting new approach to teamwork has resulted from advances in information technology, shifting employee expectations and the globalisation of business, namely the virtual team. A virtual team is made up of geographically or organisationally dispersed members who are linked primarily through advanced information and telecommunications technologies.
Your Sydney HQ is developing a new marketing team with team members located in Sydney, New York, Beijing and Mumbai. This will necessitate the establishment of a virtual team spread over four different time zones using both synchronous (real time) and asynchronous (not concurrent) communication. One of the primary advantages of virtual teams is the ability to assemble the most talented group of people to complete a complex project through creativity and innovation.
On a practical level the virtual team can also save employees' time and cut travel expenses. However, virtual teams also present unique challenges. A number of the team have expressed concerns about how it will all work, and whether meetings might be scheduled when one part of the team is about to go to lunch, while the other part is asleep. Other concerns include: language difficulties, time-and-distance challenges, the absence of face-to-face contact, as well as the barriers posed by cultural differences such as work-pacing, communication styles, decision-making, and the perception of deadlines.
To help 'sell' the idea and persuade the team members of the advantages of the virtual team your boss, the Marketing Director, is planning a virtual meeting with all team members. She is aware of the concerns and knows that the issues raised by the staff have the potential to provide rich soil for misunderstandings and conflict. To that end she understands how important this presentation will be in creating a favourable association with virtual teams, as well as a good opportunity to start to build engagement, trust and candour among the team members.
To prepare for the virtual meeting she has asked you to prepare two documents:
a short report (using the memo format) identifying some of the critical areas that need to be addressed when leading and managing virtual teams; and
(ii) a PowerPoint slide presentation comprising no more than five slides highlighting three practices for establishing effective virtual teams and solutions for achieving such practices (recommendations or how it's done).
Please note:
Persuasion aims to influence other people’s behaviours and attitudes. Successful persuasion shows readers ‘what’s in it for them’.
Persuasive writing, or the argument, is one of the main types of both corporate writing and academic writing. At work, some of the persuasive documents you might have to write are proposals, offers to clients, and memos suggesting alternative methods or new ways of doing particular tasks.
Persuasive writing has all the features of analytical writing (that is, information plus reorganising the information), with the addition of your own point of view. Most essays at university are persuasive, and there is a persuasive element in at least the discussion and conclusion of a research article.
Please follow these guidelines to complete the assessment:
To help reach your own point of view on the facts or ideas:
read some other points of view on the topic. Who do you feel is the most convincing?
look for patterns in the data or references. Where is the evidence strongest? ◦
list several different interpretations. What are the real-life implications of each one? Which ones are likely to be most useful or beneficial? Which ones have some problems?
discuss the facts and ideas with someone else. Do you agree with their point of view?
To develop your argument:
list the different reasons for your point of view.
think about the different types and sources of evidence which you can use to support your point of view.
consider different ways that your point of view is similar to, and different from, the points of view of other researchers.
look for various ways to break your point of view into parts.
To present your argument, make sure:
your text develops a coherent argument where all the individual claims work together to support your overall point of view.
your reasoning for each claim is clear to the reader.
your assumptions are valid.
you have evidence for every claim you make.
you use evidence that is convincing and directly relevant.
Use three to five secondary sources.
Submit Assessment 2 to Turnitin via the Blackboard site no later that the due date: Monday 13th August 2018 9.00am (QLD time).
Refer to the Marking Criteria Guide and Marking Rubric located under Assessment Details.
PRIOS/CDT brief (covered in lecture and tutorials) for Assessment 2:
Purpose: The purpose of this document is to evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of synchronous and asynchronous communication tools and persuade team members of the benefits and advantages of working as a virtual team.
Readers: Your boss (the Marketing Director of XYZ Company).
Information: Based on secondary sources.
Organisation: Direct order approach (start with you most significant criterion, etc.)
Style: Formal. Focus on being clear and concise, not flowery or overly-descriptive. Be sure to proofread carefully to ensure that there are no sentence-level errors such as spelling mistakes, wrong word choice, incorrect punctuation, etc.
Channel choice: Written document.
Document design: Part 1: Memo format. Part 2: Powerpoint slides.
Length: Total 900 words for both Part 1 and Part 2. Part A: memo: 750 +/- words; Part B: PowerPoint slides: 150 +/- words. A good target for each PowerPoint slide would be a four to five-word title plus three to four bullet points of no more than ten words each.
Submission: PowerPoint slides must be attached to the memo (word document) and only one document submitted.
Assessment Overview
It is strongly advised that the assessment instructions and marking criteria be considered alongside the Assessment Marking Rubric. Other Resources and Discussions will be posted on the Discussion Board.
This is a graded unit and grades are awarded as detailed in the University's Rules Relating to Awards. To achieve a passing grade in the unit all assessment tasks must be submitted and an overall mark of 50% or more must be obtained.
Special consideration
All applications for Special Consideration need to be submitted before the due date of the assessment item.
Submission of Special Consideration form, together with all supporting documentation does not guarantee Special Consideration will be granted. NB: Only the Unit Assessor can approve a Special Consideration application.
Requests for special consideration in relation to assessment tasks shall only be considered on the following grounds:
health (including impacts of religious fasting);
compassionate circumstances;
religious observances or celebrations;
serious unforeseen personal events;
selection in State, national or international sporting or cultural events;
rendering genuine and unforeseen emergency service in a professional or voluntary capacity; or
rendering any service (including undertaking training) in the Defence Reserves.
Computer failure will not be accepted as a reason for missing an assessment deadline: you are strongly advised to backup all of your work, for example on a USB flash drive, to ensure that you are still able to submit to a deadline in the event of a computer related failure.
Section 4 — Grounds for Special Consideration
Section 5 — Types of Special Consideration
Section 6 — Examination and Special Examination Periods
Late penalties
Any assignment submitted after the due date will be processed in accordance with the University's Assessment Policy and Procedures. In cases where there are no accepted mitigating circumstances as determined through Special Consideration procedures, the late submission of an assessment task will lead automatically to the imposition of a penalty.
Specifically, this means a deduction of 5% of the available mark from the actual mark achieved by the student, one minute after the due date and time specified by the Unit Assessor. A further deduction of 5% of the available mark from the actual mark will then be imposed for each 24 hour period that the assignment remains overdue. For full details of the For full details of the penalty and how it is applied, please refer to SCU’s Assessment Policy and Procures, available on the unit’s Blackboard site.
A practical example
Assume that you have an assessment that is worth 30 marks and you submit your paper 1.5 days late. After assessing it in the same way that all other papers are assessed, your tutor determine that you should receive 20 marks. As per the Late Submission policy, 1.5 marks should initially be deducted (5% of 30). A further 1.5 marks should also be deducted for the one complete 24 hour period that the assignment was overdue. A total of 3 marks should therefore be deducted, leaving a final mark of 17.
Please note that late assignments are likely to be returned with a significantly reduced amount of feedback.
Academic Integrity
Students are reminded of the extremely serious view the University takes with regard to plagiarism and are strongly advised to read the university’s policies on academic integrity and the penalties associated with academic misconduct
Plagiarism means claiming credit for someone else’s intellectual work. If you find any of the following problems in your academic writing, you may be guilty of plagiarising someone else’s work.
Inappropriate paraphrasing skills, resulting in copying the written expression of someone else without acknowledgement
Distortion of meaning.
Missing attribution.
Missing quotation marks.
This includes copying materials, ideas or concepts from a book, article, report or other written document, presentation, composition, artwork, design, drawing, circuitry, computer program or software, website, internet, other electronic resource, or another person's assignment, without appropriate acknowledgement.
Relying too much on other people’s material.
Inappropriate and inadequate citation and missing reference entry.
Inadequate citation of images.
It is important you understand what constitutes using sources responsibly. If in doubt, please discuss with your tutor.
Assignment Resubmission
Assignment resubmission is permitted in the unit MNG81001 Management Communication for those students who have received a fail grade in either assessment item 1, 2 or 3. The resubmit is for one assessment item only and the result will be awarded either a pass (of 50% of the mark for the assessment item) or fail grade.
Further details on resubmission will be made available after the release of Assessment 3 grades.
All assessment items (1, 2, 3 and 4) must be lodged through Turnitin accompanied by an ‘Assignment Cover Sheet’.
Student Access and Inclusion
0 notes
package javaapplication2;
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.geom.*;
import javax.swing.*;
public class GraphingData extends JPanel {
   double[] data = {
       10007, 10009, 10037, 10039, 10061, 10067, 10069, 10079, 10091, 10093,10099, 10103, 10111 ,10133, 10139, 10141 ,10151, 10159, 10163, 10169, 10177, 10181, 10193, 10211 ,10223, 10243, 10247 ,10253, 10259, 10267, 10271, 10273, 10289, 10301 ,10303, 10313, 10321, 10331, 10333, 10337 ,10343, 10357, 10369 ,10391 ,10399 ,10427 ,10429 ,10433 ,10453, 10457, 10459 ,10463, 10477, 10487, 10499, 10501, 10513
   final int PAD = 20;
   protected void paintComponent(Graphics g) {
       Graphics2D g2 = (Graphics2D)g;
       int w = getWidth();
       int h = getHeight();
       // for Drawing ordinates.
       g2.draw(new Line2D.Double(PAD, PAD, PAD, h-PAD));
       // for Drawing abcissa.
       g2.draw(new Line2D.Double(PAD, h-PAD, w-PAD, h-PAD));
       double xInc = (double)(w - 2*PAD)/(data.length-1);
       double scale = (double)(h - 2*PAD)/getMax();
       //for marking the points(data points)
       for(int i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
           double x = PAD + i*xInc;
           double y = h - PAD - scale*data[i];
           g2.fill(new Ellipse2D.Double(x-2, y-2, 4, 4));
   private int getMax() {
       int maximum = -Integer.MAX_VALUE;
       for(int i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
           if(data[i] > maximum)
               maximum = (int) data[i];
       return maximum;
   public static void main(String[] args) {
       JFrame f = new JFrame();
       f.add(new GraphingData());
import java.util.Scanner;
import java.util.Random;
import java.math.BigInteger;
public class MillerRabin
   public boolean isPrimenumber(long m, int iterationnumber)
       if (m == 0 || m == 1)
           return false;
       if (m == 2)
           return true;
       if (m % 2 == 0)
           return false;
       long t = m - 1;
       while (t % 2 == 0)
           t /= 2;
       Random ran = new Random();
       for (int j = 0; j < iterationnumber; j++)
           long r = Math.abs(ran.nextLong());          
           long a = r % (m- 1) + 1, tempnum = t;
           long mod = modPow(a, tempnum, m);
           while (tempnum != m - 1 && mod != 1 && mod != m - 1)
               mod = mulMod(mod, mod, m);
               tempnum *= 2;
           if (mod != m - 1 && tempnum % 2 == 0)
               return false;
       return true;      
   public long modPow(long x, long y, long z)
       long res = 1;
       for (int j = 0; j < y; j++)
           res *= x;
           res %= z;
       return res % z;
       public long mulMod(long x, long y, long mod)
       return BigInteger.valueOf(x).multiply(BigInteger.valueOf(y)).mod(BigInteger.valueOf(mod)).longValue();
//using Main Function
   public static void main (String[] args)
       Scanner scan = new Scanner(System.in);
       System.out.println("Using Miller Rabin Primality Algorithm Testn");
       MillerRabin mr = new MillerRabin();
       System.out.println("Enter the exact numbern");
       long number = scan.nextLong();
       System.out.println("nEnter the Iteration number");
       int k = scan.nextInt();
       boolean prime = mr.isPrimenumber(number, k);
       if (prime)
           System.out.println("n"+ number +" is primenumber");
           System.out.println("n"+ number +" is not a primenumber is an Inconclusive");
package javaapplication3;
import java.util.Scanner;
public class NewClass {
public static void main(String[] args) {
 int x,i,y = 0, b, a;int n = 0;
 Scanner s = new Scanner(System.in);
 System.out.println("enter the integer");
 a =s.nextInt();
 System.out.println("enter the no.of iterations");
 n= s.nextInt();
System.out.println("Enter the number to check ");
         y = s.nextInt();
 if (y == 0 || y == 1)
  System.out.println(y +" the number is Prime nor Composite" );
 for (x = 2; x <= y - 1; x++) {
  if (y % x == 0) {
   System.out.println(y +" the number is Composite" );
 if (y == x)
  System.out.println(y +"  the number is inconclusive " );
public class Prime_number {
   public static void main(String[] args) {
       int lower = 10000, higher = 11000;
       while (lower < higher) {
           boolean flag = false;
           for(int j = 2; j <= lower/2; ++j) {
              //looping condition
               if(lower % j == 0) {
                   flag = true;
           if (!flag)
               System.out.println(lower + " ");
0 notes
To enable you the opportunity to exercise your learnings from this unit, a scenario simulation has been prepared to provide students the opportunity to make a series of decisions at differing points in the life cycle of an engineering system. The initial objective of this scenario is to allow students to reflect on the role and impact of stakeholder engagement techniques through the life of a project. As the unit progresses you will engage with different aspects of the project, from a corporate and community perspectives through to the design team and the role of virtual teams.
The simulation will run under a gaming environment, each topic you will receive a change in the scenario parameters and a task to complete. You will need to respond according to the assigned task for that topic, making decisions that you believe are the best. You will need to fill out a decision and reflection log, posting it for each topic prior to the next scenario update. This will enable you to also learn from the experience of other colleagues in the same "gaming" environment.
Scenario Background
The Scenario is a case study of a hypothetical project set in the town of Getfitville. The project is to construct a bicycle network that connects the various transport nodes (trains / buses) and commercial centres (shopping / business) of Getfitville as well as a circular recreation bicycle path that traverses scenic parts of the town (including Special Creek) and connects a competitive bicycle sporting track. The primary driver of the project is a recent Local Heath Unit survey of residents, which showed a lowering of the rate of healthiness associated with vehicle use and the recent conversion of vacant land into a parking lot in the centre of town which has de-incentivised public transport use and associated walking. Traffic modelling has also shown that if 40% of regular commuters into town can utilise the public transport / bicycle transport mix then the inner street of town (Inner Street) can be closed off to traffic and used as a permanent pedestrian mall and the new, adjacent, parking lot can be converted to an open space. The Council has decided to embark on an ambitious project to construct the network and raise its profile in the community to encourage use.
A recent Council survey showed the 70% of residents were in favour of the network, but many of them were not regular commuters. Of the survey group, only 20% of regular commuters were 'for' the network.
The Council is hoping to win a $4M government grant to construct the network and convert Inner Street and the parking lot into a pedestrian mall and open space but a requirement of the grant is to demonstrate that the target community will utilise the infrastructure. Each week of the course will consist of the student taking a different role within the two year period of the project.
Context changes will be released on Monday morning at 9:00 am each fortnight, commencing in week 3.
Gaming Area
go to the gaming area to see the weekly progression of the scenario assessment item
Video Introduction about Scenario Task
Student Requirements
Weekly activities will be the subject of minor assessments, while a review and reflection on the scenario will form a major part of the final assessment. You will also need to develop a stakeholder engagement plan (SEP) based on the template provided and submit along side your reflections report. Develop the SEP as though you were just about to embark on this process, from the start of week 1.
A webinar tour is available on the link above to familiarise students with the background to the scenario. A decision and reflection log has been provided in the form of an excel spreadsheet for your weekly reflections and for you to use to create your weekly pdf posts in the discussion boards. The word count (2,500 words) applies to the reflection submission.
Report Requirements
Submission should be in report format, and include a short executive summary
Report be based around the following requirements;
Summarise the key items from your Stakeholder Engagement Plan
What have you learned through this process about decision making and stakeholder engagement?
Summarise and expand on the decisions you made each week reflect on them, considering;
Review two students’ fully completed Decisions & Reflections Logs (all 6 topics), consider;
What have you learned through this process about decision making and engineering for a sustainable future?
the context changes that happened during the course
What was good / bad about the decision you made
What would you do differently now
What was the benefits or limitations of their approach
Provide recommendations for change to their approach
Extensive tables, if used, should be included as appendices
You should cite references in support of your approach, investigate /research beyond the materials provided in myContent / myReadings where necessary
Referencing should be in the Harvard or APA style.
Word count is inclusive of tables, but excludes appendices, footnotes and bibliography
Content within the appendices and footnotes will not contribute to your mark (expect as described in next dot point), but may be necessary to support your discussion
Attach your completed Stakeholder Engagement Plan as an Appendix
Post your completed Decisions & Reflections Log in the Topic 6 B&R Log Board so that students have them available for review.
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