asteriliou · 8 months
I'm trying to find something but in the end I just found this and it's my WOL alright
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Yes, she is shameless
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asteriliou · 8 months
This Warrior of Light has no shame with looking like a kicked pup. Eyes cast down with a forlorn look as her tail drooped in disappointment, swaying slowly. She was supposed to resemble a lizard, but for some reason, the energy she was giving out was that of a dog that didn't get their treat. His words didn't hurt her; in fact, they flew over her head as her eyes simply latched onto the onigiri in his hand.
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That sad demeanor she had a minute ago completely vanished when Kuya offered the stupid Dragoon an onigiri. Her eyes brighten up, and her tail shows more of an energetic movement to it.
"You're a good guy!" A person who gives her food could not be bad. Therefore, they must be good. Such is Seiza Marebito's philosophy on food giving. "I won't forget this kindness." Or pity. Besides, Seiza wasn't going to even ask if it was alright for her to take it. She took the onigiri out of his hand without a single ounce of shame.
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kuya sighs heavily as he offers up an onigiri from his small bundled batch. it is wrapped snug in its seaweed confinement and within, the other will find a savory meat center blanketed by the warmth of sticky rice.  "  you look like a kicked pup,  "  he comments,  "  the last thing i need to witness is a grown person skulking because they were unable to procure such a simple little thing such as an onigiri because i just so happened to snatch the last batch up.  "  it would be a right pain in the rear to deal with that look of disappointment, though, kuya would've preferred relishing in the possibility. eiden would chew him out for being so inconsiderate, why should a yokai be considerate? ugh  . . .  foolish human ideals.  "  take one.  " / @asteriliou
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asteriliou · 8 months
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Before I disappear for work, my kid's outfit and new hairstyle for Dawntrail.
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asteriliou · 8 months
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starter call, no cap?
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asteriliou · 8 months
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I like my kid a lot
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asteriliou · 8 months
Melusine didn’t need to say anymore as Seiza was already hitting the racks and browsing through the dark-colored dresses. The Servant was already dressed in military-styled clothing, so it was probably best to avoid those styles. If Seiza had to wager a guess, the Lancer’s closet was probably filled with those types of clothing, so let’s go with the opposite. 
Pulling out a long black dress, the Dragoon placed it against the Servant. Seiza seem to be very focus. 
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“With your slenderness, the dress wouldn’t make you look fat but taller if we can find the right heels.” Seiza was mumbling as she left the dress in Melonade’s care before finding accessories for her hair and dress. “But your face is childish, so maybe this isn’t the one.” 
She was only spewing out words that did not mean anything. 
Melonade. It was certainly not a nickname she had ever heard being called either by Chaldea’s Master or anyone around her. But it seemed…cute to say the least.
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“Well…going all out from the start would make the most sense right? If we don’t know what fits right from the get-go then we’d just be dancing around the point.”
Of course there was an argument to be made about not going all out and taking it slow and steady. But neither of the two seemed to really believe in that philosophy at all.
“So the later Seiza. I’d like to see what you have planned for me right away.”
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asteriliou · 8 months
Thus, this is why she was spoiled to various degrees. To think that even her pensive expression would be effective even in this world. It doesn’t matter; Seiza would enjoy herself and the dessert before her. It was a miracle that the shaved ice hadn’t melted into a giant sugary puddle. 
You live to eat after all. To eat is to live. 
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Seiza perked up when Eiden decided to join in with her conquest to eat the shaved ice, though it wasn’t a lot on Seiza’s end. Her tail swayed in joy as her eyes shone with newfound excitement. 
“That sounds like a plan. Don’t feel upset if I managed to finish it all.”
Nobody is going to feel upset. If anything, they would feel grateful. After all, the Warrior of Light was already halfway through the second shaved ice. 
“ I — haah. ”
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“ Okay, my bad for rising my voice. It’s not like I dislike them or anything ok? ”
No need to get heated over ice, he’s not exactly mad anyway.
He delivers apology for the uninterested vendor before sitting on the table with his bown, empty for now still. So he’ll just put his faith on her ability to eat the whole thing.
“ I’ll take a bit from the top of one of them you can just… finish the rest, how does that sound? ”
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asteriliou · 9 months
"My love and affection, that would be your prize if you so desire me."
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At this point, Seiza was being dramatic with her fellow...kin? Member of the same universe? Something like that. It was probably in everybody's best interest, especially Seiza's, to not think so hard about it. There is no point in thinking about something that has already occurred.
The moment the Dancer answered the Dragoon's question and proceeded with one of her own, her tail couldn't help but sway, and her eyes twinkled in excitement.
"Ah, finally, I don't have to go around explaining that I'm not a dragon." She only had to do that once, but once was enough time for Seiza to never want to do it again. In the first place, how was she supposed to explain what an Au Ra was supposed to be?
"Pleasure to meet you. I'm Seiza Marebito. As you guessed, I'm an Au Ra."
Does she need to do more for her introduction? She could probably cut the Warrior of Light part and other complicated things.
"I am just your humble Adventurer."
Seiza has only been in this peculiar city for almost a month. Nearing the one-month point, the Dragoon got to say, she hadn't seen a single tail, hair, or scale of anybody from her own world. It wasn't like she was feeling lonely or anything.
Alright, maybe she was feeling a bit homesick because this realm was completely alien.
The Xaela was sick and tired of seeing many Hyurs or Hyur-like beings. There were a few elf-like people here and there, but they weren't as tall ( like giraffes) as the Elezens that Seiza misses. To think she missed craning her neck up to speak to somebody.
However, it wasn't like Seiza had much opportunity to explore the city yet. This place was massive, after all. It would take her a while to truly examine every nook and corner of this city.
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"Hah..." Seiza sighed. It wasn't like an Elezen or Lalafell would pop out of nowhere. Oh, but she may have spoken too soon.
From the corner of her eye, Seiza saw something familiar. Ears and tail that belong to a certain race of her world. Or at least she hoped it was her world. There were a bunch of...what did they call them now, cat girls, floating around this city, but none of them were legitimate Miqo'tes.
"Hey! Yes, you!" Seiza shouted to get the attention of the young woman. "Are you a Miqo'te or a generic cat girl?"
What a way to get straight to the point.
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asteriliou · 9 months
"That just sounds like a you problem then."
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The expression that Seiza was showing was one of disbelief that Eiden wouldn't eat her kind-hearted gift, even if it was a tower of ice and sugar. But that's literally all it was,
"You're thinking too hard. It is merely ice coated with sugar syrup. Something of this caliber is nothing."
To the normal person, no to the average man, this was beyond their scope of eating shaved ice. Nobody has quite a monster stomach like this Warrior of Light had. After all, she was halfway through her ridiculous request's first out of three shaved ice.
"Mmm~ The flavor is just superb. You're truly missing out."
“ Three are you kidding that’s going cost like …. are you even going to finish them all?! ” Eiden complains.
He points at the still vendor who seemed admirably unaffected by the whole order. As admirable as Eiden finds the attitude he wish the guy didn’t take initiative to already start piling the first one..
Whatever, he promised he would buy them so he’ll keep his word but — wait a minute.
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“ I don’t want one!!! I feel like I’m going to get a sick stomach and diabetes just by looking at that!!! ”
He’s not so good about leaving food uneaten.
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asteriliou · 9 months
"How boring."
Was the only thing Seiza could say to Melonade about her lack of outfits. She was such a cute girl with a nice figure and didn't have a decent wardrobe? But it was quite alright. This big sister ( not really big sister ) would make sure the Servant gets the clothes she rightfully deserves.
Even if it's gothic lolita.
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"Now then," How to gauge the right amount of frills first, "Melonade," Oh, Seiza finally said that dreaded nickname for Melusine out, "Do you like to go easy or hard first?"
Was she about to start looking like Baobhan with any kind of platform like that? It was hard to imagine any of her fashion sense working on the more subdued nature of Mélusine’s wardrobe but weirder things have happened. Although she couldn’t remember a time it involved her choice of wardrobe…
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“Can’t say I’ve ever had the opportunity to try them before.” But there was a first time for everything. “Most of my normal wear didn’t include anything but what i needed to go about my duties.”
Even then a vast majority of what Mélusine did have was usually selected by Aurora or someone else. And her work didn’t ever really call for “looking good” over being a knight…
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asteriliou · 9 months
High society. It wasn't a place that Seiza Marebito would like to find herself in a lot. In fact, more than anything else in the Realm, she wanted to get out of this place, but she accepted an invitation and was now stuck here. She'll find a way to make her escape, though now was not the time.
How Seiza came to be in this place was very simple. A noble came to her with a request, and being the poor sap adventurer and hero that Seiza is, she couldn't say no, though she should have because now she was bored out of her mind in this stifling place. Luckily for her, this was a masquerade party, but it made it much harder for Seiza to do her job.
She has to find a certain person and make contact with them but how was she supposed to find anybody at a masked party!? She was good at what she does but she wasn't exactly a miracle maker!
"Haah, well, I should enjoy the food and drinks since I'm stuck here."
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Pray that the person she seeks would pop up before her. The sooner he comes out, the sooner Seiza can kiss this dress and mask off.
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asteriliou · 9 months
There was a long stare between Seiza, Eiden, and the vendor. Mostly from Seiza's end, and the best way to describe her stare was as if she was at a car dealership and the prince was too high, and she kept trying to get the car for free, or better yet, a steal, one might say.
However, it seems that Eiden managed to convince the vendor to make Seiza's order and asked if she was happy now. To say the least, she was satisfied, but not happy.
Leaning over to the side, the Au Ra had her arms crossed, and her expression was still stoic.
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"I want three of them."
Who in the world can finish three? Oh wait, this girl.
"Hmm? Don't worry, I'll give you one as a reward for guiding me." No no no no, he probably doesn't need it but it wasn't like Seiza was going to take no for an answer.
“ You’re not going to make them do anything!!! ”
The guy at the parlor seems pretty unaffected though, staring into the void like he was used to this kind of thing. Maybe he was. The island was full of people like this after all.
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“ ….we’ll pay triple so do you mind making it really tall? ”
He says ‘we’ but Eiden’s half-convinced he’s the only one that’ll have to use money at the end. That’s the usual pattern anyhow.
At least the parlor guy finally answers. It’s a really long but lifeless yes, his face doesn’t change even one bit. Eiden’s on the other hand turns into tired resignation before he turns to his new acquaintance.
“ Happy now? ”
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asteriliou · 9 months
Oh, Melusine, following your instincts regarding this Hero was best. She is a wildcard of selfiness, truly unbefitting for a Hero of her statue. It wasn't like Melusine would ever need to know of Seiza's fame back in her realm. Besides, what can her title of Hero hold in this city? It was practically a useless decoration at this point.
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But enough of that monologue. It was time to look for clothes, and Seiza already knew what she wanted to put Melonade into.
Gothic Lolita.
Who would have thought this city would be so convenient when shopping for a certain style. Of course, there was princess-style that would suit well for the Servant, but that wasn't Seiza's aim. She was looking for that gap, and what's a better gap than putting something who already wore pastel-based clothing into something darker.
"I hope you like platform boots."
No she didn’t need to know her personally. But it was an oddity for many to ever really go along with Mélusine. If anything she had to constantly drag and ask anyone else to come along with her. And being here certainly wasn’t helping either.
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“Big sister?” Before another word could even escape her lips she was she was already being dragged away. A sight for sure even if most passerby’s wouldn’t quite understand why it was happening.
“A-Ah then I’ll leave my suitable clothes picking in your hands Seiza.”
Somehow she felt she’d potentially regret those words. Then again this could all work out in the end and her nagging feeling of being almost too in over her head was nothing at all..
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asteriliou · 9 months
Seiza has only been in this peculiar city for almost a month. Nearing the one-month point, the Dragoon got to say, she hadn't seen a single tail, hair, or scale of anybody from her own world. It wasn't like she was feeling lonely or anything.
Alright, maybe she was feeling a bit homesick because this realm was completely alien.
The Xaela was sick and tired of seeing many Hyurs or Hyur-like beings. There were a few elf-like people here and there, but they weren't as tall ( like giraffes) as the Elezens that Seiza misses. To think she missed craning her neck up to speak to somebody.
However, it wasn't like Seiza had much opportunity to explore the city yet. This place was massive, after all. It would take her a while to truly examine every nook and corner of this city.
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"Hah..." Seiza sighed. It wasn't like an Elezen or Lalafell would pop out of nowhere. Oh, but she may have spoken too soon.
From the corner of her eye, Seiza saw something familiar. Ears and tail that belong to a certain race of her world. Or at least she hoped it was her world. There were a bunch of...what did they call them now, cat girls, floating around this city, but none of them were legitimate Miqo'tes.
"Hey! Yes, you!" Seiza shouted to get the attention of the young woman. "Are you a Miqo'te or a generic cat girl?"
What a way to get straight to the point.
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asteriliou · 9 months
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Seiza's Official Outfit by @k_a_c_o_
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asteriliou · 9 months
Is that how you find out if that tree was the right one, he asked? Why was he asking her that? Does she look like the type to even make a tree house? Oh wait, she was the one who asked if that's how he did it. So, how would she do it if she were to make a treehouse herself? The answer that first came to mind and out of the Dragoon's mouth was,
"I hit it, and if it breaks, it clearly wasn't worthy of being a tree house by how weak it was."
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Her answer and expression were serious despite how outrageous her choice of words was.
Nevertheless, that was her honest opinion.
"If I could, I would extend my services to test to see if this tree is worthy of being your little hideaway, but I sadly just arrived and became a delicate maiden who can only jump five times a day."
She would if she could cry, but it wasn't worth shedding tears over. In fact, she enjoyed not having so much power on hand. She can finally wind down and relax and not care about having nations and worlds to save. Though it was a saving grace in disguise that Seiza was weakened, she'll probably try to pick a fight with something that tickles her fancy.
"But do not fear Handsome Corpse!" That was the nickname Seiza decided to give Clive without asking his name. "I'm sure there's a nice and burly gentleman we can ask to test this tree out!" Sparkles in her eyes. "No need to thank me; helping others is in my nature as an Adventurer."
Hold up, stop trying to put a Quest in his hands like this.
Everything dies, one day. Even someone like Clive will eventually meet death at its doors. Whether its by his own hand or another’s, but perhaps it was best to save that kind of depressing talk for another day.
And not with one of the most strangest characters he’s ever met here. Already she was giving some people here a run for their money in strangeness and oddity.
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“A tree house.” It does bring back memories, though. When he built his own treehouse in the little area only he and Torgal knew about. A place where he wasn’t sharpened to be a weapon. Where he could simply be a boy whose mother could have loved him, in another life. “I haven’t made a treehouse in years. I’m certain that you don’t sleep against a tree to test if its the right one.”
… Right? Did he get the whole treehouse thing wrong when he made his? Not that it mattered, anyway; his was sturdy enough and that’s all that mattered to him. Still, was there a right way to pick out a tree?
( actually, why is he even thinking this hard about it? )
“Is that how you find out which tree is the right one?” Has she ever made a treehouse before?
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asteriliou · 9 months
"Do I need to know who you are to say that you're pretty?"
Her tone and expression scream, "Why are you asking such a dumb question?" to Melusine. In the first place, of course, Seiza wouldn't know who she was. Let alone know what a Servant is or what historical figures are. Did Melusine even exist in the world that Seiza was in?
Oh wait, she was, but it was such old content that Seiza wasn't gonna remember, and even if she did, Seiza would just blurt out, "Isn't Melusine supposed to be a lizard?"
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"No, no, no, leave it to this big sister to find you suitable clothes!" Chances are, Seiza is most likely younger, and she is the younger sister type, but let her enjoy the moment.
Seiza knows what she wants, and what she wants, she gets. That's how her life generally goes. Whether it's by people giving into her whimsdemands or she forces them with a bit of pressureviolence.
"You'll make the world cry if you waste your looks here and now. Come, let's go."
With that said, Seiza dragged the Lancer away.
“Not underwear no. Casual. The clothes I brought from here work fine but I’ve realized that I stand out quite often here by wearing them.”
While it did help show off that “knightly pride” that Mélusine always wanted to hold herself to it did seem to almost alienate the fairy from trying to live a normal lifestyle. Everyone did say a change of clothes could help get achieve that goal…so why not.
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“And you were someone who saw beauty in me without even knowing who I was. So I feel maybe you’d know what might work for me better…” Even if that scenario didn’t really make much sense.
“If not I understand. But I’d still love to accompany you Seiza.”
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