snowdaisied · 1 year
Since her arrival, she's been torn about whether it's kind of their captors to provide them entertainment like this or cruel because they're surely watching them all from above as if they're nothing more than lab rats.
For the sake of the plans she had for the evening with Clive, she allows herself to believe in the former. Naively so, perhaps, but at least it would help provide some sort of distraction. Torgal seems to be excited, trotting ahead of them to the entrance of the maze. After sniffing the ground around him he faces them and sits, tail thumping happily behind him.
It's enough to earn a small laugh from Jill, and she turns her head to look at Clive.
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"I think he's telling us to hurry up," she says, and gets a bark in response. As they get closer, her gaze becomes fixated on the magical lights provided by the pixies. On a summer night with a cool breeze, it's a picture perfect setting.
(And there's a part of her that thinks they were robbed of things like this. Not the maze, not the magical lights, but years of calm summer evenings where they could do whatever they pleased.)
"...I've never done anything like this before." She speaks again after realizing she had been staring. "But I imagine a maze won't be too difficult."
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sanpatron · 2 months
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" Ohohoho! Ch'yeaaaah, buddy. We got the jackpot right here! " Seems like big boy must've found something exciting. Perhaps a memento of sorts?
" Yo, bro. Check this out. It's a box full of my old wrestling tapes! Man, I remember building up a pretty sizable collection of these when I was a kid. There used t' be a huge underground market for these things. Especially tapes from outside of the country! "
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" You manage t' find anything interesting from back home? "
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iimeris · 3 months
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❀*ೃ༄  people  and  creatures  all  gathered  together  to  commune  in  the  waters  of  styx  .  spared  from  the  heat  of  early  summer  ,  it  seemed  like  a  good  spot  as  any  to  cool  down  .  hands  collect  water  to  press  to  her  face  ,  and  as  she  wipes  her  eyes  clear  ,  her  vision  is  invaded  by  sight  of  a  wolf  swimming  past  .  how  nobody  pays  mind  is  beyond  her  –  such  a  sight  would  have  had  people  in  a  tizzy  ,  no  doubt  .  but  here  ,  it  is  treated  as  if  it  were  a sight too  common  to  bother batting  an eye  .
and  even  she  has  to  admit  .  .  .  the  way  the  beast  paddles  back  to  its  commander  and  shakes  dry  is  cute  .
“  you  must  have  a  lot  of  trust  in  that  beast  of  yours  .  i've  heard  of  people  training  wild  creatures  ,  but  a  wolf  is  a  .  .  .  bold  choice  of  pet  .  ”
@roshield | s.c.
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tyrantbarrel · 2 months
"Hmmmm...Errghhh..." The blonde grumbles from within the library stacks, pulling out one illegible book after another. Brow furrowed, he continues his grumbling as he walks into another aisle, and then another, before he sees someone.
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He looks grumpy, but Sin's dealt with grumpier!
"Hey!" A loud shhhhhh is sounded, so he leans closer and whispers, "Hey. Do you know where they keep the books on multiplication tables?"
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sparklingsplendor · 6 months
"A knight in shinning armor? Can't say that's really surprising at all to me." If anything it was almost too cliche for her own tastes. But she wasn't gonna complain about someone helping out in a situation that she just got dragged into. People didn't know when to take a hint regardless of how much you told them...
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"So lemme guess something about you. But no telling me the answer early!" Really it wasn't needed at all but something to try and lighten the mood as she skipped down the dark street.
'"You seem like the type of person who unwillingly wanted got the spotlight. And while you aren't exactly someone who enjoys the stage you definitely aren't about to walk off until the entire performance is completed either."
@roshield | s.c
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allaganeyed · 7 months
The purveyors of knowledge who frequently attended the Great Library's halls appeared less corporal to G'raha. They were all but figures of flickering existence floating throughout the eminent halls. G'raha was one of several ephemeral souls gliding through the athenaeum, and the confluence of two souls deemed rare within the tome labyrinth, although not impossible. G'raha resurfaced from one corridor into a sun streamed glade illuminating a sole figure.
From the man's apparel, he appeared to be an adventurer seeking sanctuary within a temple of logic. He adorned a well-worn scowl undoubtedly cultivated by extreme loss. Cautiously, G'raha approached the sun-bathed table the transient occupied, his boots echoed reverently across corridors, igniting the glade in sound. The miqo'te flinched when his presence intruded the man's refuge.
G'raha gave the adventurer a remorseful gaze as he whispered, the soft tones filled the empty space, "Pray forgive the intrusion. I did not expect to find another within these walls."
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kleinstar · 1 year
" Hey! Thanks for helping out.... There's never really enough people but when stuff like that happen it just... doubles. Obviously. "
With the monsters came wreckage. People and buildings alike faced with consequences that stayed even after the creatures were gone. Children that had been separated from their families would have an increase.
This was a smaller group but one of the many nonetheless. Taking care of 15 kids by his lonesome for a zootrip.
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" The guy that was supposed to come got sick apparently so this is a huge help! "
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innerbeast · 5 months
📣 was warrior your starting job in xiv? are you mostly a war main or do u dabble in other jobs as well? :3
Send me 📣 and a question, and the mun will voice their answer!
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flamesire · 1 year
"Head far north, then look for something that should only exist in paradise…" Joshua reads the map hint aloud, whilst Clive and Torgal walk a little ways ahead of him. Though neither was particularly experienced in treasure hunting, it had still been pretty fun thus far. "…an oasis, perhaps?" It's what made the most sense. But finding it would be an entirely different matter. Maybe it would've been in their best interests to confer with the locals before they'd wandered off into the desert, but seeing as both of them were feeling just a bit too excited (and competitive) the thought hadn't crossed their mind. But they'll be fine.
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At least…he hopes they'll be fine. There's nothing but barren desert as far as the eye can see, not a single hint of civilization for now. "from what little I do know, it might take us quite some time before we stumble across it…"
@roshield / a dig from the heart, spiralefes.
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oceanresolve · 1 year
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"see ... le ??" for that very brief moment , that familiar presence , one that seele sincerely missed with her whole heart was within reach. she could even see the room that they shared , their space , in her view before it all went black and she ... woke up ?? the girl was confused , instinctively reaching for a connection that should have been there , only to once again grasp air. no room , no seele.
ah , it was happening again.
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small hands rubbed against each other , seele taking small and careful breaths as her mind gathered and filtered what information she had at this moment. which ... wasn't a lot. seele should have been with her , they were right there. but something , someone ( ?? ) had separated them again. but ... it wasn't like the other times they had been separated ; no headaches , no sudden pulls left and right. it was ... discrete. like waking from a dream.
this couldn't be a dream , right ?? a pinch on the back of her hand proved it not , young valkyrie standing up , brushing down her dress with eyes looking around. seele had to find seele , fast.
"but ... now do i do that ??" // @roshield
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witchoftrinity · 1 year
Being transported to somewhere was already the first sign that things were going south. The announcement was just another foreboding factor that threw everything into a loop and causing a little bit of a panic on the Space Station. For Mika and the others however there was things that needed to be done, like making sure whatever those things were didn't get around too much.
"I swear not having my actual gun is starting to seriously a pain." While the BB replacement was sufficing in seemingly scaring them off it was nothing like her original weapon. And of course even if it did feel weaker Mika still felt somewhat physically capable, enough so that the creature trying to approach her received a fist straight towards its side as it hopped, flying right into a wall and debilitating it from moving again.
But above all continuing to do this just made the whole ordeal all that much more tiring.
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"I really don't know how much longer I'm going to last. This just reminds me of what happened in the Cathedral all over again, just way more spookier. And nobody around to care if I finally kick the bucket..."
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snowdaisied · 5 months
"It's not quite what we had back in Rosalith, but it does the trick."
Seated neatly on a blanket spread out in the field, Jill gently reaches into the picnic basket and takes out some freshly made sandwiches. One is handed to Clive, and when she sees Torgal sitting patiently beside him but looking at her expectantly, she can't help but laugh.
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"You could smell the sausage the whole way here, couldn't you, boy?" Of course there's a special treat for the most loyal hound -- This picnic was just as much for him as it was for her and Clive. "Here. There's plenty."
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windwarden · 1 year
"Give me a fucking break…" One minute she'd been leisuring on a park bench just outside of Archimedes, contemplating what her next course of action would be, and then she'd been transported to the lobby of some weird spacial structure. As she watched the broadcast of current happenings in the city, all she could feel was annoyance. This was one hell of an inconvenience, but nothing she couldn't handle. Figuring it'd be best to move away from the larger crowds of people and into the more secluded hallways, Benedikta does just that.
As soon as she's away from the hustle and bustle of the crowds though, it becomes eerily quiet as she walks through the halls of the station. Aside from the very distant sounds of chatter, she can still hear echoing off of the walls, she finally stops to stare out of one of the glass windows that offer her a view of the planet below. All things considered, it's a pretty scenic view, one that she'd probably be able to enjoy if the situation at present didn't seem so dire. She reaches for her smoking pipe, but before she can bring it to her lips she's interrupted by the sound of a scuffle not too far down the hall from where she is.
Curious, she hurriedly speeds in the direction of the noise and is greeted with the sight of something that should be heroic. Clive Rosfield, holding at bay three menacing alien-like creatures that yipped, barked, and jumped in an attempt to harm the people who cowered behind him for protection. Ever the one to play the hero, just like his traitor of a mentor.
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As he deals with those nuisances, Benedikta waits until he's distracted for but a moment before calling out to him, "Clive Rosfield!" And when he turns to look at her, she conjures what small bit of wind she can into the palm of her hand and sends it forth in an attempt to knock his sword from his hands.
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hollowfaith · 6 months
💭 + dogs
Send 💭 + a topic and my muse will tell you what they think about it.
"I've heard they're excellent at following orders."
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"If we could replace half the humans in this world with dogs instead, I'm sure it'd be a better place."
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hcneycrxsp · 10 months
"Almost there!" She could have easily used her powers (it'd be a perfect way to get stronger using them) to get this one ornament on the tree, but why would she spoil the opportunity to get on Clive's shoulder when he offered? She takes that opportunity really quickly! Snatch it right up happily with a giggle.
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"I'm soooooooo much taller." In this angle though, she'll have to use whatever animals nearby to help her translate what Clive was saying. She can't hear him and she can't read his lips. thank goodness for Torgal.
"I got it!" She exclaims the moment an ornament is on the tree. It sparkles beautifully. "LOOK!"
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explosivedesire · 1 year
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