astraisms-blog · 5 years
✧*:・゚✧   PINTEREST ,   ANGST   ADDITION   |   SENTENCE    STARTERS   ✧*:・゚✧ tw : this post contains a number of triggers, such as mentions of : childhood traumas, abuse, drugs, death, alcohol & overall violence. tag accordingly and change things if you need to. 
“ i was raised feral and i mostly stayed that way” 
“ hit it until it breaks “ 
“ i mean, im going to hell anyways…” 
“ everything i like is either expensive, illegal… or wont text me the fuck back ! ” 
“ i never had the chance to be soft. i was always bloody knuckles and broken shards of glass. i wanted people to be afraid of hurting me.” 
“ i hate getting flash backs from things i don’t want to remember. “ 
“yes its dangerous, that’s why its fun. “ 
“ i dont give a fuck, staring: me! “ 
“ i drink to forget alcoholism “ 
“ to be honest, im full of shit.” 
“ fuck an apology, im not sorry for anything. “ 
“ i wasn’t born to be soft and quiet. i want born to make the world shatter and shake at my fingertips. “
“ here’s to the ones whose fathers broke their hearts before anyone else could. “ 
“ don’t play games with someone who can play better. “ 
“ if you ever wanna learn how to black out and sabotage something good, i’m your man. “ 
“ i’m not violent. i’m not malicious. i am a result. “ 
“ do i look like a fucking people person?” 
“ i hate people who take drugs… like cops, dea agents and customs officials. ”
“ you know you should’ve have survived that, right ?” 
“ you believe in ghosts and vampires, but you don’t really believe in yourself… do you?” 
“ nearly almost dead, but not quite. “ 
“ if you met my family, you would understand. “ 
“ you can’t offend me, i lack emotion. “ 
“ i am ready to die a violent death. “ 
“ when life gives you lemons, squeeze them into peoples eyes. “ 
“ violence may not be the best option… BUT it’s an option. ”
“ my good intentions always turn out bad. “ 
“ can you like, not bring that up? thanks. “ 
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astraisms-blog · 5 years
//I just, cannot stop watching this stupid fucking video of Isao's faceclaim jfc
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astraisms-blog · 5 years
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astraisms-blog · 5 years
//I need to make actual verses for this blog
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astraisms-blog · 5 years
//Hello! This is a newly revived Fire emblem fates oc! 
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astraisms-blog · 5 years
//I wish I could edit pages on mobile, but I redid Isao's bio in a google doc. I decided to rewrite it in a more interesting manner honestly out of slight boredom
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astraisms-blog · 7 years
//I’m probably going to drop Isao. I’m not feeling good about this blog anymore. I can’t really get anywhere with him so y’know.
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astraisms-blog · 7 years
possible triggers, read/reblog with caution.
❛ Nine years! Why have I not seen you? ❜ ❛ Where the hell have you been? ❜ ❛ Would you please shut up! ❜ ❛ Take me to your crypt, I want to pay my respects. ❜ ❛ Surely, the dead can wait. ❜ ❛ Did I offend you? Sorry. ❜ ❛ What the hell do you know about being a bastard? ❜ ❛ I heard you the first time. ❜ ❛ It’s no mercy, letting a child linger in such pain. ❜ ❛ I just want to stand on top of the Wall and pissoff the edge of the world! ❜ ❛ Give me a good, clean death any day. ❜ ❛ What good will my sympathies do them? ❜ ❛ Your absence has already been noted. ❜ ❛ One word and I hit you again. ❜ ❛ I’ve half a mind to leave them all behind and keep moving. ❜ ❛ You’re too hard on yourself. You always have been. ❜ ❛ I swear, if I weren’t your king/queen, you’d have hit me already. ❜ ❛ Trust me, that’s not the worst thing. ❜ ❛ Tell me we’re not speaking of this. ❜ ❛ Oh, it’s unspeakable to you? ❜ ❛ Look at me and tell me what you see. ❜ ❛ You broke my nose, bastard! ❜ ❛ I wonder how long it’d take you to hit! ❜ ❛ They hate me because I'm better than they are! ❜ ❛ Glad to see you’re protecting the Throne. ❜ ❛ It must be strange for you, coming into this room. ❜ ❛ But you just stood there and watched. ❜ ❛ Is that what you tell yourself at night? ❜ ❛ How could you let this happen?! ❜ ❛ I received a slightly warmer welcome on my last visit. ❜ ❛ Do you remember anything about what happened? ❜ ❛ Why are you here? ❜ ❛ I have a gift for you. ❜ ❛ Will I really be able to ride? ❜ ❛ Is this some kind of trick? ❜ ❛ Piss on that! I wanna hit somebody! ❜ ❛ You do move quietly. ❜ ❛ You’re speaking of murdering a child. ❜ ❛ You will dishonor yourself forever if you do this. ❜ ❛ I felt something for you once, you know. ❜ ❛ Does that make you feel better, or worse? ❜ ❛ You wish to confess your crimes? ❜ ❛ My crimes and sins are beyond counting. ❜ ❛ I’m good at convincing others to do violence for me. ❜ ❛ What do you think you’re doing?! ❜ ❛ I have that right, same as you. ❜
❛ We looked for you on the battlefield, but you were nowhere to be found! ❜ ❛ I…I’ve been here, ruling the kingdoms! ❜ ❛ I’m glad you’re not dead. ❜ ❛ Knowledge is power. ❜ ❛ Excuse the interruption. Carry on. ❜ ❛ It’s been a… remarkable journey! ❜ ❛ You brought this on yourself. ❜ ❛ I’ve done nothing. ❜ ❛ Do you understand we’re losing the war?! ❜ ❛ Disappeared? What, in a puff of smoke?! ❜ ❛ Must be hard for you- to be the disappointing child. ❜ ❛ Oh, I trust them with my life- just not with yours. ❜ ❛ Three victories don’t make you a conqueror. ❜ ❛ I won’t need a servant to do my beheading for me! ❜ ❛ I heard you suffered a terrible head wound.  ❜ ❛ I am very good at keepingsecrets for my good friends. ❜ ❛ Who threatened you? ❜ ❛ I understand the way this game is played. ❜ ❛ I’ll have you thrown into the sea! ❜ ❛ I am a pirate- I’m an excellent pirate! ❜ ❛ That’s a promise that always comes true. ❜ ❛ You don’t know how persuasive I am. ❜ ❛ You’re the mosthonest smuggler I ever met. ❜ ❛ You have no need to see this. ❜ ❛ I believe we know how to pour our own wine. ❜ ❛ Maybe I’ll hire this cook of yours. ❜ ❛ I don’t listen to filth. ❜ ❛ I appreciate your loyalty. ❜ ❛ I’ll not have my honour questioned by an imp! ❜ ❛ I just wouldn’t feel safe with you lurking about. ❜ ❛ I command you to arrest this cutthroat! ❜ ❛ Do you hear me?! ❜ ❛ I think there’s more to ruling than that. ❜ ❛ There’s no bigger joke in the world than that. ❜ ❛ What about all the dreams you had that didn't come true? ❜ ❛ Your time with the wolves has made you weak. ❜ ❛ You gave me away if you remember. ❜ ❛ You gave me away like I was some dog you didn’t want anymore. ❜ ❛ You won’t get away with this. ❜ ❛ I’ve decided I don’t like riddles. ❜ ❛ You want to know what side my family fights on? ❜ ❛ You gonna tell me where you’re from? ❜ ❛ You can’t talk to me like that! ❜ ❛ That’s twice I’ve warned you. ❜ ❛ I don’t want you in my tent oneminute more than necessary. ❜ ❛ It would be my pleasure. ❜
❛ You’re wearing the wrong color. ❜ ❛ When I’m free, will I be free to go? ❜ ❛ I'll be free to kill you. ❜ ❛ From now on, you’d better kneel every time I fart. ❜ ❛ You’re telling me you saw… one of them.  ❜ ❛ Did I come to the right place? ❜ ❛ We’ll need to find you a new cloak. ❜ ❛ I need an army. ❜ ❛ It’s too beautiful of a day, to argue. ❜ ❛ I am wondering why you sent for me. ❜ ❛ Have you grown boredprotecting me? ❜ ❛ I’m sure you’ve filled your pockets. ❜ ❛ I don’t loan it out to friends as a favor. ❜ ❛ I don’t even know what I’m paying you now! ❜ ❛ Am I enjoying it? ❜ ❛ I heard how happy you were. ❜ ❛ I gave you real power and authority. ❜ ❛ You brought a whore into my bed. ❜ ❛ Why does everyone assume I want something? ❜ ❛ A little bloody gratitude would be a start. ❜ ❛ So tell me what you want. ❜ ❛ I want what is mine by right. ❜ ❛ The next whore I catch in your bed, I’ll hang. ❜ ❛ I’m not your enemy. ❜ ❛ I’ve never seen anything like it. ❜ ❛ Even the bravest men fear death. ❜ ❛ Tell the good master there is no need. ❜ ❛ Here, I’m done with you. ❜ ❛ How many do you have to sell? ❜ ❛ We don’t get to choose who we love. ❜ ❛ I only want to know what that means. ❜ ❛ Are you frightened, child? ❜ ❛ Tell us the truth. No harm will come to you. ❜ ❛ I have traitor’s blood. ❜ ❛ Please don’t make me say anymore. ❜ ❛ Please, don’t stop the wedding. ❜ ❛ That doesn’t mean they’re not worth helping. ❜ ❛ I have no doubtyou will prove equal to this challenge. ❜ ❛ This is the safest place in the city. ❜ ❛ Any advice for me, on my new position? ❜ ❛ How long will you be gone? ❜ ❛ You don’t have the strength. It would kill you. ❜ ❛ There is another way, a better way. ❜ ❛ The blood of my enemies, not the blood of innocents. ❜ ❛ What’re you doing, leading a mob of peasants? ❜ ❛ I should have killed you! ❜
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astraisms-blog · 7 years
Send ⛓ to capture my muse
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astraisms-blog · 7 years
Studio Ghibli Sentence Meme
“Now I have something I want to protect. It’s you.”
“I’m not afraid to die!”
“You cannot change fate. However, you can rise to meet it, if you so choose.”
“They say that the best blaze brightest when circumstances are at their worst.”
“Fear and anger only make it grow faster.”
“I think I can handle it.”
“Here’s another curse for you - may all your bacon burn.”
“Don’t worry! Stay right where you are, I’m coming to get you! You’re gonna be fine, I won’t let him hurt you.”
“I need something of yours. How ‘bout your eyes?”
“We gotta get out of here! We’re gonna get in trouble!”
“You, you sabotaged me! Look! Look at what you’ve done to my hair! Look!”
“No more killing. It has to stop!”
“You sound ghastly, like some 90-year-old woman.”
“Guys, don’t take that food! We’re gonna get in trouble!”
“Fight ‘em! C’mon!”
“Smile so we can make a good impression.”
“We each need to find our own inspiration. Sometimes it’s not easy”
“I finally get a bouquet and it’s a goodbye present. That’s depressing.”
“Life is suffering. It is hard. The world is cursed. But still, you find reasons to keep living.”
“Sorry, it looks like you’re involved.”
“Oh, my baby! Are you all right? Are you emotionally traumatized?”
“Now I’m trying to look inside myself and find out how I did it.”
“Leave before it gets dark.”
“Once you do something, you never forget. Even if you can’t remember.”
“Cut off a wolf’s head and it still has the power to bite.”
“It’s all so familiar yet I know I’ve never been here before. I feel so at home.”
“Now I’m trying to look inside myself and find out how I did it.”
“I suggest you surrender. There is no ship coming to rescue you.”
“I had no idea that my rage could drive me to kill.”
“These days, there are angry ghosts all around us - dead from wars, sickness, starvation - and nobody cares.” 
“A heart’s a heavy burden.”
“Please! You must stop!”
“Well, well, well… hello kitty.” “You can’t be busy - you’re five!”
“So you say you’re under a curse? So what? So’s the whole damn world.”
“ I have really had enough of your incredible stupidity.”
“Lamebrain! They made an escape! Now step on it!”
“I didn’t want them to kill you.”
“It’s fun to move to a new place. It’s an adventure.”
“Welcome the rich man, he’s hard for you to miss. His butt keeps getting bigger, so there’s plenty there to kiss!”
“You shouldn’t be here! Get out!”
“He said Mom was ugly, now go get him!”
“Kill him and you’ll be famous.”
“I’ve seen him do this once before when a girl dumped him.”
“S/He’s alive. There goes that dream.”
“That was the night I died.”
“I’d rather be a pig than a fascist.”
“You don’t remember your name?”
“Don’t be afraid, I just want to help you.”
“Poor kids. I’ll really miss them.”
“I don’t fight for honor. I fight for a paycheck.”
“ No, No, No! Don’t do this! Help! Help! Crazy lady with the shovel!”
“She was once quite beautiful, so I decided to pursue her, then I realized she wasn’t, so then, as usual, I ran away.”
“You’re in love. Don’t deny it, you’ve been sighing all day”
“She never woke up again.”
“You blubber heads! I’m not runnin’ a luxury cruise! Now get to work!”
“Why does everything that’s good for you have to taste so bad?”
“Whatever you don’t want me to clean, better hide it now!”
“This is our little secret. You tell anyone and I’ll rip your mouth off.”
“I give up. I see no point in living if I can’t be beautiful.”
“If I lose my magic, that means I’ve lost absolutely everything.”
“ It’s… you’re scaring me. I have this weird feeling you’re going to leave. ”
“There’s a demon inside you.”
“Don’t get alarmed but I’m being followed. Act normal.”
“Don’t worry, I’ve got four-wheel drive.”
“This is what hatred looks like! This is what it does when it catches hold of you! It’s eating me alive, and very soon it will kill me!”
“Smooth. Very smooth. You definitely know how to make a good first impression.”
“Everyone fears their own mortality.”
“Play with me or I’ll break your arm!”
“I gotta get out of this place. Someday I’m getting on that train.”
“Wait give us a minute! This is clearly harassment.”
“Why do fireflies have to die so soon?”
“There you are, sweetheart. Sorry I’m late. I was looking everywhere for you.” 
“When you’re going to kill a god, let someone else do your dirty work.”
“Why did you stop me from killing her?”
“When I saw you, I just wanted to find a way to protect you.” 
“One thing you can always count on is that hearts change.”
“Tell me while you’re still alive!”
“This is a tomb for the both of us.”
“If nobody comes in, I’m gonna have to eat pancakes forever and be fat, fat, fat! And what am I supposed to do about that?”
“Even if you were a woman, you’d still be an idiot!”
“What do you say we give ‘em a little demonstration of how fast we can run, huh?”
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astraisms-blog · 7 years
✰ * º ❛ even more popular text posts ask meme. ❜
‘  my kink is getting some fuckin sleep.  ’ ‘  omg here goes your lil crybaby ass.  ’ ‘  the beatles wouldn’t even fucking exist if big time rush hadn’t paved the path for them so shut the fuck up.  ’ ‘  don’t start buddy. don’t you dare.  ’ ‘  gay rights? true, as a gay, i am always right.  ’ ‘  not to vent, but: fuck.  ’ ‘  the worst pain is to make small talk with someone you once told everything to.  ’ ‘  i think i accidentally break my own heart a lot.  ’ ‘  sometimes ‘brb’ stands for ‘be ready bitch’ so you have to be careful.  ’ ‘  i want to kiss you in a way that makes you not want to kiss anyone else ever again.  ’ ‘  shout out to the people who are still friends with me even though i’m a fucking idiot.  ’ ‘  it’s safe to assume that at any given moment i want to go back to bed.  ’ ‘  i’m a big fan of anything that will help me chill the fuck out.  ’ ‘  i don’t go through people’s pictures on their phone cause i wasn’t raised in the jungle.  ’ ‘  i think we, as a people, just need to have a glass of water.  ’ ‘  i don’t have enough black clothes.  ’ ‘  sweetie, i could sleep for ten years and i’d still be tired.  ’ ‘  i would sleep so much better with your arms wrapped around me.  ’ ‘  me??? tired??? sleepy??? yes, constantly.  ’ ‘  i’m pb&j – petty, bitter, and jealous.  ’ ‘  the fact that sloths aren’t extinct somehow proves that if you go at your own pace and mind your own fucking business you too can succeed.  ’ ‘  i wish i could be the person i want to be, but i’m too tired.  ’ ‘  i always look sleep deprived. is that hot?  ’ ‘  just because there’s always room for improvement doesn’t mean you’ll never be good enough.  ’ ‘  my heart is a soft and sensitive mess.  ’ ‘  all i want is a big garden and no responsibilities.  ’ ‘  honestly someone not liking beyonce is a deal breaker and not for any political reasons, but just like you’re probably, definitely really boring.  ’ ‘  hey guys, i’m a huge fan of genuine love and affection.  ’ ‘  now i’m falling asleep and she’s calling a crab and he’s having a smoke and she’s kissing the crab.  ’ ‘  i’ve been ever since i heard ‘lonely’ by akon at 9 years-old.  ’ ‘  my new years resolution is to stop.  ’ ‘  i’m irritated cause i’m not lovable in a romantic soulmate way.  ’ ‘  i hate knowing that people that ruined parts of me still live and function like nothing ever happened.  ’ ‘  i know i’m cute, but you can remind me.  ’ ‘  hey, just wondering, but are you fucking kidding me????  ’ ‘  i can’t wait to be in love with someone who is also deepfuck in love with me and we love each other forever n’ ever.  ��� ‘  me? clingy? yes. please don’t leave me.  ’ ‘  girlfriend application compatibility question: do you keep your depression pile on the bed or on the floor?  ’ ‘  anything heart shaped is automatically 200% better. this is a fact.  ’ ‘  today’s agenda: screaming into the abyss.  ’ ‘  going from ‘today is a good day’ to ‘i hate my life’ takes me approximately 2.6 seconds.  ’ ‘  everyone needs to wash their face and go to bed.  ’ ‘  i’m worth so much more than the ways i’ve been treated.  ’ ‘  hey, can i claim you guys as dependents on my taxes?  ’ ‘  i really just ignore phone calls. like leave a message. i don’t check those either but like  ’ ‘  i honestly just want to pack my bags and go travel the world and see and explore everything possible.  ’ ‘  remember being little and thinking dandelions were fun or a pretty color or something and every adult in an 80 mile radius wouldn’t let you say that without screaming IT’S A WEED.  ’ ‘  why did we just accept catdog?  ’ ‘  my ‘stay in bed all day’ game’s too strong.  ’ ‘  you deserve to be loved without having to hide the parts of yourself that you think are unlovable.  ’ ‘  i always forget that i literally don’t owe anyone anything!  ’ ‘  i wonder what it feels like to know what the fuck is going on.  ’ ‘  honestly… us girls? us women? we always out here, knowin.  ’ ‘  would an alien think i’m pretty?  ’ ‘  i love boys, but only as a concept.  ’ ‘  why do parents get mad when you sleep in all day? like i’m staying out of trouble and i’m not spending your money like what’s the issue here????  ’ ‘  i identify as an inconvenience to the world.  ’ ‘  i seriously regret telling anyone, anything, ever lmao  ’ ‘  dating me is like dating a five year-old. i need all of your attention and i’m cranky if i haven’t had a nap.  ’ ‘  i’m literally tired of myself.  ’ ‘  don’t introduce me to ur parents unless you plan on marrying me because they’re going to love me and ask about me for the rest of your life lol  ’ ‘  what the hell is a straight person? only straight thing i know about is the edge of my beloved sword.  ’ ‘  i highly recommend never having feelings.  ’ ‘  self care is going into a cornfield at night to get abducted by aliens.  ’ ‘  staying up late with another human is such a weird thing like you get this special bond and a what-is-this feeling  ’ ‘  do u ever feel like ur not even friends with ur friends?  ’ ‘  um no offense but whom’st’ve going to loveth me?  ’ ‘  date a girl who fucks everything up.  ’ ‘  not all who mcfreakin wander are mcfreakin lost.  ’ ‘  i may legally be an adult but don’t be fooled. i have no idea what i’m doing.  ’ ‘  a fun and interesting fact about me is that i’m a fucking idiot.  ’ ‘  you can start again anytime!  ’ ‘  all you can do is learn your lesson. there’s no point in wishing you had did differently. the past is the past.  ’ ‘  i can’t believe an angel like me has to suffer so much.  ’ ‘  you’re all so obsessed with love and being loved. what about just going to sleep?  ’ ‘  i’m smart, but i do dumb shit anyway.  ’ ‘  tbh i never deal with my emotions. i just let them ravage my body and then go to bed and then i wake up and do it all over again.  ’ ‘  first of all: i don’t know shit, so jot that down.  ’ ‘  i’ll just ¯\ _(ツ)_/¯ my way through life.  ’ ‘  i’m tired of things costing money.  ’ ‘  don’t you hate it when you’re dead inside and run out of apps to refresh?  ’ ‘  who cares? do better, move on.  ’ ‘  i don’t need a significant other. just a significant income.  ’ ‘  appreciation for everyone who’s ever talked to me bc i’m annoying and dumb.  ’ ‘  thnks fr th mntl llnss.  ’ ‘  what  hasn’t killed me has just made me overly sensitive and defensive.  ’ ‘  i don’t know shit ya’ll!!!!! i’m just out here.  ’ ‘  binge-watching is great until you run out of the show and have to start watching it weekly like some sort of medieval peasant.  ’ ‘  i’m in the wrong realm and i think everyone can tell.  ’ ‘  this might come as a shock but I’m Not Feelin too good my dudes.  ’ ‘  i’m alive, but only ironically.  ’ ‘  there she goes again being over dramatic and by she, i mean me.  ’ ‘  do you ever feel like have tried Too Hard to a friend and now you have become That Obnoxious Weirdo?  ’ ‘  lgbt: lasagna! garfield’s beloved treat.  ’ ‘  my favorite phrase in the english language is ‘i shit you not.’  ’ ‘  i’m a real boring bitch! a snoozer!  ’ ‘  i honestly look so good lounging in an oversized t-shirt and no pants. when will someone experience the blessing of domestic living w/ me?  ’ ‘  you don’t understand how hard it is to take a selfie when you’re ugly.  ’ ‘  you son of a mumford!  ’ ‘  hi, i’m here to ruin everything.  ’ ‘  you can tell a lot about a person by looking at their hands. for example, if it’s a skeleton hand then they’re dead.  ’ ‘  the year is 2020 and i am found guilty of treason against the united states for vague blogging that i hate someone and donald trump thought it was about him.  ’ ‘  everybody calm down, we’re going to be fine! :))) we’ve weathered worse than this! :) :) :) :) really all this panic just seems like a huge overreaction imho   ’ ‘  no beta readers. we publish our crap writing like men.  ’ ‘  i need $$$$$ not feelings.  ’ ‘  ‘idk imma see’ = i ain’t coming, never was coming, never considered it, never gave it a single thought, only remembered cause you asked again.  ’ ‘  oops, i don’t care lol  ’ ‘  why girls always crop the halo out of their selfies? stop being so modest. we know the truth.  ’ ‘  maurice, you’re not gonna fucking believe this,  ’ ‘  i always get told i look like a bitch bc i’m always glaring while i walk, but i’m not glaring, i’m squinting. i have sensitive eyes. they’re watering.  ’ ‘  concept: it’s 3 am. candle lit room. a record is spinning. you’re kissing me. we have no worries in the world. we’re warm and content.  ’ ‘  i need to go into the forest and scream for an hour and a half.  ’ ‘  pls kill all men who yell at girls from cars.  ’ ‘  life really isn’t what i expected it to be. less quicksand. almost no quicksand to be honest. lots of metaphorical quicksand tho.  ’ ‘  i have a question for u: like are u done… like is it over?  ’ ‘  we all have that one person who ruins your day by being alive.  ’ ‘  we all have that one person who ruins your day by being alive. for me, it’s myself.  ’ ‘  whenever i see police i always try not to act suspicious and fail internally even though i never did anything wrong.  ’ ‘  new years resolution: less bitter, more glitter.  ’
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astraisms-blog · 7 years
small compliments .
“You look really pretty today ~”
“Do I ever tell you how much you mean to me?”
“Those clothes look really good on you~”
“Wow, your hair is super nice today!”
“Your smile is gorgeous…”
“I really love the way you laugh~”
“You look beautiful.”
“You are doing that cute thing again…”
“I saw your snap this morning; you looked gorgeous…”
“You’re really good at this, do you know that?”
“Oh wow! I am really proud of you!”
“I think you did pretty well!”
“~You tried, and that’s what matters, right?”
“I think you did pretty well, it’s your first time after all!”
“You look stunning today.”
“This tastes great!!”
“Wow… you did this — all by yourself!?”
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astraisms-blog · 7 years
//I’m back from my trip!
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astraisms-blog · 7 years
Sᴇɴᴅ ᴍʏ ᴍᴜsᴇ “Hᴀᴠᴇ ʏᴏᴜ ᴇᴠᴇʀ (...)”s. Tʜᴇʏ ᴄᴀɴ ᴏɴʟʏ ʀᴇᴘʟʏ ᴡɪᴛʜ ‘ʏᴇs’ ᴏʀ ‘ɴᴏ’.
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astraisms-blog · 7 years
//So i’m going to be going out of town tomorrow and I won’t be back until the 15th, so I won’t be on any of my blogs during that time.
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astraisms-blog · 7 years
Send ‘rough touch’
and the generated outcome will be used for a small drabble scenario or starter { tw violence, possible noncon/dubcon implications, nsfw }
Your muse throws a punch at mine.
My muse throws a punch at yours.
Your muse suddenly grips my muse’s hair.
My muse suddenly grips your muse’s hair.
Your muse roughly grabs my muse’s arm.
My muse roughly grabs your muse’s arm.
Your muse grips my muse’s hips.
My muse grips your muse’s hips.
Your muse wraps their hands tightly around my muse’s neck.
My muse wraps their hands tightly around your muse’s neck.
Your muse slams mine against a wall hard.
My muse slams yours against a wall hard.
Your muse pushes my muse to their knees.
My muses pushes your to their knees.
Your muse bites mine.
My muse bites yours.
Your muse clutches their hand tightly around my muse’s mouth to silence them.
My muse clutches their hand tightly around your muse’s mouth to silence them.
Your muse grabs my muse’s wrists.
My muse grabs their muse’s wrists.
Your muse attempts to shove away mine.
My muse attempts to push off yours.
Your muse roughly kisses mine.
My muse roughly kisses yours.
Your muse pins mine onto the ground.
My muse pins yours to the ground.
Your muse delivers beatings to mine.
My muse delivers beatings to yours.
Your muse breaks my muse’s arm.
My muse breaks your muse’s arm.
Mun chooses.
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astraisms-blog · 7 years
Send "´͈ ᵕ `͈" for my muse's reaction to yours suddenly holding their hand.
Bonus: Include why they decided to!
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