astramaris · 2 years
i  feel  terrible  doing  this,  but  i’ve  decided  i’m  going  to  move  marlene  to  my  multi  over  at  @ starlcved.  i’m  just  not  100%  comfortable  being  in  this  fandom  just  solely  so  i  think  it’ll  be  better  to  have  her  there.  i  will  continue  threads  if  you’d  like  to  though,  but  will  move  them  to  a  new  post  as  i  may  use  this  blog  as  a  base  for  a  different  muse  someday.
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astramaris · 2 years
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Hieu Minh Nguyen, from This Way to the Sugar
[Text ID: A body filling with ghost stories,]
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astramaris · 2 years
   "Well.“ He said airily, leaning his head in as the girl pulled him in. "Or better there than the shrieking shack, I’d say.” Miles laughed, unfortunately speaking from experience. He spent many nights sleeping in there all alone. Couldn’t imagine taking a potential girl or guy back there, to do the deed.
  Miles glanced up at the couple as Marlene pointed them out, “Oh, them? They most certainly have.” The tall boy joked in a whisper, nudging the girl back with amusement. They were a “staple couple” in the Hogwarts hallways as of lately. Always snogging in between classes, when given the chance. Frequently being broken apart by Snape or Professor McGonagall, how embarrassing Miles thought.
   "What about you, Mckinnon? Have you ever visited the room of requirement?“ Miles asked, lips slowly turning up into an arrogant smirk.
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SHE  LAUGHS  AT  THE  SUGGESTIONS,  HEAD  NODDING.  “  yes,  miles  better  than  the  shrieking  shack.  get  it  ---  miles  better  ….  ”  she  grins  at  the  bad  joke,  glancing  up  at  him  with  raised  brows  as  he  answers  the  question.  “  i  knew  it  !  they’ve  got  that  ‘  we  hooked  up  in  the  room  of  requirement  ’  glow  about  them  !  ”  she  jokes,  continuing  the  laugh  at  the  suggestion.
“  well  now  wouldn’t  you  like  to  know,  mundi  !  ”  brows  waggle  suggestively,  though  she  breaks  off  into  a  fit  of  laughter.  “  nah,  not  for  that  anyway.  it’s  far  too  unoriginal  for  me  !  i’ve  got  t’  be  more  creative  about  these  things,  a  reputation  to  uphold  and  all  that  !  besides,  there’s  far  more  interesting  things  in  there  if  you  know  where  to  look  !  ”  though  her  lips  curve  in  a  smirk,  leaning  in  closer  once  more.  “  what  about  you  ?  ever  found  yourself  in  a  lip  lock  in  the  r  of  r  ?  ” 
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astramaris · 2 years
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astramaris · 2 years
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TIGHT   SMILE   IS   CAST   IN   HER   DIRECTION    as   she   hauls   her   way   to   the   furthest   available   seat   within   the   carriage  .    “  i’m   perfectly   content   here  ,   thanks  .  ”   she   mutters  ,   though   it’s   a   clear   LIE     —-    she   couldn’t   think   of   many   things   WORSE   than   being   cooped   up   with   her   for   hours   on   end  .   setting   her   cat   down   onto   the  seat  ,   she   then   REACHES   up   to   slide   her   trunk   into   the   storage   before   finally   settling   down  .    “  so   where   are   your    friends  ,   hm  ? ”   she   asks  ,   a   slightly   AMUSED   look   shining   within   her   gaze   as   she   considers   the   OPTIONS   ;   hoping  ,   of   course  ,   that   the   worst   of   them   all   would   be   true  .    “  did   they   get   sick   of   you   over   summer  ?  ”
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BROWS  LIFT  AT  HER  QUESTIONS,  EYES  ROLLING  SOON  AFTER,  fingers  continuing  to  move  through  the  fur  of  the  black  cat  currently  sprawled  across  her  lap.  “  absolutely  not,  considering  i  actually  have  real  friends  that  don’t  just  ditch  people.  ”  words  paired  with  a  too  sweet  smile  that  quickly  turns  to  a  smirk.  “  where  are  your  friends,  khaylia  ?  i’m  sure  they’d  love  to  know  you  opted  for  a  gryffindor  carriage,  rather  than  just  sitting  out  in  the  hallway  !  perhaps  they’ve  gotten  sick  of  you  over  the  summer  ?  ”  smirk  only  grows  at  the  sound  of  laughter  echoing  down  the  train,  a  brow  lifting  once  more.  “  sounds  like  they’re  on  their  way.  can’t  promise  they’ll  be  nice  to  ya’  though  so  i’d  take  my  previous  advice  if  i  were  you  !  ”
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astramaris · 2 years
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  ↳ Imogen Poots in Solitary Man.
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astramaris · 2 years
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                         i  stepped  forward.  “  fight  me.  ”
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astramaris · 2 years
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˙ ˖ . ☆  KHAYLIA  SKYE  of  @renlios​​​​  said  :   “ all the other carriages are full, i’m sitting here whether you want it or not. ” 
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EYES  ROLL,  AN  IRRITATED  SIGH  ESCAPING  HER  LIPS.  shuffling  up  to  make  room  for  the  other,  sending  a  glare  across  to  her  when  she  speaks.  “  personally  i  think  you  should  have  just  walked.  it  might  have  done  you  some  good.  you  know  what  they  say  about  fresh  air.  ”  sarcasm  drips  from  her  words,  from  the  corners  of  the  smile  painted  across  her  lips.  “  but  whatever,  just  try  not  to  like  bother  me  and  we’ll  have  no  problems  !  ”  arms  fold  angrily  across  her  chest,  purposefully  avoiding  even  looking  at  the  slytherin.  though  she  tries  not  to  judge  others  too  harshly,  it’s  people  like  khaylia  that  really  grinded  her  gears  with  their  judgmental  looks  and  irrationally  harsh  tongues. 
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astramaris · 2 years
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˙ ˖ . ☆  BEN  SOLO  of  @lghtpulled​​​  said  :   “ do you think you could sneak to the astronomy tower with me tonight? ”
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SMIRK  PULLS  ACROSS  HER  LIPS,  A  BROW  LIFTING.  “  a  secret  rendezvous  ?  ”  lips  purse  in  an  attempt  to  hide  her  amusement,  nudging  him  lightly  with  an  elbow.  “  not  getting  the  wrong  idea  are  we,  solo  ?  ”  though  her  tone  remains  teasing,  a  grin  soon  following  as  she  grabs  his  hand  to  throw  his  arm  over  her  shoulders.  “  i  mean,  i’m  all  for  a  bit  of  rule  breaking  though.  plus,  i  love  the  stars  !  you  can  point  out  your  favourites  to  me  and  i  can  make  up  all  sorts  of  dumb  and  incredibly  factually  incorrect  stories  about  them  !  ”  looking  up  to  him,  a  grin  stretched  across  her  lips.  “  seriously  though,  you  okay  ?  ”  brows  lift,  genuine  concern  pooling  in  her  gaze.  “  need  me  to  punch  someone  for  you  ?  i  know  you’re  all  big  and  strong  but  i  know  all  the  best  spots  to  make  it  really  hurt,  you  know  ?  ”
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astramaris · 2 years
please  amend  prompts ,  specify  context  &  reverse  roles  where  required .  please  note :  this  blog  is  very  anti  jkr .  
📚  to  find  my  muse  in  the  restricted  area  of  the  library . 📝  to  study  with  my  muse . 🍺  to  drink  butter  beer  with  my  muse . 👗  to  ask  my  muse  to  the  yule  ball . ❄️  to  invite  my  muse  to  a  dance  at  the  yule  ball . 🛍  to  visit  hogsmeade  with  my  muse . 🦉  to  find  my  muse  in  the  owlry . 🏐  to  watch  a  quidditch  game  with  my  muse . 🏆  to  celebrate  a  quidditch  game  with  my  muse . 🪄  to  challenge  my  muse  to  a  duel . 🐇  to  help  my  muse  cast  their  patronus  for  the  first  time . 🧪  to  attend  a  potions  class  with  my  muse . 🦇  to  attend  a  care  of  magical  creatures  class  with  my  muse . 🍽  to  join  my  muse  in  the  grand  hall . 🎄  for  our  muses  to  spend  time  with  one  another  over  the  winter  break . 🏅  for  your  muse  to  be  selected  for  the  triwizard  tournament .  🌊  to  join  my  muse  by  the  lake . 🌳  to  explore  the  forbidden  forest  with  my  muse . 📏  for  our  muses  to  be  in  detention  together . 🔮  for  our  muses  to  be  in  a  divination  class  together . 🧹  for  our  muses  to  fly  together .  🧤  to  go  to  diagon  alley  with  my  muse .  🤒  to  visit  my  muse  in  the  infirmary . 🤚  for  our  muses  to  patrol  the  halls  together . ✨  to  join  my  muse  in  the  astrology  tower . ♞   to  play  wizard’s  chess  with  my  muse . 👻  for  our  muses  to  talk  to  one  of  the  hogwarts’  ghosts . 💨  for  your  muse  to  save  mine  from  a  dementor . 🍫  to  share  magical  treats  with  my  muse . 🚂  to  sit  with  my  muse  on  the  hogwarts’  express . 🏰  to  explore  the  castle  with  my  muse . 🐺  to  attend  a  defence  against  the  dark  arts  class  with  my  muse . 🌿  to  attend  a  herbology  class  with  my  muse . 💖  to  give  my  muse  a  love  potion . 💎  to  attend  a  study  of  ancient  runes  class  with  my  muse . 🥅  for  our  muses  to  try  out  for  the  quidditch  team .  ✉️  for  our  muses  to  write  to  each  other .
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astramaris · 2 years
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Imogen Poots in Vivarium (2020)
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astramaris · 2 years
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˙ ˖ . ☆  HERMIONE  GRANGER  of  @lumiuore​  said  :   “ do you ever wash your cauldron? ”
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A  SCOFF  ESCAPES  IMMEDIATELY  AFTER  SHE  ASKS,  shaking  her  head  in  disbelief.  “  do  i  wash  ---  are  you  mad  ?  do  i  look  like  i  have  the  time  for  that  ?  ”  though  her  tone  remains  lightly  teasing.  “  i’ve  got  important  things  to,  pranks  to  pull,  boys  to  tease,  hermione  !  ”  lips  pull  into  a  slow  grin  as  she  talks,  rolling  her  eyes.  “  i  bet  slughorn  would  have  a  FIT  if  he  heard  me  tellin’  ya’  that  so  keep  your  lips  sealed  !  ”  though  she  laughs  after  she  speaks,  shoulders  lifting  in  a  shrug.  “  truth  be  told,  i  don’t  much  care  for  potions  !  ”
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astramaris · 2 years
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˙ ˖ . ☆  MILES  MUNDI  of  @mistakenlymiles​  said  :   “ i wonder how many people have banged in the room of requirement. ”
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A  GRIN  LINES  HER  LIPS  AT  HIS  QUESTION,  turning  to  him  with  raised  brows.  “  miles  !  ”  she  chastises,  though  it’s  followed  with  a  loud  laugh.  “  i’m  not  sure  i  wan’  to  know  actually.  eurgh  !  you’ve  gone  an’  put  the  thought  in  my  head  now  !  ”  throwing  an  arm  around  his  shoulders,  gesturing  a  hand  towards  a  couple  to  their  left,  lowering  her  voice  as  she  leans  in.  “  do  you  think  they  have  ?  not  that  it  matters  really  though  right  ?  better  in  their  than  out  in  the  open  !  ”  words  paired  with  a  wink,  nudging  against  him  slightly.
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astramaris · 2 years
hogwarts au sentences.   let’s put those harry potter aus into good use. contains 40+ dialogue starters relating to hogwarts — some mention different houses and the occasional canon event, but a lot can be used by anybody. feel free to switch around pronouns, diction, and the like to make them more suitable for your muse’s mouth.
“ can you cast a patronus? ”
“ i saw muggle textbooks when i was visiting family for the holidays, and honestly? sure, i could maybe die falling off the stairs if i had a sleepwalking habit, but at least i’m not doing algebra right now. ”
“ do you think a dog animagi could have puppies? ”
“ how did you explain to your friends why you were switching schools? ”
“ sorry, all the other carriages are full, i’m sitting here whether you want it or not. ”
“ i wonder if there are people who can speak parseltongue but with like… bunnies. ”
“ i’m tired, and i want to go to bed, and i’ve been sitting here, trying to figure it out for like an hour, save me: what has a head but no body, but does have a tail? ”
“ what do threstals look like? ”
“ do you ever wash your cauldron? ”
“ trying to sneak into the forbidden section three times in a row is either the most badass or the most nerdy thing you’ve ever done. ”
“ if i go to hospital wing, i have to explain how i got it. i need to solve this with a spell. ”
“ no, i just never realised other people see the carriages being pulled by thin air. ”
“ when did you get the dark mark? ”
“ mudblood. ”
“ who was the guy your boggart turned into? ”
“ where did you learn that? ”
“ sorry, but you couldn’t pay me to put my name in that thing. ”
“ do you still have that leaf in your mouth? ”
“ you’re the most injury-prone [quidditch position] i’ve ever met. ”
“ congratulations, head [boy/girl/pupil]. ”
“ imagine being a straight couple right now. ”
“ i’m going to have to fight my parents. ”
“ sorry, is this your owl/toad/cat? [they’re] beautiul. ”
“ do you think you could sneak to the astronomy tower with me tonight? ”
“ i actually haven’t asked anyone for the yule ball with me. ”
“ [name] got petrified, didn’t [they]? i’m sorry. ”
“ have you met the new DADA professor yet? how was it? ”
“ next time [name] pushes you again, i swear to god i’m hexing [their] arse. ”
“ i ate something and now my face is purple. i’m NOT coming out! ”
“ it’s vinegar. i knocked on the wrong barrel. ”
“ don’t look at me like that, i’m just trying to steal your body heat. it’s cold down here, okay? ”
“ how the hell can someone like you be in [house]? ”
“ come to think of it, i don’t think i’ve ever seen a ginger slytherin. ”
“ i didn’t even know i was afraid of heights before i came to this bloody school. ”
“ finding places to cuddle in would be a lot easier if we were at the same house. ”
“ are both of your parents muggles? ”
“ when you said you wanted to go to hogsmeade together with me, did you mean like… a date kind of ‘together’? ”
“ i wonder how many peole have banged in the room of requirements. ”
“ why must the plants sing? ”
“ sorry, you’re not getting the password from me. ”
“ have fun in potions. try not to punch anyone. ”
“ of course i’m fine. i mean, who wouldn’t want to be told they’re going to have a painful, grim death, on their first divination class? ”
“ are all [ravenclaws/gryffindors/slytherins] assholes, or is that just you? ”
“ dude, it was definitely two feet on vampires. how screwed are you? ”
“ how are we playing? classic or bavardian rules? ”
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astramaris · 2 years
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˙ ˖ . ☆  astramaris   :   independent  and  mutuals  only  marlene  mckinnon  of  the  harry  potter  universe,  with  several  verses  and  aus.  nsfw  and  triggering  themes  may  be  present  and  will  be  tagged.  please  only  follow  if  21 +.  loved  by  ivy.  please  read  rules  and  bio  before  interacting.  very  anti  jk  rowling.
˙ ˖ . ☆  queue  based  blog   :   almost  all  my  replies  will  go  into  the  queue,  so  please  note  that  it  could  take  a  while  for  your  reply  to  post.  this  is  just  so  i  can  attempt  to  manage  all  my  blogs.
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˙ ˖ . ☆  CARRD  |  OTHER  BLOGS   :   @fulcrcm  ,  @starlcved  ,  @sanglunae  ,  @terrarenata
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astramaris · 2 years
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                          i  stepped  forward.  “  fight  me.  ”
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astramaris · 2 years
tag  drop  three.
━━ ˙ ˖ . ☆   PROMO   :   there  is  thunder  in  our  hearts  .
━━ ˙ ˖ . ☆   SELF  PROMO   :   you’re  more  than  the  fires  you’ve  walked  through  .
━━ ˙ ˖ . ☆   ARC  ONE   :   the  only  defence  against  fear  is  courage  .
━━ ˙ ˖ . ☆   ARC  TWO   :   there  is  a  light  that  never  goes  out  .
━━ ˙ ˖ . ☆   ARC  THREE   :   the  brightest  stars  fade  fastest  .
━━ ˙ ˖ . ☆   STAR  WARS   :   we  will  carve  our  place  into  time  and  space  .
━━ ˙ ˖ . ☆   MARVEL   :   what  fire  does  not  destroy  it  hardens  .
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