astridabove · 10 months
When I say this made me snort
Am I the only one to notice that three David Tennant's most famous characters have blonde love interests?
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astridabove · 1 year
The pathway to my heart 😬🤷🏻
I have a few ideas for this…
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Welcome to our first ever nsfw-only tentooxrose fic event!
Introducing the FUCK-A-THON, which is exactly what it sounds like, a fucking marathon!
The theme for round one, is 'First Time', i.e, the first time tentoo and rose did the deed! That night in Norway? On the zeppelin back home? A day, a week, a month later? In the midst of an elaborate alien invasion? After a romantic date? You decide!
For the months of March and April, we're looking to create as many as fics as possible, chronicling tentoo and rose's first time together!
As always with these events, the primary pairing must be tentoo x rose! You can feature other couples, but the focus of your fic must be tentoo and rose.
Since this is an nsfw event, fics must be Mature/Explicit. We're looking for smut!
You must follow the theme! Your entry must feature tentoo and rose's First Time.
All fics must be posted on AO3, with the tag 'tentoo x rose fuckathon'. They will later be added into a collection.
You can post more than one fic! This is a marathon, after all, and the more, the merrier! There's no limit to the number of First Time fics you create for the event.
There is no word limit. One-shots and multi-chapter fics are extremely welcome!
The posting period begins on the 1st of March, and ends on the 30th of April.
Again, as always, we strongly encourage pro-tentoo content ❤️
Any questions you have can be sent in here, and will be answered as soon as possible!
Looking forward to your participation!
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astridabove · 2 years
Deep Space 9 I’m guessing. That’s a title of one of the Star Trek TV shows.
I found my way into the ds9 tag, and as someone doing astrophysics research, I'm genuinely very curious: what do star trek fans think ds9 is?
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astridabove · 2 years
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waiting for that GKND
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astridabove · 2 years
Hold the phone. Emma Caulfield- Anya Jenkins in Buffy- was Dottie Jones in Wandavision??! That’s why she looked so familiar!!! I was so distracted by the story that no matter how much she threw me off I could not figure out why!!! That’s nuts!
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I really thought I moved on, but they just switched the packaging on me! 😭
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astridabove · 2 years
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my latest attempt at sketching from a reference
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astridabove · 2 years
ah shit i’m seeing so many Stranger Things gifs and I’m certain I missed something big but we don’t have any streaming currently
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astridabove · 2 years
Now I need this, but with Sylvie, Loki, and Mobius.
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I had to make it
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astridabove · 2 years
So I actually kinda did it, I wrote most of it. When I say it’s convoluted though. Holy randy and joan on a hot summer night, is it convoluted. Two whole entire OCs later, I’m over here trying to figure out how to steer it out of babyfic. But I think it’s going to be a babyfic. My wife actually enjoyed my description up to the babyfic direction of it, which is not how I meant it to go anyway but it kinda just went. So now here I am. With a babyfic I’m not sure about at all.
Considering though, I actually do like some babyfic. The baby is more of a plot pusher than anything else, in mine. Probably won’t be seeing much actual baby. I just wanted to explore fatherhood a little in the context of Spuffy. I’ll just say Spike’s not the only papa bear coming to call in this one. Soooo anyone up for a convoluted babyfic?
I’m on vacation. My last day was the actual worst, so I’m about to get very, very drunk and write the cheesiest, tropiest, most convoluted Spike/Buffy smut fanfiction I can dream of. Cheers!
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astridabove · 2 years
I’m on vacation. My last day was the actual worst, so I’m about to get very, very drunk and write the cheesiest, tropiest, most convoluted Spike/Buffy smut fanfiction I can dream of. Cheers!
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astridabove · 2 years
I ship Sylkie but this meme still cracks me up lol
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@marvel I am BEGGING
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astridabove · 3 years
Nine and Rose being cute
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The timing isn’t how I had it done, but ohhh welllll 🤷🏻
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astridabove · 3 years
Nine gives Rose Flowers
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And gets a kiss in return :3
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astridabove · 3 years
The Ninth Doctor Meets Rose
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My headcanon is that the Doctor watched Rose wander around the basement at Henrik’s for a bit before actually stepping in to save her XD
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astridabove · 3 years
Rose and Her Doctors
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astridabove · 3 years
Alright… I need help.
Drawing is hard.
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If I really focus, I can get some decent line work and shading in. But I’m trying to work on a style I enjoy and can replicate. So while these sketches aren’t half-bad, I’m trying to take this a bit further.
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Like if I really focus, I can attend to the linework and shading and have something cool, but like I also want to have something me.
For example, this project I’ve been working on for my family. I want to draw everyone as children doing children activities to welcome the new baby my sister in law is pregnant with.
Using references I can get the poses, even making some adjustments for the ages, and I can use references for faces too. But sometimes they just don’t quite go together, so it becomes this effect of some looking great and others looking a little smushed. And I’m not quite able to identify and replicate a defining feature for each person, so that’s not a solution(yet).
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I like the artists, the scientists, the ballerinas, and the gamers. The makeup girls are cute but something still feels missing about the left one(possibly because that one’s my wife who I see daily). The Clarinet player cane out alright aside from her fingers being a little… long. The football players and chefs, though, I’m at a loss. I like the bigger chef, and I like the little chef, but something feels off. I can’t put my finger on it!
(We’ll ignore the American Football players for now, since they’re likely going to be drawn into new poses).
Anyway. I see this in a lot of my work, where it just doesn’t quite feel right. Something will work, and then something just won’t. Is this just normal?
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Like on this one, all the green checks signify the ones that I like. Came out fine. Red exes are the ones I’m a little embarrassed to look at. Blue OK are the ones I’m not sure I like or not. but like I just. Couldn’t fix them?
I know drawing takes practice and I know I’ve only improved as much as I have through exactly that… but why does it feel like magic or something when I manage to produce something I like??
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Is there something wrong with me? Is it my attention span? I can never retain information for very long or simultaneously with trying to use it. Not without a loooot of practice anyway.
But I guess I still feel like I’m just missing some essential something.
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At least I’m at a point where I’m more likely to like my work than want to tear it to pieces.
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astridabove · 3 years
I keep on losing track of this, so I’m reblogging so it doesn’t get lost again
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Doctor/Rose fic rec list master post. This will be updated as new lists are made, so make sure you have the latest version if you’re looking for new fic. Also, I regularly update the individual lists if I find more that fit, <–if you find new fic that belongs on a list, either add it in the replies or message me and I’ll add it. 
May 2016: I’m not currently taking requests for new rec lists, sorry!
Feb 2018: This list is pretty much obsolete—check out @doctorroseficreclists and their bigger, better Master Rec List for updated lists and more 
Keep reading
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