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⛅ princess Roo walking by the Han river and after 💤❤️
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Happy birthday Taemin
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“When I look into your eyes, it’s like watching the night sky or a beautiful sunrise “ Ahhh my love, your voice is a gift from he am and you aren’t appreciated enough for this beautiful talent. Please never give up. We love you
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Waking Up Married- SHINee fanfic
Kasumi rolled over, her hand falling to the side and hanging lifelessly over the edge of her bed. Her long honey brown hair splayed across her face, her lips parted to allow her breath to flow in and out. Long black lashes kissed her pink cheeks, her brow frowning as she tried to stay in her dreams a little longer.
In her dreams she was dressed in white, surrounded by five handsome men all proclaiming their love to her and reciting their vows. She could still feel their sweet, sometimes shy, kisses against her full lips even now as her eyelids peeled open and she found herself in what she assumed was a hotel room.
Yawning loudly, she arched her back up off the bed, straining to stretch out all of the kinks from her limbs before her body collapsed back onto the plush mattress below. Kasumi blinked her eyes, trying her best to remember the lovely dream.
Five men.
Five sweet, chaste kisses.
“Man what a dream.” She mumbled, climbing out of bed and walking to the door. She passed a mirror and cringed. She looked as if she had tossed and turned all night, fallen asleep with her makeup on, and hadn’t brushed her teeth. Her hair was a mess, and mouth tasted like she had used sake as mouth wash.
Opening the bedroom door, she walked across the hall and into the bathroom, paying no mind to the sound of chatter coming from her living room.
Closing the door, she went about emptying her bladder before turning on the shower and stepping inside. It took her a few minutes to work the knots out of her hair before the door opened. Figuring it was her assistant, she went about washing her hair. “Arigatou, Ai-chan.” she called before the door closed. She frowned, rubbing her finger tips in circles against her scalp as she messaged the conditioner through her hair. Ai would usually respond with a cheerful reply, but she hadn’t said anything.
Finishing her shower, she dried off and looked at the clothing Ai had brought her. Some comfortable jean shorts that showed off her long, shapely thighs paired with a flowing pink knitted shirt. She dressed in her clothes before moving to brush her teeth. It took that and a long swish of mouthwash to rid herself of the after taste of sake, but soon she was moving about, pulling out her curling iron and setting about giving herself loose ringlets. When she was done, she fixed her makeup to look natural before pulling on her glasses.
Opening the door, now more awake and alert to her surroundings, Kasumi walked back into her room to grab her phone off of the dresser. “Ai-chan? Do you know where my phone is?” She called as she looked around the room without any luck.
“Ya! Your phone is in here, Jangiya.” At the sound of a different yet somehow familiar voice, Kasumi made her way out of her room and toward the living room where happy chatter still buzzed. Her footsteps quickened until she stopped in her tracks. Sitting around her living room were three men, all from the boy band SHINee. Jinki, Minho, and Jonghyun all lounged on the sofa, her tv sprouting cheers as she realized they had been watching the soccer game. Past tense: had. Right now, they all were staring at her as if she were the reason they breathed.
“I hope you like omija tea, Jangiya.” There was that sweet word again. Someone referring to her honey (sweetie, love). She had never been addressed as something like that, and the term had her cheeks heating with embarrassment.
Looking toward the speaker, Kasumi found Kibum and Taemin, also from SHINee, making their way toward her. Kibum held a cup of red liquid he had referred to as omija tea, something she had never tried before. “Mianhaeyo, Kasumi-ah, but I wasn’t sure what your favorite tea was, so we fixed you one we all enjoy.” Kasumi smiled, bowing as she thanked them.
“Gamsahamnida.” Reaching out, she accepted the cup, the heat from the tea itself warming her hands. That’s when she saw it. A wedding band on her finger. Blinking in surprise, she studied the silver band with the rather large diamond sitting elegantly on her ring finger. She lifted her hand, her heart dropping into her stomach as she realized her dream had been reality. “So yesterday?”
“That’s right, Jangiya.” Strong arms slipped around her waist as a chin settled on her shoulder. She tried her best to steady her shaking hands as her chest tightened in an anxious manner. “We tied the knot yesterday, went out and celebrated all night long, and then we let you sleep in.” The warmth of his body mixed with the heat in her cheeks had her heart hammering double time.
“Get off her, Jonghyun-ah and let Kasumi sit. She looks pale.” She felt the taller male unwind himself from around her body, but he slipped his hand in hers and lead her to the sofa. She sat down between Jinki and Jonghyun, who by the way was still holding her hand. “Are you having second thoughts, yeobo?” She turned her attention to their leader, another of her husbands. He sat looking rather concerned, his eyes studying her face.
“No, of course not.” She moves her eyes around the group of men looking upon her with joyful faces. All of them but one. She took a sip of the red liquid in the cup and hummed in appreciation. It was a little bitter, sour, salty, and pungent tasting, but she couldn’t say she hated it. If she needed something to wake her up, then this would definitely do it. “Thank you for the tea.” She set it down on her lap and glanced back at Minho. He didn’t seem to be paying her any attention. “Minho-kun? How was your night?” She watched as he looked from the television down to his lap, not even bothering to look at her.
“It was alright. How was yours?” Kasumi felt herself frown, but she replaced it quickly, hoping no one noticed it.
“I had a rough night, but I think it was due to the alcohol and partying.” He made a sound that sounded like a grunt, but stills he wouldn’t look at her.
“Are you hungry, Jangiya?” There it goes again. Her heart fluttering at the word of endearment directed toward her.
“Have you all eaten?”
“Yes, but don’t let that stop you.” She nodded and stood up from the sofa. As she looked around, she noticed that she wasn’t in a hotel, nor was she at her own home. They were in Seoul, but they were also in a house. A very big house from the way it was designed.
Moving into the kitchen, she set her tea on the counter and opened the cabinet doors to see where everything was. All she wanted was a yogurt with granola but she wasn’t sure they would have that. Instead she found plain yogurt in the fridge. “Do you guys have plans today?” She asked, pulling a spoon out of the drawer after tossing the yogurt top into the trash can.
“We have a photo shoot, all of us, for the program, and then we will be in the studio pre-recording our new album.” Jinki stood from the sofa and walked into the kitchen to join her at the table. “Taemin-ah also has dance practice for his new album Move-ing.” Kasumi lifted her eyebrows, her eyes widening slightly as she glanced at the youngest member, her eyes showing how empresses she was.
“Taemin-kun, that’s amazing. I am looking forward to your album coming out so I can buy it.” The younger male smiled widely, bowing as his cheeks turned light pink.
“Are you a fan, Noona?” Kasumi pulled the spoon clean from her lips, nodding her head as she swallowed.
“I’ve been a fan of SHINee since your debut in Japan.” This news brought a childish chuckle from the boys around the house, bringing heat to her face as well. Their happy laughter was music to her ears. Her attention was drawn to the sudden departure of a certain SHINee member, her brow lifting in confusion as her teeth gnawed her bottom lip.
“I’ll go talk to him.” Jonghyun was up and chasing Minho in the blink of an eye, leaving the other three men looking at her with apologetic eyes.
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“When I look into your eyes, it’s like watching the night sky or a beautiful sunrise “ Ahhh my love, your voice is a gift from he am and you aren’t appreciated enough for this beautiful talent. Please never give up. We love you
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In a few days it’s our Taemin’s birthday and that means another birthday special! If you have any messages you’d like me to read out for Taemin then please send it my way. Please keep your letters to no more than 150 words and help spread the word! Reblog it, post it on twitter, people don’t have to listen to SBNR to participate they just need to love Taemin!
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blue night radio ♡ 160713 ◊ jonghyun: i saw this video that my friends took of me when i was really drunk. ◊ go young bae: how was it? ◊ jonghyun: first of all, i kept on repeating the same thing. my friends kept asking me: “who are you?” and i replied: “i’m jonghyun.” “who are you?”, “(i’m) jonghyun!”, “we’re asking who you are!”, “bling bling is jonghyun!” (source: cosmicsticks / jongella)
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Support The Story of Light EP. 2 by watching Who Waits For Love amazing choreography and I Want You MV
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Onew vs Onion
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A gifset a day 1/365:  SHINee - Intro + Beautiful, 샤이니 - 인트로 + 아름다워, Show Champion 20130227
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It’s so sad that he had this planned out all along 😢😭
“Looks like everyone is really only thinking of the year end. That’s not it. I will be resting at the end of the year. The beginning of the year… I will be resting at the end of the year. I will be resting in December.”
— Instagram Live, October 20th 2017 (source: fantaemsie)
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The way he looks up to the sky... my heart ❤️ I love you Onew Oppa and we miss you Jonghyun
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♡ SHINee ot5 perfection ♡
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Date someone who can do both ;)
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Make me choose → winkijinki​ asked: ↳ hello jinki or sherlock jinki
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