astridthejohnson · 2 years
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“Yeah, or do you want something else?” The drink wasn’t important, more just the company. “Not really, just a little… lonely. And I missed hanging out with you. Whatcha been up to lately?” 
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“I’m down for anything,” she said, meaning it entirely. It had been a long work day, and her limbs felt restless now as the sun began to set. Astrid turned a quizzical brow to her friend, thoughtful pout on her face. “Lonely?” she repeated, then tried to think of an answer herself. “Not a whole bunch, Simon, I have been so boring. Ohmygods, should we get drunk tonight? Wait— that feels like a bad suggestion to give someone who’s lonely.”
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astridthejohnson · 2 years
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He shrugs. “They’re not not short. Aren’t they like your height?” It’s all relative to Dylan who’s always looking down. Life would be so much easier if he was Ethan-sized. They fidget in place a bit, unsure if they’re free to leave yet. Astrid is really nice, and he’d love to be friends, really. But she’s also a bit… intense. “Uh, yeah, I’m sure it just didn’t come up. Like I said, we didn’t even pick a movie. I’m leaning towards something animated, though.”
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“Are you implying that I’m short?” she shoots back, a hand to her chest like this is a deep blow. She’d always considered herself above average height for a blossoming young girl such as herself. She can’t explain why she’s suddenly gone so territorial, nor does she fully even realize it, and so she doesn’t stop herself from interjecting, “Oh, yeah, Blair loves a good animated movie. We saw Puss In Boots last week— loved it.”
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astridthejohnson · 2 years
LOCATION && WITH WHOM : : THE LOUNGE W / @astridthejohnson​
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“Astrid! You free right now?” He was grinning from ear to ear before throwing an arm around her shoulders. “Hang with me for a bit, yeah? Get some hot chocolate with me, kinda need the company.” 
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“I am now!” she beamed, slipping an arm around Simon’s waist to give a quick side hug. “Hot chocolate?” Nevermind the fact that she had just thrown away an empty to-go cup, she smiled wide. “I’m down! What’s up, feeling the winter blues?” 
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astridthejohnson · 2 years
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                            ❝ hi !  yeah , that’s me !  and you’re astrid . ❞   she always remembered a cute face .   ❝ happy to help !  honestly i decided to watch tinkerbell and the neverbeast for the first time and the tears started falling like crazy .  have you seen it ?  highly recommend if you haven’t . ❞ 
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“Ohmygods, that’s such a good method though. Do you watch sad movies all the time just for this?” Astrid asked, immediately intrigued. “It’s going on my watch list!”
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astridthejohnson · 2 years
                        // @astridthejohnson​
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                            ❝ i just think it would be funny if josie saw one of us fight santa claus .  we can make it a whole thing like we called him out cause he didn’t get her enough gifts and we fight him to get revenge . ❞
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“I just don’t think we can be totally positive it won’t scar her, you know?” Astrid scrunches up her lips in thought. “What if she’s a huge Santa fan? We better do some reconnaissance.”
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astridthejohnson · 2 years
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“also, realistically, would i be able to pull of being a stepmom? if the kid can’t wipe it’s own nose yet i don’t think i can do it…or it depends on the parent, actually. gods, would you do it?”
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“I can only handle big sister duties, you know? Parenting is... Yeah, no way. Okay, maybe you need hot older singles.”
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astridthejohnson · 2 years
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               ❛      you’re  ridiculous,    you  know  that,    right  ?      ❜      her  heart  protests  the  fondness  that  clings  to  every  word,    tone  exasperated  even  as  she  offers  astrid  the  faintest  hint  of  a  smile.    whatever  souls  are  made  of,    she  likes  to  think  that  hers  and  astrid’s  are  the  same    —    cut  from  the  same  cloth,    pulled  from  the  same  mold.      ❛      but  .  .  .      it’s  okay  that  it’s  hard,    isn’t  it  ?    i  mean,    if  it’s  hard,    that  means  that  you  care.    if  you  didn’t  care,    it’d  probably  be  time  for  you  to  find  something  else  to  do.      ❜      it’s  all  a  bit  sullen,    the  way  her  words  hang  between  them,    a  casual  reminder  of  the  emotional  tax  they  pay.    she  doesn’t  know  what  it’s  like,    not  really,    to  be  in  astrid’s  shoes,    to  have  her  power  at  the  crux  of  all  that  she  does.    it  isn’t  hard  to  imagine  that  it’s  not  easy,    that  it’s  difficult  beyond  the  pale    —    at  least  she  doesn’t  have  to  use  hers  to  do  her  job,    she  figures.    blair  looks  up  as  they  come  to  a  stop  in  the  hallway,    mapping  the  stucco  ceiling  with  weary  eyes.    maybe  she  shouldn’t  have  said  anything  after  all.      ❛      it  was  with  nick,    actually,      ❜      she  confesses,    rubbing  a  palm  over  the  bottom  half  of  her  face.      ❛      and  it  was  .  .  .    stupid.    we  both  said  things  we  shouldn’t  have  said,    we  both  did  things  that  we  shouldn’t  have  done.    i  can’t  believe  we  were  fighting  about  someone  who  wasn’t  even  there.      ❜      it  feels  freeing  to  get  it  off  her  chest,    to  have  it  out  in  the  open  instead  of  held  tightly  against  her  ribcage.      ❛      not  that  minjeong  would  have  cared  that  anyone  was  arguing  about  her,    but  in  hindsight,    we  both  looked  foolish.    i  just  .  .  .    don’t  want  to  apologize.      ❜
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“I know full well, it’s part of the Johnson DNA,” she snorts back. It doesn’t matter to her that she and her siblings aren’t related, they’re way too similar for coincidence or happenstance, they were meant to be family. In the same way, she’s always thought that she and Blair were meant to be each other’s friend, that they complimented each other so nicely that there was no other option but to stick side by side to each other for the rest of time. Astrid nods once, taking in her view of it and willing herself to look at it through Blair’s thoughtful lenses. “You’re right... I mean, it’s rough sometimes, but I never think about quitting, it’s too important to me,” she admits. She can’t even imagine who she’d be without it, without the power the gods gave her, and finds solace in the fact that she can keep using it to help. It makes her wonder for a moment again how Blair feels about her own power, how it must be a relief not to be beholden to it, but how it might feel lonelier not getting to rely on it. Her brows shoot up when Blair finally answers her, already feeling air and heat inflate her chest up to her neck. “Nick Spencer? That asshole? Oh, ho, ho, I’m gonna tear him a new one— I mean, who does he even think he is?” Astrid’s fuming, as if she’s ever actually fought a person before, but she’s not thinking that far ahead, only defending her best friend. She doesn’t fully register that Blair admits she might have done something wrong too, because it frankly doesn’t compute for Astrid. But she does finally take pause at the mention of another name. “Wait, go back. Minjeong? What are you talking about, you were fighting about her?”
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astridthejohnson · 2 years
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              IT WAS NEARLY EMBARRASSING ,  to  think  theo  failed  to  wear  her  usual , confident  expression  on  what  was  supposed  to  be  her  special  day .  in  previous  years ,  the  girl  would've  dragged  other  heroes  and  a  few  friends  to  the  lounge  to  celebrate ,  or  to  a  bar  near  nl  if  she  was  feeling  particularly  charitable  ( after  all ,  drinks  aren't  cheap ) .  but  this  year  was  a  stark  contras  to  her  loud  reds ;  it  was  quiet ,  as  if  trying  to  slip  by  unnoticed .  needless  to  say  she  was  disappointed  in  her  lack  of  birthday  spirit .  staring  out  at  the  water ,  theo  couldn't  help  frowning  a  bit  —  was  this  supposed  to  help ?  she  thought  the  gentle  waves  were  ridiculously  boring ,  though  perhaps  that  was  what  she  needed  right  now ;  calm ,  quiet .  steady .  she  snaps  out  of  her  thoughts  as  a  familiar  voice  fills  the  silence .  shit .  ❛  hey  bubbles , ❜  she  greeted  with  the  smallest ,  almost  inexistent  grin ,  though  the  effort  was  there .  nevermind  the  slip ,  she'd  just  apologize  for  it  later .  her  inner  wrist  rubs  her  eyes ,  not  that  she'd  been  crying  of  course .  that's  ridiculous .  ❛ i  can  go  if  you  want .  don't  think  the  whole  ’ listening  to  the  waves ‘  thing  is  for  me . ❜
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The nickname strikes her to her core, immediate and without mercy, but it’s so nostalgic and familiar that she can’t quite make herself dislike it. She wouldn’t normally let it slide, and maybe it’ll be a mistake to give in to the gentle comfort it provides, but Astrid thinks the two of them deserve it, at least for today. It’s too much to worry about right and wrong now. Though her eyes still betray some of her sadness, she gives the redhead a small smile in response, then shakes her head. “No, you don’t have to. I mean, it’s not bothering me, but if you hate the beach, I won’t... I won’t keep you,” she mumbles, trying to find the best way to phrase that she wouldn’t mind being in each other’s company for a little while. Seeing Theo for even this short amount is already longer than they’ve been around each other in a long time, and suddenly the date hits Astrid. “Oh, hey,” she starts up again, looking back to her ex. “Happy Birthday, Theo.”
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astridthejohnson · 2 years
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Fangsu can’t blame Astrid for her reaction. She’s been doing this for long enough now that an improperly cared for cut isn’t going to faze her, but the injuries she sees at Nemean Lion, she expects, will only get worse. “I think pride is a part of it. But a bigger part of it is being young, and part god. Normal 20-year-olds think that they are invincible. Those of you here are a lot closer to right about that. That’s why it is our job to educate them,” she adds at the end with a smile. Everything can be a learning moment, right?
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“Huh, never thought about it like that,” she muses. Those in the Hero track are probably more acutely aware of the, well, god complexes going around their peers, but Astrid has gotten all too familiar with their various stunts and injuries, it’s all felt so normal. Fangsu speaks like a teacher, which she appreciates, and nods in response with bright eyes. “Do you think antrhopoteras are like that too? I mean, I’ve heard you guys are pretty strong,” she chuckles.
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astridthejohnson · 2 years
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“Yejin? That’s the cute short one from the Rec, right? Wait, what?” Maybe they’re just paranoid, but it feels like something in Astrid switches suddenly. And he’d been so close to escaping, too. Dylan isn’t sure if it was something he said so he answers cautiously. “Uh, yeah, we were supposed to. We haven’t settled on which one yet though. Why, is something wrong?”
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“I mean, honestly I’ve never really looked at their height— Is Yejin really short?” she asks, distracted easily. Everyone probably seems short to a tree like Dylan. Astrid minds flies all over the place, like it is apt to do, but comes back around to the matter at hand and the weird friendship jealousy she won’t admit she’s feeling. “No, no, I just hadn’t heard about it,” she chirps, then plays it breezy and gives a cool nod. “Sounds fun!”
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astridthejohnson · 2 years
@4memorys​ : kiki ; location: patio
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“Oh, hey, Kiki, right?” Astrid beamed at the brunette, recognizing her as the member who’d stopped by the infirmary earlier in the week for a drop-off. “Thank you for your tears— Wait, that sounded crazy. I mean, thank you for your donation. Of your tears. ‘Cause, you know,” she smiled, pointing at her own eyes and then making little motions with her hands to insinuate wings.
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astridthejohnson · 2 years
✧ — ⋆ 𝗳𝗮𝗻𝗴𝘀𝘂 & 𝗮𝗻𝘆𝗼𝗻𝗲 ! / @nlupdates​
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“ooh,” she says with an exhale, before sucking in a sharp breath through her teeth. “that looks…i do not want to say infected…inflamed? have you been putting anything on it to help it to heal?”
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“Yeesh,” Astrid whispers not-so-subtly as she walked by, then smiles apologetically at Fangsu’s patient when they give her a side-eye. After watching from a distance while the older woman treated them, she slides over on a wheeled stool, curious for details. “There’s no way they came in right after their injury— which is crazy, newbie heroes can get so proud for no reason.”
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astridthejohnson · 2 years
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“Thanks.” Pax eases up with Astrid’s reassurance, tense shoulders relaxing, and he lets out a small chuckle. “Extra training? Sure. I can carve out some time for that.” Anything to get better. It’s not like he wanted to stay the family embarrassment when it came to magic. “Would you know anyone who’s willing to tutor me?”
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Astrid sighs, her hands fumbling around as if she’ll somehow be able to hold the solution between her fingers. Finally, she settles on placing her palms on his shoulders, despite the disparity in height. “I just want you to feel in control of you. And I want you to be safe. Preferably in reverse order, but what you want should come first, Pax,” she tells him earnestly. “You know, as much as I get onto her for being reckless, Junie is pretty good at magic. She’s a real hero, after all.”
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astridthejohnson · 2 years
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               ❛      come  on,    there’s  nothing  to  be  team  blair  about  until  i’m  out  there  saving  the  world.    hero  stuff    &    all  that.      ❜      the  lilt  of  her  words  is  nothing  more  than  an  innocuous  joke,    but  it  sours  quickly  on  her  tongue,    eyebrows  drawing  together.      who’s  to  say  that  she’ll  ever  be  out  there  saving  the  world  ?      who’s  to  say  that  she’ll ��ever  be  any  good  at  it  ?      not  that  it  matters,    because  that  isn’t  what  astrid  means,    but  she  shakes  her  head  all  the  same,    plastering  a  smile  on  her  lips  to  show  her  best  friend  that  she’s  more  than  fine.    she’s  cool,    calm,    collected      —————      never  better    ;    as  expected.      ❛      and  i’m  proud  of  you  for  that  !      i  can’t  imagine  seeing  the  same  injuries  every  single  day.      i  know  it’s  never  boring,    but  it  has  to  be  monotonous,    no  ?      ❜      she  picks  at  the  skin  of  her  cuticle,    considering.      astrid  has  been  an  open  book  their  entire  friendship,    while  she  herself  has  been  closed  off  to  the  world.    it  isn’t  fair.    astrid  deserves  better,    more  honesty.      and  there’s  no  time  like  the  present  to  start,    before  she  chickens  out  and  shoves  her  head  back  into  the  sand.      ❛      i  .  .  .      got  into  a  fight  with  someone,    actually.    not  a  physical  fight  !      just  .  .  .    an  argument.    i  should  probably  apologize  to  him,    but  truthfully,    i  don’t  want  to.    does  that  make  me  a  bad  person  ?      ❜
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“At that point, I’ll be Super Team Super Blair,” Astrid corrects, almost wanting to add a third super for emphasis. “But you don’t need to be a hero for me to be rooting for you, alright? I’ll make a Blair T-shirt of you sitting on the couch, don’t tempt me.” She smiles wide at her best friend, toothy and goofy, the kind she’s never afraid to brandish around her because she’s never felt the need to hide any piece of just what a loser she really is. Blair loves her for it anyway. So it’s Astrid’s job to make sure that she understand that sentiment goes both ways. “See? You hype me up for putting band-aids on inexperienced trainees, this is simply what friends do,” she explains, then sighs a touch at her question. “It didn’t used to be,” she answers truthfully, “Every single time I healed someone, no matter how small, no matter how routine, it felt good. Right. And ever since... I dunno, it’s just... harder.” Astrid lets out a small chuckled, trying to shake off the pressure on her ribcage. What really snaps her out of it, though, is Blair’s quiet confession. “Wait, you what? A fight?” she chirps back, stopping them in their tracks along the sidewalk to process, her eyes wide with disbelief as she tries and fails to even picture that in her head. “What? No, no, you definitely have nothing to apologize for!” Astrid exclaims without even hearing what went down. “You’re not a bad person, Blair, who do I have to go beat up? What happened?”
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astridthejohnson · 2 years
open starter ig but it’s wack as hell so gl || @nlupdates​
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“i just think that if we had more milfs on campus, it’d solve most of our problems. don’t you think?”
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“I could ask Marcus if he ever goes to any single parents mixers, but that seems... fraught.”
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astridthejohnson · 2 years
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               ❛      i  don’t  have  a  hard  time  with  confidence  !    i  just    .  .  .      ❜      protest  dies  on  the  tip  of  her  tongue,    the  staccato  exhale  of  a  sigh  punctuating  her  unfinished  thought.    she  can’t  lie,    not  to  astrid    ;    at  least,    not  about  this      —      not  about  something  she’s  so  easily  called  out  on.    her  jaw  snaps  shut    &    instead  she  hums,    allowing  herself  to  bask  in  the  compliment  if  only  for  a  moment.    it’s  funny,    in  a  way,    how  the  same  compliment  she’s  received  from  many  feels  like  a  gut  -  punch  from  astrid.    she  forces  a  smile  onto  glossed  lips    &    wills  away  the  gnawing  feeling  in  the  pit  of  her  stomach,    the  smolderings  of  something  she’s  gotten  far  too  good  at  tamping  down,    extinguishing  with  a  cold  wave  of  reality.    best  friends.    they’re  best  friends.      ❛      come  on,    there  has  to  be  something  !    what’s  going  on  in  that  pretty  little  head  of  yours  ?    it  feels  like  it’s  been  so  long  since  we’ve  done  this.      ❜      sure,    it’s  only  been  a  few  weeks  at  most,    but  blair  has  always  been  greedy.      ❛      i  live  vicariously  through  you,    you  know      —      you  always  have  something  fun  going  on.      ❜
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“Hey, no need to convince me, okay? Remember, I’m Team Blair til we die,” Astrid responds out of pure habit, and kind of hates her choice of words once they’re already spilling out of her foolish mouth. It matters to her that Blair sees her own self worth, but it’s not something she would ever hold against her. What’s she gonna do, punish her for feeling insecure? Her siblings had always given her grace to grow out of that, and she would extend that her best friend any day of the week. She lets out a nervous laugh, not trying to hide her anxiety in any way, not in front of Blair. “I feel like I’ve been going out of my way to not have anything going on,” she sighs, aside from work that is. “Oh, today I healed a fever. That was a nice change of pace from training injuries. What about you?”
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astridthejohnson · 2 years
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“oh, hey,”  dylan chuckles nervously, eyes darting around as he searches for an exit and finding none. they don’t have anything against astrid, exactly, but, ugh— there it is. she’s asking about ethan. again. maybe if they just sprint really fast, she’ll be too distracted by that to keep asking?  “i saw blair earlier but i was just dropping off some tints i wanted to swatch. i think we might watch a movie later though. i like her hair, i guess. it’s cute. but, yeah, that’s a good idea! i should ask someone who works there if that’s, like, cool and all. maybe right now? yeah. before i forget, right?”
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Astrid delights in pestering Dylan— all in good fun, of course. He’s gonna look at her and tell her that she’s wrong? That his older brother isn’t super cute? It’s not like he knows that Astrid doesn’t swing that way, but she can admire a pretty face regardless. She’s about to laugh to herself about how obviously they’d ignored her last question when instead her expression pauses, taking in what he’d actually said. “Yeah, yeah, ask Yejin about it— Anyway, what did you say? You and Blair are watching a movie today?”
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