astrologyeden · 6 years
Air Rising
Gemini Rising
Rising Geminis are constantly flowing with curiosity, and are always moving to the next topic or thing. These natives can become bored easily, but once you have their attention they are the most interesting people to be around. Naturally outgoing and talkative, these individuals thrive in big social circles attracting new interactions from their quick wit and energy. Due to the two-persona quality of the twins, these natives can be prone to getting side-tracked very easily.
Libra Rising 
Rising Librans carry a charismatic presence with them, allowing them to attract a wide circle of people. These native come across as charming due to their pleasant easygoing nature. They can also be mediators who will be willing to accommodate you. Often have a complicated love-life they may end up pretty indecisive when choosing partners. Eventhough, it’s good to enjoy the company of others, the Libran should also learn how to be independent.
Aquarius Rising
Rising Aquarians have a unique quality to them. These natives exude a humanitarian vibe while still being standoffish. They often appear experienced and are often turned to for advice. Seeing things from an outsider’s perspective, these people are able to grasp an overall picture and judge scenarios really quickly. Their outgoing personality attracts many people and makes them natural leaders. As a fixed sign, the water bearer may sometimes need to adjust or welcome changes rather than go against the flow.
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astrologyeden · 6 years
Water Rising
Cancer Rising
Rising Cancerians radiate a sense of familiarity and may give off a “boy/girl next door” type of vibe. These natives will try to blend in with the environment as they are quite sensitive they don’t want all the attention to be on them (only exception is if they are fire sign dominant). Approachable nature of these people enables them to attract a big network of friends even though they can appear shy or introverted at first. These individuals crave structure and stability when it comes to relationships as the nature of the crab gives them a need to cling on. At times, the crab should learn when to cling on and when to let go as clinging too hard to somethings can hurt them. 
Scorpio Rising 
Rising Scorpions have a unique presence to them. These natives often possess a powerful energy as they are quick to read others. They rarely go unnoticed as they tend to carry an intriguing or intimidating nature to them. Privacy is a big deal for these natives. You may believe that you know them when you’re really at the tip of the iceberg. These individuals may feel a need to control situations they are patient and plan out things articulately. They are often attracted to humble and non-flakey individuals. The scorpion should learn when to let their guard down and take chances to trust. 
Pisces Rising 
Rising Pisceans go with the flow when dealing with the wave of life. These natives are naturally artistically inclined and express themselves through art forms. They can be very shy or outgoing depending on their mood. Flexible, these individuals avoid labelling things. Instead, allow their imagination to ponder which is why they may sometimes avoid reality. They go through their day according to how they feel, making plans not a definite thing. They are attracted to confident people who are practical and realistic.The fish will need to learn to swim in stormy conditions, rather than only swimming in clear water. 
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astrologyeden · 6 years
Earth Rising
Taurus Rising
Taurean risers are known to progress slow and steady, but ultimately achieving many of their goals. These individuals are patient and willing to wait around for the right timing. As a fixed sign they are naturally prone to being stubborn so these natives are not really open to change most of the time. They value security so whenever they do participate or act upon something they know that it is the practical decision to make. Often times loyal or protective of their loved ones, these individuals tend to remain in longterm relationships. Additionally, they can also indulge in the finer things in life. They may need to establish a balance to avoid overindulgence. These natives should try to be more open to new ideas and come out of the comfort zone occasionally. The bull provides a sense of sensuality and stability that attracts many. 
Virgo Rising
Virgo Risers often are introverted and have a stand-offish or analytical presence to them. Generally, these natives are intelligent and reserved, but will open up once they get to know you better. Many of these individuals will be health conscious and tend to partake in sports or healthy lifestyles. They can also over analyze situations which make them prone to overthinking and anxiety when confronted. These individuals often give out professional and collected first impressions  Overall, they have a lot to offer to the world but should watch out being taken advantage of at times. The virgin provides a sense of organization and predictability that may appeal to many.
Capricorn Rising
Capricorn Risers are known to be ambitious and can come across as serious at times. These natives carry themselves with their sarcastic demeanours and are often seen to be joking around quite a lot. Dressing to impress and to appear professional these individuals often have a minimal style. Typically known as the “mom” friend of the group as they are dependable and responsible. These individuals always strive to improve but can also have a tendency to overthink the future. Sometimes these natives might just need to let loose and have fun. The sea-goat exudes ambition and is willing to help others along the way. 
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astrologyeden · 6 years
Fire Rising
Aries Rising:
Arian Risers are doers, their first instinct is to act upon their thoughts at the moment. These natives are direct and go for what they want without hesitation which might make them pretty competitive. Often times they tend to become pressured by themselves as they strive to be the best and to lead. They may have a tendency to be impatient as they try to get things done quickly. Like the nature of the Aries sign, these individuals don’t waste time holding grudges or depending on others. As a sign that is quite impatient, they should try to finish the projects that they start before progressing to the next to make themselves more efficient. 
Leo Rising:
Leo Risers can’t help but draw people’s attention as walk into the room. Bold as the Lion, these individuals may pay extra attention to self-care and fashion to ensure that they look their best on a daily basis. They may be prone to making rash decisions and dramatic tantrums. These natives strive to be leaders and their idealistic and optimistic nature allows them to do so successfully. They may come across as bossy sometimes, but they have a big generous heart. Known for their boldness and charisma these individuals tend to make grand gestures to those they love. Having very bold personalities they should accept that it’s okay to step out from the spotlight occasionally to let others shine too. 
Sagittarius Rising:
Sagittarian Risers want to have it all. The signs that frequently experience fear of missing out, making them want to explore and try new things. This is why most of them may start many projects at the same time, but end up finishing only one or two. These individuals are often restless and always bring interesting or new perspectives to the table. They might not always be extroverted, but they don’t lack self-confidence either. Known for their light heartedness and optimistic approaches; these individuals will never fail to add humor or sarcastic comments to dull or serious situations. These natives are always up for an adventure, they gain and lost interest in things quite quickly when it gets boring. They make a lot of plans, but may sometimes lack with following through. 
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astrologyeden · 6 years
What are your thoughts on my placements? Libra sun/mercury/rising, Taurus moon, sag venus/Mars. Thank you!
Hi, Libra is pretty dominant in your chart so I may assume that you value equality and might have idealistic approaches to things. The Libra rising makes you seem approachable to others as you will project a friendly demeanor. The Taurus moon signifies that you enjoy the finer things in life and can have a very sensual presence. Sagittarius Venus shows that you can be shy but you can also chase at times. Often times individuals with Sagittarius in mars and venus may have “shy on the streets, sexy in the sheets” quality to them as they have a very open-minded approach to things. I think overall your chart points that you are outgoing and always out to try new things. However, be wary of your indecisiveness as the ability to look into both perspectives can sometimes blur your vision. 
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astrologyeden · 6 years
current and past celebrity couples as zodiac power couples
Air Sign Duos (Trine)
Gwen Stefani (Libra) and Blake Shelton (Gemini) 
Kim Kardashian (Libra) and Kanye West (Gemini) 
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Water Sign Duos (Trine)
Eva Mendes (Pisces) and Ryan Gosling (Scorpio) 
Selena Gomez (Cancer) and Justin Bieber (Pisces)
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Fire Sign Duos (Trine)
Madeleine Petsch (Leo) and Travis Mils (Aries)
Alex Wasabi (Aries) and Lauren Riihi maki (Leo)
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Earth Sign Duo (Trine)
Gigi Hadid (Taurus) and Zayn Malik (Capricorn) *past*
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Earth Sign and Water Sign Duos
Mac Miller (Capricorn) and Ariana Grande (Cancer) 
John Legend (Capricorn) and Chrissy Teigen (Scorpio) 
Gal Gadot (Taurus) and Yaron Versano (Cancer)
Blake Lively (Virgo) and Ryan Reynolds (Scorpio)
Air Sign and Fire Sign Duos 
The Weeknd (Aquarius) and Selena Gomez (Leo) *past* 
Fire Sign and Earth Sign Duos
Jay Z (Sagittarius) and Beyonce (Virgo)
Kylie Jenner (Leo) and Travis Scott (Taurus)
Cole Sprouse (Leo) and Lilli Reinhart (Virgo)
Victoria Beckham (Aries) and David Beckham (Taurus)
Miley Cyrus (Sagittarius) and Liam Hemsworth (Capricorn)
Water Sign and Air Sign Duos
Brooklyn Beckham (Pisces) and Chole Grace Moretz (Aquarius) 
Tara Mongeau (Cancer) and Bella Thorne (Libra)
Air Sign and Earth Sign Duos
Will Smith (Libra) and Jada Pinkett (Virgo)
These are just a few, feel free to add to the list ^__^ 
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astrologyeden · 6 years
Hey! Just wondering what you thought of my placements, Gemini sun, Aries moon, Sagittarius rising, Cancer mercury, Taurus venus and Gemini mars, Thank you 💕
Hi, just got back on here after a while so apologies for the late reply~
I think the gem placement overall makes you very talkative and sociable, along with an Aries moon that influences you to live in the moment. The Sagittarius rising make others perceive you as quick-witted and confident. Cancer Mercury reveals that you can be sensitive when making decisions. I think overall this quite a balanced chart with qualities that can make you a leader, but also openminded.The Aries moon gives you a tendency to have many short crushes, but your venus in Taurus ensures that relationships you choose to build will develop slowly and last. You might need to be aware of impulsive tendencies. 
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astrologyeden · 7 years
Hi 😄 what is your opinion on my placements? Scorpio Sun, Aquarius Moon, Venus in Libra, Mars in Capricorn, and Aquarius Rising.
Hey ^__^, 
This is definitely an interesting combination, with the majority of your planets in air, makes you a more laid back type of person with ambitious drive from the Mars in Capricorn. 
Generally, by looking at your Scorpio sun and Aquarius moon you can be carefree but then sensitive at the same time. As a scorpio you know what you want, and are patient to wait for the right timing to approach the opportunity. Being a Moon Aquarian you tend to be an observer, and like to justify other people’s actions. You can be quite sociable but at the same time you feel like you need space and freedom to be independent. Also sometimes you may feel different from others . With Venus in Libra, you may find your self in possible love triangles or a complicated situation when it comes to relationships. Mars in capricorn enables you to set realistic and attainable goals. However, try to not be too hard on yourself. Finally Aquarius rising gives you a curious nature making you quite intuitive and a great group leader. 
I am no expert, I’m just a person whom enjoys studying astrology. This is only my interpretation of the given signs,  and I hope it was helpful. 
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astrologyeden · 7 years
Which planets/houses come into play when flirting? Xx
Venus, the planet of love for sure. Also you should look out for your moon sign, as it’s the planet that dictates your feelings. 
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astrologyeden · 7 years
What is your opinion on Sun in Leo, Moon/Mercury/Venus in Cancer, Mars in Libra, and Ascendant in Pisces? Like what are the pros and cons of this outcome and do you have any tips/advice?? Thank you in advance if you reply. Loving the blog, I could get lost reading the posts for like an hour hahaha.
Thank you, I’m so glad people are enjoying my posts I never expected this blog to grow as much as it is ~
I think a the combination you have suggested is a quite balanced combination, in terms of elements of water and fire. You receive the confidence and boldness from the fire signs, with empathy and sensitivity from the water signs. Some very good pros would be that you’re probably a really creative person, as Leo and Cancer are the signs that tend to express things very freely. Also with a venus in cancer, you are probably very passionate and protective of ones you love which is always a good trait to have. With Ascendant in Pisces you tend to be very easygoing, but may be a little indecisive at times as the Piscean Ascendant nature drives you to enjoy versatility. A possible con is that the Piscean ascendant’s dreamy side, may give you a tendency to overlook little details or warning signs about your partner. So seek for more realistic and practical partners rather than ones that keep you on your feet. The Mars in libra may give you a more diplomatic approach to life, as you like to weigh the pros and cons to reach a fair decision. This may give you a little trouble making decisions as you need time to contemplate them. But, if given time you are able to and will reach a final decision. A pro of Mars in Libra is that you are able to manage conflicts and compromise as you like to maintain peace. 
I would say that overall, nobody is perfect ( a little cheesy i know haha) or has the best combination, I think you have such a unique and balanced combination of signs on your chart, and you should be proud  ^__^ 
I hope that’s not too long haha, sorry for the late reply I haven’t really been up to checking my inbox lately. 
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astrologyeden · 7 years
Moon In Water
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Cancer Moon: 
Individuals with a moon in Cancer are deeply intervened with their feelings, opposite to detached they tend to become sensitive and nurturers. Moon Cancers enjoy safety and familiarity, that makes them feel like they’re in a home-like environment. Occasionally these individuals can become manipulative and prone to starting bad habits with out realizing. The Moon Cancerian’s protective nature make them very protective of their loved ones especially their family. However, they tend to cling on to old relationships and nostalgic memories for a long time enabling them to move on easily. Although these individuals have a moody nature, when happy they can be one of the most funny, outgoing, and generous people. Looking for something simple, peaceful and tender? a Cancer moon will fulfill you.
Scorpio Moon: Individuals with a moon in Scorpio are emotionally intense, rather than finding comfort in materials they resort to emotional drama. Moon Scorpions often are interesting people, always finding themselves in high ups and low downs these individuals tend to have a very busy life. The ability to see situations in a new perspective is one specialty of the Scorpio moon. Sometimes Moon Scorpions may test their families, friends and loved ones subconsciously to avoid betrayal (a fear of theirs). The emotionally guarded Moon Scorpion can become a loyal, passionate and interesting lover once they are truly committed. Overall, these energetic, intelligent and emotionally driven individuals are interesting to have around and will protect you when things happen.
Pisces Moon: Individuals with a moon in Pisces are self-less, constantly putting themselves into other people’s shoes to understand them better. Moon Pisceans are very empathetic and caring they always want to help out those in need, which can make them prone to being manipulated but over time they learn to dissociate between sincerity and manipulation. Many people love to think these individuals are doormats, but once taken advantage of a Moon Pisces will likely shut you down cold. Occasionally retreating from harsh realities, these people like to express their feelings through art forms which gives them inner peace-  whether it’s writing, poetry, paintings, photography, composing, acting and more. The Moon Piscean has a light hearted/dreamy nature they are always helpful and will offer a innocent sense of humor that appeals to all.
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astrologyeden · 7 years
your blog is so so lovely, keep up the amazing work x
awh thats so sweet of you thank you; happy new year~ 
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astrologyeden · 7 years
So if you don't mind me asking, but I read that Scorpio and aquas are supposed to be perf, if the Scorp reaches their "final phase" (Phoenix) but others say that they aren't cause of the water/air emotion/no emotion conflict so I was wondering who's right, cause I met a Scorpio sun cancer moon Scorpio Venus and Leo mars girl and I'm a aqua sun cancer moon cap Venus and mars and it's like we know each other for years.
Hi, Sorry for the late late reply been off to holiday festivities for a while and decided to take a breaks from social media. Onto the pairing, i personally think that Aquas are able to pair better with Sagittarius. However, since you guys have the same moon it makes it easier to communicate because you would find it really easy to relate to one another as you often experience the same type of emotions. Your venus signs compliment each other, as capricorn tend to be hot and cold ; while scorpio tends to come off passionate and intense. Overall good pairing I would rate it a 4.5/5 because scorpios go better with pisces sometimes and aqua goes with sagittarius. 
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astrologyeden · 7 years
Moon in Earth
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Taurus Moon: Individuals with a moon in Taurus are deeply attached to being comfortable and feeling stable or secure. This makes them not really open to new changes or unpredictable situations as a Moon Taurean are uncomfortable when being forced to make sudden decisions or when in unfamiliar situations. However once committed, these individuals are very dependable and loyal, they will still remain by your side during your toughest times. Traditionalists, when doing things they like sticking to routines as they focus on having their lives in order. Moon Taureans can be sensual and very romantic at times although they may fail to recognize their partner’s needs for change or emotional stimulation. The Taurean nature makes them calm,  laid back like to enjoy the luxurious/good things in life.
Virgo Moon: Individuals with a moon in Virgo are always seen busy doing something, whether it will be refining small details or adding on extra details these people look out for the smaller things in life. Moon Virgos mostly like to spend their time organizing their things and keeping stuff neat. They can be prone to becoming naggy and critical towards others as they desire perfection. Always wanting to help, Moon Virgos are very dependable and will likely come help you when needed. These individuals are often comfortable when with smaller groups of people as they don’t enjoy having attention , making them natural introverts. Despite wanting to stick to routines and analyzing details, Moon Virgos are the first ones to reach out and help when something is wrong and are very delightful people to have around.
Capricorn Moon: Individuals with a moon in Capricorn are likely to keep a cool and calm exterior even though on the inside they are quite sensitive and empathetic. Moon Caps are always on the look out for safety and security, they are the ones who keep it safe and avoid taking risks. These individuals try to keep it realistic and light on the emotional side. It can be found that Moon Capricorns can be cold and calculating because they don’t like to deal with emotions and have trouble letting go and only reveals their sensitive side to the most trusted people. When in order, these people can become one of the most efficient workers and a helping teammate that will remain by your side.
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astrologyeden · 8 years
do you want to do this soulmate thing for me where I tell u my sun, moon, venus,mars and rising and u tell which signs u think would fit best? Only if u want to ˎ₍•ʚ•₎ˏ
Sure ^___^ no problem. It’ll be even easier if you give me ur birthdate (including year), time of ur birth and where you are born. 
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astrologyeden · 8 years
Moon in Air
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Gemini Moon: Individuals with a moon in Gemini, are the charmers they have a sense of humor and a positive presence around them attracting many. Occasionally, they can be moody and irritable with family and friends as they get annoyed easily and will be quite snappy when that happens. Always curious, Moon Geminis are always talking and asking questions in order to retain new information. They are in need of mental stimulation as they are constantly thinking, and trying new things. Moon Geminis are easily bored, as they like variety and enjoys multitasking and want to do almost everything making them lose their true identity sometimes. These individuals are very versatile, is open to change as they adapt well into new environment. Comfortable talking out their emotions, these individuals are very direct and make it easy for you to understand their perspectives. Their wit and tendency to take emotional topics lightly will cheer up anyone in a matter of seconds.
Libra Moon: Individuals with a moon in Libra are guided by equality and harmony. Partners who cooperate by giving: partnership, peace and fairness are most suitable for Moon Librans. These individuals want to feel involved and connected at times they are known to depend on friends and family because they need support from others. Known for their passive aggressive charm, Moon Librans are very flirty, charming their way into your heart by tossing a compliment here and there just showing their caring side. Often times, they can be very lawyer-like as they tend to have good reasoning skills and ought to defend you or argue against you. These individuals are always trying to make the best out of life, trying to get closest to their ideal lifestyle which may introduce some in contentment in their lives also they tend to be quite indecisive. However, their harmonious nature gives them the ability to get along with many.
Aquarius Moon: Individuals with a moon in Aquarius are often intrigued by things happening around them, giving them an observant nature. Detached, when growing up they may feel different as other individuals may not be able to understand them. Even though  they are quite shy, they have the ability to socialize well with others. Emotionally Moon Aquarians are very distant as they are an independent individual they feel less need to get attached to others. Also they have a tendency to hide their emotions. These individuals are always cheerful, and likes to be goofy and weird. Wherever they may go Moon Aquarians will add their own twist into different activities or things they may participate in.
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astrologyeden · 8 years
Moon in Fire
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Aries Moon: Individuals with a moon in Aries, are very determined. They live by the latin phrase “Carpe diem” which translates to living in the moment and are less likely to wait around until something happens. Taking action, and doing what they feel moon arians are bold and very passionate. They tend to like solving problems as soon as they arise putting off other sources of fire or drama. Moon Arians are often moody and temperamental because they have less patience and are likely to be bored easily which may cause them to confront and stir up drama occasionally but mostly not intentionally. Many moon in aries find them selves having many crushes as they feel in the moment. Even though, if their rising sign are more laid back the inner fiery of the Aries sign drives those who are Moon Arians.
Leo Moon: Individuals with a moon in Leo, likes the limelight whether it’s with family, friends or close ones they want to be “the entertainer” taking the central stage. The inner Leo spirit calls for this sign to help lead and organize family and friends as they tend to crave order and control sometimes. Natural leaders, they tend to not like taking orders as they feel that they are the ones to lead. Moon Leos can be quite dramatic at times, especially at home when they are not given much attention or if somebody hurts their pride they can feel neglected. Many moon in leos may not necessarily be outgoing, this varies from different natal charts. In general, these Lions wear their pride on their sleeves and like to lead with justice and fairness.
Sagittarius Moon: Individuals with a moon in Sagittarius, appreciates freedom and personal space. There’s nothing worse than setting restrictions to the endless possibilities, making them feel caged. Usually Sagittarius’s nature is very optimistic, easy going, and enjoys being entertained. Loving outdoor environments, Moon Sagittarians have an uplifting spirit and is always up for adventures. Some may say they make good teachers as they are a kind soul and likes to help while others may say these individuals are irresponsible as they forget deadlines and frails from routine-oriented tasks. Many moon Sagittarius have a flighty rather than fight mindset because they usually run away when things get rough. However, their optimism rules out their problems giving them faith and a open mind  letting them adapt easily into different situations.  
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