Thoughts on Mars placements 
!! everything is based purely on my experiences with signs, written with no other purpose than to share my observations and be unserious.
Aries mars. Practical jokes lovers, gentle touch haters. Hit u while laughing. Love the banter, sometimes a lil too much. Go for it (whatever it is) fiercely and without a single backthought. Explosive in conflict, but in a sense of crying screaming throwing up banging against the wall. 
Taurus mars. Life could be on Mars but they still be going on and on about that one thing. Sudden outbursts of anger. It might seem out of the blue but they’ve probably been brooding some hurt for a long time. They just hoped it’d go away… naturally. Also surprisingly horny. 
Gemini mars. Mind fuckers. That one guy defending polygamy «as a concept» rather too enthusiastically. Can talk their way out of hell with one leg already in the hottest boiling cauldron. I suppose it’s a placement most people will find charming at some point (says a lot about THE society…). 
Cancer mars. Rumors are true, the sky is blue, and they are manipulative. Watching anybody else display vulnerability is the same as watching a children’s play to them. Ur rawest and most disturbing moment? To a cancer mars its a chill Tuesday morning. Humanization of a silent treatment. 
Leo mars. You’d gather that its serious by the sheer scale of their reaction but I promise its not. 9 times out of 10 will cause a huge scene and won't be able to remember it 2 days after. Very defensive. Won't put themselves out there if they’re not guaranteed a 10-minute standing ovation. 
Virgo mars. They believe that they make sense but usually they don't. They’re calculating but it’s like they do it backwards resulting in some of the most unhinged decisions made. Want to be praised for… um… existing as they are. Kind of a menace in conflict. 
Libra mars. If u think it's hard for you to wait for them to make up their mind imagine how they feel. It’s similar to watching a plant move without a time-lapse. Cry when they’re angry. Go with the flow not because they’re just chill but more cause it's easier for them. 
Scorpio mars. They ARE vengeance and I'm scared. Slash 3 tires after one fight mars. Not the person you’d try to make jokingly jealous. For further information read the lyrics to… really any Taylor Swift song. 
Sagittarius mars. Don't think before they do and think after they’ve done smth only if u make them. The kind of people that will try everything once just to know how it feels (and then present that to everyone as if they’ve found god by bungee jumping once). Very easy to dare. Also are always checking someone out. 
Capricorn mars. Blood is cold, the heart is beating twice per minute. ISN’T IT lonely on top of the world fellas??? If u get them to like u your love language better not be words of affirmation. Instead of arguing chances are high they disappear for a while or just go into a rock regime. 
Aquarius mars. Are only attracted to intellectuals so naturally in a room full of sweet gentle people will go for the most narcissistic motherfucker out there. They’re sorta very patient but I feel maybe it's just them dissociating… Ponder a lot before making a move. 
Pisces mars. I'm afraid no one knows whats going on there. It's like they’re never actually present. Therefore often times can have a delayed reaction to smth, which people might read as passive aggression. Very sentimental, will write u a song or a poem on a second date. Also low LOW energy. 
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The Impact of Each Planet in a Grand Trine
Sun: Adds a sense of identity, awareness, ease of expression, pride. Aids in ability to gain recognition, discover natural talents, maintain an optimistic perspective, and develop a stronger sense of identity. The Sun lights up the Grand Trine and causes it to be emphasized within one’s personality. The talent and harmony created by the aspect pattern is an inherent part of the identity. It’s tied to the ego and gives one a very charismatic persona. They tend to come off as effortlessly charming.
Moon: Adds a sense of emotional understanding, intuition, and subconscious awareness. Aids in ability to sense energy, connect with others, heal, and access hidden parts of yourself. The Moon adds depth to the Grand Trine, and when one works with the talents it holds, it provides great long term emotional satisfaction. One feels strong levels of empathy/sensitivity when the energies of the Grand Trine are triggered. They may be able to use emotional instincts and intuition to develop their talents. 
Mercury: Adds a sense of mental clarity, logical awareness, and intellect. Aids in ability to communicate, organize, obtain information, learn, and think ahead. It gives the Grand Trine a mutable feeling, the individual is quick to adapt to any situation when one of the planet’s energies arises to the surface of their consciousness. This creates a wide range of versatile talents; the individual enjoys using the energy of the Grand Trine to be of use to others.
Venus: Adds a sense of flexibility, artistic perspective, and romanticism. Aids in ability to grow benefic traits, meet the needs of others, and think creatively. Can create a lack of motivation to develop the talents created by the Grand Trine, but if harshly aspected by another planet outside the trine, it can provide. a challenge that forces the individual to use Venus energy to create harmony within the Grand Trine in order to find relief. This planet can help the other two work in effortless harmony. It also allows the individual to use their talents to help others.
Mars: Adds a sense of motivation, strength, courage, and passion. Creates great ambition. Aids in will to develop the hidden talents created by the other 2 planets. This planet tends to solve a lot of the laziness a Grand Trine could produce. The individual will feel driven to develop its talents in order to accomplish their goals. There is a great amount of passion behind their talents and they are able to use them to accomplish whatever they desire. They can use their talents as a means of protection and becoming more powerful.
Jupiter: Adds a sense of generosity, worldly perspective, and a larger-than-life approach. Aids in ability to attract luck, be optimistic, teach others, and obtain new experiences. This planet empowers the energy of anything it touches. Jupiter in a Grand Trine can produce laziness with too much harmony present, but it also brings forth good fortune and often a sense of charity. The individual may be able to teach their talents to others quite well.
Saturn: Adds a sense of maturity, immense ability to grow, realism, responsibility, and drive. Aids in ability to self-discipline, learn from experience, overcome obstacles, and put talents to practical use. Saturn also solves much of the laziness produced by the Grand Trine, creating self-discipline and desire to accomplish long-term goals. This adds a sense of balance between optimism and realism; the individual is able to think critically without losing sight of their ability to use talents to overcome obstacles.
Uranus: Adds a sense of innovation, freedom of thought, open mind, and new ways of thinking. Aids in ability to think creatively, eliminate obstacles or restrictions, work independently, and use talents to rebel against social norms. Uranus can cause one to use their talents unpredictably, but this planet in a Grand Trine is special because it can allow one to break boundaries in a harmonious way, which is rare. The individual can use their talents to find creative approaches to any problem, and help others by bringing necessary change in a uniquely positive way. It also greatly energizes the Grand Trine, possibly creating an inability to ignore its potential.
Neptune: Adds a sense of idealism, fluidity, intuition, creativity, and empathy. Aids in ability to heal others, use spirituality to your advantage, imagine new possibilities, and use intuition as a guide. Neptune can make it hard to find motivation within the Grand Trine because one can get more caught up in daydreams than in reality. However, when one does feel driven to engage with their talents, Neptune can bring immense spiritual potential. One may be able to heal with ease, using intuition to sense what others need. The individual can come up with creative dreams surrounding their talent which can be used to come up with unique goals.
Pluto: Adds a sense of curiosity, intensity, passion, intuition, skepticism, and desire to create power. Aids in ability to uncover hidden truths, use talents to create transformation, obtain control, and build strength. Pluto intensifies and empowers the talents of the Grand Trine. It’s energy is difficult to ignore. This planet adds a high level of curiosity, and they will desire to uncover as much information surrounding the energy of the Grand Trine as they can throughout their life, particularly in the first half. They can often use the talent in the aspect pattern to invite harmonious transformation into their lives. This also adds a high level of psychological understanding, which can allow one to use the energy to connect with and heal others.
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Hey I saw the post about venus retrograde. I know it's an old post, but I just now read it so I have a question. Hope you don't mind answering it if you want to. I have venus retrograde and I also have 7th house stellium which include my venus. So how does that work? Like venus retrograde tends to be a loner right? But 7th house stellium craves other people? That means they're literally the opposite. Correct me if I'm wrong.
I think the tricky thing here has as much to do with the nature of humans as it does your birth chart. A venus rx may prefer solitude much of the time, but humans are still a social species that benefit from community. There will always be an inherent contradicting feeling with that, and I think that’s the key--Parts of ourselves will always contradict other parts. A single adjective will never describe whole portions of our lives. So, to get back into the astrology of it, it comes down to this: What part of you is stronger? Do you have a lot of venus/solutiude themes in your chart? Is your venus your dominant planet? Is Venus the leading planet of your stellium? Does it aspect many other planets/angles? Then you may lean more towards a preference for solitude. However, with a stellium in 7th I imagine this aspect of you is at least somewhat challenged. However, a 7th house stellium doesn’t indicate large groups of people--11th house does. 7th house indicates partnerships and one on one relationships--so I suspect the venus rx trend of very few friends holds strong. It’s much more likely that you overthink relationships, that you focus heavily on one on one time with other people, that you simultaneously prioritize and struggle within relationships. You’re probably a solid people pleaser (though this statement depends heavily on the rest of your chart as well) who is also immensely reflective. You certainly have opposites within you, but I’m not sure I’d consider a venus rx and a 7th house stellium to be true opposites. Both are people oriented, venus rx just also heavily values the relationship with oneself. Does that all make sense?
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Is this blog then your aqua sun?
yup! Aquarius is related to astrology, after all. Nice call!
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Isn’t Midheaven or your 10th house your reputation or online/public persona? I feel like it should be easy figuring out a celebs public persona, or is it more complicated than that?
You’re correct, but the tricky parts come in with planets. It may seem easy to peg someone as a Capricorn midheaven at first, but...what if they have saturn in their 10th house? What of they have saturn square midheaven? So it’s not impossible--you could, for example, see how a person may use a 10th house saturn (and capricornian traits) as means to diplomatic (libran) ends.
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Astro Musings No. 8
10th House Stelliums
Indicate an immense amount of control, ambition and drive. This is because a multitude of planets are working in the area of Saturn-who rules discipline, climbing the corporate ladder and karmic returns. They can sometimes get lost in their ambitions to climb to the top. They need to take care not to isolate others when they’re in “Go” mode. If the Stellium is in the sign of Virgo, the native will be on a constant search for “perfection”. They can also have the Midas touch at work. They’ll be excellent teachers- delivering information with detail and conciseness. They’ll be known for their flawless tastes and their precision. They’ll be able to manage various tasks [Virgo is mutable] and deliver things in a refined manner. They can also over work themselves, demand too much perfection [from themselves and others], suffer from anxiety and stress as a result. They need to learn to relax. Give yourself space to unwind.  Placements that can indicate Suicide are often found in the 8th or the 12th house. Especially if Chiron or Nessus is living in them. Chiron equates a wound that cannot be healed, Nessus is the asteroid of abuse, and 12th house is the house of self-undoing. Mercury in the 12th or 8th can deal with murky, dark, or depressive thoughts [if harshly aspected]. Neptune in the 8th house can make one “Dream” of “death”. [8th house is the house that rules death and Neptune is about dreams.] These people need to watch their backs. Take care to seek help if things become too difficult. Keep an eye out on friends who may have these placements– since the 12th and 8th are all about the “hidden” people with placements here will not readily open up about what goes on in their heads.
If You’re Looking for General “Cuteness” in a Natal Chart
take a look at Moon/Venus [regardless of gender]. Moon will typically “soften”, especially if it’s in a delicate air sign like Libra or in a mutable water sign like Pisces. Neptunian influence on the rising can contribute to “innocent” looking eyes due to their “dreamy” looking state. Cancerian risings often have dimples. {remember Cancer is ruled by the moon].
Leonine placements and 5th house placements
often have a “child-like” quality to them due to the warm nature of the Sun. In addition, Jupiter in harmonious aspect can indicate someone who is happy most of the time and therefore, “cute” in behavior as well as countenance. Venus in Aries is one to consider, only because Aries being the “1st” can indicate perceived “childlike” innocence. 
Glow Up’s in the Natal Chart
Or “growing into your looks” later in life are usually found when one has a Capricorn rising/Saturn in 1st/Saturn aspecting the ascendant. This is because Saturn will restrict but let loose at some point. So whatever is delayed “physically” will go “direct”. Not only physically, but emotionally with their confidence in themselves. Pluto on the rising will typically evolve more than once. IN fact, Pluto on the rising will have multiple periods of “rebranding” especially in regard to their look. They’ll constantly be reborn.
If You Find Yourself Often Falling Victim to Someone’s Touchy-feely-ness or Your Personal Space Being Invaded…
Look for Neptune touching rising, Neptune in the 11th [peers/network], Mars aspecting Neptune or Venus, Mars, and/or Uranus in the 10th or 12th House. The reason is because Neptunian influence will blur lines where there should be hard boundaries. As a result, people [others] collectively will invade your space/physical sphere. Mars and Venus are very much about the tangible/passion/senses so others may like to touch [without permission]. People also like to feel up Water and earth placements so Taureans, Scorpios etc, lookout.
Moon in the 7th or 12th are also top contenders.
10th house is how strangers/people who don’t know you perceive you. If Mars or Neptune are making an aspect to that/there, you may also find yourself being fondled often.
When a planet is at its “Detriment”
That’s a fancy way of saying a planet is in a sign it’s not comfortable in. For example:
Easiest placements for Venus are: Taurus, Libra, Pisces
Why? Because Taurus, and Libra are signs Venus rules and Pisces is mutable- it is easy going, like Venus is.
Hardest placements for Venus: Scorpio, Aries, Virgo
Why? Because Venus is not comfortable in Scorpios intense and dark energy, she’s feisty but nowhere near as bloodthirsty as her lover Mars, and she is not as critical as Mercury, who rules Virgo.‘
Eros in the Natal Chart…
are where you can find your erotic turn ons/ your point of eroticism. It is where we find how someone expresses their sexual nature [along with Mars- sexual style , Venus-all the trappings that get us in the mood, Moon- underlying emotional needs that express themselves in our sexuality.] Not only is it that though, it is also how you come off sexually.
Say someone has Natal Eros conjunct their Sun: This placement indicates a sexually-charged individual. Their identity and erotic nature are working hand in hand. These individuals are considered very sexy, and/ their minds are focused on sex and love. Adversely, since our natal chart operates the way our galaxy does [heliocentric] the person with this placement might be challenged in romance with a tendency to be ‘centered’. Often there’s a deep desire to be worshiped sexually, and when underdeveloped, can be interested in their own satisfaction rather than their partner’s. Remember sexuality and love are two way streets. They can run the risk of leaving their partner unsatisfied if they remain in this attitude.
If People Think You Work Very Hard When You Don’t Actually Do Much to Garner Attention/Praise
Look for Trines in your birth chart. Trines are easy going/blessings/gifts/natural talents. Bi-quintiles and quintiles also indicate talent and where we have an easier time with things.
Say there are many trines to Jupiter, or quintile aspects to Jupiter, once may find themselves very lucky. They may get lucky breaks out of nowhere, windfalls, or things will simply come through at the clutch in the nick of time. Many trines or quintiles to Venus can indicate someone who has an easy time with creativity or the type to attract many admirers without having to do much. Someone with many trines or bi-quintiles to Saturn or Mercury may have an ease with work, discipline, and intelligence. They may be able to pick up on things quickly, have photographic memories, or simply know what to do in order to get to the top.
Planets in the 12th House..
Will tell you the type of drunk someone is or how they operate when they are inebriated/under the influence
The ruler of the 12th will also tell you this, too.  Those with Nessus in the 12th Can be mean drunks or an afflicted Mars can be the type to be very competitive/belligerent when drunk. A 12th House Sag or Venus may be very sweet or quite happy when UTI. They will be the girl in the bathroom at the bar that tells you how cute your shoes are or how pretty you look. Cancerian 12th Houses can go either way: either they will be quite moody  or weepy types when they’re faded, or they’ll be the type of people to be very touchy feely. They’ll want to give complete strangers hugs and kisses or just take care of everyone. They’ll be the type to cover the late night munchies bill.
Contrary to Popular Belief…
Not all Scorpio’s are interested in the dark and macabre. Many with this Solar placement can actually be turned off to things such as Horror. In fact, i see people who enjoy these things to be more 12th house oriented than 8th house. Now of course, there will of course be hints of the 8th in these people- the 8th house is about death and the occult yes; but 12th house is about the spiritual and the hidden. 12th House, which rules nightmares [especially if Pluto [death], Mars [war/blood/gore], and Saturn [cruelty]] will usually enjoy horror or thriller films. Uranus in Scorpio tend to enjoy these things as well. Horror Director Jordan Peele has his Sun in Pisces [Ruler of the 12th] and both his Uranus [in Scorpio] and Sun are touching his North Node. Renowned Horror Film director, Wes Craven has his Moon and most elevated Planet as Neptune. His North node in Scorpio in the 10th house is also Trining his Moon in Pisces in the 2nd.
When You Have a Planet at an Anaretic Degree in the 8th House…
This can bring up lots of wounds and trauma regarding whatever planet is sitting there. Anaretic degrees are called “crisis” degrees and often have this air of “rushing” or this stressful need to “complete” things. There can also be a theme of “death” around whatever planet is there. Venus in the 8th at an anaretic degree can mean someone has intense relationships but may have lost a lover by means of death. Uranus in the 8th at an anaretic degree can indicate finances or shared resources being shaken to the core. They may lose family, friends or a parent early in life lose something or someone in general. Often unexpectedly considering Uranus is about “sudden” changes/disruptions. Typically, that will be the catalyst for the process of soul-searching to begin. 
Placements That indicate One Feeling Like They Don’t “Belong” 
Are often 12th House placements Due to the 12th’s ability to hide/blur things-including a person’s identity [check sun]
Aqua 4th House
Aqua 5th House
Aqua Midheaven
Aqua 11th House [often take a while to find their “tribe”-same for 10th house Aqua’s]
Pluto in the 1st
Pluto in the 4th
Pluto in the 5th
Pluto in the 11th
Saturn in the 4th or 5th [can feel restricted and often too mature for their age group]
People With the Same Dominant Planet in Synastry…
Will either be too alike to function properly and as a result, butt heads or they’ll be so similar they will understand naturally how the other operates. For example, two people with Saturn as their dominant planet will enjoy the structure and discipline the other person offers them. Because they operate on this same frequency. 
However, two people with Mercury as their dominant planet can find themselves quite irritated with each other because both will constantly fight for their voices/opinions to be heard. 
Asteroid Casanova No. 7328…
Is where we seduce effortlessly but where we also seduce selfishly, amorally, and in a very “devil-may-care” manner. This isn’t a dark or evil asteroid by any means. However, just like the asteroid’s namesake, Casanova will seduce just for the sake of it. The eternal libertine. For example. Actor Marlon Brando had Casanova in his 8th house and was famous for his charm, sexiness, virility and his multiple marriages. He was a heartbreaker to the T.
Casanova in the 7th
may mean a native has a certain charm and seduction in their personal relationships. Touching the midheaven they are able to charm and seduce in their public career or have a reputation for being smooth and wily. Casanova will indicate where we don’t have to use much effort at all to get what we want. Especially in terms of love and seduction. So take care, in synastry if you see someone’s Casanova aspecting one of your inner planets. They could be running some major game on you.
Speaking of running game…
People with Venus square or conjunct/even opposite Jupiter can be the types to give an excess of love or just be over-sexed in general. 
5th House Stelliums
Tend to be concerned primarily with the following: creativity, children, fearlessly shining as an individual, enjoying life, joy, leadership, being at the helm of creative projects. However since this house is ruled by the Sun [Immediate ruler of Leo] Theatrical dramatics are also present. These people are quite vocal in their need to create and show their artistic flare. They may also be very good at sports. I’ve noticed 5th House Virgo’s are often sports coaches but 5th House Aqua stelliums will be the type to indulge in unconventional sexual affairs or have out of the box ideas of leisure/fun.
12th House Stelliums
Often feel as if they are dealing with “karma” constantly. life in general is filled with karmic experiences. They may deal with boundary issues or consequentially, struggle with being bombarded by energy all around. Often these people can/may suffer from epilepsy due to all of the different sights, sounds and smells affecting them constantly. The homeless person muttering to themselves may not necessarily be “Crazy” they might just have an excess of Neptunian influence. These people also feel things 10x stronger than other placements. Again, Neptune has no boundaries, that includes insights and emotions from others. These people typically could be great therapists. Huge psychic energy lives here as well.
Placements that Indicate a Talent for the Occult or Witchcraft are often…
Pluto in the 1st, 3rd, 6th, 8th, 9th or 12th.
Pluto in the 4th and 8th can indicate inheriting occult traits
Neptune in the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 6th, 8th, 9th or 12th
Uranus in the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 6th, 8th, 9th or 12th
[Look at the above planets first due to them being the most potent in terms of psychic/supernatural ability] In addition…
Strong Asteroid Circe aspecting the ascendant [or other angles]
Lilith strongly aspecting Angles or in the 1st, 3rd, 6th, 8th, or 12th
Vesta [ritual’s and ceremony] strongly aspecting angles or in the 1st, 3rd, 6th, 8th or 12th [asteroids must be at a tight orb or forming hard aspects]
Moon in Scorpio or Moon touching Pluto, Neptune, or Uranus prominently. This indicate keen intuition, healing abilities, psychic insights etc.
Elevated Planet as Pluto, Jupiter, Uranus or Neptune
North Node/South Node in the signs of Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces,- even Aqua and in the 8th, 9th, 12th or aspecting Uranus, Neptune, or Pluto. The nodes are highly spiritual placements and water signs are the most in tune with their spiritual nature. Most witches MUST be in tune with their spiritual side or have high concentrations of spiritual energy so as to channel things appropriately
Air Moons and Venus’…
will overanalyze their emotions and typically leave someone if they can’t “figure things out” mentally whereas Earth Moons and Venus’ will split from a relationship if they feel their efforts aren’t reciprocated or that the lover is not “stable”. Fire Venus’ and Moons will leave someone if there isn’t enough passion or excitement and Water Venus’ and Moons will leave someone if their emotional needs are not met/the other person will not open up to them emotionally.
Harmonic Charts
are typically used to determine “planetary strengths”. They have specific usages and focus on particular ares of life. For example, the Harmonic first is pretty much identical to the basic birth chart. The Harmonic Second will incorporate the Sun and Moon and delve into the dominant and passive energies in a native. It will study the “Yin and Yang” of a person. Harmonic 3rd will correspond to all 3rd house dealings in traditional astrology. Siblings, brothers, sisters, learning, etc. The 5th harmonic chart indicates talent, if any. In the 5th harmonic chart, all of the quintiles and bi-quintiles come together as conjunctions, making them very easy to spot, and so on.
Saturn touching Juno, Venus, or Saturn in the 7th, or 4th
… Can indicate people who get into relationships very late in life. They will typically marry after the age of 29, have very few boyfriends or girlfriends in life and/or when they do get into a relationship, the person may be older or more mature than them [attitude and/age wise.] In addition, these people are often very picky or people may perceive them as such and this can contribute to them not being in relationships often. Some may even feel they don’t deserve love. These people need to remember that they are deserving of love just like everyone else. They need to take care not to write people off so easily and give them and others grace to be goofy, have fun, and not allow themselves to settle for secret relationships or relationships that do not allow them to be loved fully.
Astro Musings No. 1 Astro Musings No. 2  Astro Musings No. 3 Astro Musings No. 4 Astro Musings No. 5 Astro Musings No. 6  Astro Musings No. 7
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slowly realizing i have 3 blogs and each easily represents one of my big 3.....
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No prob!!!! I'm just so happy that you are doing this and that you said put all together !! Do you want me to ask anon or should i ask privately?
Either is fine, it’s up to you, but my policy is that I publish all asks unless asked not to, on the basis that this is a blog meant to help people learn. So if you’d rather your chart stuff be private info ask private (or, since it may be a while until i answer, at least going off anon may be helpful since it won’t notify you I’ve answered if youre anon) but at the end of the day it doesnt make much of a difference to me! youre such a considerate individual
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Would you mind if i add their house placements?
please do actually--although I’ll warn you the more complicated the question the longer itll take me to answer. It could be days if i fall asleep like i often do at this hour lol
--edit: heck if you wanna submit your chart and just ahve me talk about your north node aspects I’m down
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What are your placements?
oooh boy where to begin. Aqua sun, lots of Aquarius placements. Very aqua dom. Sag rising and Aries moon(but conjunct saturn in 4th! Not a super overt moon lol) 5 2nd house planets, and i only have planets in the 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 12th house. My strongest aspects are Saturn trine asc, mercury conjunct neptune and mars square pluto. I can throw my chart up here too if you like, just figured it would probably better to give a slightly watered down version of my chart lol. Thank you so much for asking!!!! I am always a little too hyped to talk about my own chart lol
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Actually my north node has 4 aspects towards 4 diffrent planets, o dont want to overload you so should i best ask for the aspects separately?
Thank you for being so considerate! Go ahead and ask em all at once-- it may take me longer to respond but I’ll have a more full picture when talking about each one, I can make my response more cohesive
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Do you have knowlegde on north node aspects in natal or synastry?
ooooooh yeah. moreso in natal than synastry tho. whatcha wanna know?
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Dumb question maybe but is there a way to find out a celebrity’s rising or midheaven if their birth time isn’t online??
noooooot really unless you’re ready to rectify. Plenty of astrologers have already done so for plenty of celebrities, so researching “(celebrity’s name) chart rectification” may get you the answers you need but alas, it not an exact science. I will say that there is a lot of data between astro.com and astro-charts.com, so depending on who you’re looking for they might have figured it out already!
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sorry i havent been active lately, it’s because of ....*gestures vaguely and erratically to the sky*
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Do i prefer the porphyry house system or do I just wish i had more aries in my chart
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Me: man idk whats up but i really dont relate to my mars square pluto. none of these descriptions sound like me My intercepted pisces mars squaring my pluto in 12th:
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How does AJ feel about me? Old friend but I felt something more. London 3.57PM. -L
I thought I'd show you the full thing, perhaps someone can learn from it too~ Not planning to always do this, as it takes a long time to write down.
*"querent": you
* "quesited": him
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Ruler of the Day: Saturn, which is in 25° Capricorn/1st house > domicile sign and own triplicity, in the term of Saturn (domicile) and the face/decan of Mars (malefic, minor influence on Saturn), house of fall.
Ruler of the Hour: Saturn / see above
Diurnal chart > IC/Mars out of sect (4th house, domicile position shows strength, retrograde is malefic).
AC/9° Capricorn, in domicile position and showing affinity to the RoD and the RoH > accuracy is guaranteed because the AC is in agreement with the rulers of the day and hour. AC is in the term of Mercury (neutral for Capricorn) and the decan of Saturn, the hour ruler. Querent is in a strong position in the long run.
Saturn (natural ruler of Capricorn, thus the significator) 25° Capricorn/1st house > domicile sign and own triplicity, in the term of Saturn (domicile) and the face/decan of Mars (fall, malefic), house of fall.
Jupiter/17° Capricorn/1st house > fall of the sign, in the same triplicity as the main significator, in the term of Jupiter (domicile) and in the decan of Venus (peregrine).
Pluto/22° Capricorn/1st house > neutral sign, same triplicity as the main significator, term of Mars (exaltation), face of Mercury (slightly malefic considering libra is in Mercury, fall of Pluto).
Moon/27° Libra/9th house/void of course > peregrine sign, neutral house, term of Mars (neutral, angrier), face of Mercury (peregrine), Moon has little strength.
11th house/house of friendship
11th house/cusp of Sagittarius > a neutral place for Sagittarius to be.
Jupiter will be the main significator for the friend, considering there are no co-significators in the 11th house.
Jupiter/17° Capricorn/1st house > fall of the sign, in the same triplicity as the main significator, in the term of Jupiter (domicile) and in the decan of Venus (peregrine).
Jupiter applying a conjunction of 8° to Saturn. Jupiter (friend) is in fall and has little to say about this upcoming occurrence, Saturn (querent) is in a strong position. Jupiter is in Capricorn, which is Saturn's domicile sign. Saturn therefore likes Jupiter, however, Jupiter is in fall in peregrine, showing Jupiter (quesited) to dislike/have no interest in Saturn (querent) in the long run. Saturn is in the first house, which is peregrine for Jupiter, confirming disinterest. Jupiter is in the 1st house, which is the house of fall for Saturn; showing that the feelings of Saturn were denied/not reciprocated. This contact will likely not be direct because of the nature of the aspect, a conjunction shows "contact" but often not in a literal sense.
There is no aspect between the Moon and Jupiter, showing that there is no affinity for anything happening on short terms.
Jupiter applying a conjunction of 5° to Pluto, the co-significator. Both planets are in Capricorn (cold), Pluto is in the position of fall towards Jupiter, once again showing that the friend did not have feelings for the querent and was disinterested (Capricorn). Pluto is also in a peregrine house for Jupiter, where Jupiter is not interested. Jupiter is in the peregrine sign of Capricorn towards Pluto, but in the first house, which is the house of exaltation for Pluto. This gives Pluto some dignity and affinity towards Jupiter.
The 5th house (romance) is ruled by Gemini and thus significated by Mercury.
Mercury/20° Libra/9th house > peregrine sign, detrimental house, in the term and face of Mercury (domicile) which luckily gives it some dignity.
Jupiter is separating with 3° from a square with Mercury. This is likely to show the breakup, the degree could signify a time period of 3 years. Let's see. Jupiter is in Capricorn in the 1st house, which are peregrine placements for Mercury. Showing mercury, aka the querent to have been indifferent about romance with Jupiter at the time of the separation. Mercury is in Libra in the 9th house, which is a peregrine sign but domicile position for Jupiter. Jupiter therefore feels some sense of responsibility or affinity for how things went with Mercury during the breakup.
The ruler of the 7th house of relationship and partnership is signified by Cancer. She is ruled by the Moon. There are no aspects between the Moon and Jupiter, signifying there was no occurrence of love. The Moon, co-significator of the querent (as a rule of the thumb) and main significator of the querent, is in Libra in the 9th house, as spoken of before. Jupiter is peregrine in Libra, however it is in its domicile in the 9th house, which once again shows some affinity from Jupiter towards the Moon regarding how things ended. Jupiter may have thought the Moon was in their right. The Moon would be in its detriment in Capricorn and peregrine in the 1st. This could signify that the querent was cold (Capricorn) towards Jupiter because the Moon had to think about themselves, perhaps Jupiter had gotten toxic, or maybe the Moon was selfish or had to think about herself instead of Jupiter. Jupiter, thought the Moon was in her right as shown by the chart.
The applying inconjunction between Venus, co-significator of the 7th house of relationships and Jupiter (him) confirms that within 3 days (guess what, it's the 21st here right now and you asked this on the 19th) the romantic life of the querent, will be changed for she can now reorganize the relationship with Jupiter (him) in her head. The Moon (significator of the 7th) in the 9th house of astrology and divination shows that the querent tried to seek her answer within divination/astrology. This is also showed by the fact that the 9th house is ruled by Libra, which, coincidentally, is ruled by Venus, the co-significator the 7th of whom we just described her inconjunction. Astrology is funny like that.
The radical 5th house of romance and pleasure, starting from and counting, the 11th house, is the 3rd house which is ruled by Aries. The natural ruler of Aries, Mars, is in retrograde and out of sect, in it's domicile sign Aries and in a peregrine house. Mars is in the term of Saturn (exalted) and the face of Jupiter (neutral/exaltation considering Jupiter is in Capricorn).
There's an applying square of 10° between Jupiter and Mars. Jupiter would be peregrine in Aries, and in its exalted house in the 4th. Mars would be exalted in Capricorn, and domicile in the first house. Mars likes Jupiter (the friend) a lot, Jupiter is more neutral but still slightly positive about Mars. This could mean that the friend, whom is signified by Jupiter, will get in a relationship within 10 weeks/months.
To sum all that up: he did not like you, but does feel responsible for how it ended and thinks it was right for you to end it/take your own path.
- @rosesastrology
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