astronavigator · 3 years
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astronavigator · 3 years
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astronavigator · 3 years
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astronavigator · 4 years
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Business card identification 🆔
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astronavigator · 4 years
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Вселенная окружающей среды человечества и место обитания где плотность создающих веществ отображается в процентах с условным обозначением: q=100%≥0 где Воздух q=1%; Космос q=25%; Жидкость q=50%; Лава q=75%; Твёрдое 100%.©Gia@astronavigator
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astronavigator · 4 years
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GIA - Pilot: Kometa transport...⚓🗺️
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astronavigator · 4 years
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Internet 🔍 GIA@astronavigator🧠
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astronavigator · 4 years
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astronavigator · 4 years
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Блогу "GIA=Galaxy + Interplanetary + Army" сегодня исполнилось 3 года!
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astronavigator · 7 years
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WITNESSES: The photomontage in the style of the famous Biblical Organization should remind the population of the Planet _ PHENOMENON! This event happened on the Black Sea coast of my childhood, from where I was looking at the image of a person on the screen of the sky, with whom I could communicate as in modern video communication; Contact of foreign origin was the result space trip on Starship my father. After this Phenomenon past 50 years; Contact in outer space could be seen only by the crew and passengers of the Starship, but on the earth's sky, All?! At first, broadcasts of communication with Foreign Civilization near me were many people; the session lasted only in the afternoon. Now on the city squares of the World there are advertising monitors with round-the-clock broadcasting to the population, then it was fantastic, but the TV at home was already there. The contact described was in LIFE mode and this phenomenon needed Sunlight. Over time, there was no one left in the place from where I was looking at the sky screen with my acquaintances and extraneous viewers just like after watching a bored advertisement or video link with a marketing agent. In this way the Phenomena disappeared and did not appear any more. I still long after that ran to the shore of the sea and looked up, waited for the appearance of Atlant, so now I Magnify him! Papa Starship aeronautics crashed and lies on the bottom of the Black Sea, fortunately not far from the shore and was able to swim to the land; We often cried at this place because to this day we cannot collect the lost construction of an aircraft, on which you can reach the Source of the Apparition of Atlantis!
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astronavigator · 7 years
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astronavigator · 7 years
_ლაგ* სამოთხეში მოსახვედრად ჯოჯოხეთიდან გასასვლელი უნდა იპოვო! _"In order to get to Paradise you need to find a way out of Hell!" _"Для того чтобы попасть в Рай надо хотя бы найти выход из Ада!" ЦИТАТА _ официально зафиксирована на собраний стран Варшавского договора с присутствием конструктора, владельца и Капитана Звездолёта в зданий Польского сейма. http://astronavigator5.wixsite.com/astronavy
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astronavigator · 7 years
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აღმოჩენა / Открытие / Discovery: გია_20 საუკუნის კოსმოსური ხომალდის საცდელი ფრენების რეზულტატია: რუბინისფერი ობიექტის აღმოჩენა (მასშტაბით პლანეტარულ სისტემაზე მეტია); გრანდიოზული სანახაობა კარგად ჩანს პილოტის კაბინიდან!!! დაზუსტებით, იმ ზღვარიდან მაშინ სხვა ხედი არ იყო ჩემი ადამიანის ორგანიზმის თვალებისათვის...
GIA & ENTERPRISE TEST FLIGHT RESULT 20 CENTURY: Discover Ruby color object (scaling more planetary system); Grandiose spectacle well seen from cockpit shuttle!!!
ГИА_РЕЗУЛЬТАТ ИСПЫТАТЕЛЬНЫХ ПОЛЁТОВ КОСМИЧЕСКОГО КОРАБЛЯ 20 ВЕКА: Объект рубинового цвета (масштабирование больше планетарной системы); Грандиозное зрелище хорошо видно из кабины экипажа!!!
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astronavigator · 7 years
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astronavigator · 7 years
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astronavigator · 7 years
АНГЕЛ ВЕСТНИК, ПОСЛАНЕЦ НЕБЕСНЫЙ сообщил населению в Солнечной системе веб-сайтом интернета 2003-2004 года www.astronavigator.com Компьютеров с грузинским шрифтом тогда не было, программы по исправлению ошибок русского текста и т.д. Материал автора с квадратных дискет памяти обработан веб-мастером информационного центра П��рламента Республики Грузия.
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astronavigator · 7 years
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