astrowyrm 4 months
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astrowyrm 4 months
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boy oh boy its a bunch of fox creatures I wonder if they hold plot relevance?
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astrowyrm 4 months
I forget this website exists tbh
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astrowyrm 4 months
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astrowyrm 4 months
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616 notes View notes
astrowyrm 4 months
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astrowyrm 5 months
Minecraft Mod idea because GOD I鈥檝e had this idea since forever and I needed to put it on paper.
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I have always been a sucker for ambience in Minecraft, but almost every weather mod I find is more focused on the survival aspect of it so, for the longest time I鈥檝e thought about what a more ambient form of weather mod would be like.
I would absolutely love to make this into an actual mod myself, but my 0 experience in coding and modding is unfortunately hindering that idea. >_> Though if there鈥檚 anyone out there with modding experience that actually wants to help make this a thing, I鈥檇 be more than happy to help out in any way I can with it.
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astrowyrm 5 months
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Some of my UTDR art from 2023, happy new year!!
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astrowyrm 5 months
UF-Ruins: Toriel finds you
I didn't say i was going in the order of the plotline did I?!?!
anyways, I've thought about how Toriel, wouldn't try to kill you. Instead she would still want to protect you. No matter what.
Before Toriel Finds You, After trusting Flowey , all of the monsters in the Ruins try to get rid of you. At some point all of the monsters aren't even trying anymore, in fact they are nowhere to be found.
It's silent.
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Flowey realizes if he wants to accompany you, he's going to be in constant danger in the Ruins.
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A well fitting disguise is found near Toriel's Rose Bushes in her garbage cans- I'd imagine it would be one of those chase type of rooms. Where if Toriel sees you, you need to run ( I'll dive into this some other time )
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Now that you have a Safety Lamp Monster disguise, the monsters will come back out and try to kill you again. Naturally it's still kill or be killed among the monsters. It's better than a Boss Monster chasing you around.
That's what I got for today :- )
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astrowyrm 5 months
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astrowyrm 5 months
Breakingrune by Vince Fox
jesse i broke bad
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astrowyrm 5 months
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astrowyrm 6 months
Emoji Adopts round ONE!!! DM to claim ^_^
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so I took a lil social media / art break in early october but im back!! and i got these fun little emoji adoptables for sale :] very excited
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astrowyrm 6 months
Undertale Humans
I decided to make a bunch of takes on the other popular humans from the human takes, plus Jeff. The black box is none of your concern
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astrowyrm 6 months
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undertale yellow is real. clover is so cool
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astrowyrm 6 months
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continuing from last post, here鈥檚 some more takes on deltarune chapter 3 antagonists! these two are ex-cathode crew members.
(although mike becomes an ally/shopkeep and scarefiff is only the secret boss)
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astrowyrm 6 months
breakdance on top of a spinning chainsaw
[cant get cooler than that] - MUSIK:SONICRUSH OST
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