I would have died; I would have loved you all my life.
A/N: A little Remus x OC drabble. Angst, a lot of it. Trigger Warning! (Character Death) ~ Inspired by me constantly thinking that I would die for Remus Lupin and I know a lot of us would. And I know what you’re thinking “This bitch hasn’t been writing for ages and now comes back with angst and a suffering Remus how DARE -” haha oops. Let me know what you think! My writing is a bit rusty I’m sorry ~
“Moony?“ Sirius‘ voice drifted over to him, but he barely heard it. He barely heard anything. All he could hear, all that echoed in his mind, was the way you screamed his name. So full of worry, so full of fear. 
No, that emotion in your voice was beyond fear – it was sheer terror.  
“Remus?” Sirius again. This time with a hand on his shoulder. But he barely felt it. All he could feel was the way you tackled him out of the way of a curse. A killing curse.  All he felt was the way he stumbled to the ground, rolled back to his feet and shot a curse in the direction of the death eater. He did this instinctively. He did this before he saw you lying in front of him, motionless, empty eyes staring right at him. 
All he felt was the earth underneath his hands, the stones pressing into his knees as he crawled towards you.
He didn’t hear that the fight ended. In this moment he didn’t care that the order won. He didn’t realize that his best friend was trying to help. He felt so far away from it all.
He could still hear his own voice in his head, how broken he sounded when he was trying to reach you. He could hear the pain in his voice. He could hear the hope that all of this was just a bad dream.   “No, god no, please no. Don’t do this to me.” The way his voice cracked when he begged you to be alive. “Be alive, please be alive, PLEASE!”
It wasn’t a dream.
All he could feel now was your body, already seeming much heavier in his arms, as he held you close to him, gently stroking your hair.
You always told him that you loved him - loved him so much that you would die for him. He knew this and he felt the same way for you. He just never would have imagined your words to become his reality.
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Hufflepuff:  “Have you ever wanted to curl up inside a dream and stay there?” ~ “Feel it. The thing that you don’t want to feel. Feel it, and be free.” ~ “It’s alright if you’re still searching for yourself. It’s okay if you have yet to find your big life’s purpose. The important thing is that you haven’t stopped looking.” ~ “You must include the sad parts, because they are part of the story, and they have to be part of the dreams.”
Gryffindor: “Let nothing come between you and the light.” ~ “Tell your heart that the fear of suffering is worse than the suffering itself. And that no heart has ever suffered when it goes in search of its dreams.” ~ “What is success? To laugh often and much; to win the respect of intelligent people and the affection of children; to earn the appreciation of honest critics and endure the betrayal of false friends; to appreciate the beauty; to find the best in others; to leave the world a bit better, whether by a healthy child, a garden patch or a redeemed social condition; to know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived.“
Ravenclaw: “Nothing ever goes away until it has taught us what we need to know.” ~ “If you have the courage to make it through a lonely night with nothing but your self-destructive thoughts to keep you company; darling, you have the courage to make it through anything.“ ~ “I want to look back and say that I was alive. That I didn’t turn my back. That I tried. That I was happy.” ~ “I dreamt of you last night – as if I was playing the piano and you were turning the pages for me.“
Slytherin: “Always, over and over, these days and nights will come, the anxiety, the aversion, the doubt. And I will still live, and I will still love life.” ~ “I will prove myself strong when they think I am sick. I will prove myself brave when they think I am weak.” ~ “You would never know that I love you when you never hear anything from me, but I do — and forever.” ~ “You have saved yourself from drowning every time before this. You will rescue yourself again.”
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Das mit deiner Oma tut mir so so leid, ich hab das auch vor ein paar Jahren erlebt, und ich weiß, wie schwer das ist, vor allem wenn man ein sehr enges Verhältnis zu der Person hatte. Nimm dir viel Zeit und mach dir keine Gedanken über uns, es ist wichtiger, dass du das verarbeitest und dir genug Zeit zum Trauern nimmst! Viel Kraft an dich und deine Familie! ❤️
Tut mir leid für die späte Antwort! Ich bin immer nur sporadisch online momentan. Tausend Dank für dein Mitgefühl und die lieben Worte, das bedeutet mir wirklich viel! :)
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I hope you are still taking requests; if you are fantastic, if you aren't then ignore this and I apologize for the bother. I was wondering what it'd be like to be on and off dating adult Severus?
You’re not a bother, friend. No matter if I take requests or not, okay? :) But, since we are talking about it anyway, I want all of you to know: 
This is the last request that I’ll take for a while! The requests are now closed.
I want you guys to know why, so here we go: Recently my grandma died, she was very dear to me and I still haven’t fully processed it and I’m still dealing with it. Also I’ll be going to Austria soon on a much needed vacation. I haven’t been able to write much of anything lately and I’m sorry that some of you have to wait so long. I really hope I can get back to writing in the near future and maybe you are all patient enough to wait for new content on this blog. Of course I would totally understand if that wasn’t the case. However, you can still message me anytime, we can talk about characters, favourites of yours, headcanons you have, just whatever. Feel free to talk to me anytime if you should want to do so! I just can’t write at the moment. Once again I’m really sorry but I hope you’re all doing well and I hope you will have an amazing summer!
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What do we have to do with these either/or questions? Is it a game? :)
it’s a new meme going around that i like a lot! it’s just basically you telling people a little about your personality by answering them in the tags :)
my answer for one of them for example, would look like this:
felix felicis, potions, and summer at hogwarts! :) 
that’s it, nothing more but can be pretty fun uwu ~
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felix felicis or polyjuice potion? potions or charms? winter at hogwarts or summer at hogwarts?
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can you please write what would include dating regulus black? btw your writings are amazing!! thank you xxx
oh regulus, he doesn’t get enough love and appreciation so the answer is YES i definitely can :) as you may have read in the last few days i’m hella busy and now have a cold so it could take a while, please be patient but i will try to get to it somewhat soon! and thank you SO much that really means a lot uwu
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Actually I'm sick as well and I have to study too so we're kinda in the same situation :D but we'll get through this together :) ❤️
oh poor little one i hope you feel better soon and that you are back to full health asap!
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Ohh no I hope you feel better soon! ❤️
thank you love, i hope so too! how are you? doing alright? :) ♥
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hey guys uwu i just wanted to let you know that i am running this blog alone atm and i am the worst at fanmixes so i’m sorry if anyone requested them but i really suck so much at it you’d only be disappointed :( if/when mia will be back she’ll get to them bc she’s the expert and slays fanmixes so much :D i just wanted you lil ones to know that and i hope you are doing wonderful <3 - mel
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A/N: I’m terribly sorry that this request took so long but I hope you like it and if you imagined it differently or have other ideas, feel free to let me know! :) <3 request: how each house throws its own halloween party requested by: anon ~*~*~*~*~
Gryffindor: they throw one of these big, wild, loud, seemingly endless parties, the whole common room is decorated with enchanted things like paper bats coming to life and talking pumpkins, candles are hovering in the air, spider webs can be found in every nook and cranny, the fireplace is dimly lit, drinks in plastic cups are standing around everywhere and they have a whole table with food that someone got from hogsmeade and the kitchens, everyone is talking and laughing and trying to scare others by jumping out from dark corners, at least 5 of the students end up being so drunk that they miss classes the next day, the windows are wide open so they can hear the owls hooting and the sounds of the forbidden forest and see the moonlight reflecting on glasses and they only go to bed once dawn breaks and the sky changes colours
Hufflepuff: they would throw a comfortable party, but one to remember, sometimes even students from other houses would stop by, knowing they had the best food and the best jokes of the night. the room would be brightly lit in some places like the buffet and the table with the drinks and the corner that leads to the bedrooms and the rest would be almost completely dark and only lit by a few weak candles, the smell of pumpkins would be in the air mixed with cinnamon, at around midnight they’d sit down in a big circles or lounge on sofas and tell each other creepy stories which causes half of them to not be able to sleep any time soon, one of them would have enchanted every single door to creak loudly whenever they are opened and from dark corners wolf howling can be heard when you pass them 
Slytherin: those party would remind me a little bit of the great gatsby, elegant but wild, decadent, full of life, it would be their own circle, very rare exceptions would be made for friends from other houses, there would be a lot of champagne and finger food, the room would be lit only by the moonlight shining onto the lake and the green sheen that it casts into the room and the fireplace, it would be decorated but not in the typical halloween style, it would all be a little more extravagant but still creepy, weird noises from every corner like the sound of shackles or door creaking and sometimes even a high pitched scream, shadows on the wall that are brought to life by magic and follow you when you pass them, ghost stories would be whispered to each other
Ravenclaw: their parties would have an edgar allan poe kind of feel to it, bewitched origami papers that turn into ravens when you take them into your hands, loads of old valuable books they read stories from, stories about haunted castles, getting lost in the woods late at night, butterbeer, pumpkin juice and firewhiskey making rounds in bottles because no one would bother to use plastic cups, dark blue satin curtains covered in spider webs and actual spiders would make sure that no light can enter their common room, the only light would come from little lamps that were transformed to look like a full moon, they’d put fake eyes or fake insects in the food to scare others and some of them would sneak out into the forest, daring each other to play a game of ‘who has more guts and stays in there for a short amount of time’
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Yes, it's fine! I'm just so thankful you'd do my request after your busy schedule. Anyway, best of luck in your exams! Thanks so much!
you are so welcome! soon exams are over and i have a little time to breathe and i will hopefully manage to find motivation and inspiration to get some or all of the requests done uwu and thank you so much, i could definitely need some luck, especially for maths :D 
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Can you answer all of those questions? I can't decide :D
gosh diddly darn i don’t think i have time or nerves to answer ALL of them tbh but i will definitely pick out a few and answer them for you! :) also so sorry for the late reply, i hope you’re doing well
1. Hogwarts House? - Slytherin2: Patronus? - no idea but i’m guessing it might be a wolf uwu3: Butterbeer, fire whisky, or pumpkin juice - butterbeer 4: Diagon Alley or Hogsmeade? - diagon alley!12: Owl, cat, or toad? - cat 15: Character you would bring back to life? - remus lupin16: Character you just want to be happy? - again remus, but also sirius18: Favorite Hogwarts class? - POTIONS BOTTLE FAME BREW GLORY PUT A STOPPER ON DEATH POTIONS!!!19: Least favorite Hogwarts class? - muggle studies like .. i have enough of muggle studies every fucking day ok 20: Favorite professor? - McG my lady 32: Favorite friendship? - the marauders 38: Crookshanks or Pigwidgeon? - crookshanks uwu39: Potions expert or charms expert? - poTIONS43: Fantastic Beasts or The Cursed Child? - fantastic beasts
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Wow, honestly you're house aesthetics are accurate, amusing, and fascinating. I feel so connected... and (oddly) warm inside. I absolutely love them. Thanks so much!
oohh thank you so much! messages and compliments always mean a lot to me so thank you my friend :)
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Working/Being friends with Severus Snape would include:
Requested by anon, I hope you like it! :) ~*~*~*~*~*~
► Long talks about potions. You would end up spending hours just looking through books, sharing stories about potions that went wrong. In your case you would tell him about your cauldron exploding at least once a years when you were still at school and in his case he would tell you about his students and how they apparently mess up constantly. Sometimes you would chide him for being so mean but he would just shrug it off with another mean comment, making you role your eyes and slap him over the head with one of the books.
► Patrolling the corridors at night. Together, you kept an eye on Professor Quirrel, you made sure the school was relatively safe when the Chamber of Secrets was opened and you helped him search the castle when Sirius Black broke in, etc. Those were stressful nights for everyone, but you always felt a little safer when you were with Severus and keeping each other company was the one thing that got both of you through the long nights.
► Sitting next to him during breakfast and dinner and always trying to get him to laugh in front of the other teachers and students, but you never succeeded. The most you managed to get out of him was a twitch of his lips but you promised yourself to never give up. (You never won this game, no matter how many months and years you tried. You comforted yourself with the fact, that at least you could make him laugh when no one else was around.)
► Secretely giving the students their house points back when you hear about him taking them away for no reason. You may be friends but you would never defend all of his actions. It would be a secret between you and the students of Hogwarts for a long time and more often than not you’d wonder if Severus knew what you were doing. (He did, but he only found out after several years and because a student accidentally blabbered it out. In the end it was always a game of taking points and giving them back, taking, giving them back, but he went along with it anyway.)
► He’d frequently ask you to help him brew potions, to stock up the school supply. He would never trust anyone else with that task, but he knew that you were capable of brewing very good potions and you always told him that sharing the work would be the best option. These evenings were always fun, full of bickering and trying to mess with the other person’s head. (”Are you SURE you added the right amount?” “Are YOU sure that you stirred clockwise and not counter-clockwise?”)
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drabble with reader x young severus, both reach for the same dark arts book at the same time in the school's library, both work out a system where you share it back and forth over the week and eventually become friends
sounds interesting! i’ll try to think of something, but please don’t be upset if it will take a while, i have so much going on. i will do my best to write it though, thank you so much for the request :)
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HOGWARTS HOUSES || (First) Date Aesthetics
Slytherin: a date in the heart of the city when it is already dark, they’d take you to a fancy restaurant, making sure to fulfill your every wish, you’d be sitting near the windows so you could watch the city lights and the people pass by, you’d talk about your interests and where you want to go with your life, what your ambitions are and what you think is most important in life, it would be pretty personal but not uncomfortable and after the dinner you’d just go out into the city and get lost in the vast and various streets, talking and laughing about everything you could think of, you’d end up in several bars and pubs and maybe even clubs, you’d just go wherever you felt like going in this moment and you’d just feel more free than you ever did with anyone else and the night would end in this magical sort of way, with the two of you standing on the rooftop of a skyscraper, drink in hand, close to each other and listening to the city fall silent and watching the sun rise in the distance
Hufflepuff: an early morning date in a small town where they serve the best breakfast, you’d meet up at 10 am and probably drag it out into a brunch, telling stories of moments long gone and sharing memories to get to know each other better, you’d laugh a lot and both of you would feel so at ease around the other, they would be warm and welcoming and they’d give you the feeling of really listening to you, after the brunch you’d just stroll through the town together and find a park, sit down underneath a huge tree and watch the sun filter through the leaves, watch it glitter and break on the surface on the small lake and talk about the future and about what makes you happy, the date would end with them walking you to your home and sitting with you on your steps in front of the door and watching the colours change in the sky until it almost set, they’d wait for you to get inside safely and the last thing you see would be them smiling kindly and warmly at you
Gryffindor: the whole date would be a trip, the destination a secret, you’d leave before noon, drive for a few hours and then grab a bite to eat at one of these really run down but somehow charming diners on the side of the road, you’d listen to music and sing along to every song you know, windows rolled down, wind playing in your hair, arms stretched out so you could feel the air between your fingers, you’d take pictures of the beach in the distance of the landscape, of each other and you’d talk about anything and everything under the sun, changing from deep conversations to light hearted banter, in the afternoon you’d arrive at a carnival and it would be so unexpected but so fitting, together you’d play most of the games, win each other little presents and try all the rides together, screaming your lungs out on the rollercoaster, at the end of the day you’d walk hand in hand to the ferris wheel, still laughing and breathless from the last ride, you’d end up driving home in the middle of the night, just the two of you, the road ahead and the stars above
Ravenclaw: a day long date out and about in the woods together, you pack food and bottles of water, etc., in bagpacks and each of you brings their favourite book, you hike into the forest and follow the path through the mountains, talking about your lives and people you have looked up to, authors that influenced you, make jokes about your favourite characters and talk about your hopes and dreams all the while walking next to each other, arms brushing from time to time, exchanging smiles, when you reach the lookout point you spread out a blanket and lie down on it, staring into the blue sky and trying to see forms and patterns in the few clouds that drift by, you have a small picnic and end up reading your favourite parts from the books you brought along, you read them to each other, both listening closely to the other and before you’d know it hours would have passed just talking and laughing and getting to know each other and you just might hold hands on the hike back, laughing at the other person when they’d trip and just feeling so relaxed and carefree
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