athaliemagines · 5 years
Bede with a S/O who likes PDA?
Bede with affectionate S/O
- Bede would love affection
- He’d be pretty shy about it in public though
- After being alone for so long in his life with no one to really ‘love’ him, he was pretty touch starved to say the least
- In private he’d nuzzle his head into your neck and just hold your hand and cuddle and all of that stuff
- You’d probably never get to escape from his grasp if you cuddled for too long
- But outside, that was a whole different story
- You’d try to kiss him on the lips but he’d turn and make you kiss him on the cheek and even just that made Bede’s cheeks fire up
- He’d lock pinkies with you in public just to know that he still wanted to be next to you, he was just pretty shy about expressing affection in front of others besides you
- Because, well, you knew him best.
- Eventually, he does warm up to the idea of kissing and holding hands in public but that does take some time with him.
- In the end, he loves that his S/O is affectionate with him
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athaliemagines · 5 years
Allister and Marnie with a pastel aesthetic S/O hc?
Aw this is so cute!
Marnie and Allister with a pastel aesthetic S/O
- I think she wouldn’t be too shocked that her s/o has a pastel aesthetic towards her
- I mean, Marnie herself has taken interest in some pastel things including her dress
- Like, you two would both go shopping together after training and you’d pick out each others outfits, then just spend time at a diner after for a little date night
- When she first saw your room she was a little shocked at how bright it was
- Compared to hers, yours had pretty fairy-lights and pink pastel wallpaper while her room was a light grey with vinyls and posters everywhere
- She has a pastel punk aesthetic to begin with, you just brought it out more after she met you
- “Wow... your clothes are bright”
- He normally wore dark clothes, but he was pretty stylish with them
- Again, he wouldn’t mind the aesthetic, he thinks it suites you!
- Plus it’s really cute to him
- You’d wear his clothes sometimes, and tell him he needs to wear some brighter clothes and he would actually would take you up on that offer
- You’d pick out some more pastel clothes for him like a baby blue button up and maybe even a pattered bow tie
- He’d look *so cute* in it and you’d tell him that multiple times
- So every once in a while when he feels confident enough you two would match on dates where he takes you out
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athaliemagines · 5 years
Thank you for making the fairy witch request it was so cute!~
Aw thank you so much anon!! 💖💖
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athaliemagines · 5 years
Maybe... bede with a female shy s/o..? ^^
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first bede imagine for ballonlea, woo!! i kept the headcanons gender-neutral since one didn’t specify uwu
this also reminded me of an oc of mine, so it was a fun set to do! i hope you enjoy them!
~ admin sylveon
✧ it took some time for bede and his s/o to confess to each other in the first place, with them being so shy and him being so inexperienced.
✧ whoever confessed first could go either way, though. it all depends on just how shy his s/o is, really.
✧ given their personalities, pda isn’t a big thing with them. the most you’ll see is holding hands or perhaps his arm around their shoulder or waist.
✧ however, bede can be a little more touchy-feely in private, as he missed out on a lot of such affection in the past.
✧ it’s easy to see that he’s softer towards them compared to others. he may still make a few of his typical comments, but they’re fewer and farther between.
✧ he makes sure not to overstep any boundaries they might have with his teasing, as he knows they’re more sensitive.
✧ he keeps a close eye on them when both out in public, and won’t hesitate to step in and break up a conversation if they start looking uncomfortable.
✧ and who knows? maybe his projected arrogance could rub off on them a little. he’d be glad to see them become more self-confident.
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athaliemagines · 5 years
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athaliemagines · 5 years
Remember, requests are closed!! Still working on some rn and I’ll post them after my mid terms are finished.
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athaliemagines · 5 years
If you're an active Pokemon/Pkmn SWSH/or Pokemon Imagine/HCS blog, please like or reblog this so I can follow you. :3
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athaliemagines · 5 years
Could you write a Scenario for f!reader and Allister’s first kiss/how they announce they’re dating (because being a popular trainer and all has to have *everything* put out in the media)
Why did this turn out longer than I anticipated? I just love this innocent ghost boy? Totally not because Ghost-types are my second favorite type (psychic being the first). Allister just checks all my aesthetic points off, I wish to be him. Wear a mask all day and be socially awkward…already halfway there! Now enjoy some Allister fluff! I did keep it gender-neutral just because there isn’t anything explicit in it, so no reason to tack on a gender
Allister: First Kiss and People Finding Out
Coming out as a couple with Allister had actually been a total accident on his S/O’s part (not that he got mad, but it was just accidental).
They had managed to go out for a few years before it was even discovered with how sneaky they were.
Allister loved his S/O to bits and pieces, but he also knew there backlash that trainers got when involved with gym leaders, and wanted to protect them from that.
Still, it was bound to come out eventually, and when it did, the media had a field day…in the best possible way, of course.
It began with his S/O casually live-streaming some ghost type pokemon over at the Watchtower Ruins.
As a pretty successful trainer themselves, a good amount were watching the Livestream, and poor Allister had absolutely no clue what was going on as he had been playing with his Gengar.
Suddenly Allister called out to his S/O and said, “Hey, love, are you taking photos of the pokemon?” and everyone recognized the soft voice.
The trainer accidentally panned their camera over to Allister in shock since they knew the absolute shitstorm that was about to commence.
Thankfully, Allister had his mask on because as soon as he realized what his S/O was doing, he knew he was doomed.
The chat exploded, asking what Allister meant when he said ‘love’ and there Livestream abruptly ended as his S/O apologized for not letting him know they were live-streaming.
Not even an hour later, the recording was up on pokegram and pokebook, sharing the cute little slip-up, and everyone was wondering if maybe Allister called his friend’s “Love” or not.
They knew the jig was up, so the next interview his S/O was in, they confirmed their relationship status.
Everyone responded really positively as they all knew how shy Allister was, and how strong his S/O was.
It was nice to hold hands and be seen in public, though, they had to admit.
Now, as for their first kiss, it happened after a while into their relationship.
Allister’s S/O didn’t even see his face until maybe three years after getting together, then it took another two years for it to be a regular thing for Allister to have his mask off around his S/O.
Of course, his S/O found his face to be stunning, and he never lost his cute boyish charms as he got older, hell even at eighteen he still looked way younger than his age (his S/O jokes they’re robbing the cradle also though they’re only a year older).
Their first kiss had been on one afternoon, relaxing in Allister’s room and watching some horror movies.
His S/O had gotten bored at the senseless brutality, preferring more psychological and ghost horrors (so did Allister, but he wasn’t one to turn off a movie once he began)
His S/O decided enough was enough and wrapped themselves around Allister and laid down with him on the bed, underneath them.
Allister protested a bit but was mainly used to his S/O’s random need to be close to him.
What he wasn’t ready for was the small, chaste kiss on his lips.
He stood there, shellshocked for a moment before he went bright red and sat up, knocking his head against his S/O’s.
His S/O joked, “You could’ve just said you didn’t appreciate me kissing you, didn’t need to headbutt me.”
Allister took it seriously and apologized and explained that he enjoyed it, but he was shocked.
His S/O was like “Oh, so you enjoyed it, how about another go then?”
Allister might’ve turned into a ghost-type after that.
Request Info Here
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athaliemagines · 5 years
Bede’s s/o with a female zorua,, Except! The zorua hates him to his guts and always growls and attempts to harm him and manages to get a few scars on him- please.
Ahh I’m sorry but I don’t wanna write any characters getting harmed/hurt physically, thank you for understanding. 💖
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athaliemagines · 5 years
Requests are closed again! I’ll try to get out the ones I have in my ask ASAP!
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athaliemagines · 5 years
So with bede's concept, he's being electrocuted. So wouldn't he have a fear of electric type pokemon, more specifically Joltik?
I totally forgot about his concept art for a hot second, but here you go anon, hope you like it!
Bede with a fear of electric type Pokémon
- He wouldn’t have a ‘fear’ per say just a... hyper-awareness as he would call it
- It was a fear
- You two would be training together and you’d release a joltik and this boy would run
- You didn’t know why, but you quickly put the Pokémon back and ran over to where Bede was
- Once he calmed down he told you about what happened and how he got accidentally shocked by an electric type and he hasn’t wanted to see one since
- You released joltik again and held his hand as you walked with Bede to get closer to it
- You could tell he was nervous but you squeezed his hand in reassurance and whispered to him that it’s gonna be alright
- Finally you two were like 2 feet away from the joltik and you bent down and called it over.
- Internally, Bede was freaking out, but once he saw you being so kind to it, he calmed down a little
- You grabbed his hand and put it on the Pokémon’s back, knowing that it was too tame to actually shock a person
- When you grabbed his hand and drew it closer his face was scrunched up in anticipation of a shock, but it never came, he only felt the hard exterior of the bug type Pokemon
- His face then untensed and you looked at him proudly
- Although he still might be afraid of electric type sometimes, he’ll remember what your joltik was like and how you calmly approached it.
- He’s less afraid now but you two are working on that
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athaliemagines · 5 years
Idk if you've ever seen houseki no kuni but could you do a bede × s/o scenario(?) Where his s/o is a gem and she doesn't want to hold his hand because shes scared she'll feel hard and cold and bedes upset that she doesnt want to but not because of what he thinks?? (Bonus if he finds out that shes a gem because a piece of her alarmingly breaks off 🙏😔)
I’m sorry I’ve never seen this so I don’t think I’d do it justice 😔, this does sound like a really cool request though!
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athaliemagines · 5 years
So how would everyone deal watching a Horror movie?
Oh boy this was really fun to write! Thanks for requesting!
Rivals watching a horror movie with their s/o
- My boy.... he is actually scared of them
- Sure he’d sit and watch it with almost no reaction but once the lights go out, boom he needs to investigate every bump in the night
- Pls don’t scare him after the movies he won’t talk to you for like 2 hours
- Then he gets scared again and asks you to stay by him
- He has to hold something while watching it, wether it be your hand or a fluffy blanket or even the popcorn bowl, he needs something to fidget with
- He’ll bluff and say it wasn’t even that scary but you know
- he actually doesn’t mind them
- He’ll make fun of the terrible cgi in them and yell at the stupid logic some of the movies have
- It actually makes you less scared, you don’t like horror movies in the first place
- Show him one absolutely terrible movie and he’ll make fun of it for the next 3 weeks
- Acting out a specific scene he found funny, you’d tell him to stop before he memorized the entire thing by making fun of it
- Overall, he knows it’s fake in the end so he just doesn’t care
- She’s a scaredy cat as well but will cover it up in humor sometimes
- Like Bede, she needs to hold something (more specifically, your hand)
- Jumps at the slightest noises
- Both of you hide under the blanket you two shared after watching a particularly scary movie
- Literally needs all the lights on to sleep and sleeps with headphones in with the music turned up so she doesn’t hear anything like a bump or a creak
- Sooooo you two don’t watch scary movies that often
- of course, ghost movies are his favorite, but only if they’re accurate
- He’ll critique what is wrong and what is right to to in a situation where you encounter a ghost and actually possession type stuff
- But the gorey movies and murderer movies? That’s a big no.
- This boy does not like blood! Even if it is fake
- If there is blood you’d have to tell him when to look back up, otherwise he’ll stay with his head on your shoulder and arms wrapped around your waist for the rest of the hour
- He’s not scared at all, but when you get scared, he’s more than happy to hold your hand tightly
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athaliemagines · 5 years
Could I get something like Bede's s/o starting a tickle fight with him? Thank you! c:
Aw this sounds adorable! I know this is an innocent ask so I’m gonna do it but I know there is sorta a ‘community’ on tumblr for tickling so this is gonna be ‘once in a blue moon’ writing (meaning this is probably the only one all do, I’m sorry 😅) ((btw this is in no shame to you, I’m really glad you requested, ily anon 💖))
Bede has a tickle fight with his s/o
- Bede hides that he’s ticklish behind his tough exterior
- Even after you two start dating you didn’t find out until one day
- He seemed to be agitated for no reason, so you thought that to cheer him up you’d give him kisses, lots of ‘em
- You first snuck up behind him while I’m he was in the kitchen and then *suprise attack!*
- You covered his face in feather light kisses and he started laughing and putting his hands on his pink cheeks
- He just looked absolutely adorable like that
- You then started to tickle his sides, which caused him to laugh even harder, but he soon retaliated as he tickled your sides as well
- This went on for a couple of minutes until you both came to a stop
- Soon both of you were worn out from laughing and your sides hurt do you both decided to cuddle up and sleep
- He kissed your forehead before he closed his eyes
- He’s such a sweetheart when you get to know him
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athaliemagines · 5 years
“I’ve wanted this for so long” prompt for Bede please
“I’ve wanted this for so long” w/ Bede
- Ever since you two had your first battle, he always seemed to want to see you more
- At first he didn’t want to admit it, so he kept getting stronger to become a gym leader and eventually champion
- During this time he almost forgot about you until you showed up again and battled him
- He admired your way of battling and the way you took care of your Pokémon
- After you two were finished, he met you back in the arena entrance and complemented you on your skills
- That’s when he realized he had a crush on you...
- He kept training and training just to see you again as you moved up the ranks, but eventually he just found himself cheering you on from the stands, despite other people staring because he was supporting his (now ex) rival
- When you became champion, he was so happy for you, he met you in the back again and you decided to make your move then
- You see, while he was pining, so we’re you
- You promised yourself that if you became champion, you’d ask Bede out
- Although it seemed practically impossible then, you made a promise and you weren’t going to break it.
- Once you saw him, you took a deep breath and asked him
- He was shocked and just stood there quietly in thought
- You took that as a no and sadly tried to say never mind but he stopped you by grabbing your arm and gave a rare smile
- “I’ve wanted this for so long..” he said smiling as he pulled you into a hug
- “So that’s a yes?” You said as you pulled away and smiled widely
- “Definitely.”
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athaliemagines · 5 years
Requests are now back open!
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athaliemagines · 5 years
Wuhh nobodys done anything with best girl 🥺’i’ll always love you’ from the prompt list with marnie? Your writings have been making me swoon
I actually love you sm oh my god, thank you!! And I totally agree, best girl needs more recognition ☺️
“I will always love you” w/ Marnie
- Becoming champion and having a rival girlfriend was something that all of the news outlets wanted to get behind
- First is was just cute things, they saw you hold hands? They’d write about it! You two would train your Pokémon together? First story on the news website!
- But then after a while it turned more into... gossip
- You talked to another girl? Oh you’re cheating!
- You both didn’t really pay attention too much to the news anyways, so it didn’t bother you two that much.
- But one day when you two were on a date, an interviewer came up to you guys and asked marnie what she would do if you cheated on her, apparently anything the public was talking about, goes.
- Her face just got red with anger and stormed off, requesting not to comment as she held a tighter grip on your hand.
- Once you two returned home, she gave you the biggest hug
- You wanted to apologize, but you couldn’t figure out how, you just grabbed onto her and held her tighter
- “I will always love you...” she cradled your face in her hands and pressed a quick kiss to your lips, “no matter what anyone else says, ‘kay?”
- You just smiled and nodded, giving her a kiss on the cheek before pulling her back into a hug
- The media might get bad, but you two would stand by each other. No matter what.
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