athanatiaphroditi · 3 years
Akidalia, Akraia, Alilat, Amathousia, Ambologera, Anadyomene, Antheia, Apatouria, Aphakitis, Apotrophia, Arakunthia, Areia, Argynnis, Kallipugos, Knidia, Kolias, Kyprogeneia, Kuthereia, Despoina, Dionysia, Erukiane, Gamelia, Genetullia, Hekaerge, Idalia, Limeniatis, Mekhanitis, Melainis, Melinaea, Migonitis, Morpho, Nikephoros, Pandemos, Paphia, Peitho, Syria Dea, Ourania, Zephuritis, Zerynthia
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athanatiaphroditi · 3 years
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O nascimento de Vênus (the birth of venus) by Di Cavalcanti, 1940
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athanatiaphroditi · 3 years
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Crete, Archaeological Museum of Kissamos:
Λ3239 Kissamos, Health Center. Found and donated by D. Vouterakis 1985. Decorative marble group of Aphrodite and Eros sitting on a rock playing guitar. The composition is iconographically unique. Although Eros is often depicted with a guitar or lyre (on lamps, figurines, mosaics, wall paintings, etc.), the depiction of Aphrodite with musical instruments is rare. It probably decorate an atrium. Date: Second half of 1st century A.D.
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athanatiaphroditi · 3 years
"He's exploring the taste of her Arousal so accurate He sets off the beauty in her He's Venus, Venus as a boy" - Björk
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athanatiaphroditi · 3 years
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"To bring the dead to life Is no great magic. Few are wholly dead: Blow on a dead man's embers And a live flame will start." - Robert Graves Image: Aphrodite and Adonis
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athanatiaphroditi · 3 years
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"love's a universe beyond obey or command, reality or un-" e.e. cummings Image: Venus of Arles, 1st century BCE, after Praxiteles, Louvre
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athanatiaphroditi · 3 years
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“Immortal Aphrodite, on your intricately brocaded throne, child of Zeus, weaver of wiles, this I pray: Dear Lady, don’t crush my heart with pains and sorrows.” 
- Sappho, translated by Julia Dubnoff Image: Roman copy of Greek original, 2nd century CE, British Museum
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