H-Hey, Mom. Good morning. I know it's far earlier than when I usually come, but I've been thinking about you and I just couldn't go back to sleep.
(Heh, maybe I'll run into Simon on the way later on.)
Nearly 10 years, huh... you know, I've had to search hell and high water to find where they've buried you. Your family in Europe never wanted to talk about you in front of me. I guess it's a sweet gesture, but they certainly gave me more work to do in the process, haha...
It's really stupid to say it after so many years, but... I miss you, Mom. Really. I-I know I probably would've never broken out of my shell if I hadn't awakened my resolve, but- I just... I wish you didn't have to die.
(Even now, I'm slowly forgetting pieces of my time as a kid in the Space Center, and nearly all I can remember about you is your body on the operating table. I can't thank Simon and Junie enough for always helping to remember the good times...)
But, even if I miss you to death... *sigh* I have to keep walking forward. There's nothing more I can do; it's not like I can go and get a crash course in spirit channelling just to see you again. I know you'll be watching over me and Simon, so I want you to know that you don't have to worry for me; I'm not the scared little girl you always had to coddle anymore.
Here's a doll that Aura made. She asked me to give it to you in her place. I think it's based off of the Russian egg dolls? I can't remember their name, sorry.
I think I have to go now; the sun's starting to rise, so I can still go for my morning jog before going to work. Bye, Mom. I'll take care on the way back.
Mod Speaks: Alright, ladies and gentlemen, it's time to get real. This is something you probably don't like hearing, and have seen it end the runs of many of your favorite blogs, but I have to give in and admit that I can no longer balance blogging with pursuing my bachelor degree.
I'd tried to give the reassurance back then that I'll come back during downtime, and had personally thought of doing a UR-1 mini-arc (behind the scenes detail right here; come eat up), but as my semester progressed, I found out that that was simply not feasible. The early days of the semester are spent getting my footing down in this new living environment and figuring out a timetable for my daily life. The midterm is when assignments start rolling in, alongside the dread midterm tests. And for the tail end of the semester, I had to focus on wrapping up assignments before jam-packed studying for my finals.
Apart from semester breaks peppered in between, this is going to be my life for the next 3.5 years or longer, so I might as well pull the cord and stop giving false hope to however few people that are still watching this blog. I am making it official: this blog will be discontinued forever. I might open it up for inheritance, but I'll have to be cautious if I do that; who knows if someone only wants to "manage" the account so that they can advertise something else.
This blog won't be deleted; it'll still be around so that newbies who come across by chance can still read what little content I've created, but don't expect any more activity here from now on.
Although it is a great shame that I simply could not find a way to balance the two like I'd wanted to, I cannot deny that this has brought color to my life during the wait for my pre-university results, so I cannot thank enough the likes of @phoenix-wright-defense-attorney, @miles-edgeworth-chief-prosecutor, @maya-hee-maya-hoo, @franziska-von-karma-the-prodigy, or @ema-skye-forensic-skyentist for doing this together with me, even if it was short-lived. And of course, thank you everyone who's stuck with me when this blog was at its peak; we wouldn't have been able to create the amazing story that was Turnabout New Year, New Family if you hadn't come up with the insane idea at the first place.
(Yes, I am now coming out to admit that Turnabout New Year, New Family was completely on the spot. The idea of exploring the Gramarye half-siblings plotline had not occured to me nor @phoenix-wright-defense-attorney, despite seeming so obvious once I decided to do Apollo guest appearance. It certainly made his brief return a lot more interesting than just a glorified cameo, though.)
I think that's enough from me; I always end up writing walls of text without meaning to. As always, thank you to my quote-on-quote "conspirators" on this site, as well as all of the people who'd stuck around. You're all amazing. Until next time... stay fresh.
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Mod Speaks:
Decided to make a quick meme. Sorry for the lack of content still; hope you enjoy!
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Ah, Ms Cykes, did you ever hear of the "Reaper of the Bailey" that existed at the turn of the 20th century? He was a prosecutor, and for a good portion of his career, most of his cases resulted in guilty verdicts, the few that ended up declared not guilty ended up dying one way or another shortly after, hence the nickname.
Although if you've ever heard of a man named "Ryuunosuke Naruhodo," (who is your boss' ancestor) I'll have you know that this trend stopped after he arrived in London and acted as a defense attorney against him...
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The Grim Reaper of the Old Bailey... hmm...
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Right, of course! He was a pioneer of the judiciary field in England! The entire "Reaper's Curse" conspiracy surrounding him was monumental in the history of the country. We had to learn extensively about him during my law degree in college.
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Records say entire Europe was flabbergasted when the truth came out - of the Reaper's own mouth, no less! There are hundreds, if not thousands of history books and zines written about the shocking web of events that formed this "curse" in the first place, and what happened down the years to finally unravel it all.
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The copies of the books I got during my exchange tour in England leaves out quite a bit of details, though, like the Asogi Clan's involvement. Guess some things needed to be covered up...
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I don't know much about Ryuunosuke Naruhodo, however. With how different Japanese law is compared to European law, I didn't really get to study about him during my degree.
Although, I have heard that his exploits redefined the judicial world in Japan much like Barok Van Zieks did for England... hmm...
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The dragon's fury!!!!! DX
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This is fun! :D
Hey guys!
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I’m finally here! The one, the only, Laurice Deauxnim, famed children’s author! The guy who wrote Franzy’s Whippity-Whip Trip, remember?
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My next book, Cupiglet’s Lovey-Dovey Lark, should be hitting bookstore shelves any day now! 
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…Any day now.
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So send in some questions or whatever! I’d love to talk about my process!
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Announcement ~ The Moderator's Opening Statement
Good evening, everyone. I have returned from inactivity to give an update for what is going to happen in the future.
I am pleased to announce that starting by 13 June, I will be pursuing my Bachelor of Science (Honours) Biomedical Science in Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman! Even as of now, I'm taking action to make the necessary preparations for university life, such as inspecting my accomodation and planning what to buy. It's a very big step of my life, and frankly, I'm not sure if I should be excited for it or dread it.
To tell the truth, I've heard what you could call "horror stories" of university life, from my brother, one of my aunts and my best friend. A part of me fears that they are not speaking hyperbole, and that I'll be so completely sunk in schoolwork that I won't even have time to glance at the messages of my friends. Compounded by the fact that Biomedical Science is by no means a "relaxing" course, I might have to prepare myself to be a full-time schoolaholic.
So what does that mean for this blog? Well, the awful obvious, for starters: as reluctant as I am to say this, you will have to expect much fewer activity than before. I understand that an announcement of inactivity is often the worst thing a follower of their favorite work could expect, but I'd rather get this out of the way than confuse you by sudden inactivity if it is really as bad as I imagine it to be.
However, this does not mean that my inbox will be left to gather dust bunnies. What Athena said when this blog was first created still holds true: all questions sent in will be answered. The only difference is how long it takes. It's understandable if you find it a waste of time to send in one and have to wait possibly months before it gets answered, but please don't be discouraged by this announcement alone, because I will answer your question one day.
Lastly, I apologize for the current inactivity, as there just hasn't been anything of note to answer or post about, although some of the other bloggers assured me that with the finals season being around the corner for western countries (I'm Malaysian, for the record, so I'm not aware of this), my audience wouldn't be too disappointed either way. Even still, I believe this is something that needs to be addressed, with my last post before the generic reblog today being on 20 March.
That's all. Have a good night, dear folks!
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Hey boss, isn't this the weirdo who barged into your office during that wedding case you handled?
Hey guys!
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I’m finally here! The one, the only, Laurice Deauxnim, famed children’s author! The guy who wrote Franzy’s Whippity-Whip Trip, remember?
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My next book, Cupiglet’s Lovey-Dovey Lark, should be hitting bookstore shelves any day now! 
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…Any day now.
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So send in some questions or whatever! I’d love to talk about my process!
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Ngh, it's getting closer...! What kind of horrid luck do we have to have a random marching band at the street right across this park?!
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[Faster, whippersnappers! How can you still be so far away, when my dearest Edgy-poo is about to be swept away from me?!]
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(This chilling screech... it's so familiar... I'd hear it every now and then whenever... I...)
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(I knew it.)
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Everyone! I think I know why this marching band is here.
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[Y-You do?]
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...... One Wendy Oldbag.
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Why are there members of a marching band coming towards us? They possess multiple instruments such as trumpets, drums, and xylophones!
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Did you hire musicians for this occasion? Did any of our foolish little brothers hire them?
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I didn’t do that. Or at least, I think I didn’t.
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Why would I ever ruin our little brothers long awaited moment?
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@trucy-wright-gramarye-magician, did you hire them?
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Mod Speaks:
edgy poo~ :)
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(Anyone who dares to refer to me as such, you get one warning... run. I will not have you sully one of the most momentous occasions of my life!)
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I know, I know! I can't really hear all that clearly from this distance, but I know Mr. Wright is speaking in "smitten romantic" mode! There's no mistaking that tone!
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[And the way Mr. Edgeworth is fidgeting ever so slightly as he speaks... the plan is kicking into high gear, no doubt about it.]
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Mweheeheehee! You are excited to see how this turns out after all, aren't you, mein freund? :D
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[...... You know I'm only sticking around to not let you have a repeat of dangerous stunts like before.]
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Deny it all you want, but the heart never lies! You'd do well to remember that, mi amigo~!
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My-My head- agh, it's swaying like crazy...!
D-Don't worry for me, guys. I'm-I'm okay.
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[Ring, ring!]
[You have (1) incoming call from: Apollo Justice. What would you like to do?]
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Oh crap!
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[A-Are you okay?! Did you land on grass?! See if there's a clinic nearby; you'll need a doctor if the injuries are serious!]
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Not so loud, Apollo!
I-I'm fine; I don't think I'll need a doctor, so don't worry for me, okay?
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[Are you kidding me?! A fall from a tree is not a laughing matter! Even if it was a small one, even if you'd landed on grass and not concrete, you can still be seriously hurt!]
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(Oh boy, we are so going to get found out aren't we?)
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I-I go away to visit Junie for 2 days, and Mr. Wright begins to propose to-?!
O. M. G!!!!! :0
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Consider it done, then, Maya! I'm gonna help you make sure nothing goes awry during this climatic night!
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Hey, hey! @simonblackquill-rp-blog! What say you also join in on this recon mission by my side? :D
(Although I won't blame you if you already have White Day plans with a certain fellow colleague of yours!)
I'm not Ema but I'm assuming that one of 5 things will happen. 1, is that they'll both chicken out and not say anything. 2 is that Larry will show up and fuck things up. 3 is that a murder will happen, 4 is that one of them will be kidnapped. And the inevitable 5th in which something goes horribly wrong
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With their luck, I’d bet all 5 could happen at the same time…
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Which is why we’re doing mission: spying on them to make sure everything goes well!
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And I know a certain squad who could help me with that.
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Hey @pearl-fey-spirit-medium @trucy-wright-gramarye-magician @ema-skye-forensic-skyentist @athena-cykes-defense-attorney @franziska-von-karma-the-prodigy! Care to join me to help these dorks?
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And of course you guys too, anons and followers! Feel free to help out as well!
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(You really know just the thing to give me, don't you?)
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Ugh, that sappy idiot! He's gonna get ALL the hugs when I see him again! Mark my words!
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Ah, crap! It's already 6:30?! I need to get back quickly; Simon wouldn't wait for me if I'm late!
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Thanks for the help once again, Pearly! I'll be sure to let Boss know that you were able to help out with my magatama!
Adieu, mon ami! :D
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Hey Pearly! I'm here! Sorry for the wait; Mr. Wright needed my feedback on a few details for a previous case.
Here, I've brought my magatama!
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Mr. Wright told me that you'll be able to recharge it in a jiffy, so I leave the rest to you.
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Thanks for the help! :D
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It's no problem at all! Let me take a look...
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Aha, there we go! It really does shine like the sun, doesn't it? Here, Athena, you can have it back now~!
[OOC]: The charged gold magatama is an edit by Enquaston of the previously seen uncharged version made by Starora on AA Online!
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Thank you, Pearly!
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Mweheehee, back to normal you go!
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Huh?! Oh! Sorry, I was just thinking.
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Um, I'm not sure how much you know about magatamas, but... say, Pearly, does mine have any "special abilities"? I know Boss' green one lets him see those lock things when people are lying, but what would my yellow one do?
J-Just curious, is all!
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Hey Pearly! I'm here! Sorry for the wait; Mr. Wright needed my feedback on a few details for a previous case.
Here, I've brought my magatama!
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Mr. Wright told me that you'll be able to recharge it in a jiffy, so I leave the rest to you.
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Thanks for the help! :D
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It's no problem at all! Let me take a look...
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Aha, there we go! It really does shine like the sun, doesn't it? Here, Athena, you can have it back now~!
[OOC]: The charged gold magatama is an edit by Enquaston of the previously seen uncharged version made by Starora on AA Online!
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Oh, right! She did the same thing to your green one, didn't she?
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I'll shoot her a message now! Thanks, boss!
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(Maybe I can also ask her more about what my magatama can do...)
Did you see Athena's new memento?
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The memento...?
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Oh, do you mean that magatama Apollo gave her?
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Yeah, I have. I’m a bit curious about it myself.
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But I’m glad Athena has something to remind her of Apollo. Now we can always have a way to be closer to him without him being here.
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Hee hee! I'll always cherish it like it's a part of-
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The heck?! Why did it just... die out on me? It was shining like the sun just a moment ago!
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Hmm, let me try shaking it. You think it would help?
Helloooo? Earth to magatama?
[Mod Speaks: the uncharged gold magatama is credit to Starora on AA Online. A charged version will be appearing in a later post; that, on the other hand, will be an edit courtesy Enquaston.]
Did you see Athena's new memento?
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The memento...?
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Oh, do you mean that magatama Apollo gave her?
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Yeah, I have. I’m a bit curious about it myself.
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But I’m glad Athena has something to remind her of Apollo. Now we can always have a way to be closer to him without him being here.
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