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Athena Minerva x Pallous Ophidian -Best friends- "If you been Just staring at the sunrise Above this hollow town Been chasing empty memories The kind that's keeping you down Can't seem to find your stride Just trying to live your life Been feeling suffocated Searching for vindication This sense of indecision Ain't what we had in mind The dream that I envisioned I am still hoping to find You ain't done nothing wrong But we ain't done nothing right I know that's somethings missing But the world will keep on Turning turning You gotta keep that fire Burning burning I know you think you're in a hurry There's no need to worry Cause I can feel it Turning turning Our luck is turning around Chasing these empty verses Some roads have crooked signs We're losing all this daylight But soon the moon's gonna rise These final puzzle pieces We tried but they're too tight But if we ease the pressure I bet they'll fit just right" -Turnin' By: Young Rising Sons
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Dear Ari, Oh how the time has passed since we have last spoken.. last had any fourm of contact. I can't even remember the last time you tucked me into my bed, or the last time you had battled away all the darkness through the years.. I can't hardly remember your voice when you would tell me things will be alright. Nor can i hear the words "i love you." anymore. I can't recall the feeling you always gave me with your delicate touch; nor could i really care. The moment i had needed you most to catch me, you let me fall. I fell right through your "loving" grip that you had promised me would always be there. I fell right past the brother that i had thought i knew. At first i was hurt, angered by your actions. I hadn't understood why you had chose to hurt me the way you did. I couldn't began to understand why you made me walk alone to this terrible path. You blew out the only light that had lit my tunnel in life... But that's alright. I eventually learned how to survive. Your "little owl" spread her wings and learned to grow up. The monsters that had use to haunt me soon became my only friends. They guided me through the dark void that you had left behind. They filled the shoes that i never thought would grow empty. And they mended my broken heart that you had destroyed. The monsters beckoned to many names.. but Revenge had been the one who pulled me the most. Revenge was the one that had managed to pick me back up, and stand me on my own two feet. It made me realize that i can live without you; to /win/ without you. Your absense made me realize how strong i had become. It made me realize that i truly was better off without you. So thank you, for walking away from me. Thank you for not thinking i was worth a second thought. You were always my greatest heartbreak; but at least i know that losing the thing that meant the most to me.. i can still learn how to breathe. Your "little owl" might be broken, she might have strayed from the path that you had invisioned. She may be the person that you despise the most... but she had learned to manage. She learned to spread her wings.. and she learned to grow up. I wish you the best with the bottom of my shattered heart. And maybe one day, you won't be just a stranger with a familiar name. Yours truly, Little Owl
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Walk amongst the ones beneath you. Walk along with the ones who had betrayed you. Walk along every path. And leave no stones unturned. Began to learn your enemies. But don't let your weakness show. Greet them with a smile. But remember to take things slow. Don't let your anger take control. Don't let your demons defeat you. Walk amongst them with a cautious mind, Be aware of what’s around you. Don’t let your vision go blind. Seek companionship with another Don’t let them suffer. Until the time has come, And your job is done. Laugh with many.. But don’t trust any.
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-Closed Roleplay with Rae Valeska- ______________________ How can i go forward when i don't know which way i'm facing? ______________________ Walking among the mortals was bothersome enough for the young Deity, but she could shake away the painful feeling of having to blend in. She hated being one of /them/. She couldn't do anything to protect herself in most scenarios, and that alone made it rather dangerous. A heavy sigh escaped from the woman's lips as she walked to a rather musky building. Her hand grazed across the golden railing, as she climbed up the petite stairwell that they had built. She watched as people navigated around one another, laughing and talking on many strange looking handheld devices. Such an odd era for the human race. They dressed so differently, with 'cut off jeans' that seemed to be flawed with holes and even shirts that hadn't seemed to go all the way down, rather stopping just at the peak of their stomachs. Nowhere near appropriate when a Goddess like herself was around. Athena glared down at her matching outfits as most of the other mortals that were coming and going from the building. Clearly ridiculous. Why should she have to dress in this manner? She brushed away the thoughts of her new wardrobe and set foot into the building. It was littered with so many humans. Athena was surprised to see so many people fit in such a tiny place. They all seemed to gather around these massive paintings and sculptures that aligned the perimeter of the wall. Flashes came from the devices that they held in their hands, and it startled the woman. How could something so small make that type of light? The woman lifted her head as if she wasn't just phased by the mortals and carried into a room that had read out "Mortuus est de exhibendo" Which had been Latin for the exhibit of the dead. A curious glance had sent the woman shooting into the room. She was surprised at what she had seen, it hadn't been like the rest of the Exhibits. The walls were painted a dark grey, And the lights dimmed. A few phrases about death were scribbled in Latin against their hallow walls. The sculptures were dark and rather morbid. The thing that had really caught Athena's curious glance was the vacancy of the room. She could count on one hand on who had dared to enter, rather than the other rooms where you could hardly push your way through the crowd. _______________ Raven’s reply How can you lose yourself in rooms full of people? Quite easily, in fact. It was this particular type of business that the ebony haired female found most at ease. Everyone else had their attention fixed on the beauty that surrounded them, appreciating age-old aesthetics with new age ideas. Or, perhaps, they were simply there to pass the time away until they had to rush off to meet their next daily deadline, of sorts. Not Raven though. The quiet, curious soul had wandered in on her own accord, guided by a growing hunger for stimulation of a very different kind. No phone was fused to her palm. Those were covered by the black fingerless gloves that warmed her small hands. A leather jacket locked in the heat to her upper body, wrapping the plain white tee that sheltered her from the biting October breeze. Denim coated her legs, stopping atop the rim of black boots that only added an inch to her height, while a faded blue back-pack sat below her shoulder blades. Stepping through the chattering hoards, feasting her eyes on sights that she'd taken in a million times, her steps led her directly towards the exhibit that she was there to drink in. Death. Such a dark fascination to have. Even more so considering how often the two had been in each other's company. The reason for her visit was one of morbid curiosity. Meeting the thing that has tried to take you numerous times, and failed. Or, changed his mind, as it were. Though, as she stepped from the incessant chirping that echoed through the vaults of her mind, and into the almost deafening quiet of her main destination, all else seemed to fade into the background. Not even the gentle sound of her boots treading the marble flooring registered as she pushed forward, deeper into the enticing room. It's decor inviting her onward, challenging her to find the answers that she sought out. _____________________________ Athena’s Reply Athena trudged along the walls of the exhibit. Her delicate hands had reached out as she gazed around the room. Everything about this room had a different feeling to it, a different style. Her fingers grazed over the icy touch of metal, catching her attention. The woman stopped in her tracks and stared at the wording carved into the walls. It had been just another quote that added to the dynamics of the room. It caused a small smile to peak from the woman's lips. Such a simple phrase but it always seemed to hold so much more meaning that it had. Her gaze followed ahead of her to the next wall, and her feet continued to move along. The further into the room she had managed to go, the colder it had seemed to get. A simple draft perhaps? Or maybe it was the foolish clothing that she had worn as an outfit. Either way, it made the little hairs on her arm stand up. Immediately, Her hands met her own as she rubbed her arms, letting the goosebumps fade away. She stood in the room with her arms locked; not wanting to allow the draft to break the warmth she already had. Athena's eyes broke from all of the displays, and onto the people who had entered the shallow room. Many of them seemed dissent, others slightly frightened or creeped out by the showcase. But there was one person, in particular, that seemed to have an odd attachment in ways the others hadn't. She had almost looked as if she found comfort in the twisted room. It had confused Athena. How can a mortal be so okay with the thought of death, and morbid festivities? Her gaze was locked with the other from across the room. She hadn't really meant to stare, but she just couldn't help her fascination. She watched the other's movements carefully; even picking up some signs about the woman that many wouldn't have been able to perceive at first glance. What was it about this girl that seemed to be so interesting?
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Athena Minervaa x Hendrix Laiskus (ignore the photo ill get a better one) Icy hues flickered to a moving shadow along the far wall of the musky room. At first glance, the young goddess had thought nothing of it, but it was only when It continued to move ever so slightly was when she decided it was time to give it another glance. The movement of the shadow had sparked a slight amount of confusion in the woman as she tried to figure out what the cause was, it seemed too large to be an animal but too slow to be a human. “Reveal yourself.” The brunette had let out as she spoke to the mocking shadows. Her echo had been the only sound to bounce back in her response. How dare they play such games. Had they thought she had been a fool? What had been the reason for such obscurity? Rising to her feet, Athena moved along the far wall; and past all the minor barriers, that seemed to block her from her way. As she navigated around each obstacle the shadow began to move quicker. It was on the run. Angered by the behavior displayed, the woman set foot after it. How are they to invade her personal space, and then proceed to ignore the young goddess? She might have let them go if they were to merely listen; but now they were to pay a price. Gaining on top of the shadow; it wasn’t long before she was at their heels, and with a flick of a wrist; they were under her acrimonious grasp. She had felt the other flinch slightly and pull away from her grip; but it hadn’t been much use, and the other didn’t seem to put up a rather difficult fight. After retrieving back to a desolate room, Athena released the individual and proceeded to be the barrier to the exit. Her anger was brought down to a simmer when she had realized that the intruder was nothing but a kid. Oh, how she couldn’t possibly harm a child. The woman released the small dagger that had already been drawn to her hand; slowly putting it back in its correct holder. Once the dagger had been taken care of, her focus returned on the male. Her icy hues narrowed in the direction of the boy as she instantly spat out to him. “What business do you have lurking around a place like this?” ________________________- The assignment was simple. Watch and learn, find any form of weakness on the target. Hendrix had warned the rest that they shouldn't send him out. He was a disaster now and he knew it. The target was easier to find than he had anticipated but he had to remain in darkness. Why? Because he had been told, not because he wanted to. ''This is bull.'' He muttered in his own mind, unable to make himself care about the mission and that would be his downfall. He sigh when he heard the young Goddess speak. ''If you're caught, run.'' He remembered the words well he had been told before he came out here. A sigh left his lips, not wanting to run but doing so anyway for now, not like he had any chance as he wasn't fast. He could feel the crasp, looking down at the hand as he looked back at her. He didn't put up a fight, the run had worn him out as he had expected, nor could he care about getting caught anyway. Getting pulled to a desolate room, he just looked at her. Unable to grasp the fact that someone with such strange beauty could be his enemy. His eyes glanced down to the dagger that she was putting away. ''I was looking for a pretty girl and there you are.'' He said, trying to sound interested and sincere but surely he was failing at that, as he looked up at her face for a moment only to look back down at the holstered dagger. ''Go ahead. Use it.'' He said in a stoic tone of voice. ''what is it? Too scared to use it? Do it, you'll do me a favor.'' He shrugged as he moved around her. ''Now if you would excuse me, I need to get going.'' He mused, surpressing a yawn as he moved towards the door. __________________________________ "I was looking for a pretty girl and there you are." His words had replayed over and over again in the woman's mind. She couldn't help but snicker at his words. What was this to him? A game? Was he in it for the thrill of the chase? What a foolish child. Her eyes rolled to his words as she could feel his taunts. She didn't understand the male in the slightest. What child would wish for harms way to come over them? Who would ever dare to be that foolish and mock a god? Had he been aware of how powerful the woman was? Or was he underestimating her? Either way it was a rather dangerous game that he had decided to play with her. "Why would i use this against you? You haven't done anything yet to completely deserve that end result." Her words were just as mocking as his. She circled around the boy as she spoke out, clearly amused by his actions. She might not have understood what was going on or why but she wasn't foolish enough to just let him go. Her gaze stiffened; and the amusement faded as she leaned over to speak to him again. "You my darling, aren't going anywhere. Where did you come from? And who sent you!" Her words were sharper than she had intended them to be. But she couldn't let any random person ease their way in. ________________________ Honestly he only agreed to spy on her, to maybe feel some form of thrill, to feel anything at all. But again, there was nothing, no care, no worry, no nothing. In a way it was disappointing, yet it just made him curious, mostly because he didn’t feel disappointment the way others did. “I haven’t? I watched you, invaded your private space. Why not use it against me? The almighty Athena has a soft spot? I mean, that’s what I heard anyway, you’re supposed to be quite ruthless in your ways, are the stories wrong?” He asked as he turned to face her once more. Hen’s hands slid into his pockets as he looked her over fully. A Goddess, but someone looking so very normal to him, yet he was unsure if that was because he simply couldn’t be intimidated anymore by anything. Maybe others would cower in fear before her, worship her like some worshipped the Gods. He knew he would go on his knees for her too but only for the simple reason that standing up was more tiring to him. “I go wherever I want lady, and right now that’s back to my bed, watch some lame ass show on tv. Perfection.” He grinned. “I sent myself. I was curious about you. Can’t a guy be curious about a girl? I mean, I know you are a Goddess to many, but isn’t there still a girl somewhere under all that bravado? That’s what I was curious about. If there is more about you than meets the initial eye. So what’s it gonna be, lady? Stab me or watch me walk out?” ______ Athena’s reply Athena Minerva The males taunts had infuriated the young brunette. How could one just be so reckless? Why hadn't he cared? She didn't like his test one bit. Her lips moved in a thin line as she listened again to what was said. His bored tone replayed over and over again in the woman's mind. Her hands reached once more for the knife as she circled around the male. Without another thought, her hands wrapped quickly around the males face forcing him to look at her. The tip of the knife danced between the small gap between the two of them. "I would watch your tongue if I were you; for your wishes can easily become my request. I want to spare you child, but you are making it harder by the passing moment." her words trailed off as she listened back to the man. Softly he had answered her questions, but not in the manner she would have preferred. "I believe there is a far more appropriate way to speak to a goddess like myself, and it doesn't include 'lady.'" The woman purred.
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Athena Minerva × Verona Stolthed //Closed roleplay. If you don't like it i can remake it. <3 ----------------------------------- Beauty comes in many shapes and sizes. ----------------------------------- Something set Athena off that day.. To a point beyond compare. The powerful animosity that fueled Athena was too strong.. So as Athena every solution to a simple problem she went outside, to get lost in the nature. It was cold, and damp from where the rain had finally ceased to fall from the sky. Athena began to hike up the mountain as she tried her best to clear her mind. Athena always seemed to find herself the calmest when she was surrounded by nature; and even more so when she is alone. There was a trail in the mountain woods that usually led up to a beautiful creek with a little cave like structure, just enough for you to fit conformably into. So Athena made her way over to her natural hideout. The dew covered grass flattened beneath Athena's weight as she trampled and marched over them. As the grass began to thin out and clear, it was replaced with a mixture of dusty gravel rocks and dirt. So Athena began to travel west towards the ample trail of rocks. Once Athena reached the top, of her destination she instantly fell to her knees by the creek; slowly sipping the ice cold water. She then began to take her hands and splash water on her face. she paused for a moment to stare at the water and began again before she quickly stopped and stared once more for the last time. When she took a closer look, she saw an outline of a blonde girl with long hair, she was pale and skinny.. And sanding behind her. Athena jumped and whipped around to stare at the blonde behind her. "Wh-who are you? How long have you been behind me?" ________ "What's wrong? I do not believe that is how you are to speak to a goddess... Where are your manors?" The young brunette muttered as she looked down on the girl. And why was she all the way out here /alone/. There had been so many things that appeared to be wrong with that, for one... nobody had ever gone up there. The place had always been quite desolate, so for Athena to have to randomly share her spot that she always seemed to wander to when she had wanted to be alone put her in a foul mood. Another grumble came from the goddess as she glared at the other "What's wrong? Do you really feel the need to ask that? Why have you wandered up this way anyways?"
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Athena Minerva x Ossa Chaumont //Closed roleplay, if you don't like it i can always remake it. <3 --------------------------------------- Be careful who you tell your secrets to, not everyone is looking out for you. --------------------------------------- Athena was never one to let herself go for another. She wasn't one to ever share any information about herself or anyone else; without having something in return. For just sharing things bluntly was always a very dangerous game to play. The game only became deadly when trust began to be thrown into the mix. The young goddess knew better to not let herself become this way. She tried to block her emotions and force them aside when speaking to others. But one can only keep up the charade for so long before they began to fall, and Athena? She was slipping. Athena was always well put together and highly social. She carried herself in a very modest manner. A way that often pleasurable to the common eye. She was known for her very diverse personality from the rest of the Minerva Clan, and often times it had played to her advantage. Athena was always one of the first to hear about or notice newcomers; which hadn't been often when someone new came about. But she always tried her best to approach them first, so she would be able to understand them and build a mutual common ground. The news of either a 'new person' or a rather 'quiet one' in the town had greatly sparked Athena's curiosity and she immediately began to search for the other. She hadn't been too difficult to locate for the young goddess. And once she had been spotted, Athena requested her to meet in the garden, for something 'that might interest the both of them.' It hadn't been hard for Athena to spike the curiosity within the other. After their first meeting and introduction, they had seemed to grow rather fond of one another and requested a few more meetups in the same location, same spot. ~~~~~~ As the time grew closer, the brunette made her way towards the garden. The young brunette had agreed to meet with the other yet again, and she couldn't afford to be late. Athena had only met with her a handful of times before that and she had grown quite fond of the other. She hadn't want to mess things up now by a minor setback, when it could be easily avoided. After arrival to their designated location, the brunette immediately spotted the other. A soft smile grew from the brunette as she began to walk over, leaning in for a small hug. "Thank you as always for meeting me here. I do have some very interesting information that i am sure you will absolutely adore." Athena paused as she walked over to the bench, and motioned the other to follow, so they could sit down. ____________________ A wide grin had pulled from the brunette's lips as she instantly spotted her new companion. It had been nice to talk to another individual and not have to think twice about them stabbing you in the back, without them hurting you in a way that would leave you paralyzed. To have a friend who you could laugh with, and even share information with. It hadn't been something that the young brunette had received in such a long time. For she hadn't ever trusted another after her fallout with her 'best friend' that shattered athena; Which she is still picking up the pieces. It shattered her trust in another, as well as any type of compassion. She hadn't ever found herself connected to another; until recently. Athena had been well aware of befriending a new person in a time like this. She had known the risk more than anyone, and she had known what the taste of war and revenge would taste like to any outsider. Despite how much Athena just wanted to will away any of her negative thoughts about befriending the other, she had to listen. She might have turned her back to many things that had been told to her, in order to maintain and keep the relationship between the two women civil; but she wouldn't dare to be blinded by her vision. A quick and simple text was all it took to get the other's attention, And it wasn't much of a wait to meet up with her. As she met face to face with the young woman again, she immediately began to stammer useless things. But quickly stopped talking to listen to the blonde; who had seemed to be just as excited as herself. A smile followed nearly every move that the brunette made, as she continued to speak and talk with her friend. "I do quite believe that the view here is absolutely outstanding. I don't believe that i could find a better place for us to enjoy a simple conversation over a drink, Speaking of which, that does sound quite nice." A brief pause in her words as she hoisted herself up from the bench. "if you would like to stay here for just a moment, i would be more than happy to get us both something to drink or snack on, and then i will be back for some exiting news to share that i do think you will find quite interesting." A soft laugh came from the woman as she winked in the others direction.
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Athena Minerva × Aviana Meharo //Closed roleplay. If you don't like it i can remake it. <3 --------------------------------- Athena knew what it would take to survive. The dirt road before her would be hard to walk upon barefoot. She could easily see how bumpy the road was, but she could never determine when she would slip and cut her foot. she hasn't slipped yet. She's been careful, tiptoeing around the bumps and maintained her balance so she won't fall. Some days, Athena would find herself wishing, hoping for a better outcome. But it's already too late for her. They called her naive for leaving. She was just a child who was blinded by their unrealistic dreams, of which she would never in her life come close to reaching. They warned her to stay home, but she was already too far gone. She found herself pulling away the weeds, and one by one breaking away each strand that created the boundary in the road, of which she wished to take. Athena created her own path, and went her own way; hoping.. wishing.. she wasn't wrong. As days passed along her journey, she found herself contradicting her every move, as she slowly became more terrified of the road she had chosen, wondering if it was the right choice. She walked along a stream of elegant thoughts, Athena observed how the water swayed and flowed with the wind.. free, broken of its boundaries. The water often eased her nerves and caused her to relax and think clearly. So it only seemed fit for me to stay close. Along her journey, She followed the water, and continued to pull away at her boundary one strand at a time. It wasn't until she was connected with the stream itself when athena realized something important. The stream is free, and flows the way it wishes simply because it will not allow something to stand in its way. But you don't know the battle that the stream must face to remain that way. Athena sat back and reflected on her recent past, she broke free from the opinions of others, as she chose they shall no longer laden her down with defeat. She chose to forgive those who tried to break her down, and as she demolished her boundary, the road became clear. The path opened up before her. and her struggles began to ease. She looked around to the beautiful scenery that surrounded her. She had been so drawn into the nature that she hadn't even recognized the one who had been behind her. The young girl probably would have remained hidden if she hadn't coughed. Athena whipped around, following the sound as she quickly spoke up. "I know i am not alone, show yourself immediately." The young goddess's voice was stern but persistent. She should've known better than to wander out unaccompanied, thinking she would be alone.
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Athena Minerva × Ebony Demos //Closed roleplay. If you don't like it i can always remake it! <3 --------------------------------- Fear is the path to the dark side. Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to suffering. --------------------------------- Don't ever let anger blind your vision, for it can lead to complete destruction. Losing control can be your biggest weakness and easiest way to trigger your downfall, so be careful... For you never know what might happen if something were to spiral out of your hand. It was a time of hunger throughout the Deities, icy hues would flicker as she watched, one by one each god or goddess reach their last straw and slowly fall apart. The idea of a team, had long surpassed within them; as a new idea of becoming the sole deity in charge etched along their petite minds. The lust of power, and the taste of revenge masqueraded within many, but it hadn’t impacted young Athena, until she had witnessed in; in her own home. A spark of animosity seemed to infect her family, as they charged into battle blinded by power. They were thirsty. They were ruthless, it was nothing but a chaotic bloodbath.The envious actions that were taken by many of the others had only increased the flame that already breathed beneath them. Nobody had seemed to care about the sacrifices they made in order to fend for themselves. To protect only themselves from the war. Times like this had been rather strenuous to the young brunette. She hated being in the war, but she had been just as involved as the next. She had been just as guilty for factoring into the war as all of the others; so innocence wasn't something that Athena had ever cried. She knew her actions weren't the ones advised; but she hadn't had any shame to owning up to what she had done. The war always seemed to spike the young goddess' anxiety, it always seemed to find a way to work her up, so Athena had to have a 'safe zone' a place to go when things became to difficult, a place to go where she can go to cool down peacefully. Her comfort zone was well hidden, away from everyone else, everything else. So she could almost always guarantee it to be vacant. As Athena made her way over to her specific spot, she closed her eyes and placed her hands firmly on her head. She pressed tighter and tighter, trying to relieve the voices that screamed within her, and she tried to soothe the growing headache that seemed to take root. She hadn't even noticed the smaller child who had seemed to invade Athena's personal space, until much later on. Once her attention caught onto the child, she jumped slightly before narrowing her icy hues in their direction. "What brings you to invade my area in such a manner? Why have you come this way to reside in something that clearly doesn't belong to you?" Athena couldn't help the slight annoyance that she had felt with dealing with the adolescent. — withEbony Demos.
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Athena Minerva x Iris Ladas //Closed roleplay, if you don't like it i can always remake it! <3 ----------------------------- She finds color in the darkest places. She finds beauty in the saddest faces. ----------------------------- She was a rainbow in her own ways, she shone through the darkest moments, and she shined many colors other than one. She illuminated the lives of many, but it was a waste; for they all were colorblind. They couldn't look past their own ways. They couldn't look past the different shades, for them everything was to blur together. Everything was painted black and white, followed by the outlines of tradition. She represented everything they casted out. They couldn't look past their own ways to notice the beauty in the color that she displayed. Athena had heard of the woman who lost her way, who was blamed for many things. She heard the reason behind it all; and she learned about the secrets that she had stored. She had listened to the dangers about the woman, of how she shouldn't be trusted. She listened to all the sides of the twisted tale. But yet, something still hadn't felt quite right. The reason of the woman losing her wings was merely a puzzle for them all to solve. Her fingers danced over the premade puzzle that was almost complete. Although everything seemed to fit, it still hadn't been finished; and the woman's story was still left half told. There had to be more for one piece still came up missing. Her entire future seemed to be pre-decided. Every piece that fell in place seemed to determine the young woman's fate. There wasn't any retaliation, no form of argument coming from the woman, for she was already casted out. She was already an outsider looking in. From what Athena had captured, she was nothing but a fallen messenger, who was innocent and hadn't ever been worthy of such cruel actions. The woman had spiked her interest significantly, for Athena believed she harvested vital information that could help her in the future. She believed that the woman could be a strong ally, if she were to play her cards correctly. There were many reasons why Athena began her journey to the woman; but her main one still stood clear. She believed she was innocent from the stories, and for that justice should be served. It took several months to be able to reach the young woman. And to be able to come face to face with the other. Athena's journey had been rather difficult, but it did bring her to the steps shes desired so much from afar. Once coming to the entrance of the woman's home, Athena knocked several times before opening the door. "Hello? Iris? Is anyone here? My name is Athena, i have some very important business to discuss." The brunette's voice was loud and clear as it carried down the hallways of the other's home.
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Athena Minerva x Blair Morfiate //Closed roleplay, if you don't like it i can always remake it! <3 ---------------------------- Storms don't last forever ---------------------------- Athena was always fortunate enough to have the perfect family. To have the perfect home as she grew up. She had a mother who always had supported her, and a father who was at least present during major things that seemed to be important to the girl at the time. And she had siblings who had always seemed to be on her side. She always seemed to appreciate that part of life, as she knew it didn't happen often when luck would play out like that. But she always had thought it would last, that it wasn't just a temporary charade. The young goddess grew heartbroken as she watched her only family that she had loved fall apart; and slip right between her dainty little fingers. She watched as the love that they had all once shared; was replaced with a bitter animosity that fueled their darkest actions. Complete fear etched over the mind of the woman as she watched the worst come out of them. This wasn't the home that she grew up in. This wasn't the family that she came to love. This was an empty cavity of a loved one who became driven with power. This certainly wasn't a way to live; and with that small gesture, Athena knew it was time to get out. That marked the begging of her journey to a new beginning. She hadn't quite known what she would be looking for, or where to go but she did know that she couldn't stay there anymore. Every passing moment that the young brunette stayed in the toxic home; the worse she too had become. Both emotionally and physically. She battled a war that covered her in blood and bruises, and when she went to rest; another one charged in her mind. There wasn't a way of escaping the cruel fatality; unless she were to leave for a short period of time. And that's exactly what she had done to get her going on her route. As she went along, she found herself wandering a village that seemed to be different than what she had expected. Had she been lost? Did she lose her way? Or was the drastic change from the original imagery of the village accurate? Confused; Athena quickly made her way to the first person she had seen, who had just so happen to be standing over a garden tending to the crops and flowers that had just bloomed. Athena shuffled her way slowly over to the woman before tapping her on the shoulder. "Hello, i was wondering if you might be able to spare a moment of your time to hep me?"
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Athena Minerva x Mania Lyssa Opheliac //Closed roleplay, and if you don't like it i can always remake it! <3 ---------------------------- There is no great genius without some touch of madness. ---------------------------- Normality had been a great impact amongst the deities. There was a time when everyone had lived peacefully amongst one another, but had they dared to do something that was beyond the normal festivities, it were to surely create an uproar. For the gods hadn't ever adapted to change well. Day by day Athena lived a 'peaceful' life, always careful not to come close to breaking any boundaries or rules that were set in place. She never acted out of the ordinary, for she wasn't one to ever draw attention to herself. There were many things that the young goddess had longed to do through time, but were frowned upon. There had been many things that she had always wanted to say to another; but she had always bit her tongue. Until however, drastic change took place and her entire life had been turned upside down. Sides and actions of others had come out that the woman had never seen before. She had been horrified by many of the actions that took root before her. As it startled the woman greatly. Athena slipped away from the chaos that took place around her; and set foot for a much quieter and safer place. She moved quickly through the night, before resting in a smaller village looking place. Athena had been at a loss of words as to where she had wandered to, but the place had looked rather peaceful so that was all that had mattered. Her icy hues scanned her surroundings around her. And a small smile etched along her petite face as she walked towards the closest home. Surely they'll be able to help the lost goddess, or at least give her a point in the right direction. Once climbing the steps to the strangers home, her small dainty hands formed a fist as she began to knock on the tattered door. One. Two. Three times. After knocking, she gently lowered her arm back down to her side, and took a small step back. A smile plastered on her thin lips, as she stood at the closed door. _______________________ The young brunette had managed to paint a smile across her face upon knocking on the door of the stranger. As she had never quite known who would be on the other side, and who would mistake her pure intentions into something far worse. It hadn't been long before the door had swung open for the other. Athena took in everything possible about the scenery.. From the woman before her with the snippy type attitude and messy hair to the vivid smell that seemed to linger around them. Nothing to terrible had screamed out to the woman; and she had of course taken that as a good sign. Keeping her smile plastered on her face, she met eye contact with the other. "Hi yes, i am so sorry for interrupting." She had carried on with her small talk, as she slowly brushed past the woman who had opened her home to the other. Sure some things had seemed offly off about the woman. For one; she almost appeared to be having an argument within herself, but Athena wouldn't have been the one to judge such things about the other without actually sitting down to talk with them. Curious hues danced around the other woman's home. Shoving her arms into her ribcage, her eyes followed to the vivid imagery that had been displayed before her. Her eyes met back with the woman as she closed the door, The soft thud from the door had sprung athena back to life and to her purpose of being there. A soft murmur came from her as she responded back to the other quickly "I do apologize so much for the intrusion. And i would also like to acknowledge your kind gratitude that you have given me so far." A slight pause as she swayed slightly from her original position. "I had been curious if you would possibly allow me just a few more minutes of your time to listen to a favor that i must ask."
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Athena Minerva x Kore Senecio //Closed roleplay, and if you don't like it i can always remake! <3 ---------------------------- She buried her past. Planted a flower or two. Said goodbye to the old, and welcomed the new. ---------------------------- Happiness. Carefree. Joyful. Words that are often used by someone who is in a better state than most, or are merely an optimist in a pessimistic world. Words that the young goddess often tried to force amongst herself. For times had been rather difficult lately. Everything had fallen to pieces in her little world. There had been more darkness and destruction than there was light to make it out safely, but the woman tried her best to look past all of the imperfections that had been handed to her. And she tried to remember what it felt like to be happy. It had been so long from the last time the young woman felt happiness. It had been so long from the last time the puzzle pieces aligned to her favor. And the young goddess had been tired of waiting for it to happen. For a change to take root in her life that created a positive influence rather than another dark tunnel of pain and misery for her to crawl out of in time. And upon her sudden actions, Athena found herself walking alone on a beautiful pathway in the woods. It had made for the perfect scenic route; which had eventually lead to a clearing that had been laden with beautiful flowers and a clear body of water that glistened and danced in the light. Such a beautiful sight that she had walked upon. It was a much calmer environment than what the goddess had been used to; and someone had spent a lot of work to maintain its beauty that it seemed to captivate. Her gown carried with the wind and her soft movements, as it too danced along to the beautiful melody that nature seemed to play out to her. She circled the nearby roses and stopped to smell them when a figure of a familiar blonde emerged from the distance. She seemed rather hidden behind the taller bush. Had Athena been invasive? Was she intruding on something? Why was the other there? Could she be here for the same reason as herself? So many questions raced through her mind as she let out a loud call. "I come baring peace. I do not mean to invade. I am just merely a friend taking in the beauty of the nature around me. Please don't be afraid. I'm Athena."
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Athena Minerva x Venus Raptıs //Closed roleplay, If you don't like it just let me know and i'll remake it! <3 ------------------------- Love doesn't hurt. Expectations do. ------------------------- It's ironic how our hearts can still get hurt by something that we've seen coming. No matter the amount of intelligence in another, we can all make the same ridden moves, not because we know that its not the best idea, but merely because our emotions lead us to do it. And that is something we can never escape. No amount of wisdom can spare one from a broken heart, or a shattered view of another. No amount of wisdom can perceive the bitter story that is yet to unfold. And No amount of wisdom can spare you from the heartbreak. One might say they've adapted, that they can dodge the curve ball that is to be thrown their way, but in all reality... They're just as naive as the next. At an early age; Athena had an abnormally exceptional view on reality and all its twisted games. She had understood what it meant to truly be in love, and what it had meant to play games. She understood the difference of someone who had been committed and one who had been tied down. And often she could see the misfortunate events that would lead to the heartbreak of another, but this time she was blind. She had been blinded by her own personal views of the blonde who had seemed to captivate and steal her brother's heart. She had witnessed the games that had been played, but she became emotionally attached; and gave into her heart telling the story of truth. She looked past the imperfections and flaws that screamed out warnings and very plausible triggers; for the story that she had always wanted to hear. As fate always plays out, one simple event let to the next, which eventually lead to the downfall of the two. Which then quickly lead to heartbreak. The pain that had been received between the blonde and her brother had been significant and it created a great amount of change within the both. The change had drastically made poor Ares worse than he had ever been, and he became merely a shell of who he use to be. He became much colder than ever before. Athena had always felt a great amount of guilt, for if her emotions weren't a factor into seeing what she wanted for the two to work, she could've warned the male, and spared him from the heartbreak. She felt as if she were pulled in the middle of the dreadful situation, whether it was intentional or not. And the young girl couldn't help herself but to seek out the woman responsible for the heartbreak Ares endured. Athena wanted to speak peacefully with the other, and try to reason with her. She wanted to understand why the woman did what she did to him, and she wanted to make things right and try to make amends for her brother so he could return to the way he use to be. After weeks of pondering what to say, she stood outside; wondering when the best time to seek the blonde out would be. Lost in her own train of thoughts, she ran into another; and immediately began to apologize. "I'm so sorry, I really should've be-" Her words cut off as she registered who she had been speaking to. Her eyes widened as she instantly reached for the other's arm to pull her away and towards a nearby tree where it had been quieter for them to speak. "Aphrodite, I need to speak to you. It's rather important."
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Athena Minerva x Mel Chthonic //Closed roleplay- Melione is one of the closest thing to a 'friend' that Athena has. And i really wanted to write if she were to break. So if you don't like it i can always remake! ---------------- Noone cares how much you know, until you show them how much you care." -Roosevelt. ---------------- She was often chasing empty memories in the shadows of the past. They echoed back in a tease, catching her attention and luring her back into the broken cage. useless facts; bitter memories, and distinct faces danced around the brunette as their fraudulent calls grew louder. They beat along the cage that bounded the woman; harder and harder until they could escape. Each tear that seemed to roll down the young goddess' face; seemed to be paired to a painful memory that she could no longer keep abay. Rejection. Betrayal. Broken Promises. All circled around the young woman's mind as she played back the scenes that had seemed to shatter everything the woman held close. Not being able to hardly stand the pain, and mocking echos.. the woman set foot to find the only person that she had seemed to grow rather attached to. Would she call her a friend? An acquaintance? Or just a mere stranger with a few shared memories? The title of /what/ they were seemed to escape the mindset of the brunette. As the only thing that had seemed to latch onto her fragile focus was the delicate touch of comfort that the other seemed to always provide the female when she needed it most. The one touch that always seemed to settle the roaring storm that resided inside. Her sudden need for compassion had her knocking on the young woman's door. It had been ages since she had last been there, she had thought as she waited for the door to open. Once answered Athena fell immediately into the other's arms, as she whispered "I've really messed up. Something happened, and this.. this is it." Her voice paused as her dainty hands rose to wipe away another fallen tear before speaking once more. "I am very sorry to intrude, as i know you have other things to do. But You're all i have. You're the only one i can come to.." She trailed off as she looked down, embarrassed. She shouldn't have ever come. She should have just kept to herself. ___________________________ Melinöe heard the whispers. The spirits were talking to her again, but as she became more stir-crazed, the more mixed up the voices got due to lack of focus. Something about 'hiss at her'? No, that couldn't be right. She paced her home that was no bigger than need be - it was only her and the ghosts that haunted the house anyhow. Mel couldn't make out what all the overlapping words were. "One at a time, guys. I can't properly reply if I cannot decipher what it is you all speak of," Mel rubbed her temples and let out a sigh of frustration. The phantom of an older woman stood before Melinöe when Mel had turned to leave the room. The woman lifted a single finger, pointed in the direction of the door. "Visitor," spoke the apparition. Mel took a deep breath, relieved someone finally helped her. "Thank you, ma'am," Mel spoke with sincerity. As Mel made her way towards the front door, she heard knocking. Who was visiting her? Hardly anyone came around, unless it was to try to take her head from her body. Shaking off the past, Meli opened the front door to see Athena. As the goddess hugged Melinöe, the memories came rushing back, almost as if someone had opened flood gates. "Athena?," Mel asked, not sure how to react. She hadn't seen the female in years. "Come in, luv. What's happened?," she shut the door behind the girl as she spoke __________________________________ The woman had been broken beyond compare. What she had just witnessed had shattered everything that the girl had stood for. The peace within her was destroyed and Athena wasn't quite sure what she should do, or how to mend what had been broken. The scene had replayed over and over in her mind. Her closest friend, destroying everything in the woman. Her closest friend; killing her mother and forever breaking up the Minerva clan. She hadn't quite understood. Why /now/ Her hands trembled in the other's grasp as her vision flashed back to just a few moments ago. It had only been a heated argument between Pallous and herself, people were not meant to be hurt... or killed. A vile was thrown her way and within moments; everything had changed. Tears flew down her broken skin as she jumped out of it. She looked at the painfully confused woman before her. She could see all the questions forming in the woman's head. What had happened? Why was Athena here? After /all/ this time. What must have gone so wrong? But even through the obvious confusion that the woman had displayed, she still seemed to bare open arms to Athena. Athena didn't move from where she was. She kept herself locked in Melione's arms. She felt safe there, like nothing else could go so terribly wrong. Her hold had restrained the goddess, And soothed her painful emotions. After what had seemed like such a long time, Athena's cries became nothing but a whimper, and slowly began to cease. She pulled away from the goddess and wiped away the tears from her swollen eyes. Making eye contact with the woman wasn't something that Athena could be capable of doing just yet. She had been embarrassed to come all this way; especially as broken as she arrived. So the woman stared at the ground as she began to speak. "It's my mother.. She's.. She's dead. Pallous killed her. She died in my arm's and-" her voice had been cut off as the tears began to flow once more. She held out her arms that were covered in her mothers blood, revealing the scratches and burns that Athena had as well. The blood didn't stop, it was everywhere. There was so much blood, Athena couldn't tell if she were still bleeding or not.
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//Closed roleplay with Jupiter Raptis If you don't like it, let me know and i will redue it. Time use to stand still for the young adolescents. They were peaceful and war was just a mere nightmare, an awful bedtime story. So one can only imagine the confusion when the twisted story began to fade from the imagination and creep into their perfect little reality. _______________ A mere child, with a blank vision of the world... was always said to be the dream. To be able to captivate and maintain that amount of purity for a long period of time had been the goal for many. For the evilry in the world to display no shred of humanity, and have it pick and pry the child to pieces until they fall apart. Many children weren’t so lucky to be able to maintain such a pure slate for so long. Something had always seemed to grasp their attention long enough to break them. And to scar them. Many times, it would be simple things, or events. It would be stories, or actions. Hardly ever would it begin with war. Athena was just a child when the first war that she had ever witnessed broke out. Horror and fear struck every nerve in the young child’s body as she watched the gruesome bloodshed. She watched these men brutally beat one another with their bare hands when weapons hadn’t been around. She had quickly learned that the object of war was to hurt ever other person who stepped onto the battleground. To rip them from the lives that they had once had, from the families they had once known, and show them nothing but a painful death. She trembled at the thought of what could happen if she were out there, alone. If she were in their shoes; how her story would play out. Her screams hadn’t escaped from her petite little body until there had been a knocking on her door. Tattered and broken looking men loomed over the entrance. Their clothes were drenched in blood and stains from miscellaneous objects from outside. Recruiters. They needed another hand to complete the war. They needed Ares. Ares had always been one interested in war. He had always seemed to survive and do fairly well, but he hadn’t been in a battle this severe before. For he too, was just a kid, but it hadn’t stopped him from going. Nothing had, not even the pleading cries from the young brunette as tears rolled down her face. Her screaming fit, trying her hardest to chase after her older brother, to get him to back down only seemed to drive him out the door quicker. “I’ll be back” Is what had been told to the adolescent, and without another glance, he had been gone. Broken promises, was what those words had turned into. The hours turned into days, which then turned quickly into months. Throughout the time, the village seemed to grow sparse, and the people began to fade away. The recruits came knocking on doors faster than they could open; all while the graves begin to outnumber the living. Thea watched with sullen glares; before she decided that it was time to act. Slipping out from their cozy modest home, she set foot onto the chaotic battleground. Her dainty hands ran through her curly matted hair as she whispered to herself “I’ll stop this. And find everyone again.” And she set foot; weaving through the battleground, and dodging many things along her way. Even thought the sight of the war, the broken bodies piled up frightened the young child she had known, it would be her permante sight if were to sit back and hide. The war had been bad, but she had known of one god that would be able to stop it. Who would be able to restore the peace and have things return to normal. She hadn’t ever thought the rusted gates would be so intimidating. They towered over her; cascading with age. The tiny child had no chance against the gates, so what had made her think she would have a chance against the god himself? Discouragement settled in as Athena pushed past the boundaries. She had to try, for the war was at least worth that much. Once to the golden doors, her delicate fingers traced over the calligraphy font; feeling every cool and bare texture before the door swung open. She cowered softly to the angry bellows from above. How dare people waste his time he had grumbled, not even noticing the child until she spoke up at the very last moment. Catching his attention, the male peered down at the young child with tear stained cheeks. She shook softly in front of him as she stammered out softly “I- I need your help, really bad.” _________________________ Jupiter Raptis The war had been the worst one that they had ever seen, men and boys fighting with each other to keep some form of peace as they fought. Zeus had not wanted to get into the fight, if he had more people would surely die by his hand alone then anyone else's. The older God had sat and watched the war play out, watched the mortals fall and the God's and Goddess start fighting along side of them. He had noticed when they had gotten Ares, and had even seen the young God in action a few different times. He was good, he would be a good solider along side his other fighters. After all Ares was the God of war, he was strategic and powerful, even at his young age. It had seemed like months had passed, that the men were losing and the village was weak. He had yet to be disturped by anyone, God or man. Yet when he heard his gate open, and his wards touched the God gripped his lightning bolt for he was sure that someone was out to kill him. "How /D A R E/ people waste my time!" The God had grumbled, his deep voice booming and echoing though the walls of his home. A slight shift in the corner of his eyes caused him to look down, and he paused. It was a little girl, well. Not little, but young. She was crying, and Zeus was not kind but he did know how to act the part. He could tell that she was scared and worried, probably for her brother. He moved slightly, his hand resting on his knee as he looked her over once more. "What do you need my help with, sweet Athena?" He asked, making a movement with his hand for her to come closer. __________________________________________
Athena Minerva  Coming to the males domain had been a rather large risk on the young adolescents end, but she had constantly reassured herself that it was very much worth the time, energy and consequences. She had assumed, the little wisdom that she had harbored had been one of the only reasons as to why she was still standing; and not have the same heartbreaking fatal ending as the rest who had seemed to engage in the war. Her broken hues trembled at the sight before her.. Bodies were stacked and piled up on top of one another, and their blood had been the young brunette's pathway. The screams had blended in with the other horrific background noise, but seemed like nothing but a mere whisper in response to the bellow that could be heard miles away. The man sounded furious, and acted slightly startled. But could anyone blame him, for it was a time of /war/. The young girl tried to keep that as a reminder to herself as she carried onto her way, but each step seemed to take a harsher toll on her.. And her cries led to hiccups. How dare the child come to the most powerful deity; in a mess. How dare she come the way she had. The girl had no place to act the way she had. She had no business coming to the male out of fear. And she certainly had no business in taking the unusual amount of compassion that he seemed to offer. "I'm.. i'm sorry.." The young girl stammered as she whispered back to the male. "I just don't know what to do or where to go.. My mom had always told me that you were the one to search for when we run into trouble.. and i think.." A small pause as her dainty hand wiped away another fresh batch of tears. "I think i really need your help.. What can i offer you? For a few moments of your time?" _____________________ Jupiter Raptis At hearing that the girl needed his help he paused. What could cause this small Goddess so much distress and need to come to him for help? And to ask what he would want in return? She was a mere child, he would never dare touch the girl. His brain whirled with thoughts of what would have lead the small child to come and seek out his help. "what is it that you seek for help, dear child?" He asked and gave her a look with his head cocked to the side. "I am sure that I can help you, but I need to know what you seek my help for to be able to come up with what you can offer me in return." He motioned for the girl to come closer, he wanted to be able to get a better look at the girl "Is this about the war? I did see your brother out there in the battle, is that what you need me to do? To make sure he does not perish in the war? Or is it something else?" He asked with a curious tone, gone was the harsh words of the God from before. He was after all a father, he knew how to speak to children even if his wife did not think so. " Or maybe it is something else? Something deep in your heart? What is it that you truly need my help with dear child? Please tell this old God what it is that you seek my help for?" ____________________________________ Athena Minerva  "My brother. They-- th-" The young goddess hiccuped through the words, trying to calm herself down. No good had ever come out of the woman when she was in such a fit. She had frustrated herself with her own words and actions, but she wasn't quite sure where to go or how to make a difference. Her brother leaving for war had shattered every fiber in the little girl. She couldn't function without him. And her mind was so clouded with bitter possibilities of the end result of her brother she couldn't hardly catch what the male was trying to say or to speak to her. Zeus was compassionate to the other; but you could tell her sudden appearance before him had greatly confused the god. Was it wrong for her to seek comfort and admission with someone so powerful and dangerous? Was it wrong of her to stand before the man who could determine the end result of her brother's life? But what else were she to do? Where else would she have gone? Her hands reached yet again for her swollen eyes. Gently she tried her best to wipe away the never ending flow of tears that battled her every movements. As she settled herself down enough to talk, she leaned into the kneeling male and began to whisper in his ear. "It's.. its my brother. He was taken into war, and i need him back. He can't go yet. I'm scared." ______________________________ Jupiter Raptis Zeus gave a sigh, and rubbed his face. This little Goddess wanted her brother back? He could almost laugh, almost. He didn't though, even though he thought about it. The older God had to think for a moment on what he was going to say, what he was going to do. He could promise her to get her brother back, and that would be a lie. He wouldn't even try, they needed Ares to win this fight, and he would just have to make the little girl. He looked her over and shook his head. "So, you want me to go down to the war zone, find your brother, and bring him back to You. Is that correct?" He paused and shook his head again. "Because if that is correct I can not help you, we need your brother in this war and I do understand you are scared. There are times where even the most strongest of us will be scared, that is the way of the world little Athena." He moved and shifted in his seat to get a better look at her. "I can do my best to keep him alive, that is all I can do. We can't take him out of the fight, we would lose and then we would die. Do you understand that? We would surely die if any of those gods and goddess fighting should stop, it would most certainly mean death. That is why I can not bring him home, I can't bring him you. That is final. You are welcome to stay here for as long as you like though. I am sure the way back is long, and you are exhausted." He held out a tray with cookies and tea for her. "Have something to drink, and eat st least before you go." ___________________________
Athena Minerva The word no had the child falling to her knees crying. Out of anyone, ZEUS should have been able to stop the war. He should have been able to give the goddess her brother. Ares was the only person that Athena had known. She wasn't ready to lose him. She couldn't lose him. What were she going to do? Sheer panic had taken over the goddess and she couldn't calm down. She tried, she really had; but the tears wouldn't stop flowing. If Ares had died in the war, then everyone would die? Is that what she had understood? Athena knew very well what the gods were capable of and her dear brother was nothing but a teen. He shouldn't put his life on the line just yet. Athena needs him, and those bad people ripped him away from her. Zeus' stern words had startled the brunette as she tried to look up at him through the tears. "Do you understand?" rung loud and clear in the child's mind. She let out another hiccup as she nodded her head once, before looking back down at the floor. She wasn't strong enough to pick herself back up off of the floor, so instead she caved in and layed there by the powerful gods feet. She heard the male speaking more, but nothing had registered to the child. All she could think about was her brother's lifeless body laying next to hers on a battlefield. _______________________ Jupiter Raptis  Zeus made a tsking sound and moved to kneel beside the girl. "I can't afford to move him from the battle Athena, if I could, I would. I can't stop this war, it has to happen. I know you do not understand that right now, but maybe you will one day." He spoke softly and he was honestly not sure what to do with her. "I will do my best to keep him alive Athena, he can not die. He has many great things to do still, and I would hate to have him die so soon in his young life. You do understand I will do my best don't you?" He asked, moving to rest on his heels. "All I can do is try my best, that's all I can promise. And I understand if you are upset, but you really should get off the ground and sit in a chair or something." He said softly and stood up to his full length once more.
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//Closed roleplay with June Taylor and Athena Minerva If you don't like it, i will remake it. :3 Athena's bright blue hues scanned the horizon as she took in all of the chaos around her. The sight that Athena had taken in was nothing of any pleasure, the place was unsanitary and was in need of a deep clean. She looked around the room slightly and saw an ample amount of wrappers from cracker packages, candy wrappers and even plastic bottles littered the floorboard of the airport. Her golden hues followed a small group of people who ran through the doors and through the crouded room, they shoved people out of their way as they shouted harsh things to one another. Athena's brow raised slightly at their behavior as she was shocked to see anything of the sort to come out of an adult, closer to her age at that. Athena clenched her suitcase in one hand as she slowly made her way to the correct destination. She watched people who waited paitently for a loved one, and even ones who had fallen asleep on their hard rusted chairs. She watched many poeple hug and wipe away many tears of happiness; and that was something that had often brought a mocking laughter to the young blonde's face. It amused her how foolish people can act in a crouded room, and also how "Sincere" and "happy" they are to finally see eachother and be reunited with their family. As Athena arrived to her plane, she got herself situated and then loaded onto her plane. It was much nicer than what she was normally given, and it was much bigger too. It wasn't long before the flight attendent's voice came on and spoke over the plane about simple instructions and what to do in case of an emergency. Athena sighed softly as she placed in her head phones and began to focus on her work. Athena tried her best to focus and keep track of what she was doing but soon found herself falling asleep into a deep slumber. It was just the mist of dawn when Athena heard pounding. She would try to tap her index finger softly along the metal bar that was in front of her to try and capture the beat of the pounding that she had heard. Every time she barely moved one of her fingers, or any muscle for that matter, the pounding had increased. It would amplify in volume and it slowly began to drive her mad. *Tick* *Tick* *Tick* Athena looked around her for a way to get out, a way to escape the never ending sound. in front of her, around all of the bars and slow moving gears was a huge glass circle. Athena covered her ears and ran full force at the glass circle, hoping it would weakin its bond and possibly come lose. The pounding grew louder and louder as Athena tried her best to get out. The ticking sound rumbled beneath her feet in anger as it tried to warn her to stop. But that wasn't enough to stop Athena, she ran at the glass again, this time she got a better run. Within seconds she ran through the glass and it shattered around her. Athena fell quickly when she broke free. She no longer heard the ticking that drove her to insanity. As she fell, she looked up at the skyline where she saw a massive clock in the middle of a city. She looked at it with curious eyes as she read the sighn "Big Ben" That was the last thing that Athena had seen before she hit the ground from impact. Her eyes flung back open and slowly looked around. She shifted her body weight from side to side, as she observed that they had landed and many were already getting off of the plane. Turbulance. The pressure from landing, and the slightest sound mixed with turbulance had been the thing that broke the thin glass of her slumber. Had she really slept the entire flight? She quickly gathered her stuff together, and walked steadly off of the plane. She shuffled her way though the traffic that others had created, until she reached the entrance of the airport. Athena clenched her bag tightly around her, as she called for a cab. "Please take me to milan. Once we get there i will show you exactly where to turn." She spoke quickly and breifly towards the driver. He nodded his head one time in Athena's direction before he shifted the taxi into gear and began to drive. After a long day of travel, Athena shifted her feet from side to side as she observed the barren house. It has been completely untouched since the last time she had seen it. The lawn chairs were still arcked in a demi-circle, but still slightly crooked. They had accounlimated many more cars over the year, but that seemed to be expected with a few years of absence. Athena slowly shuffeled her way to the front door. She glared at the simple pattern of the door, and slowly picked away at the imperfections that still remained at their home. Before Athena knew it, she found her small dainty hands wrapped around the metal door knocker. One.. Two..Three times. When Athena went to open the door, it was answered by a petite female. She looked at Athena with curious eyes and slowly begen to let her into her home. Athena smiled at the older woman whom had motioned for her to come inside. "Thank you again for allowing me to come here today." She sputtered out as she walked into the noble home. ______________ A bright smile rested on the bubbly brunette as she watched the other's actions. Athena hadn't ever been known for sporadic visits that were unannounced, but she would take them when she thought it was important. Hera had always been one of Athena's favorites to run across, as he pure gratitude had always gotten the best of her. The woman always seemed to create a blanket of security to the other, a place that she could wander in the worst mindset; and confide her darkest thoughts; without the fear. She had almost been as if another mother to the young brunette. Certainly a friend. Listening to her delicate voice, Athena sat down quietly onto a nearby chair. Icy hues jumped back into the conversation with the simple mention of coffee. "Coffee sounds quite amazing, if i do say so myself, but please i beg of you.." The brunette said as she rose back up to her feet, placing a soft hand on the other. "As you stated, i do know my way around, so take a seat, and ill get it for the both of us." A soft smile came from the woman as she locked eyes with Hera.
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