atheral · 2 years
i would NEVER have a praise kink... the fact i moaned when you caressed my cheek and said i was such a good girl is just a coincidence. i just felt like doing that
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atheral · 2 years
“that’s my girl” but while you’re cumming
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atheral · 2 years
happy new year, i love penis
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atheral · 3 years
yours; kazuha
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“kaedehara kazuha~” she called out his name with the most enticing tone ever, the man really loves the way she called his full name with that soothing voice of hers— he never got tired of hearing it. he averted his gaze away from the sun that’s starting to set, “what is it that you need, my dear [full name]?”
his red eyes gazed at the female with a warm smile plastered on his face— he felt happy to see her after her disappearance for one week or so, he didn’t try to contact her because it was an exam week and he wanted her to focus on the exam. he really missed her. instead of returning the smile, she smirked mischievously to herself as she started to act like a pitiful girl.
she lowered her head while placing her hand on her chest, “umm first of all, i’m really sorry for disappearing so suddenly! i-it was a busy week so i...” she closed her eyes as her lips waver, kazuha’s eyes widen when he noticed her odd behavior. his eyes couldn’t stand to see her in such depressing state, he leaned in and embraced her between his arms.
“it’s okay, [name]. i understand,” he comforted her while patting her head gently, he pulled away to see her face as he cupped her cheek. she smiled at him and hold his hand, “and as for the second one...” she started to feel nervous to tell him what's next. what if he doesn't love her anymore. what if he disowned her. she brushed the negative feelings away as she opened her mouth,
"if you failed linguistics again—"
[name] shouted as she sighs loudly while covering her face with her hands, he gasped silently as he stared at her with disappointment. "so you did fail..." he frowns while she took her hands away from her face and glared at him, "shut up! i tried my best!" she defended herself— actually feeling guilty that she failed linguistics.
kazuha shrugged his shoulder with a smile, "either way, you're dense when it comes to linguistics so it can't be helped." he confessed while chuckling, [name] felt a sting in her heart as her eyes widen at his reaction. she looked away from him while biting her lower lips, "rude! if only you were in my shoes!" she crossed her arms and walked away from kazuha, he sighs while following her.
walking their way to their shared apartment in silence, she got lost in her own thoughts. she noticed that he did everything to make her understand the subject she's not good at, she was already giving up when she realized that she really is a dumbass. but kazuha didn't give up. he thought that she had the potential to pass it and did his best to teach her. now who's the dumbass. the way he reacted to the news that she failed made her want to disappear from the universe, she felt really guilty that she wants to drown herself.
opening the door to their shared apartment, kazuha placed his bag on the sofa while preparing to cook for dinner. [name] sat on the sofa silently while staring at him, "oi kazuha." she called out his name— mentally slapping herself for making it sound like she's about to fist fight the poor man, he answered her with a loud hum while searching for something in the fridge.
"i'm sorry..." she apologized as his body froze, "yes, it's getting annoying to hear that i failed linguistics again and it's fine if you're mad at me. it's understandable," she forced a smile as he turned his body around to face her. "how do you know that im mad at you or not?" he questioned while tilting his head to the side, she averted her gaze away from him as her smile fades. "you didn't hold my hand on our way here."
she whispered— loud enough for him to hear it, she took a deep breath and scrunched her face. "the point is, i know that you worked hard to make me pass and i really thought that you would break up with me or something..." she closed her eyes and crossed her arms, then she felt a pair lips kissing hers. her eyes wide open as he pulled away and gave her a smile,
"i'm not mad at you. i didn't hold your hand because i thought you needed some time alone, and i wouldn't break the promise i made to make you happy for something absurd like this." he cupped her cheeks and lightly shook her face,
"i adore you so much, [name]. i would do anything for you."
this guy. this guy is unbelievable! how can he be so sweet?! what did [name] do to deserve this lovely boyfriend?! she felt tears forming up in her eyes, she's really touched by his comforting words, his gentle touch, his smile, everything about him. she wants to cry, to scream, to throw up. oh no, she's about to lose it. [name] took his hands away from her and lowered her head,
"si kontol! sayang banget gua ama dia!!"
kazuha got startled by her action as he stayed still, a tear escaped from her eyes as her heart is beating so fast. she sniffed while lifting her head and let go of his hands, "sorry, i don't know how to react." she wiped her tears away and gave him a smile, "thank you, kazuha. thank you for being mine." she giggled while he ruffles her hair— smiling at her.
"by the way, what is the meaning of the words you said earlier?" kazuha asked while preparing the dinner for both of them, [name] frowns when she remembered what she said earlier. it was pretty embarrassing. "uhh, it means like, this dick? i love him so much?" she got confused at translating the words to him. it sounds kinda weird in english, she thought.
he stayed silent while trying to process the meaning, then his eyes widen. he turns his head to look at her with a smile, she stares at him weirdly— the smile on his face looks so out of character and... devilish.
"so do you love this dick—"
"that's enough."
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atheral · 3 years
this was for his bday but i got lazy 🥺
italic is what you wrote in the letter for albedoodododo
birthday; albedo
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the sound of pen clicking. [name] smiles widely while humming a song, her fingers are moving like she's playing a piano. she sighs along with a chuckle, her hand starts to write on a blank paper.
hello albedo! i miss you!! oh and do you realize that it's your birthday already?
[name] folds the paper and put it in an envelope, she stretches her arms and stood up from her chair- walking towards the door that leads outside her house,
please don't tell me you forgot about it... why do i have to keep reminding you about your birthday...?
"good morning, [name]!" everyone greeted her, her lips curved into a smile and waved her hands to everyone who greeted her. she made her way to the knights of favonius to pick klee up.
klee was so excited, she said she's been waiting to give you the present she had for you
[name] knocked the door to jean's office to ask for permission, the door opened by a certain child in red. she grins- happy to see [name], "klee already told me, you are going to celebrate albedo's birthday, right?" jean asked with a kind smile. [name] nodded with a hum, jean's smile turned warm and comforting. "tell him i said happy birthday,"
oh! jean said happy birthday. i think she's busy because i noticed the amount of papers she needs to do on her table.
"let's go, let's go!" klee took [name]'s hand while waving her hand at jean, she dragged [name] outside and started to walk to albedo's house. "so what do you have for albedo?" [name] asked while looking down at the little girl, she grins as she holds the gift for albedo closer to her. "hehe, it's a cecilia with a magic that albedo taught me once!" she opened the gift and showed it to [name].
klee's gift is so beautiful, she said that she made it herself. you better cherish it, alright?
they both arrived at albedo's house, [name] felt a soft grip from the younger girl. she gazed down at klee with a smile while patting her head, the little girl returned the smile as they both started to walk closer to his house.
ah, to be honest i don't know what present i should give to you. but do you remember the necklace you gave me a couple of years ago? well i found the same symbol as the necklace but it's a bracelet! i just thought that maybe we could match, hehe.
umm... i don't know what to say anymore but happy birthday albedo!
[name] placed her letter and the bracelet next to klee's gift, they stared at the gifts for awhile with a smile then they put their hands together.
they both turned around to leave the house, [name] looked at their gifts for albedo once again. she stared at the vision that has no color, no light, she smiles while looking away- continue to walk away from his house.
i hope you're in peace up there.
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atheral · 3 years
Uhm.... I just want a baby-like (childish, naive, innocent, etc.) s/o losing her v card? Uhm... yeah. 💗🌺💐💗
guys guys, i may be dumb... WHAT'S A V CARD HELP???
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atheral · 3 years
care; scaramouche
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modern au!
"so tell me," [name] looks up from her food to her friend, yoimiya, who's grinning widely like an idiot. [name] swallowed the food and preparing herself for the question yoimiya is about to ask, "are you a thing with scaramouche?!"
i knew it.
"seriously? i told everyone that we are not a thing." she sighs loudly as she finished her food, yoimiya pouts and layed her chin on the table, "but [name], i'm your best friend... at least tell me about what you think of him~" yoimiya lifted her head from the table and leaned closer to her friend.
"yoimiya, you are everyone's best friend." yoimiya chuckles at [name]'s comment, she looks away from her friend and her mind started to picture him, scaramouche.
scara huh...
to be completely honest, he is, unfortunately, a very good looking guy. even though he has a really had attitude, society forgives him because of how handsome he looks. but he's still an asshole. [name] visited his house, his parents love him so much but for some reason he wants to be left alone. as if god heard his wish, he's a loner in college.
everyone seems to fear him and they want to avoid messing with him, so no one wants to be close with him. but [name] seems to be attached to him, it's not like she did it on purpose, he always came to her and she accepted him. from time to time, he would unconsciously show her his soft side. he wants attention from [name] and he would claim her as his possession, she just ignored him and continues her work.
to her eyes, he's not a really bad guy. he respects her and would try to not make her go mad at him- he would do anything. fucking simp. she's the only person he would listen to, no matter how stupid it is, he's still listening. like how [name] wants him to be more nice to his own parents, he's slowly doing it...
[name] sighs and layed her chin on the palm of her hand, closing her eyes. she thought about how scaramouche would be a good boyfriend to her, with a smile, she said;
"i think he's not really a bad guy."
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atheral · 3 years
her; childe
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everything feels boring to him.
the love that [name] gave to him, feels boring. he wanted something new, something that could make him feel not bored anymore (no horny, bonk!).
so he cheated.
he went to look for new girls that wants him and feel a new love with them. everynight he went home late, [name] got worried about him but he just shrugged it off and claimed, "her majesty gave me new tasks." of course it was a lie, he went all night playing with girls that 'loves' him... but [name] trusted him.
their bonding are loosened, childe barely came back home to see [name], he feels happy now that he got to feel new love everyday. but after a month of childe cheating- at one night, he feels empty.
the absence of something or someone made him feel empty inside. he didn't want any new love, he wants... home. so he went back home to see [name], there he saw her greeted him with the sweetest smile.
"ajax, you're back! welcome home!"
oh how he missed to be called by his real name that came out from [name]'s mouth, his heart skipped a beat as he layed his head on her shoulder- hugging her close to him. he could feel the warmth of her body, he feels at home.
she may not give him new love everyday, yet he missed the same old love she gave him. she loves him no matter what, that's called true love.
"i love you, [name]."
"what? now you came back to me after you cheated on me? you think im stupid?!" [name] shouted at him and pushed him away from the hug, childe closed his eyes and tilts his head down in defeat. "sorrryyy... i won't ask for you to forgive me but... i really love you, i swear! i'll be better from now on..."
he bowed down to her as tears formed in his eyes, [name] sighed loudly and crashed their foreheads together. "ow."
"it's fine, because i missed you. but if i caught you cheating again, i won't hesitate."
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atheral · 3 years
wish; albedo
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fluff... ig
"hey, albedo! wake up!" albedo opens his eyes and blinked his heavy eyes, he looked over to the person who wakes him up as his heart skipped a beat. "[name]..." he calls out her name, she frowns as she knocked his head. "are you drunk? do i look like [name] to you?" in albedo's eyes, [name] somehow turns out to be the cavalry captain.
"ah... i'm sorry, sir kaeya." albedo apologized as he looks away, disappointed. kaeya chuckled as he smirked, "what? you keep thinkin bout her~?" he teased the poor alchemist, albedo closed his eyes in annoyance.
"not really, no." he answered with a cold tone, "really? and what is that sketch of [name] i see on your sketchbook?" albedo's eyes went wide as he quickly closed his sketchbook and cleared his throat, he looks away as silence fell in the room.
kaeya sighed loudly, "come on, albedo. be honest to yourself, man." albedo stood up from his seat and go to the book shelf to continue his research, "what do you know about me? don't act like you know everything, sir kaeya."
"hmm, well, i know that you keep thinking about [name]. i know you're confused on who do you like." albedo stopped his motion as he sighs silently, closing his eyes. kaeya knew he was right when albedo stayed silent, "think back to where you started to like lumine, was it really love? or was it just another interesting person for your research?"
albedo remembered the time when lumine keeps helping him, her smile that makes him happy and looking forward to his research with him. then he remembered [name]... she was always be there for him, her attitude might be annoying comparing to lumine but... [name] is so kind to him.
her presence alone could make him feel warm inside that he couldn't help but smile happily, wanting to hold her and keep her beside him forever. her smile... her smile is so beautiful, his heart skipped a beat whenever he saw her smile.
so, does he know the answer now?
kaeya chuckles when he saw albedo stands straight up and took a deep breath, kaeya stood up and tapped albedo's shoulder. "well, just know that [name] is on the garden. clear everything out, she would forgive you,"
[name] huffed as she waited for kaeya to meet up with her, he said he wanted to tell her something important and she can't miss out. but he's nowhere to be seen. she then heard footsteps coming towards her, [name] lifted her head to shout at kaeya for making her wait too long.
to her surprise, the person infront of her isn't the calvary captain, but the chief of alchemist. her eyes went wide as she put her hand on her chest, heart skipped a beat. albedo looked at her with guilt- knowing that he was wrong, "[name]..." he called her name, "h-hey, albedo... " she greeted him with a smile.
they both just stayed silent- [name] waiting for him to say what he needed and albedo is like gathering bravery,
this is... really awkward!
she then remembered that one time he was having a trouble with an experiment, she cleared her throat as she standing up straight. "o-oh! you're here because u needed my help for that one experiment, right..?" [name] nervously asked him, he shocked his head as he lowered his head.
"no... but i really need to confess something-"
"yeah, sure! you needed help, let's go!" she blushed as she quickly took his wrist and dragging him, albedo's eyes went wide- feeling disappointed that he couldn't confess. but her hand that holding him firmly, it's like telling him that it's okay and she understands that he was confused by his feeling.
a smile could be seen on his lips as he gently took her hand off of his wrist and hold her hand, "thank you, [name]... " he whispered to her in relieve. she could only smile shyly and looks away,
she forgives him and gave him another chance, so he promised to himself that he would be more honest about his feelings and showed his love to [name].
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atheral · 4 years
also have u seen red xiao?????? on god?? im going insane he's attractive as hell djskkek
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atheral · 4 years
hey guys, im so dead here and it's bc of these two;
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atheral · 4 years
goodbye you made a part 2 LET ME GO DIG MY GRAVE CYA also it’s that one anon that you replied to with that m&m meme idk how to describe it AHAHHA
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atheral · 4 years
tysm for the food
😩 i LOVE LOVEE your scenarios jdbshs
they're so cute A
the albedo ones hit diff 😳
just wanted to let you know that 👉👈 have a great day
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atheral · 4 years
me : i talked about albedo whenever i feel down and needed comfort
my friend : but u talked about him all the time?
me : 😀
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atheral · 4 years
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im tired being ✨aesthetic✨
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atheral · 4 years
your Albedo angst— amazing, the pain AHHH
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atheral · 4 years
part 2 of lost bc i keep thinking about it kdksjsja
one day; albedo
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albedo looked over to the honorary knight, he smiled— feeling happy to see her. "let's do another mad science stuff!" paimon exclaimed enthusiastically, he looks at lumine— she nods her head with a smile on her face. he let out a sigh, "okay, let's go..." the travelers cheered as the three of them started to walk away from his workshop.
once they reached outside the headquarters, their eyes went wide when they realized it was snowing. paimon and lumine smiled widely— albedo looked over to lumine,
when it snows...
his mind wonders to think about her. her silky hair, her shining eyes, her small nose, her soft pink lips... ah, he didn't know how to describe her anymore but one thing he knows for sure; she's perfect. he smiled at the thought of her, her warm touch, her calming voice, he missed her and the snow reminds him of her.
so when it snows, he could only think about her;
albedo opens his eyes as he turned his head to look over to [name] who's talking to kaeya with her head on the table, he stared at her with a feeling of, somehow, sorrow. he rolled his eyes to look at his sketch book, his hand stopped sketching as he just stared at the sketch— the sketch of [name].
i like lumine... right?
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