atla-wlw-week · 4 years
Finally! Here is the full ao3 collection for ATLA WLW Week 2020!
Thank you to everyone that participated!
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atla-wlw-week · 4 years
Title: We Run with the Wolves
Pairings: Song/Katara
No Warnings
Summary: “We want to use you to gather intelligence on Ozai’s activities,” Sokka explains. “That way we can figure out a surefire way to take him down.”
“Something that would either end his political career or implicate him enough that the Fire Nation government would have no choice but to depose him,” Suki says.
“Only if you want to,” Aang adds hastily. “It could be dangerous.”
Aris’ mouth opens, maybe to object, but Song cuts across her. “I’ll do it,” she says, looking at Katara. Putting her life in danger in the hopes of getting to hang out with a pretty girl? Maybe the queerest thing Song has done to date.
*** In which the Gaang are ecoterrorists. but like, for realsies this time
Mob AU for @atla-wlw-week week free day!!
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atla-wlw-week · 4 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Avatar: The Last Airbender Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Azula/Katara (Avatar) Additional tags: Angst with a Happy Ending, Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Ozai’s A+ Parenting, (be gay do crimes basically), Azula (Avatar) Redemption, sometimes redemption is putting your father in jail, cutting your hair, and becoming an anarchist
“Bitch. You can say bitch.”
“I’m not going to say that.”
“It’s accurate. And no great betrayal of your deeply held feminist principles if I give you my explicit permission to do it. Really. You can call me a bitch.” She points to herself. “Bitch. It’s easy. You try.”
“No! – I’m not going to call you a bitch, Azula.” She sighs. “It’s almost like you want me to hate you.”
Frustrated with life at the snobby, elite Ba Sing Se Academy she’d won a scholarship to attend, Katara, a fourteen year old would-be revolutionary, begins sneaking out of the upper ring at night to cause trouble. It only gets really dicey when the great-granddaughter of the deposed Fire Lord Sozin, a girl with razor-sharp eyeliner, gets involved.
Or: getting caught shoplifting with the girl you hate most in the world can be a very moving experience, actually.
A very (very!) late submission for @atla-wlw-week day 2: rivals
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atla-wlw-week · 4 years
[Image ID: Image is a digital drawing comprising seven scenes showing wlw from atla and legend of korra. From left to right starting from the top left the images are as follows:
The first image shows Zuko with his back turned to the viewer, Mai at the counter with an open laptop, and Ty Lee carrying a tray with a cup of coffee. Mai and Ty Lee are wearing green aprons. Mai’s dialogue bubble reads ‘How are you so chipper? It’s 9 am? Ah’. Ty Lee’s dialogue bubble reads ‘6 espresso shots’. 
The second scene shows Toph and Yaling grimacing at each other. Yaling has warm brown hair. The text near Toph reads ‘Demon Ferret’. And there is a slightly less formally drawn version of the two girls below which shows the left girl saying ‘We are holding hands’ and Toph saying ‘yes’ via dialogue bubbles. 
The third scene shows Korra and Asami, there is a red string tying their fingers together with a gradient background fading from purple to pink to orange. 
The fourth scene shows Toph and Yaling, they are holding hands in a field with stars in the background. It is dark. There is white text reading ‘Demon Ferret’. 
The fifth scene shows an older Toph writing at a desk in her metalbending cop outfit from tlok. Yaling is standing to her left. The text near Toph reads ‘Yaling can you read this for me?’. 
The sixth scene shows Kya and Lin talking to each other at a formal party, their dialogue bubbles are shown but the dialogue simply indicated as lines. 
The seventh scene shows Korra and Asami with their heads tilted towards each other shown from the chest up. The background is a gradient from yellow to peach to purple. End ID]
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No one told me that it was Atla WLW Week last week?? Hello?? Anyway I’m participating hella late because.
@atla-wlw-week sorry
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atla-wlw-week · 4 years
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day 7 - free day
halloween is coming up so you know that means halloween costumes. this was in my drafts and i completely forgot to post it. unfortunately i missed most of the week due to life stuff but i really wanted to do this day. @atla-wlw-week
IMAGE ID: it is a picture of ty lee, mai, princess yue, and suki from avatar the last airbender. 
ty lee and mai are on the left of the page. they are embracing and mai is kissing ty lee’s forehead. ty lee is dressed up as a fairy. she is wearing light pink wings, a fluffy off the shoulder green tutu dress, and her dress and hair are decorated with flowers that are various shades of pink. she has her canon hair style. mai is dressed up as a vampire with a dark red tattered long sleeve undershirt, black corset, a long tattered red and black skirt, and dark red and black makeup. she is wearing vampire fangs and has fake blood dribbling down her chin. she also wears her canon hairstyle.
princess yue and suki are on the right of the page. suki is behind yue and is hugging her. yue is hiding her mouth behind her hands in a giggle and suki is smiling widely while winking at yue. yue is, of course, dressed as a princess. she is wearing a light blue fluffy undershirt and a dark blue dress on top, she is also wearing a tall, dark blue, cone shaped hat with a pink ribbon coming out of the top. suki is dressed as a knight. the armor is various shades of dark grey and light grey, with golden trim. there is a bright green feather coming out of the top of the helmet, as well as dark green cloth covering her neck. there is also a light green heart decorating her shoulder pauldron. END ID
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atla-wlw-week · 4 years
Chapters: 1/? Fandom: Avatar: The Last Airbender Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Mai/Ty Lee (Avatar), Ty Lee & Zuko (Avatar), Aang & Ty Lee (Avatar), Mai & Zuko (Avatar) Characters: Ty Lee (Avatar), Mai (Avatar), Zuko (Avatar), Aang (Avatar), Sokka (Avatar), Suki (Avatar) Additional Tags: Gay Zuko (Avatar), minor sokka/zuko, Air Nomads (Avatar), Baking, Fluff, Not Actually Unrequited Love, Post-Canon Summary:
Ty Lee gets help from her friends in preparing a gift for Mai. Belated submission for day 5 of @atla-wlw-week: Love Languages.
the next few chapters will be coming soon, i just wanted to post the first chapter before submissions close this week!
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atla-wlw-week · 4 years
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[Start ID: A photo of Mai, Ty lee and Azula. Mai is at the far right, she is shown from the legs up, she is wearing her beach day outfit but with a shoulder shawl with a gold, diamond shaped button in the middle and a skirt coving with a gold colored round jewel in the middle. Ty lee is in the middle and is shown from the waist up, she is in her usual outfit, she has her arms up with her hands curled in fists, she has a neutral expression. Azula is in at the far left and is shown from the waist up, she is wearing her ember island outfit with her hands behind her back. She is looking off into the distance with a smirk on her face. They’re standing in front of a pale yellow background with red and orange hearts. END ID.]
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atla-wlw-week · 4 years
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[ID: A digital drawing of Korra and Asami. Korra is dipping Asami like Catra dips Adora in “Princess Prom,” from She-Ra. They are turned slightly right. Korra is wearing a blue suit with a white shirt, and her hair is short in her season four style. Asami is wearing a red dress with a gold belt, and her hair is down. Korra is smiling at Asami, and Asami has a neutral expression. The background is a soft yellow. End ID]
Once again, I didn’t draw this, I just colored in a picture.
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atla-wlw-week · 4 years
please forgive me for the things i’ve left unsaid
tags: kanna/yugoda (avatar), yugoda (avatar), kanna (avatar), hakoda (avatar), time skips, grandmas in LOVE!!!, betrothal necklace (avatar), promises, getting back together, post-canon, but also, pre-canon, mentions of p-kku
words: 3364
summary: kanna throws a final fur at her and shuts the drawer. yugoda quickly folds the fur and places it in the bag carefully. “is that it?” she asks, careful to mask just how anxious that question makes her. when kanna is finished packing, she’ll be ready to leave.
when kanna leaves, yugoda will be alone with only kanna’s polar bear dog at her side. yugoda’s now, she supposes. inaq, the dog, couldn’t come on the sea voyage with kanna, so he will be left here. just like yugoda.
written for: day seven of @atla-wlw-week: free day or korrasami
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atla-wlw-week · 4 years
A friendly reminder we'll be accepting late submissions to wlw week until Friday! (2nd October)
Thank you to everyone who participated!
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atla-wlw-week · 4 years
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happy atla wlw week!
day 7: korrasami
this was my first time in participating in something like this, i’m really glad that i did. i feel like i was able to improve my digital art a lot, even though i’ve only just started drawing digitally (fyi, i am a better artist than my digital art reflects. check out my instagram @liavrz) so i’m glad i did this. thanks everyone for all your nice comments and support, too!
for my final drawing for atla wlw week, i decided to go with something simple. just korra and asami, finding comfort in each others arms. also, any excuse to draw buff korra and her big ass arms. 
[id: a digital drawing of korra and asami from tlok. neither of their faces are visible. korra is facing the back wall, hugging asami, her face buried in asami’s shoulders. only the top of her hair is visible. she wears her usual dark blue top with white trim. asami is hugging korra back, her arms resting on top of korra’s shoulders. her wavy black hair lies on her back, and her face is mostly obscured by her arms. however, you can see asami’s forehead, her right eyebrow, and the smallest bit of her signature purple eyeshadow. asami wears a loose dark red sweatshirt. end id]
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atla-wlw-week · 4 years
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for @atla-wlw-week | day seven - korrasami
[image id - the first image is an edit of a instagram page. it has a circular icon with korra looking towards the right with short hair and blue clothes. next to it, it says “korra_”. beneath the text it says “28 posts, 45k followers, 73 following.” Her status beneath the text says “I’m the avatar and i have to deal with it.”
the photo has six photos displayed in a three by two grid . the first photo on the first row is two people boxing, in a grayscale filter. the second photo on the first row is a photo of a person wearing a pair of black overalls on top of a blue sweater from the waist up and cuts off at their head. the last photo on the first row is a photo of korra with long hair, blue clothing, and with her arms crossed.
the first photo on the second row is a head shot of asami look endearingly at the camera. the second photo on the second row is a photo of a person that is stretching their arms as they are crossed. they have boxing bandages on their hands and wrists. they are wearing a cropped white shirt and black pants. the background is a blue brick wall. the third photo is a diagram of four triangles. the first one on the left is a plain triangle with it pointing up, and it is labeled “fire”. the second triangle is plain and pointing down, and it is labeled “water”. the third triangle is pointing up and has a line going through it and it is labeled “air”. the fourth and final triangle is pointing down with a line through it and it is labeled “earth”.
the second image is an edit of an instagram page. it has a circular icon of asami wearing red clothes looking towards the left. next to it, it says “asamisato”. beneath the text it says “75 posts, 12.5k followers, 450 following”. her status beneath it states “ceo of sato industries - painter - not straight”
the photo has six photos displayed on a three by two grid. the first photo on the first row is a circular button that says “how dare you presume i’m heterosexual” in black text with the word “dare” in red. the second photo in the first row is asami with her hair down looking straight at the camera. she looks mildly mad. the third photo is a photo of a pai sho board. the board is circular and made out of wood, with a diamond shape in the center taking up most of the board. the diamond is cut into fours along its corners. it’s colored in opposing sides of brown and white. there are tiles around the board making a square shape, and one tile in the middle. the tiles are circular and brown.
the first photo on the second row is a photo of korra with short hair and green clothes. she is looking angrily to the left with green hills behind her. the second photo is a photo of a circular painting palette with a range of browns and whites in each slot. there is a paint brush a top it, and underneath the palette there are newspapers underneath it. there is a paint bottle resting near the edge of the palette in the upper left corner. the third photo is a photo of team avatar hugging. in order from left to right, the people hugging are korra, bolin, asami, and mako. it looks as if bolin is holding them all up.
end id]
this was really fun to make! i’m pretty happy with how it came out and i hope y’all like it too!
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atla-wlw-week · 4 years
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some maisuki for @lesbiankya and @atla-wlw-week day 5
[Image ID: Image is a digital drawing of Mai and Suki taken from the side (their profiles are showing). They are kissing and shown from the chest up. Mai is dressed in red and Suki in green. They are drawn in a semi realistic style. End ID]
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atla-wlw-week · 4 years
[ID: digital art of Korra and Asami from the Legend of Korra. Korra is giving Asami a piggy-back, glancing back as with a smile. She’s wearing her season 4 outfit, a sleeveless top and arm wraps. Both arms are hooked underneath Asami’s legs, and her right hand comes up to interlock with Asami’s left as it comes down over her left shoulder. Asami is on her back, right hand holding Korra’s bicep and left arm wrapped around Korra’s left shoulder. She’s laughing,  eyes closed as she’s lifted up. Behind them is a blue triangle and yellow background, within the triangle the artist’s signature. End ID]
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a sweet korrasami for @atla-wlw-week day 7: free day | korrasami 💛💛
-click for higher res-
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atla-wlw-week · 4 years
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[image description: a black and white digital drawing of yue and suki. they are standing in an office, behind a desk with an old-fashioned computer and a lot of paper clutter. suki is wearing a suit jacket over a button up and high waisted jeans with an amused expression on her face. yue is standing with one leg out a window. she is wearing a trench coat over a cropped turtleneck and a long skirt. she has one eyebrow raised and is smirking at suki. suki says detective, are you trying to climb out that window? yue responds I’D say i was succeeding. below, in a thought bubble, suki thinks fuck, i’m in love. end id]
yueki au for day 6 of @atla-wlw-week!! the prompt i chose was sci-fi au. this is specifically a penumbra podcast au which is why it doesn’t look super sci-fi.. anyway the basis is that yue is the pi with a martyrs complex and suki is the thief whose heart is IMMEDIATELY stolen. (also zuko and azula are the children of a murdered reality tv star, sokka is yue’s tech savvy secretary, katara is the intergalactic secret agent). all this to say, basically, that if u haven’t listened to the penumbra yet you SHOULD. it’s a fun (and occasionally heart-wrenching)  plotline, the characters r dynamic and well developed, and it’s literally the gayest thing i have EVER listened to and does an incredible job portraying nb/gnc characters. 
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atla-wlw-week · 4 years
Title: save me a seat courtside Fandom: Avatar: the Last Airbender Pairing(s): Song/Katara Rating: G Warnings: N/A Summary: Zuko, Jin, and Song are playing volleyball for the Refugee Team, newly created in the wake of the Fire Sector’s endless war against the rest of the Galaxy, in the Intergalactic Games. They’ll be up against the best of the best from the four sectors, but somehow the various people popping out of Zuko’s past and claiming to hate him are more worrying. Song can’t get this Katara girl out of her head, but she needs to sort herself out quick, or else she’ll let her team down.Space aliens and sports AU
another @atla-wlw-week submission! this one is for the sci-fi AU, and honestly I had a blast messing around with this one. Might return to the idea later, who knows!
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atla-wlw-week · 4 years
Title: Sweet Efforts Fandom: Avatar: the Last Airbender Pairing(s): Azula/Jin, Sokka/Zuko, Jin & Zuko Length: 1 Chapter / 3,170 Words / Complete Rating: T Warnings: N/A Summary: Sick of Zuko’s advisors suggesting she take a man with her to events, Azula recruits one of her brother’s friends to help. Ironically, it turns out Zuko has really great taste in women. Author’s Note: this is for day six of @atla-wlw-week ! a fake relationship that may or may not turn very real
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