atlanticansitarist · 4 years
Sitar music echoed through the air.  Demyx bowed over his sitar, ironically unbothered by the rainstorm pouring around him.  Why would it trouble him?  He was causing it.  Strong-- real-- emotions did that sometimes.  If he didn’t have some kind of outlet, it would be bad.  Floods and tsunamis kind of bad.  No, better to sit up here and play, even if no one wanted to listen.
“Is it you I want or just the notion Of a heart to wrap around so I can find my way around? Safe to say from here, You're getting closer now, We are never sad 'cause we are not allowed to be Rain, rain go away, Come again another day, All the world is waiting for the sun.“
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atlanticansitarist · 4 years
reblog this if you love your muse more than canon loves your muse
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atlanticansitarist · 4 years
{I would like to apologize to everyone ever for being a complete guppy all of the time.}
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atlanticansitarist · 4 years
Myde sank down into the sand, trying to rub the soreness out of his legs. “Only all the time.  The problem is how.  Nobody who has the kind of magic to turn me back trusts me."  He didn’t want to get into the weirdness about how he’d met her as a kid when he’d been changed long after any of this.  This was mostly because he didn’t understand it himself, but he also liked having a friend.  “I got stuck in a bad crowd for a while and... yeah.”
“Can we please stop running? I think I’m dying.”
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"Are you okay, Myde?" Kairi asked as she looked over at him. "Do you need to sit down?" She asked. She then put away her Keyblade from fighting previous heartless and brought Myde over to a place to sit so he could sit down. "I'm sorry I was running. I'm just excited to see everyone." She sat next to Myde. "Do you remember when we first met and you told me you used to be a merman? I was young then. And I've known you since." She giggled. "Ever thought of going back? You know to the ocean?"
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atlanticansitarist · 4 years
{It’s hard to RP when you’re too shy to start things... like for me to go through your starter list and send you a thing?}
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atlanticansitarist · 4 years
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Kingdom Hearts III Re:Mind → Demyx’s smirk
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atlanticansitarist · 4 years
Roxas’s eagerness got the waves in Demyx’s head churning.  “Well, hey, you wanna come along?  I mean, if you don’t have a mission today, who cares where you go, right?”  If he played his cards right, Demyx might not have to do any work at all.  Roxas’s curiosity would get it done for him.
“As far as I know, I’m the first one.  I usually get sent on recon and stuff.”  It was about the only thing he was good at.  “But, hey, you’ll get to see it for sure!  Who else can take care of those big, bad Heartless?”  Not him, that was for sure.  He was so not cut out for combat.
“First one, huh?” Roxas couldn’t help but feel… something. He really wanted to go, too. To see the new places first; It’s gotta be fun. 
“Really? You think so?” 
There’d probably be all kinds of heartless in a new place like that. 
“Tell me about it when you get back, okay?”
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atlanticansitarist · 4 years
When he was given the okay, his eyes sparkled. He gently ran his hand over a patch of scales. They were cool to the touch.
Who knew that the one who everyone said was lame was really the coolest? Though, Roxas always had a feeling deep down that Dem was nowhere near what they were all saying.
Even so, seeing it in person was so much different. He did his best to keep from wiggling. He was almost vibrating.
“So cool…!”
He looked down at his hand and then back at Dem.
“Does this mean you swim super fast? How fast can you go? You can breathe underwater, right?”
"Oh, yeah, I can swim way faster that I could walk.  I could beat a sailfish in a race, if I wanted to.”  That was a little bit of an exaggeration, but hey, it wasn’t like he had to prove it right this second.  And he could swim really fast.  He tilted his head to answer Roxas’s question, gliding a little closer to he could see the gill slits on the side of his neck. “Sure can!  I couldn’t do it in the Organization ‘cause they did some weird stuff to make me human... ish... but I’m back to normal now!”
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atlanticansitarist · 4 years
The Little Mermaid {Sentence Starters}
"And now, look at me. Wasted away to practically nothing."
"I'm 16 years old! I'm not a child anymore!"
"What would I do to see you smiling at me?"
"Don't you take that tone of voice with me, young lady!"
"Oh, I can't make out a heartbeat!"
"How many wonders can one cavern hold?"
"I set certain rules and I expect those rules to be obeyed."
"You could've been seen by one of those barbarians! By one of those humans!"
"The human world, it's a mess."
"Know him? I don't have to know him! They're all the same!"
"I haven't seen this in years. This is wonderful!"
"Have you lost your senses completely?! He's a human!"
"You went up to the surface again, didn't you? Didn't you?!"
"Wouldn't you think I'm the girl, the girl who has everything?"
"Have I ever been wrong? I mean, when it's important?!"
"Oh, you really delight in these sadistic strains on my blood pressure don't you?"
"They weren't kidding when they called me, well, a witch!"
"It's a talent that I always have possessed."
"The only way to get what you want is to become a human, yourself."
"You wanna kiss the girl!"
"But you'll find that nowadays, I've mended all my ways. Repented, seen the light, and made a switch."
"Things are working out according to my ultimate design."
"My dear sweet child, that's what I do. It's what I live for."
"What a lovely little bride I'll make!"
"I've never seen a human this close before. Oh - he's very handsome, isn't he?"
"I dunno, he looks kinda hairy and slobbery to me."
"I just don't know what we're going to do with you, young lady."
"It's she who holds her tongue who gets her man."
"I just don't see things the way he does."
"Well, it was ruined! That's all, completely destroyed!"
"I just don't see how a world that makes such wonderful things could be bad."
"I'm not asking much. Just a token really, a trifle."
"Come on, they're not all that impressed with conversation."
"Get out of here! Leave me alone!"
"She's a demon! She's a monster!"
"We haven't discussed the subject of payment. You can't get something for nothing, you know."
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atlanticansitarist · 4 years
            “ So, you decided to switch sides? “ 
                                                          i stopped playing. 
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atlanticansitarist · 4 years
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“I know pain. I know dread.”
“It’s killing time.”
“All these thoughts have never stopped.”
“Thick as you are  —  pay attention!”
“My words are a matter of pride.”
“The future is littered with prizes.”
“What have I done?”
“I’m no hero.”
“I’m getting closer every day.”
“Right or wrong…I can hardly tell.”
“Bet you didn’t think I’d come back to life.”
“I do this with conviction.”
“I don’t do this for the riches.”
“The truth is waiting there for you to find it.”
“Your fears seem to keep you blinded.”
“Prepare yourself for the reckoning.”
“An unforgivable tragedy.”
“Sometimes darkness can show you the light.”
“Don’t let hope become a memory.”
“You’re the one who can redefine it.”
“Pick your path and I’ll pray.”
“Did [she/he/they] make you you cry?”
“You better put your kingdom up for sale.”
“Rulers make bad lovers.”
“A generation built on a lie.”
“They ain’t never seen a war like me.”
“Are you afraid your life means less?”
“Are you concern you might be next?”
“It’s much too soon for me to tell.”
“Just surrender.”
“Remember what you’ve done to me.”
“You didn’t care at all.”
“I’m not scared of the things you do.”
“When you go down, I go down with you.”
“We cannot get everything we need.”
“This is our time.”
“In this world, only the strong will survive.”
“Are you ready for the test of your life?”
“Now you’ll just have memories.”
“I prepared to die.”
“You wonder why.”
“Say your prayers, little one.”
“Walk me home?”
“So, what do you say we leave this place?”
“I know it’s getting late.”
“I can’t be alone with all that’s on my mind.”
“I ain’t ashamed.”
“God can’t help us anymore.”
“Don’t know what you’re asking for.”
“You’ve got fire in your soul.”
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atlanticansitarist · 4 years
A lot of people have the wrong idea about me and I have no desire to clear shit up.
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atlanticansitarist · 4 years
“Probably to keep us from finding something,” said Demyx without thinking.  The implications of what he said suddenly hit him and he clapped a hand over his mouth.  His terror at being overheard was not faked, thanks.  “I mean, not that it matters!  As long as we get Kingdom Hearts done it doesn’t matter what he’s planning, right?”  He wasn’t a traitor.  He wasn’t.  Oh, Lights, please don’t turn me into a Dusk....
@lordofoblivion sent “Why do we even have that lever?”
“Why do we have any of the weird stuff in this castle?” Demyx asked.  “I mean, there’s buttons and switches all over the place.  I’d go crazy trying to figure all of it out.”  Not that he really had any particular drive to do that, anyway.  No, he was just here to get his heart back.  That was it. Whatever secrets the Superior had hidden behind all these weird levers and stuff couldn’t affect him… right?
“I suppose that beggs the question of why neither of us suggested opening a corridor for where we needed to go and decided to simply go by foot.” Marluxia replied, shaking his head. He didn’t blame Demyx since the idea didn’t occour to him at all and now, at least for the number XI, it was a matter of his non existent honor to find his way afoot. “Makes one wonder why Xemnas even need all these things.”
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atlanticansitarist · 4 years
@lordofoblivion sent “Why do we even have that lever?”
“Why do we have any of the weird stuff in this castle?” Demyx asked.  “I mean, there’s buttons and switches all over the place.  I’d go crazy trying to figure all of it out.”  Not that he really had any particular drive to do that, anyway.  No, he was just here to get his heart back.  That was it. Whatever secrets the Superior had hidden behind all these weird levers and stuff couldn’t affect him... right?
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atlanticansitarist · 4 years
The Emperor’s New Groove - sentence starters
1. “Is there anything on this menu that isn’t swimming in gravy?” 
2. “For the last time, it wasn’t a kiss!” 
3. “No touchy.” 
4. “Why do we even have that lever?” 
5. “Yeah, he doesn’t really want to talk to you.” 
6. “Don’t listen to that guy. He’s trying to lead you down the of righteousness. I’m gonna lead you down the path that rocks!” 
7. “Excellent. A few drops in his/her drink, then I’ll propose a toast, and s/he’ll be dead before dessert.” 
8. “Don’t tell me. We’re about to go over a huge waterfall.” 
9. “Are you talking to that squirrel?” 
10. “Oh, it wasn’t the first time I was tossed out a window, and it won’t be the last. What can I say? I’m a rebel.” 
11. “By all accounts, it doesn’t make sense.” 
12. “Who are you kidding, pal? They saw the whole thing. They know what happened.” 
13. “Bless you for coming out in public.” 
14. “Maybe I’m just new to this whole rescuing thing, but this, to me, might be considered kind of a step backwards, wouldn’t you say?”
15. “When will you learn that all my ideas are good ones?” 
16. “Well, s/he’s not as dead as we would have hoped.” 
17. “I had a dream that ___ was tied to a log and was careening out of control down a raging river of death!”
18: “Well in my dream, ___ had to kiss a llama.”  
19. “If you really thought about it, you’d decide to build your home on a different hilltop.” 
20. “So, remind me again how you’re related to ____?” 
21. “I was always taught that there was some good in everyone, but oh you proved me wrong.” 
22. “You know, it’s a good thing you’re not a big, fat guy, or this would be really difficult.”
23. “You’re just gonna have to trust me.” 
24. “You just saved my life.”
25. “What are the chances of you carrying me?” 
26. “Well then I’ll bet you weren’t expecting… this!” 
27. “Well, I had a great time. Let’s not wait until the next family reunion to get together.” 
28. “Okay, so maybe I haven’t been as nice as I should have been, but do you really want to kill me?” 
29. “Hey, I’ve been turned into a cow. Can I go home?” 
30. “For the last time, I/we did not order a giant trampoline!”
31. “Fine. I don’t need you. I can find my own way back.” 
32. “Why did I risk my life for a selfish brat like you?” 
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atlanticansitarist · 4 years
“Ohhh yeeeeah, all my missions go fast,” Demyx said, fooling absolutely no one.  If a mission went fast, it was because he RTC’ed before it ended.  It wasn’t his fault he wasn’t cut out for fighting.  “I’m supposed to go to this new place called Dwarf Woodland.  Supposedly there’s some big darkness I’m supposed to keep an eye on- you know, in case it spreads Heartless and nets us some Hearts.”  Just a recon mission, but he wasn’t exactly itching to get that close to somebody that powerful.
Roxas nods slowly as Demyx explains where he’s going. “Sounds big. You think I’ll be sent out there if the darkness comes?” He wasn’t really interested in the mission, though he’d do it no problem. He was just more interested in ‘Dwarf Woodland.’ 
“Has anyone else been there?” Wait, if it was recon, this would be the first time, right? He really wanted to see it himself. It was one of the best parts of these missions. 
“As far as I know, I’m the first one.  I usually get sent on recon and stuff.”  It was about the only thing he was good at.  “But, hey, you’ll get to see it for sure!  Who else can take care of those big, bad Heartless?”  Not him, that was for sure.  He was so not cut out for combat.
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atlanticansitarist · 4 years
He blinked twice, still in awe. He did his best to clamp his mouth shut, though it threatened to stay open. He would’ve never guessed that one of the people he was around for who knows how long was really supposed to be in the water like this. Yeah, he made water clones, but anyone could make water clones, right? Right?
Roxas put his hand out to touch his scales but pulled away. That’d be rude, right? He shouldn’t. 
“That’s so cool…”
“No, it’s okay, you can touch!  Just be careful, they’re sharp,” he warned.  Okay, it was still a little weird, but it wasn’t like... Xigbar or something, poking and prodding at him just because he wasn’t human.  “So... this is why I always had a hard time on long missions.  I wasn’t used to walking, see?  And it hut after a while, but everyone just kinda... wrote me off.”
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