iconoclast33-blog · 7 years
I have to hand it to Putin.  He is a clever sonofabitch.  He is well aware that he and Comey are enemies, but this is a sneaky way of associating Comey with Russia, thus taken pressure off of Trump who is deeply affiliated with Russia.  (Money laundering, questionable loans, financial ties to agents of Putin, etc.)  Similarly, at an earlier date, Putin pretended to have a fight with Trump over Syria.  Did you notice how that conflict simply evaporated into a puff of smoke and was never heard from again?  Very, very, clever and good political manipulation.  A real sonofabitch. 
Putin began recruiting Trump around 1994. Trump was in financial trouble and U.S. banks would no longer finance him because of reckless business practices, bankruptcies, and scandals. Trump cultivated ties with Crooked banks in Russia, the Ukraine, and Greece, all of which were owned by operatives of Putin and his merry band of thieves. The Russian agents who recruited him noted that Trump was greedy and stupid, the perfect combination. One deal in Florida, where Trump sold a property that no one wanted to a Russian "businessman," made him a prophet of over 50 million! (The Plot to Hack America, by Malcolm Nance, a former U.S. intelligence agent, who published his book the same day this information was given to Obama in a brief. No coincidence. Foreign intelligence agencies including the Ukrainians, Lithuanians, the British, and others all backed up this report.) The plot was this, put Putin's man in the White House if possible, but mainly concentrate on keeping Hillary out. Putin wants the sanctions lifted, and greater access to American politics. He wants America toppled as the world leader so that through sabotage and intimidation he can influence the world Kremlin style.
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iconoclast33-blog · 7 years
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iconoclast33-blog · 7 years
House Majority Whip was shot. Two polices officers wounded. Suspect may have been apprehended after 15 -50 shots were fired.
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iconoclast33-blog · 7 years
Before Trump began to run for president all his employees, which worked close to him, were forced to sign such agreements because so many former employees were suing him for so many reasons. He was fighting over 1000 lawsuits. And former employees and business associates had accused him of many crimes. Trump gets sued.  He lies in court.  He is forced to retract and goes back to court. Eventually, the other party settles for far less than he was owed.  That is how Trump operates. 
Loyalty should be towards the people, the constitution and towards the government, but never loyalty to a mere president. It is very bad. Dangerous. An attempt to push us to feudalism. An attack on democracy.
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iconoclast33-blog · 7 years
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iconoclast33-blog · 7 years
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iconoclast33-blog · 7 years
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iconoclast33-blog · 7 years
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iconoclast33-blog · 7 years
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iconoclast33-blog · 7 years
The man does not pay his bills! He owes waiters, contractors, other lawyers, small business owners, etc. Always trying to cheat. Justice if he cannot even find a lawyer.
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iconoclast33-blog · 7 years
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iconoclast33-blog · 7 years
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iconoclast33-blog · 7 years
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iconoclast33-blog · 7 years
Monday, May 1, 2017 12:00 PM EDT Historian Timothy Snyder: “It’s pretty much inevitable” that Trump will try to stage a coup and overthrow democracy
Yale historian and author of the new book "On Tyranny" says we may have one year left to save American democracy
 Personal view: I fear this could happen in the event that Trump is actually impeached.   He will do anything to avoid losing. He hates to lose.  And he is vengeful. Some of his followers are fanatical - seeing him as the embodiment of whatever-the-hell they think he represents. I doubt he represents anything or anyone other than himself, but a lot identify with him. (Confused, not sure what is going on, picked on, overlooked, ignored, the true American, part of the only group of people who matter, etc.) Many feel they have been unfairly deprived of everything and that foreigners, educated snobs, and the "liberal media" is stealing the country.  Many of these people belong to violent White Supremacist groups or militias. They can be dangerous, and they are wiling to tear the country apart if they cannot get what they want.  Trump knows this and he plays to their fears and insecurities.
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iconoclast33-blog · 7 years
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iconoclast33-blog · 7 years
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iconoclast33-blog · 7 years
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