atlascash · 4 years
It literally took me 60 seconds after login to remember why I say Henry is a cursed character and why I don’t want to create a promo for him.
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atlascash · 5 years
          “an’ why should i trust you, huh?” gives him a very obvious once over before looking him from head to toe very slowly and very clearly trying to make a point about it.
   the glance is nothing new, Atlesian girls do it to him all the time before they walk away;  “  I’m an honest guy here, buddy. Just like I told Joe about it being contagious, I’m telling you the same. You’re welcome.  ”  
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atlascash · 5 years
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   “  Oh, you haven’t heard?  It’s a very contagious disease around here, just like sugma.  ”
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          “what’s ligma?”
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atlascash · 5 years
  “  So you’re Penny!  ”   Henry exclaims, nodding his head as he says the android’s name. He had heard plenty of rumors about Penny and how she was nothing more than a secret military weapon, but now that they were riding the same helicopter across town, Henry sees no better time to ask away.   “  You’re pretty famous, you know, but that’s because you work for General Ironwood, right?  ”                        for  @pennypoldeinafan
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atlascash · 5 years
I’ve been really ambivalent about shipping Henry because at the end of the day, he does have a slight narcissistic / patronizing tendency, values the journey only if he sees value in the destination, tends to be selfish in his personal life, and is a self - preservation “i’m gonna run and I trust you are also capable of running and if that’s the case I will see you at the exit when I get there” type of guy when things go south catastrophically.
despite that, despite that, I find myself getting more and more invested into the 24/7 bickering and pettiness and facebook poking war between my Henry and @fractaele​‘s Weiss because the world looked at one rich kid from atlas and was like, you know what, we need to add a second rich kid from atlas that annoys her to no end, and that’s perfectly fine with me.
then again, I haven’t written henry as far out as to start writing shipping / relationship headcanons, and I doubt I will at this point in time, but I was just thinking about it earlier today and realized that I am now a lot more open-minded about entertaining ships with Henry.
sure, your character can try their luck with Henry which is honestly a terrible idea why would you ever wish that on your character, but I think i’m going to gently steer my writing to focus on the dynamics of character interaction and attitudes whenever I am given the appropriate opportunity to delve into the dynamic itself.
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atlascash · 5 years
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atlascash · 5 years
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atlascash · 5 years
             it had been a fight to get into atlas with her friends. the customs agents were all to eager to accept weiss schnee , songstress , celebrity , rich ex - heiress into the borders. her friends … however took convincing that they were part of her party &. that she would refuse to enter without them. the encounter mimicked cordovan’s welcome for the exception that her sweet pleas had actually worked. wanting nothing more but to rest her weary eyes from travel &. the argus battle , back pricked in discomfort , blisters in heels throbbed. about to pick up white suitcase filled with the group’s sacred supply of dust , body was overcome with eerie inkling that there was something amiss. suddenly , every single nerve ignited to life at a screeching voice. no , it couldn’t be.  ———   not again. good friends ? g o o d friends ! she did not even know him other than that encounter that made stomach pang in disgust. scowl in line of lip , hand tossed out to give question. ❛     henry , what ever could you be doing here ?     ❜ tonality dript with mockery kindness. 
             not wanting to expose everyone else to such a dull character as henry marigold , she gave him a trite nod. both hands gripped onto the handle of the case , waiting for him to get done with his pitch. ❛     what’s unfinished about our business ? you were thrown out of that charity benefit because of your ignorance at what the entire thing was about.  ———  plain &. simple.     ❜ tucking stray wisp of white behind ear , her gaze was drawn back to the others. the rest of team rwby peered curious at her. if she stayed over here for any longer than one should … there would be a barrage of unwarranted prodding.   ❛     you have two minutes. i’m waiting.     ❜ heel began to tap. 
          AH, TO RESPOND TO SUCH KINDNESS WITH SPITE !!    and yet, Henry deigns to let this act of insolence go, for it is the long game that matters more to him than the rush of momentary relevance. Still, Weiss’s rise in tone manages to surprise him and his expectations of a better encounter this time; after all, it was only fair that she stays offended at his presence, she remains sullied by his attempt to imply friendship after that opera after-party, and reserves the right to express any sort of reaction she could have to him now except the one Henry selfishly wishes she would observe here and now  ---  patience, tolerance, a sprinkle of compassion for her fellow citizen  ---  maybe all of the above?
  “  Hey, I wasn’t tryi--- !!  ”   Henry begins, but silences himself the moment his disdain assumes his entire voice. The last thing he intends to do is to fan the dying embers of an introduction gone wrong into a raging fire once more, and so the heir finds himself clearing his throat and relaxing his shoulders.   “  .....well yeah, I hate to admit it, but I really did make a mess of myself the last time we met. I honestly felt pretty terrible after you threw me out, and you’ve probably heard the rumors, that I, Henry Marigold, absolutely never feel terrible about myself ever !!  Absolutely ridiculous, right?  so that early exit out of your party really gave me a chance to think about things, you know?  A chance to reconsider the way I had been approaching you and other people in general, and well, that brings me here today.  ”
          And here, Henry reaches inside his vest to withdraw a plastic sleeve, lightly pressed along with the small bundle of Forget-Me-Nots inside. Of course, it was never his idea to so daringly gift flowers the color of Weiss’s eyes, not now, not even in a million years. The sentiment that accompanies the gesture is just plain embarrassing for the Marigold heir to force himself through, but if he couldn’t make amends here, then his days as a dignified gentleman were very, very numbered.
  “  Mind if I apologize?  ...Alright then, apologize it is  --------  I’m sorry for being absent-minded like I was the last time we met. That’s not me usually, you know.  ”   Henry half-declares, finding himself ending with a wistful sigh. The notion of having to make up for anything does sting his ego, but then again, there were more important things at stake, such as being able to get his longstanding revenge on Jac---.
  “  That being said, talk is rather cheap these days,  ”   he admits, reaching once again inside his vest to pull out a steel colored envelope, held only by the grip between his index and middle finger as he raises his forearm to draw attention her attention to it.   “  ---so I thought I’d bring this nice little letter as some definite proof  ---  proof that I’m here to set things right for the record.  ”
  “  I think you’ve met my dear mother before, Weiss. Do you remember Olivia Marigold? Current CEO of Marigold Banking? Well, she remembers you from somewhere, and judging by the fact that the last time she sent me a letter this scathing was years ago, I think she’s extremely fond of whatever you did...  ”   concludes Henry with as upbeat a voice he can deliver, though his attempt will not to much to counter his pressed brows that now twitch at the memory of his mother’s discipline.   “  Thankfully, she’s out of the kingdom for business, but until she returns in a month’s time, I am to be of assistance to you and your team, and honestly....  she escalated this to a point where I can’t even say anything back to her.  ”
  “  But hey!  ”   the blue-haired youth interjects, before tilting his hand and the letter in Weiss’s direction.   “  If you would like to hop on a jet to Mistral to try and talk her out of this, then I wish you nothing but the best with that. Otherwise, I’m just here to make sure you got here in one piece and get safely to wherever you’re headed....    but now that I think about it, where are you headed, Weiss Schnee?  ”
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atlascash · 5 years
i don’t use icons because i have to give y’all a chance ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
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atlascash · 5 years
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in case you ever doubted my motivation for writing Henry.
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atlascash · 5 years
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atlascash · 5 years
( ͡°╭͜ʖ╮͡° )
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atlascash · 5 years
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   “   So, what are you guys hungry for?  Pick a place, any place, and I’ll see if they’re open long enough for us to drop by.   ”
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atlascash · 5 years
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and now we wait.
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atlascash · 5 years
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      my  best  friend's  always  later,        she just moves with the weather.       she  guides  me  with  her  patience       &&  we  breathe  in together.       some  mystics  call  it  wisdom   when  we  move  with   the  weather,       so  change  me  with  your  nature,          but  don't  lose  me  forever.       teaching all the kids && the other kids so they’ll know, so they’ll glow,
                                           ✩   SOLID GOLD!
                                                                  !!personals do not interact!!
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atlascash · 5 years
i’m leaving this blog, good bye
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atlascash · 5 years
hey, wanna buy a premium, well oiled quarter off me? it'll cost ya a dollar
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