atlascompanymanrs · 3 years
HELLO FRIENDS!  As some of you might know there is a BIG update to Borderlands 3 today! As such I shall be returning to streaming the game on my twitch! Come and hang out and laugh as I try to level up to the new level cap AND claim a new YELLOW CAKE!
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atlascompanymanrs · 3 years
"You know what? Fuck words, for once," he yanks Rhys over by the collar, seemingly threatening, and he kisses him.
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He has no idea what was coming. For all he knew, Jay was about to strangle him and then toss his body in some dark corner of the universe. But instead, he was pulled sharply closer and then... He had lips on his! His brain was running error codes, trying to process what was even happening. It couldn't be happening right? This was a dream? It had to be. There was no way it was real. But if it was a dream, then he was going to enjoy it. He closed his eyes and leaned into the kiss. No matter how brief it might be, he was going to take it and enjoy it. Because who knew, maybe this was his last one? Maybe this was his gift before death? Or maybe... No. He wouldn't think that.
He had liked him for so long. For too long. Long over do to give up and move on. But no matter what, he had never given up on this man. He couldn't. There was something that drew him to him. Even now, their lips locked together, his heart pounding in his head. He was so scared it would end and Jay would just... disappear.
"Jay..." A whisper. A promise. The same promise that he had made over and over again. No matter what, he was going no where. He was here to stay. And if this was any indication, maybe... just maybe... he would have the one thing his heart had always wanted.
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atlascompanymanrs · 3 years
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the company man turned CEO
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atlascompanymanrs · 3 years
“…. I totally volunteer as tribute." 
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“You sure about that? I tend to draw blood.”
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“Is that a promise?”
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atlascompanymanrs · 3 years
"Hey, Dummm- I mean, hey, you. I, uh, think I need to talk to you about somethin'.."
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"I'm not really sure I like the tone... but sure of course. You can talk to me about anything, you know that."
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atlascompanymanrs · 3 years
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“You want... to go to the movies... with me?” Oh this was a date. Jay was asking him on a date in a very Jay way and he was going to say yes... he didn’t care what movie they were going to go and see. “Yes. Of course I’ll take you to see this movie.”
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atlascompanymanrs · 3 years
"Hey, Rhys. RhysRhysRhysRhysRhysRhysRhysRhys Rhyyyyyyyyyyys!"
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“Jay.... what... what could you possibly need or want now?”
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atlascompanymanrs · 3 years
Hyperion also does what we do because it is the right thing 🥰
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As a person who has formally worked for Hyperion, I can say that in some regards… yes. The company does do the right thing. Those “some regards” you might ask? Putting enormous amounts of money into the pockets of the biggest assholes in the known galaxy. 
And yes... you may quote me on that.
I don’t care what my PR people have to say.
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atlascompanymanrs · 3 years
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atlascompanymanrs · 3 years
If you go back on this I’ll make sure Atlas will need to find a new CEO. Probably get Athena to help me.
No need to get Athena involved in anything to do with me... I’ve seen her scary up close and personal. Nope, Amara is plenty of scary enough of a threat and once she knows I intent to help her people... well... 
No. Wait. Why am I saying this like I’m doing it out of a threat? Look, I’m going to help them because it’s the right thing to do and I have the means to do it. 
I am NOT like they were... I am NOT like Hyperion.
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atlascompanymanrs · 3 years
Oh holy shit. That, that’d be great!
It won’t happen over night of course. I’ll have to send someone there who can get a count on what is needed and if they need medical attachments as well. But we will help as much as we can. 
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atlascompanymanrs · 3 years
Tamara would like to remind everyone that there are thousands of people on Partali who desperately need cybernetics but can’t afford them, thanks mostly due to the view as a ‘sweet status icon’.
Now that I have been made aware of this why the hell Amara never mentioned this I have no idea but she was a bit busy ATLAS and I will work with the people of Partali to come up with proper usable cybernetics.
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atlascompanymanrs · 3 years
“What, to murder you? Or did you have another bitch in your office that you half-wished was gone?”
“To murder me. You said you were looking for someone, and I know I’m always nearly at the top of that list.”
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atlascompanymanrs · 3 years
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“Not sure if I’m supposed to be upset or glad that you didn’t just show up in my office...”
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atlascompanymanrs · 3 years
What made you decide to get cybernetic upgrades?
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“Because it made me look super cool in all my photos...” He sighs and runs a hand through his hair. “No actually. There was.. an accident. I lost my arm and the sight in my eye. I lived without a arm for a while before I could afford an arm that I was satisfied with. The um... one I have is special. It’s connected to my ECHOeye and has been since I got the eye implant. I’ve made a lot of modifications to it, and ATLAS has a whole line of cybernetics that are geared to making life easier for people in the scientific, engineering, and military community to return to work without any burden to their bodies as can sometimes come with other companies cybernetics. We also have a more relaxed line as well.”
“I never recommend getting cybernetics just to look cool. I did not get mine to fit in with some trend. I got it so I could move on with life easier. I will assure you however, my path was not in fact easier right off the bat. It took years, learning, and healing. But... it is a decision that can not be taken lightly. By anyone.”
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atlascompanymanrs · 3 years
:o Did you? Get murdered? -pokes with stick-
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“Yes I did, and I’m talking to you from the grave.”
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atlascompanymanrs · 3 years
Ah... I know it’s not the same. But, you could still tell people that someone will kill them for that. I’ll just send Zer0 to do it. He can do the invisible thing so, rumors can go around that it was Scooter. And he is still protecting you. Nothing would stop him from protecting you Mox... not even a heroic death.
I...I just realised that I can no longer tell people Scooter is going to kill them if they insult me or air any disappointingly clean laundry of mine.
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