atlasofselirannations · 5 months
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atlasofselirannations · 5 months
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Whilst this is not the official flag of Verathia. This is the concept art using real flags and mashing them together. If anyone is willing to I would love to turn this into a drawing to encompass the country. Feel free to ask about Verathia as I continue to build the countries any feedback is wonderful feedback. :)
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atlasofselirannations · 5 months
What are the people in the nation like? What qualities do they all share?
Well it mostly depends on the nation you are curious about, for example Verathians are biologically different from Sroasians. In this instance I will focus on Verathians seeing as they are the most fleshed out. Verathians need at least 3 Verathian specific elements to live. However I have not made much progress on the other people who live on Selira just yet. The necessary elements are Axerium, Virundium, and Kollerium. There is a possible fourth element which is presumed to be a plasma necessary for Axerium transportation. If you are curious about these three elements do not be afraid to ask. Sorry if this is too many words.
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atlasofselirannations · 6 months
Background of Selira
Welcome to the ficitonal planet of Selira. Selira is a planet with 4 moons, 7 rings, and has 12 continents. This planet is home to a 2 year long project with countries on it such as Sroasiya, Verathia, and many more. It is located in the Vaiyrani or Vain Galaxy, more specifically in the Sieluutar System.
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