atlasveined · 4 years
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               “Sleeping beauty, huh  …  ”  He’s branded humorless among the rest of them, not even offering a pity chuckle as he uncrosses his legs, straightening his posture from where he’d been hunched over his reading desk. Absently, a hand darts up to run through his hair, briefly pushing it out of his face so he can fix Yakumo with an unimpressed stare.  “I wasn’t sleeping. I was resting my eyes.”  For about half an hour, but he wouldn’t give him the satisfaction. Not that he truly minded, of course  …  if anything, he’s glad to be woken up.  “Falling off my chair would’ve snapped me out of it just the same. I have too much to sort through.”  Seeing his company was permanent for the time being, however, he gives him his full attention and turns towards him, cheek resting against his hand more sturdily this time as he leans against it.  “I’ve been researching what I can about the Cathedral since we found Karen there. Sleep is a waste.”
     YAKUMO couldn’t help but give way to another chuckle the moment he witnessed the expected displeasure towards his tasteless joke. Louis was never the type to even dignify these kinds of jokes with a proper reaction but nevertheless, it was still quite entertaining to see such a humourless response in its own way. It was merely a jest meant to lighten the mood anyways.
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     ❛ If you were ‘ resting ’ your eyes for that long then maybe you’d ought to consider taking a break. ❜ He wasn’t sure why Louis felt the need to make excuses at this point but he’s always been stubborn, hasn’t he ? Well, it was no wonder why the other was working himself to the bone — if one considered who they found at the cathedral, of course Louis would end up sacrificing sleep to find a solution but that was precisely why Yakumo worried for him so much. Louis had the tendency to take all the responsibility upon himself after all. ❛ Figures. You’ve been at it ever since we got back but I don’t how much good it’s gonna do you when you’re losing sleep. Sure, it’s important to do your part but we can’t have you dozing off out there when we need you. Didn’t I tell you that we’re all here to carry the burden with you ? There’s no need for you to rush to do everything on your own so why don’t you get your head outta the books for now ? I’m more than happy to keep pestering you until you do. ❜
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atlasveined · 4 years
i desperately wish we were able to see louis laughing at yaku.mo’s bad art 
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atlasveined · 4 years
@codemartyr​ || starter call. (accepting.) 
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     ❛ HEY, looks like sleeping beauty’s awake. ❜ Yakumo couldn’t help but greet his friend with a teasing joke as the other had just awoken within his little sanctuary. ❛ Never thought I’d see you nodding off when you’re usually so absorbed in your books but either way, I figured that I should wake you up before you fell off your chair ... though, I’m sure it would’ve been a sight for everyone see. ❜ With a light laugh, he soon approached to lean against the desk so that he could get himself comfortable for conversation. 
     ❛ What’s wrong ? Haven’t been sleeping well recently ? ❜ 
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atlasveined · 4 years
@bloodyblessings​ || starter call. (accepting.) 
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     ❛ Y’KNOW, seeing the night sky with the red mist always makes me think about how easily we’ve forgotten what it was like before everything ... ❜ He lowered his gaze as he tried to recall what little memories of humanity he had left but to no avail.  ❛ ... Haha. I guess the alcohol is getting me a bit sentimental but being here has always got me thinking about so many things. It hurts my head sometimes. ❜
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atlasveined · 4 years
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indie ; LOUIS AMAMIYA of CODE VEIN. written by unicorn. //  ——  &  whispers of a reckoning have kept the spirits beckoning : if you know the hunter’s coming, then you hide or keep on running, ‘cause he’s slain the gods before.  © 
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atlasveined · 4 years
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❛ Lack of Hobbies ❜ would have been an understatement, though not entirely of Vivian’s fault. When memories were as fleeting as his… well, he might have had a lot of hobbies when he was human, or even while in the military. That along with the fact that he had no real concept of rest and relaxation. It was hard to relax when he couldn’t even run through his own head without it being mostly a blank, white canvas. Everyone was always telling him to rest, and he often avoided such advice and concerns. But, he supposed he couldn’t avoid it forever ( at some point he expected someone—Louis—to handcuff him to one of the bar rails ).
He tilts his head to the side as Yakumo suggests drinking, offering an amused hum at the idea of Louis being a wet hen about it. ❝ I believe Louis has far-reaching senses. For sounds and smells, specifically. ❞
Vivian did what he always does when evaluating a situation presented to him. Is it a bad idea? Probably. Who allowed immortal death-machines to have any kind of tool to dull and muddle their sense of judgement? But … ❝ I will take you up on that offer, then. Unless a better idea has crossed your thoughts? I’m afraid my current ‘hobbies’ are the opposite of what is required of me to  ❛ rest ❜ . ❞
     AT times like this, the redhead wondered how creative one could even get in a place like this. Sure, it was cozy and gave everyone a peace of mind after facing the horrors out there but it was easy to get bored when the available activities here weren’t all that appealing. What didn’t help either was that Yakumo was more of an outdoors sort of guy and it wasn’t like he could take a leisurely walk to the park so that was easily out of the question. In the end, the only thing left to do was to happily indulge himself with a few drinks ( it was an entertaining way to kill time at least ) but it would be pretty depressing if he didn’t have anyone to share it with so better to at least attempt to persuade Vivian to join him. The other didn’t have anything better to do anyways so there was no reason for him to refuse Yakumo’s invitation, right ?  
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     ❛ Well, even if he does find out, he can’t be too mad at us if we’re having a good time, right ? Who knows, maybe we can convince him to join us ... he does have a soft spot for you in particular after all. ❜ Yakumo could already predict what Louis’ answer would be but again, doesn’t hurt to try, right ? The more the merrier after all. 
     ❛ That settles it then ! Since you so graciously brought back some booze awhile back, I was of course saving it for an occasion like this. I unfortunately don’t have any other hobbies to suggest right now but hey, it’s better than nothing, right ? Though, I guess we could always ask Murasame to borrow some of her games or if you want to try your hand at cooking we could try that out. I still insist on cracking open a few drinks anyways. ❜
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atlasveined · 4 years
“I don’t know if it’s that nice,” she says, giving him a soft little laugh for his trouble. His jest is closer to the truth than he knows; she would sing Jack to sleep every night, if she thought he’d let her.
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“Honestly though? I don’t remember where I heard it. It’s always been just… a song I’ve known. I used to sing it to calm myself down all the time, so I think someone used to sing it to me.”
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     ❛ YOU don’t have to be so modest, y’know ! Even I have to admit that your voice is out of this world  — I’m sure everyone here would agree without a thought. ❜ Even before the Great Collapse, he couldn’t say he’s come across a lot of people with such an angelic voice ( not that he actively sought out those sort of folks ) but either way, she had quite the talent !
     ❛ Sounds like maybe one of your parents sung you to sleep or something but who can say for sure. ❜ Memories of their pasts were scarce or even forgotten after all so all they could do was imagine what it could’ve been. ❛ Either way, your songs sure does something to Jack. He’s usually so serious but when it comes to you, he becomes a complete marshmallow. You sure do have a gift in more ways than one ! Makes me wonder how else you do it. ❜ He laughed. 
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atlasveined · 4 years
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alright .... since my entire life is cv rn, lets get it while its hot.
starter call! like this post for a short starter ranging from a one-liner to a paragraph! mutuals only please!
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atlasveined · 4 years
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dusts off this blog. hello friends
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atlasveined · 5 years
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sorry for being inactive here like right after i made this blog! ill try to get to some things when i get home from work tonight and just know that yakumo loves you all :D
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atlasveined · 5 years
I’m going to defeat you with the power of friendship and this gun I found
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atlasveined · 5 years
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so with that, like this post for short starter! it’ll range from a one-liner to a short paragraph! any multimuses, do comment with your muse below! 
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atlasveined · 5 years
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Without looking away from the small creation, Beckford decided to reply without skipping a beat. Her hands continued to fiddle and make sure that all the pieces were getting together perfectly well. It was a very tedious and long job, but the end result had to be good. “It’s a music box. The old types from a long ago. I want to hear what it’ll play. It belonged to my father, so I… Um. T-the record itself is surprisingly good, but the device was broken.” For a second, she stopped, putting down the small tool and looking at the other. “Do you want to sit down and look? I don’t mind. I’m almost done.”
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     ❛ A music box, eh ? Not something you’d come by often at this day and age — not to mention a functional one at that ! Now you’ve got me all curious. ❜ Before coming here, anyone would think that something like a music box would end up severely damaged amidst all the fighting they did but she manage to keep it safe after all this time. Deciding to take her up on her offer, he moved over to sit himself down next to her so he could get a better look at her work. ❛ I wouldn’t have guessed that you knew how to tinker around with stuff like this. You’re pretty good with your hands. So, what did your dad have a music box around for anyways ? Unless he already planned to give it to you. ❜  
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atlasveined · 5 years
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A somewhat lengthy pause follows Yakumo’s words as Vivian reaches to rub at his still tired eyes, and subconsciously brushing lightly against the scar on his face. It takes him a moment to register that anyone is talking to him at all, let alone who the voice belonged to.  ❝ Ah.. sorry. ❞ another pause; taking the day off? Right… That sounds nice on paper, but.. well, Vivian didn’t actually know what to do with himself on this little occasion. He was a soldier.. what was he supposed to do?
A small hum as he considers his words,  ❝ … Is that a requirement..? I don’t mind doing some extra scouting. ❞
      YAKUMO couldn’t help but let out a hearty laugh at Vivian’s response. While it wasn’t particularly out of the ordinary to hear that sort of thing from his fellow revenant but even so, did Vivan not know how to enjoy himself ? ❛ You really don’t need to think too much about it. At times like these, I think it’s better to just sit back and relax but I wouldn’t stop you from doing anything else either. ❜ Nonetheless, he’d rather Vivian not push himself too hard, especially while they were supposed to be resting. ❛ But I guess the lack of hobbies is putting you at a loss, eh ? There really isn’t a lot to do around here ... ❜ Even Yakumo didn’t know what to do with himself here. He was already feeling quite restless. ❛ ... I wish I could at least enjoy a nice drink but Louis might get pissed at me for drinking too much and not to mention, this early in the day — hey, want to crack open some brandy together anyways ? We can keep it from him. ❜ He was mostly jesting at that last bit since there was no way Louis wouldn’t find out but hey, it really wouldn’t do anyone any harm.
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atlasveined · 5 years
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Yakumo’s Photograph
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atlasveined · 5 years
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so with that, like this post for short starter! it’ll range from a one-liner to a short paragraph! any multimuses, do comment with your muse below! 
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atlasveined · 5 years
i think about how freakin dense yakumo is when it comes to ppl crushing on him. me gesturing to emily ... exhibit A but like when sb actually confesses to him his mind just
shuts down and he just gets awkward so fast and probably be like ‘uh .....’ like give him 3-5 business days to get back to you bc hes probably kind of flustered and isnt sure how to react
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