atosofficial · 3 months
are you (I'm assuming type will see this) and Lyra married?? (If I may ask, feel free to ignore/delete tho)
Hello, yes, this is Type.
Lyra--though she is very much the love of my life--is my best friend and not my wife. 💔 Hahaha, in all seriousness, I (Type) am in a serious relationship irl and have been since before Lyra and I even met! I don't talk about it (or my offline life) much because I try to keep fandom stuff and irl stuff p separate :3
That said, if my partner and I were ever to invite a third into our relationship... 👀
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atosofficial · 9 months
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//checks calendar
Yeah, it’s been a year since you sent this so I guess we can post it now 🙄
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atosofficial · 11 months
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What happened? Why are you 2 not posting anymore?
I took a year off of fandom to focus on irl and my mental health (I'm doing great btw! :D And Lyra was very supportive uwu) so it's been p quiet! The good news is--I finally got fuckin' diagnosed for ADHD so once I get my meds sorted out, it's over for y'all 😂😂
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atosofficial · 11 months
What happened? Why are you 2 not posting anymore?
I took a year off of fandom to focus on irl and my mental health (I'm doing great btw! :D And Lyra was very supportive uwu) so it's been p quiet! The good news is--I finally got fuckin' diagnosed for ADHD so once I get my meds sorted out, it's over for y'all 😂😂
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atosofficial · 1 year
After rereading ATOS again for the billionth + time, the thought struck me that Killer must, to some extent, feel like just a placeholder. He's there because someone else can't be right now and soon as that person/thing is, he has to step back and wait to be a placeholder again and he's convinced himself he's content with that. And wow, that hits some deep emotional rejection fears.
You get it, anon.
Killer acting as a replacement or a fill-in goes back far longer than just the start of the current ATOS fic timeline. It’s been his role since Cross wanted someone he couldn’t have, and though Killer was also feeling bereft of a certain relationship, he knew full well that he was just acting as a substitute when he started hooking up with Cross. It’s been his role even since Nightmare brought him onboard to work for him because at the time, Nightmare needed additional help to achieve his goals while ignoring the suspiciously empty space at his side that should have been filled by his twin—in his eyes, that is. Killer was a distraction, a means to an end even though their relationship wasn’t anything more than professional at that point (or as professional as one can call a flirtatious, 25-year-old skeleton who’s hellbent on breaking his boss’ standoffish demeanor).
And what’s worse for Killer is that he knows what it used to be like to be wanted for who he is, not for what function he could fill as a replacement. He used to have an extremely normal and arguably happy life with his family and friends before that was all taken away. People used to value him for his company, for being himself, which came primary to his expertise as an engineer. He was talented at and praised for his work, but there was always the understanding that Killer—Sans—was overall just a good friend to be around. It’s hard to suddenly lose that value as a person and pretend that nothing’s wrong.
Fortunately for Killer now, he has years of shutting out his emotions. He will be the perfect subordinate who cuts off any emotional attachment with the bite of his knife in battle. No one will ever need be wiser as long as he can continue to stifle his own hurt and hide it behind an easy grin.
Shame that he didn’t take into account what a positive empath’s effect on his soul could have, though
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atosofficial · 1 year
the concept of characters being turned into something monstrous and destined for evil but still CHOOSING to be good and to do good for as long as possible is a good trope. the best trope possibly.
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atosofficial · 1 year
What was Nightmare and Dream's first experience together like in Taste of Sunshine? Was it awkward? Passionate?
Believe it or not, that is actually something that will be significant to the series! In the very distant future when we get around to writing the prequel to ATOS 😂
So to avoid spoilers, I’ll just say that yes, it was awkward and passionate. It was a whole host of emotions that required time to be processed after the event, (but just because they took time to be processed doesn’t mean they were readily acknowledged 😉). Neither Nightmare nor Dream had any idea just how quickly things would snowball from there.
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atosofficial · 1 year
Hey, what you doing for the rest of your life? 👀
This is… a question, that’s for sure 😂
If you’re referring to our writing, we’re trying to get back into it. I’m currently dealing with a lot in my life rn, so as a result, writing has taken a bit of a step back.
I know this account has been quiet as of late, but just know that we’re not abandoning it. Life’s gotten more difficult to juggle, at least for me, and so that has to take priority. We appreciate everyone’s patience, though, and hope you all don’t mind the wait in the meantime. ♥️
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atosofficial · 2 years
Logged back on here for the first time in weeks and am just now seeing this. Thanks for covering for us, Type 😎
I will probably continue to be AFK for a while yet due to a lot of irl shit hitting the fan all at once and having fluctuating health. But I’m hoping Type and I will be able to get back into fandom things together sooner than later 👍
...You two have been kind of...quiet lately. At least on this blog. Is everything okay?
We're fine!! Just busy 😂😂
Truthfully, it's like Lyra and I have done a switch where I was really REALLY busy with irl for like a year, and now that things are finally letting up for me, Lyra's super swamped.
So I guess I should do what Lyra did for me then and keep the blog in ship-shape like she did while I was MIA >:3
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atosofficial · 2 years
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atosofficial · 2 years
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this is so fucking funny
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atosofficial · 2 years
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atosofficial · 2 years
Uh can mutuals slide into your dms? Asking for a friend.
mutuals can cum inside me i don’t even care
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atosofficial · 2 years
...You two have been kind of...quiet lately. At least on this blog. Is everything okay?
We're fine!! Just busy 😂😂
Truthfully, it's like Lyra and I have done a switch where I was really REALLY busy with irl for like a year, and now that things are finally letting up for me, Lyra's super swamped.
So I guess I should do what Lyra did for me then and keep the blog in ship-shape like she did while I was MIA >:3
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atosofficial · 2 years
(Comments under cut!)
Lyra: Genuinely grinning so much at this hehehe >:3c Killer’s grin is SO attractive hi hello yes?? And the poor boy Cross isn’t getting any help from Dream anytime soon LOL 😂 Also, Nightmare’s nicknames for each of them I’m dfighdugiudf His face is the equivalent of a smirking cat, and I can only assume you used Koshka for a reference there XD
I love this sm hehe :”) Thanks for sharing it with us!
Type: BILF 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 I’M WHEEZING 😂😂😂😂 God, that’s so funny AHAHA! And omg, Zu, you’re amazing with the expressions as always!! I can’t stop looking at all of them! Killer looks??? So hot?? God, his smug little smirk is sooo attractive, and Cross’ flustered annoyance is so on brand for him. Dream smiling and laughing along so sweetly and Nightmare’s smirk!!!!!! He looks so pleased with himself!!! Seconding Lyra that it’s very catlike--I love it ahahaha!
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I read today that love is when you like to endure someone, and the moment I saw this I knew it was about Nightmare—
They're idiots but hey, they're his idiots ;)
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atosofficial · 2 years
(Comments under cut!)
Lyra: THE SIZE DIFFERENCE IS SO GOOD OMG 👀 I am in awe of how comfy you drew the bed, and I want to crawl in it so bad sjfjhssfshd 😂 Cross already being passed tf out and drooling fits him to a T lmao. And I love that Nightmare has also already drifted off too (which just so happens to fit into my headcanon of him going to bed early like a responsible adult). Also, I’m dying to know what all the knickknacks are on the shelf over the bed! I think I spy a plush octopus, but I can’t be sure 👀
This is such a phenomenal drawing, and I’m so touched that you drew something for KCRM day :”) Thank you for celebrating with us!
Type: You’re absolutely right about size difference and you should say it 😌👏 Okay but seriously for real, I wanna take a moment and appreciate the background you drew here cuz, my god, whenever I have to draw a whole ass scene I wanna give up but you knocked this out of the park! The aesthetic is incredible, this looks like such a warm comfortable room, little knickknacks on the shelves, the pretty lights, aaaa I could fall asleep here LMAO And then, ofc, the focus on the OT4--they look sooo at home together here 😭💖 So domestic and in love... ;w; Dreammare all wrapped around Cross, but Dream still awake and a very obvious space left for Killer goshhh It’s perfect in every way--definitely makes me feel all warm inside :”D
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Happy KillerCreamMare Day! ❤💜💛🖤 I`m late, as usual…
I chose the “Stay the night” prompt for this day!  I don’t know how Dream and Nightmare turned out to be smaller than Killer and Cross though 💦 But I just love size difference, so here we are, I guess 🤷‍♀️
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atosofficial · 2 years
(Comments under cut!)
Lyra: Oh, this is such a fun premise to explore! Killer and Cross slowly catching feelings while being deep in denial that they don’t see each other that way like they do the twins. The dynamic just works for them and their relationship, and I’m glad you played with that idea here! Silly kross thinking they’ll just use each other and that’s all it’ll ever be :’) I wonder if the twins have clued in on this yet 👀 As empathic beings, they could have gotten wind about kross’ feelings and certain late night activities >:3
I’m always so shocked and excited whenever anyone writes fanfic for us!!!! :D Thank you for this delightful treat!
Type: YES! YESSS! God, when Lyra and I first got into KCRM, we talked SO MUCH about scenarios where Kross “used” each other as stand-ins for the twins only to slowly fall in love with one another for real ahaha! I love seeing this dynamic explored! And I looove that this is from Cross’ POV so we can see him starting to stumble and trip into something Real with Killer which he’s normally more stoic about it all >:D Love you style of writing too--this was a fun read!
My addition to the KCRM day. This is hosted by @atosofficial
Stay the Night
Practice. That’s all it was. The pair was drawn together by their mutual interest in the twins and their dismay at how unreachable they seemed. Regal, confident monsters, practically glowing with the amount of power held within those bones. Their fleeting interest quickly developed into an obsession as they entertained the thought for longer and longer.
When Cross approached Killer with a borderline adorable request to teach him how to court the twins, he couldn’t refuse. Simple compliments turned to flirting turned into…
“Killer-!” Cross’s surprised shout was abruptly cut off as a tongue plunged into his mouth. He struggled to pull away, only to fall silent under Killer’s confident, haughty expression.
“Didn’t you want me to be Nightmare?” Killer’s typical playful smirk twitched at the corner of his mouth. “You know he won’t go easy on you.”
Cross quickly looked away, not wanting to be reminded that it was Killer he was kissing and not their boss. “I know…it was just surprising.” It had been growing harder and harder to stay in his mindset lately. He stopped seeing Nightmare and instead saw Killer. Stupid, goofy, ridiculously handsome, Killer. He knew it was wrong. They were interested in the twins, not each other. It’s dumb to catch feelings. It was just practice.
“Cross?” Killer expectantly prodded him as he fell silent, causing Cross to snap out of his thoughts.
“Hm?” The soldier looked at his friend quizzically, causing the black-eyed skeleton to roll his eyes.
“I asked if you wanted another kiss.” Killer repeated. He drummed his fingers on top of his kneecaps as he talked to Cross.
“I…think I’m done for tonight.” Cross slid out of bed and adjusted his clothes, quickly becoming the tense, serious soldier again. “Thanks for the practice.” He strode swiftly towards the door.
“Hey, how come you never stay in here?” Killer’s question made Cross stop in his tracks. He knew the answer. The scene could only last so long. If they woke up with their arms around each other, they could hardly see each other as friends anymore. But recently, their relationship seems to have changed anyway.
“I just prefer my room.” Cross responded stiffly, knowing that was far from the truth. He never liked being alone and Killer’s room always felt warm and welcoming.
“Well if you head back there, you’re going to wake up Dustbin with how loud you can be. It’s late and you know he gets twitchy when he’s woken up.” It was a lame excuse, but it couldn’t hurt to try. Maybe it wouldn’t be so bad to wake up in each other’s arms.
“…alright. I’ll stay here for the night.” Cross sighed in defeat and trudged back to the bed, still avoiding Killer’s gaze.
“Come on, we can cuddle.” Killer snickered quietly and slipped under the sheets before holding out his arms. “No homo.” He joked.
Cross finally let out a breathless laugh, a wide smile cracking on his face. “Everything about you is gay, Killer. I don’t think you can say that.” He shrugged off his already loosened jacket and climbed into the bed as well. It felt oddly good to sink into Killer’s arms.
“Maybe so, but I’ll say it just for you.” Killer smiled at him before pulling the soldier closer to his body.
Just for you. Something about those words made Cross’s face heat up. Killer made him feel so loved and protected. He was still unbelievably attracted to the two deities, but maybe he could make room in his soul for a third.
Mostly Kross focused, with some mentions of the twins. I’m honestly in love with the idea of them being fuck-buddies that evolved into a relationship. Not to mention Cross needs serious help with his seducing skills. Poor guy is clueless.
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