atrabclla · 3 years
Daeris has moved to @virarosea .
This blog will remain here for archival purposes and in case I decide to move her back here in the future. I’m just not active enough here atm (and neither is the TES fandom as a whole if we’re being honest) to justify having this blog, so she’s going on my multi and so are my dragonborn twins that I never finished the sideblog for lmao. This is to make things easier for me so I’m not having to balance more blogs than necessary at once especially when it leads to some getting neglected. Anyway, come find Daeris at my multi lovelies <3
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atrabclla · 3 years
My muse for Daeris is waking up finally. I thought about moving her to my multi but I’m gonna put that off for quite some time, if I ever decide to go through with it. I love this blog too much tbh. As for my dragonborn twins, I never finished construction on their blog, so I think I’m just going to leave that be for now but go ahead and put them on my multi.
In the meantime, if you want to start an interaction here, feel free to send me random starters or go through my meme tag.
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atrabclla · 3 years
My muse for Daeris is waking up finally. I thought about moving her to my multi but I’m gonna put that off for quite some time, if I ever decide to go through with it. I love this blog too much tbh. As for my dragonborn twins, I never finished construction on their blog, so I think I’m just going to leave that be for now but go ahead and put them on my multi.
In the meantime, if you want to start an interaction here, feel free to send me random starters or go through my meme tag.
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atrabclla · 4 years
asfdlkjl i’ve completely slacked off here bc all my focus is on @virarosea at the moment sorry i’ll be back to do stuff with daeris soon loves <3
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atrabclla · 4 years
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“Shaarnarthi is a magus of Elsweyr, great scholar
                                                             and you will treat me with the reverence I deserve.”
                                               II Semi-selective II Multi-verse II
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atrabclla · 4 years
Headcanon + other demiprinces
answered here <3
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atrabclla · 4 years
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[ gimme gimme gimme asks | always accepting ]
Anonymous said: Headcanon + other demiprinces
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          Daeris’s overall feelings on demiprinces are mixed. There is a degree of distrust towards them because of their parentage until she can figure out their true motivations and how loyal they are to their Daedric parent. Loyalty to their Daedric parent is a red flag but it also doesn’t automatically make her turn against them, either, though it does make it harder for her to trust them until she gets a true sense of who they are as a person. On the other hand, she has a considerable amount of empathy for other demiprinces, especially ones that have strained relationships with their Daedric parent as she understands all too well the complicated dynamics that exist when you grow up as the child of a Daedric Prince.
          Speaking in terms of her canon verse in ESO, she hasn’t encountered many demiprinces in her time because, quite frankly, they’re exceedingly rare, but the Planemeld was bound to see her come across some more powerful individuals, and there were a few demiprinces among that number. Of course, not all were true demiprinces in the sense that they contain a magnitude of power that could potentially rival a Daedric Prince. Two of them were strong foes: Molag Grunda and Ozzozachar, the children of Molag Bal. Another of much greater power (so much so that he commanded his own plane of Oblivion) was Fa-Nuit-Hen, who she would say she’s on friendly terms with.
          And then there’s Darien. It’s not 100% confirmed that Darien is actually a demiprince, but it’s largely implied and honestly I believe it. Like, it’s about 99% most likely to be true. If Darien is a demiprince, then her most positive interactions with a demiprince have been with him. To be fair, she’s also had the most positive interactions with him as a person in general consider the influence he had in turning her away from both the Dark Brotherhood and Nocturnal. He was the exact opposite of Daeris. Daeris knew of her parentage from the beginning, was set on a dark path as an assassin in early childhood, and was guided by Nocturnal in order to fulfill the destiny she’d planned for her. Darien knew nothing of his true origin, was raised by an honorable and heroic mortal father who inspired him to follow in his footsteps, only realized his true nature after his powers began manifesting during the Planemeld, and actively fought against Meridia’s machinations when he felt they were unjust. She fell in love with him, and he inspired her to choose her own path in life rather than having her mother dictate it for her. He sacrificed himself at the end of Summerset, but because he’s a demiprince, she still holds out hope that he’ll come back somehow or that she can bring him back by force once she’s strong enough. There’s also a nihilistic part of her that’s traumatized by losing him twice and thinks that this time it may be for good. We’ll see. 
          So, overall, I’d say she treats other demiprinces the same way she would treat anyone, mortal or not, but because she knows there is a possible allegiance to a dark force, she does tend to err on the side of caution. She doesn’t automatically write other demiprinces off as enemies because of her encounters with people like Darien or Fa-Nuit-Hen, but she also knows not to take other demiprinces lightly because she’s encountered powerful enemies like the children of Molag Bal. Their demiprince status is only one part of their identity; she needs to see more of who they truly are before she can form a solid opinion of them, just as she would for a mortal.
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atrabclla · 4 years
Character Appearance Meme:
A faceclaim only goes so far, and even then sometimes their accuracy next to the vision in your head is only so-so. Send a symbol for a clearer picture!
☼ How does your character usually dress in daily life?
♔ How does your character usually dress for a fancy event?
✍ How does your character usually dress when going to work/school?
✂ How does your character usually style their hair?
♔ What (if any) jewelry does your character usually wear?
∇ What (if any) make-up does your character usually wear in daily life?
▼ What (if any) make-up does your character usually wear for fancy events?
👠 What kind of shoes does your character usually wear in daily life?
👓 What kind of mobility or assistive devices (if any) does your character use in daily life? (Glasses, canes, hearing aides, wheelchairs, etc.)
✗ What (if any) scars does your character have?
♠ What (if any) tattoos does your character have?
☾ What (if any) birthmarks does your character have?
Ұ How short/tall is your character compared to their peers?
■ How thin/heavy is your character compared to their peers?
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atrabclla · 4 years
not going to lie i 100% want a plot where muse a is an assassin that has been dating muse b for over a year and has managed to keep their career a secret until they get called in for a new assignment and find out that muse b is their next target. it would be so full of angst and drama and yes just give it to me please.
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atrabclla · 4 years
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Short ask meme centered around muse inspiration. Remember to specify muse on multi-muse blogs!
1— What fictional characters or real people was your muse inspired by when you designed them? 2— What real-world cultural inspirations have you drawn from that you’ve incorporated into your muse? 3— Does your muse exist in other settings? Other fictional universes, or alternate universes? If not, what other universes could they fit into? What would they be like in the real world? 4— What kind of music best fits your muse? List three songs! 5— What aesthetic-y things do you associate with your muse that you would put on a moodboard for them? 6— Does your muse have a color scheme? What do those colors represent in regards to your muse? 7— Does your muse have a face claim? How about a voice claim? 8— What kind of accent does your muse speak with? What are their speech patterns like? 9— Does your muse have a title? What does it mean? Are they aware of it or is it purely for your own uses as a writer? 10— How does your muse change the way you write? Do you write them differently than other muses if you have multiple?
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atrabclla · 4 years
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atrabclla · 4 years
[ Captain Chiron | many-tales-told​: ]
“Not getting sea-sick, I hope.” The Captain’s voice piped up behind her, the dull thuds of his footsteps slow and even. “The water’s only going to get choppier, the longer we’re out here.” And they were some ways to go yet. Almost a week until they reached Jader.
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           ❝ Not sea-sick, Captain. ❞  Her head, comfortably nestled into the crooks of her crossed arms, raises at his voice to see who approaches her. Hands press against wooden planks as she pushes herself to her feet to greet him properly; respect that was due to the captain of this vessel.  ❝ Just didn’t sleep well last night. Figured I’d hide back here in the corner out of everyone’s way and have a rest, but it’s not working. I’m starting to think maybe I should just keep myself busy. ❞
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atrabclla · 4 years
Tonight in this episode of Adventures with ADHD: I am caught between the desire to stay here and do drafts or resume making all of my muses in Sims 4.
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atrabclla · 4 years
[ Orion | ligeian​: ]
;; – “ It’s the necromancy, my dear. It does wonder for ones complexion. “ hardly the truth, but Orion was starting to dabble in things darker ever since Stendarr left her behind. The Paladin’s armor no longer fits her ; it falls right off every time she tried to put it on, scorn made evident in the refusal to protect her but she’s managed well enough, dressed head to toe in near luxurious fabrics that paint her a mage rather than a warrior. The claim piqued her interest though, her position at the table shifted – turning to face the other at the door before she beckoned her to join. “ Maybe it should, but I’m curious now ; have you ever run into any of these pretenders? Were they interesting at all– anyone bearing even a relative resemblance? Did you seek them out to find me? ”
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           ❝ You were once called a holy crusader, and now you’re breaking bread with assassins, dabbling in necromancy, and communing with death? That’s quite the lifestyle change. Most people just clean out their cupboards or move cities.❞  Daeris prided herself on being able to read people, but Orion was an enigma. She once thought herself familiar with the Hero of Kvatch and her inclinations if only from the perspective of a predator learning their would-be prey, but one failed assassination attempt and two hundred years of changes only proved to her that she knew NOTHING about Orion.  
          ❝ AND? What if I did look for you? ❞ A coy smile spreads across her red lips. When Orion beckons her, she approaches the table with the slow, lazy amble of a cat rising from its place of rest. Orion was her ally now, thus she sets herself at ease, but it was impossible to forget the feeling of pure adrenaline that flushed through her veins when they met in combat that fateful night.  ❝ There were several leads I tracked, especially for the first few decades. The memory was fresh in the public’s mind, thus some had more credible information. But it didn’t take long for legends to muddle the truth, and it became easier to pick out the liars without further investigation as time passed. Some managed to dazzle the public, but unfortunately, all turned out to be disappointments in the end. NONE could come close to matching you. ❞
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atrabclla · 4 years
Doubt I’ll be on to write this weekend but here’s a smol, chill plotting call in the meantime.
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atrabclla · 4 years
this is your invitation to send me asks, anon or not, as a character from my muse’s fandom for them to react to. 
love interests, parents, enemies, friends— nothing is off limits! 
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atrabclla · 4 years
sorry for being so slow lately I have ✨depression✨
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